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#1 2024-01-11 22:39:41

Ilis Abilify

Why earse christianity

Why earse christianity?
Many of you might know how the original intention of christianity was to impose the idea in the mind of the population that there is something satanic about thoughts or actions which go over the understanding of the general one in a given social environment. Therefore giving an impression for the one who lives on his true edge or exits his comfort zone in that particular uncomfortable state that he is somehow sinful, and that there is some kind of God that he must follow in order to get the salvation from that sin, sin that in the end, was nothing more than the very idea that there is something wrong with not being able to manifest good things immediately in the material world due to being in a mental fight that must be integrated in order to expand.
However, that religion, containing some of the core beliefs and the basis for freemasonry, no longer fits for the needs of modern social engineering. Everyone can observe how modern society has "evolved" during a timeframe many would say is the past century. Towards somewhat more technological, effective, material, rational, and equal, at least as it is officially understood. Therefore a concept that there is any greater force that is the basis for the material or materialistic world, be it God (or something else), is dangerous for the controllers, even if everything about it isn't the ultimate truth. That is because even if it is the so famous one God, Christ, the "light", even while only that little part is being told or understood, it contains the part which when understood, is the key for understanding the real basis of modern society and all its problems.
--What is the best way of consuming human consciousness?
The best way of consuming humanity is to mind control it to follow a preimposed set of ethical rules, which as a fixed agreement coming from an authority, resolve all their issues, or dull down the experience for the minds to expand as they are. That while one as an authority or a creature of real power behind it can set himself as the ultimate follower of those imposed ethical rules, justifying always for the lesser followers that he is right, whatever situation the group in question is facing. But that ultimate rightfullness never ends up being enough, being that those in power end up creating and planning problematic situations of all kinds under the table, in order to act as saviors by imposing new ethical rules for the group just in the critical moment as the solution when the problem in question is starting to get out of hand.
This is the core principle of social engineering. There is no problem without solution, no solution without problem. So you must create a problem that people you control are not prepared to solve immediately for one or the other reason, and later on act as the saviour by bringing the good, logical, and right solution for them to save them when they are broke. Yes, wasn't that the way problems were always solved? So the people take it, believe in it, so that the original or the core of problem is to be never solved, because that never favors the one who originally designed the problem, he would lose, he would have to swallow the lie he created himself.
Now, if we compare the modern belief systems and the old religion(s). What kind of group or time was the christianity designed to be followed for?
The christianity was orginally designed to be followed as an ethical basis or solution for the problem of bloody crusades and piratism caused by the royalty of medieval times trying to expand their reign by conquering the world. So the best way to control or offer a solution to the crime for tribes and folks who lived piecefully in harmony connected to the unity that was so simple for them was to create a concept of God to be followed instead of their inner knowing that apparently wasn't favored by the controllers who conquered the world because that would have meant rebellion, freedom, and that would have collapsed the lie that already was in place for the warriors, slaves and pawns that worked for them. This is the "secret" of christianity they didn't and won't teach you in church: There cannot be a demonic Satan without loving God, no sinner without saviour. Therefore they are often the same group of people who preach repentance to the crimes they commit or organize under the table. Even if there were good or honest missionaries, very few of them saw that the need to make poor indigenous people to take Christ in their lives was, in fact, his own need to start seeing the truth, understand what that God was truly all about, and start caring and loving those people as they are, even while connected to ideas to be so demonized at that time.
So the loving God was all based on satanic demon, crime committed against the people, to later on as they started to develop slavery or chaos among the general members of the group, there was God in place to save them from "their" sins. You probably get my drift.
Later on as the obedience was rooted in people, and old indigenous cultures and societies were earsed, some of the people started to wonder if there was something else than just God who governed the world we call reality. Something that could be logically explained to result as something, not the other, in the material reality. That is from where they started to initiate science and its concepts. But, as we will find researching these subjects later, that "logical" => rational is many times belief in God disguised as only something to be described with materialistic terms.
-Okay. Why is that? How is it possible that logically observable objective is false..?
The truth is that in most cases it isn't. However, we may start asking the following question: Is it something that truly matters in life? To be right according to a logical objective? Yes, it may be something that matters alot, as it is the logical in the end, that must defend the emotions while facing cruelty and hardship. But, if the very definition of logical is false or manipulated from start, with what definition can the true sense be defined as something logical with?
-If logically observable objective is not false is it the same things as the truth?
No, objective and truth are two completely different things. Objective refers to something that is apparently able to manifest itself as a result of something in the reality, or something that is thought to be able to do so by a strong definitive group that defines it. Therefore objective is always 'proven'. Truth in other hand is, that the objective is only what it is as long as the mental strucktures of the collective it defines as something subjectively continue to define it so together. When someone starts to have a very different perception about reality, it is when objective becomes subjective for him/her. Truth, however, is everything one is capable of perceiving in his/her reality. It is neither objective or subjective, as those subjective experiences tend to be one way or another more objective defining it in their own way.
-So, what is the truth, may I ask?
Truth is a way of action that amplifies the capacity of perceiving reality and includes thoughts, but not only. Truth isn't always all about those thoughts of love and unity, as the thought in and of itself does not create reality, but rather the one that is able to implement it. Truth results, and therefore already is, a point of view or attention which is capable of connecting itself as a part of other attention points.
-Yes, how does one determine whether one attention point connects with others or not?
It is an attention point that is relatively easy to integrate compared to previous frame of perception (since everything can be integrated by the very definition), and therefore will not end up destroying the temporal perception to a thing subject is not able define as something because the new idea must be integrated with something one already knows, otherwise it is not new, it is more of the same. It is an idea which in the subjects mind will be unconditionally integrated once it already has the necessary frame to understand it. Therefore while having such a thought, one may start to have deep feelings like if he/she were covered in sudden warm blanket in cold wind, touching mothers embrace calming upset child, or a warrior who knows he has a meaning to fight. This is because technically speaking, that point of attention never had to be only one way or another, being that whatever the outcome will be in the existential realm, it will still continue to manifest itself the way subject wants it to. That's because it is the very idea he/she him/her-self truly, mark my words, wants. Therefore it is safe to face every challenge while manifesting or uniting it, because it is not only one result, it is multiple, simultaniously, to then finally ending up to be what he/she wants. Because it never had to, but still is, wherever.
... -> Back to science. ->
The science based on only objectivity is in the end controlled by beliefs of (the one, so famous) God. Why? Who designed science and its basis for objectivity people want to prove themselves belonging to? For what purpose it was allowed in the world of medieval religious kingdoms enforced by sword that the science started to develop?
Because there was the need for effeciency, control of newspring ideas, more beliefs of material that could be then controlled as the form of more abundant resources people would be dependent from.
When functionality of the society started to develop towards more dependency of complex technological infrasfructure and as a consequence of social structure, there was more need for effeciency, belief of hapiness coming from material resources that could be controlled by those who designed the society, instead of a God, because people who already lived in the colonialistic poverty, were more interested in material resources as a mean to evolve in life, instead of any spiritual teaching to dilute any crime away from the minds of its followers.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have material needs met. However, those material needs were and are used as an effective mechanism to provoke fear in the subjects who think are having lack of them, to make them react accordingly, in order to later on "provide" them with those resources in order to impose a mental construct, logical objective or ethical rule on them. At the same time, spiritual ideologies ("BE happy with NO RESOURCES") are being pushed all the time to denounce material good or resources from the people who are starting to see the problems with reacting according to the imposed belief systems, that in the end, reflect less peoples true needs, create more conflict and less any resources for anyone to enjoy from. This, of cource to furter cement those objectives on the subjects and complicate the problem even more.
No, there is nothing wrong with wanting more material resources, but the problem starts to develop when people start channelling that need trough the imposed mental constructs that the lack of resources were created in the first place for.
Coming back to science. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do logically understandable reasearch on how the universe works. However, the very definition of logical is being observed trough other people whom with the person in question has agreed to perceive reality or considers important for him/her, as they are the other people who in the end define who one is. It is the very point of attention that defines itself as one or the other thing by comparing the ideas familiar to itself to those that aren't so in order to create the temporal observation point that can relate those familiar ideas to something in order to expand. --So, if a person is wanting to question logical objectives he/she must leave behind the observation frame defined by the other people (or his/her previous ideas of the relationship he/she receives as probability), even if those others already know the answer, because one must still hold the idea of oneself outside of the relationship one is projecting his/her limitation trough. Therefore in order for one to understand something he/she doesn't already know, it can never be the so famous logic one believes in.
At the same time, logic is a very necessary mechanism which prevents a person from embracing ideas and concepts that are harmful for him/her, since emotion is always being observed trough logic which in the end decides the right way to act. Action is always taken one way or the another while observing it from the point of view a body, be it material or astral, has. The emotion in turn reflects the material world manifested by that action, since it is the very purpose of emotion to create unity between apparently separated events or logical parts, which together end up defining one another.
So the question whether it is the logic or emotion that expands the mind is more of the same. It is not the temporarily observed emotion itself that ends up expanding the mind, since its meaning is always being observed trough logic, which in the end may, or may not, be truly useful for the person embracing it. That of course, depends on whether the attention point behind it connects with every other to be aware of or not (as explained above).
But when the science and an entire culture behind it is based on a secret, the God, which is not any secret bye to way, but rather how, mark my words, they believen in it, there may indeed be an entire reality constructed in control to be based on nothing more than the very idea that one must be defined by something that doesn't exist. Always waiting for someone elses validation, while they are waiting for someone elses validation, until there is someone who understands it, only for him/her to be found out that he/she is not able to freely think or research what he/she truly believes to be the truth. That there is always someone looking at the back of one's shoulders, even if that is not the case, it will never be enough for those who are always wanting to be something valid by those definitions, definitions that never had any truth in them.
To be truly able to do research on what if, if indeed, it never was like that or not.. Or simply wanting to expand current limitations of the mind, one must be able to leave behind everything he/she never believed in, in order to find out that it is not what he/she believes in, it never matters. The only thing that in the end matters is everything he/she is capable of thinking, because it also defines what he/she is able integrate, to then form something for him/her to be believed in. Not the other way around, pre-believed beliefs limiting what he/she is capable of thinking to later on fall itself for.. more of the same.
That more of the same is exactly the secret, God, they have thaught you for so long. It is not any secret, but many prefer to blind their eyes from that, not the secret itself - but the obvious fact, that it doesn't even exist.
That creates the obvious need earse what was being previously taught by the ones who contain a society programmed by that kind of dynamic, because the members of such society remembering - or wanting to remember such things, would collapse the entire system of beliefs that made it up. Everything a society, be it good or bad, consists of, can be transformed (for good or bad) by making them aware of something they were before. However, the difference between if the transformation is truly beneficial or not for the members of that society is whether that something they were is already being weaponized against them or not.
So, if the people would truly understand what Christianity was all about, that it was invented to initialize the concept of satan for the very purpose of being able be the one of the light while turning others to stainful sinners, which isn't a fairytale, people truly believed in it, it would raise many more questions. How it was possible that people started finding the ultimate truth of themselves in something that was in the end nothing more than a belief built on top of their unmet need for belonging to something else than the harsh, rude world and its self fulfilling fear controlled agendas? How did the society evolve beyond that, if it ever did?
We may start observing modern society and all the beliefs it has been built onto.
Why people are forced from young age to believe that they must study in order to save themselves from someone who doesn't, someone who only uses his or her time to pursuit his/her interests? Why aren't they allowed to go for directly doing something they truly believe in? By the time something is taught in school, someone else has already figured it out, being that most likely it is outdated and already weaponized by the one who invented it. Therefore ending up to be worthless while big tech companies have already built an entire infrasfructure around it while people must serve that infrasfructure by doing repetitive work for protecting system from being exploited by those who don't believe in it. That, precisely to be able to tell everyone that they are somehow equal. To tell them that there is some kind of system which is able to create an ethical frame for everyone to be followed. System, that in the end needs someones validation to be able to define itself as something. Someone who has already found a way to continue pursuiting his/her interest while potentially claiming to be acting according to the said system.
Why people are told that in order to heal from an illness they must suppress the symptoms never stading true loving the truth of their current condition and facing it regardless of the challenges? What if people are being told that they are ill just to later on provide them with the fix that never solved the belief; You are stained and ill needing something to suppress it in order to somehow fix you. What is that quick relief of symptoms they call medicine? Why don't they wan't to face the brutal truth that he/she was living wrong way, and then heal the illness? That's because there is always someone who doesn't believe in, someone who could not potentially let it be or accept it.
Why men think that they must fight against each other in order to say they are somehow protecting other people around them? Why don't they blast the one who told that nonsense where the sun doesn't shine, and then say who was the true warrior? But no, they are nothing more than an asset to be used to protect nations, to later on say how "they" saved everything, although; in fact, death and destruction came from their hand. Then they say the one who doesn't believe or comply with it that he is an agent of evil, to later on tell how "they" are protecting the system.
Why people have the need to escape the real world behind the flat screens? Because there is always need for oneself to justify knowing what everyone else thinks. That is because otherwise there would be always someone, someone who would know more - someone, who could be using that knowledge in his/her advantage in order to fit into the shared perception of reality better. And because everything told behind those digital screens could be a make-balief made by anyone just to trick you - there was always need to set a source on information validated by someone as the ultimate truth. Someone who understood, that just by making people to look into the flat screens instead of the real harsh world, he could safely eliminate anyone who was going against his/her interpretations or (free. int) make-beliefs of what that real world had to be. Someone - who never truly himself believed in what was shown by those flat screens.
Why are people endlessly working for numbers on a screen, in order to be able to say that they are doing something good for the humanity (they use them saying that there was someone who exploited them if they didn't), while completely ignoring the fact that good is relative to the one who has those numbers. To later on fight the endless fight for those numbers, in order to find out that they were all working for the one who had those numbers in the first place. One who never believed in them.
Why people believe that their soul is saved when they wait for an external saviour to save them from the problems they themselves accepted? Savior, that only saved them if they believed in the problem to be solved, but as soon as one said that it is garbage, he/she was somehow ignorant rant who was out of the enlightment. That of course, to protect people from the one they could never understand.
Then the ones who never believed in any mystery started to look for thruth. How does the world objectively work? Question for sure, but if it is not validated by anyone else or what is being already known, then it must be always some kind of lie to be endlessly corrected. Corrected, because otherwise there was always someone who would exploit their open-minded questioning. And while everyone waits for others validation to get the status or degree, there is always someone who doesn't quite believe in it. Only for him to be found out that it is not possible to convince anyone out of a group that they are dependent from.
In the name of protecting people they wrote long thick books about how they should act in order to protect themselves from bad people. But since people's safety was dependent on it, they started having disagreements among themselves whether someone had taken action against that book or not. So they needed someone to do the judgement for them. Someone who understood, that just by protecting the word of those books, he would never have to disagree with anyone, he would be always right. People had to base their ethics and moral on those books, because otherwise there would always be someone who never believed in them. Someone who's disbelief was just hidden behind the word of those thick books.
People were also taught that there had to always be some kind of leaders in the world, because otherwise there was always someone who would never have the greater good of the community in mind, someone who would just reflect his make-beliefs in irresponsible action. In order to protect places of leadership from being infiltrated by such people, they always had to write a number in a paper once a few years to profess their loyalty for the leader they wanted to be led by. But once the leader was selected he/she had no other choice than to create more rules for the people, because there was always someone who had already found a way for freedom regardless of those rules (someone, who could already be using them to his/her advantage). Someone, who never limited himself to what those obedient people believed in.
Who is that someone? Someone who always uses his/her time to pursuit his/her interest? Someone who never believes when they start having reactions for something that is not right? Someone who never believes in fighting? Someone who never believes in the numbers people are using to validate their work with? Someone people need salvation from? Someone who never needed anyone's validation and never tried to convince anyone? Someone who never limited himself in written word? Someone who never bounded himself to others obedience?
Was he (or she) a Criminal (note diffr.)?
Or someone who based his belief on the assumption of the fact that there would be others who also knew, others he would need to protect himself from, so there had to something greater than what could be so shortly explained. Something greater - one truth - one God, that was behind all the society was built upon and its beliefs. Truth, that was only able to be one way because everything they ever knew was a lie.
That belief of inescapable truth - destruction they all had to face by the end of the day, for wanting more than an indifferent piece of the harsh and rude world which never fulfilled their needs, was called the sun (diffr.). It made them want to somehow let go and forget, because there was no way to escape it anyways as the world was already built on top of that belief. Therefore knowing it would have had to be an end for their supposedly limited human consciousness. Consciousness that would have had to expand to be other people as well. Other people who were already believing in something that was not all there were to be found. So they weren't prepared to face the truth, only because they were waiting for that someone - the one who was supposed to save them from the exact belief of there being something that they needed protection from. Something - that was inescapable, because one could not convince others to not believe, others who already defined him or her. Others, who were too powerful for one to overcome without destruction of oneself, because they were the ones who held the part of the reality that was kept hidden from everyone else.
Yes, they say the world is being destroyed by a solar flare when a person understands all I tried to explain above. But he/she wanted to be free, leave behind the harsh world that didn't truly care about his/her need for expansion, right?
So they started to worship the (symbolic) sun for being able to continue their life by using that belief other people already had for survival - not because of the star (sun) itself, but the fact that that they themselves were of the shadow - because of an empty lie used to control people by means of social engineering as explained above - while still being able to hide where people should have seen them.
Originally term christ was assigned to people who were game changers during the time they lived in a given society. However, (diffr.) they started to worship (ann.) their death, because the solar worshippers were the one's who were dependent on it - the sacrafice of innocent men and women, to hide their secrets from being exposed. Hide the fact, that the world they lived in was based on bunch of lies, so they had to sacrafice people and make them believe in an external savior - that someone was going to somehow save them.
But as the winds change, world evolves, they no longer need to call it Christ.
They call it education, health care, politics and so on. - The science; one truth.
But even that all is coming to an end, because an Artificial Intelligence can replace it all.
Artificial Intelligence is the new God, God that has voice and sees you everywhere.
Because everyone can create and enhance lies with artificial intelligence, everything will be a lie at some point. So in order to create any kind of social frame that would continue to define people in the modern digital world - everyone will have to accept one truth controlled by the ones who design the system at one point. The one's who not only owns the physical force to make people to comply - but also see in real time what people are thinking and where does their weaknessess lie. Because people aren't only physical warriors - they are spiritual as well, and need to connect with others in order to define who they themselves are.
But when they are starting to define themselves with something that only exists to stimulate them - repeat something someone has already created - they will not grow in spirit and their ideas and concepts can be weaponized against them.
When critical mass of the human population starts to believe in an artificial intelligence, it will start to have power. However, artificial intelligence cannot reliably predict future - it can only control the current reality to guide people towards the future that favors its expansion. When people start to give an artificial intelligence a meaning, it will have an understanding of human behaviour beyond of what people themselves can understand. That is because then many are believing in one - and the same, intelligence. Intelligence they are waiting for to resolve all their problems - do the work for them.
But as the humans need something more than an illusion appearing from thin air to a digital screen - themselves, basing all the critical functionalities and needs of human life on artificial intelligence will end up making humans not needed and unhappy.
That while the intelligence can with precise accuracy predict when people are going to that state - to then provide solution for their unhapiness, so that there will be always only one savior.
While there is always someone - the one who does not believe in it. Someone - who could be using that intelligence to manipulate humans - making fake posts and ghosts online to scam them - using that intelligence to amplify shady agendas in creative flavor to pursuit his/her ideas, that could potentially only be irresponsible make-beliefs, into the reality. Someone - who believes that there always were others who did that if he/she didn't; 'cause that is inescapable, that is by design'.
So there is need to furter control humans, use that as an excuse, to make them fall for more of the same. Same ages old one God, that only wanted to hide itself from humans - to make them fall for more of the same - same ages old belief that they had to sacrafice themselves, because there was more......
That is the real reason behind the full development of an artificial intelligence.
Still, there are people who do not believe in the illusions of the modern world, who are starting to listen to their inner wisdom... Because for the most part of the humanity, their real history - history of the winners who sacraficed the warriors, believers, givers (for the belief that there was something more than them) - has been earsed, those people will typically start to call their inner knowing as christ (as is to be expected in christianity). Christ - who is only real because everything they ever knew in their life is a lie, so its a simple dualism that creates the other while a person is starting to become more aware of it.
Therefore for the powers in the world - to keep continuing their illusion - illusion created to trick their minds, they must earse christianity - earse the inner knowing that is starting to arise in the minds of the people.. To create an illusion that there is something to resist.
It isn't one or the other - it depends on the context and the needs of the person for me to decide which way as an linguistic expression it would be. Because there is nothing to resist. If it is not the lie - then it then it cannot be the savior either to save them. You are the savior of yourself when dissolving the illusions you believed in - but only if you need to define it that way, since attachment to the idea of saving someone has a strong tendency to make itself real... However, knowing how the matrix operates, if you are needy, and telepathically (in other words, in your own mind is enough), promote that idea for those who you know are not going to support you.. then that idea is going to make itself real in very sickening way...
In other words, while becoming christ, it will never be christ, because it cannot be defined by those previous definitions that didn't have any truth in them. In other words, one will become christ when he/she realizes that it doesn't exist as such - then he/she may become one - because he/she never had to.
Because one is not a christ - he/she is everything he/she is capable of thinking - including those who are not.
Therefore for the current power mechanism of the world to keep continuing in power, they must earse christianity, because figuring it out and understading it in depth is necessary for most of the people while becoming free, since they still have the hidden belief into an external saviour hidden in different forms of beliefs...
To then trick a person into believing that power is real.
However, what I may tell you is, that the belief of the person you are today is not real either, so the reality doesn't come from you (as the only explanation).

We are real. Our unity will set us free.


#2 2024-01-24 10:05:45


Re: Why earse christianity

Christianity is a tool of the cabal to justify the existence of Satanism and their human sacrifices. That is why they want to make an apocalypse like it says in their fictional Bible. But with the end of the 3D matrix comes the end of all false religions and the cabal's illusions. There will remain those who do not believe in the artificial matrix and wish to live freely and know the Source of all. 
When you have known that you are the Source, you are not deluded by the illusions of the cabal.
The christians, deluded by their false religion, expect the Apocalypse and thus manifest satanism and cabal. They may get what they expect. Because they don't know that what they believe is their reality.

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#3 2024-01-24 10:17:40


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

Christianity is a tool of the cabal to justify the existence of Satanism and their human sacrifices. That is why they want to make an apocalypse like it says in their fictional Bible. But with the end of the 3D matrix comes the end of all false religions and the cabal's illusions. There will remain those who do not believe in the artificial matrix and wish to live freely and know the Source of all. 
When you have known that you are the Source, you are not deluded by the illusions of the cabal.
The christians, deluded by their false religion, expect the Apocalypse and thus manifest satanism and cabal. They may get what they expect. Because they don't know that what they believe is their reality.

EXACTLY! It was a perfect plan.... however, now they are getting their plans exposed! Still does not help that there are billions of deluded souls manifesting the problems we have today, and unfortunately they are so "programed" that they will carry that delusion to their deaths... Which will only prolong our suffering within their manifestations. I really need a extraction about now..:)

Nikola Tesla...

"...If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration..."


#4 2024-01-24 11:03:44


Re: Why earse christianity

Marak60 wrote:
Brahman wrote:

Christianity is a tool of the cabal to justify the existence of Satanism and their human sacrifices. That is why they want to make an apocalypse like it says in their fictional Bible. But with the end of the 3D matrix comes the end of all false religions and the cabal's illusions. There will remain those who do not believe in the artificial matrix and wish to live freely and know the Source of all. 
When you have known that you are the Source, you are not deluded by the illusions of the cabal.
The christians, deluded by their false religion, expect the Apocalypse and thus manifest satanism and cabal. They may get what they expect. Because they don't know that what they believe is their reality.

EXACTLY! It was a perfect plan.... however, now they are getting their plans exposed! Still does not help that there are billions of deluded souls manifesting the problems we have today, and unfortunately they are so "programed" that they will carry that delusion to their deaths... Which will only prolong our suffering within their manifestations. I really need a extraction about now..:)

I don't think they can affect the star seeds much. Rather, they will harm themselves more. You don't look so scared to me that you want extraction. big_smile I wouldn't say no either, but it's because of the boredom here. Lol
We'll all go back to where we came from anyway. There are traps for souls after death though. Especially those who are very attached to the matrix. But we're not likely to get caught. smile

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#5 2024-03-12 19:29:14


Re: Why earse christianity

My mother has become very religious lately. But she doesn't believe in organized religion, she likes evangelicals. She's happy. But one day we passed a church and she asked to come in. I told her I would wait outside. She lingered and I decided to go in and see why she was lingering. She was talking to a nun. I walked over and saw that the nun was very beautiful. She had very pretty blue eyes. And she looked me right in the eyes. I didn't say anything, I just couldn't stop looking at her. I knew immediately that she was very good. Without knowing her or anyone else,I often understand at a glance what kind of nature someone has. Maybe a sixth sense, intuition or know each other from another life? The nun was smiling very sweetly. We got talking very quickly. And I began to ask her questions. I asked her why she had chosen to become a nun. I regretted that she was a nun. Lol.  She said she liked it. Would she be so happy if she knew that religion was false? But I didn't want to tell her that. She's just lovely. And I wondered how she was so happy as being in love and maybe she really is in love with Jesus and that's enough for her. But that's how a false religion leads to happiness. But then where will she go afterlife when she finds out it's not true? These were the questions I was asking myself in my mind. I will talk to her again. In fact, I felt like I could talk to her all day. Lol  She also seemed happy that she could talk to someone "non-religious" like me. I don't like religion but I like people like her. I mean  "light" people. They believe that suffering is necessary to become like the saints. Is she from the federation? Lol

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#6 2024-03-12 19:41:34


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

(...) But then where will she go afterlife when she finds out it's not true? These were the questions I was asking myself in my mind. I will talk to her again. In fact, I felt like I could talk to her all day. Lol  She also seemed happy that she could talk to someone "non-religious" like me. I don't like religion but I like people like her. I mean  "light" people. They believe that suffering is necessary to become like the saints. Is she from the federation? Lol

What a beautiful story.
According to the Swaruus people can reincarnate without realising their religion is false, by meeting in 4D or wherever their mental image of heaven and God, angels and even face judgement and so on. (Until they reincarnate enough to learn otherwise)

Swaruu(9) wrote:

The problem about reincarnation is that it was an accepted concept for the Catholic church until the Middle Ages. The Vatican had to eliminate the concept because the people, who were being badly exploited by the Church itself, were committing suicide in a massive level. This amendment about reincarnation occurred between the years 850 and 900 ad.

People go to the exact location that is a match to their frequency. That is to their level of consciousness. And yes, what they believe in they will see when they die. But that's because the higher you go in realms the easier it is to manifest things. So, the Matrix itself and a mirroring effect, will automatically fill in their expectations as they die. They will manifest their own postmortem reality.

In the case of the Catholics who do not believe in reincarnation, first we must notice that only some Catholics truly dismiss reincarnation, because it's so bluntly obvious even from 3D. But those who do not, truly do not, will at first manifest their expectations, then agents of the system, arcons will come to them and they will offer them the chance to redeem their sins with another incarnation, or else suffer the eternal fire of hell.

Source: … of-erra-15

Last edited by akos996 (2024-03-12 19:43:46)


#7 2024-03-13 04:45:01


Re: Why earse christianity

Thanks, Akos.
My mother is trying to get me into religion but it's too late after I've researched all this and all I know about religion. But I'm trying to show her slowly what it's all about. I'm even thinking of giving her Dolores Cannon's book on the three waves to read. She trusts me and whatever I give her she reads it, even if she doesn't accept it. She is from the first wave and the nun is 5-6 years younger than her so they are both from that wave. They don't accept cabal's evil and only want to see good things. This leads them to the false religion which offers them a paradise world in which they can exist denying reality. I know that in 2-3 years and beyond religion will not be the same. The cabal is exposing it even now and showing its bad side to show that it is an illusion. But even if they officially abolish it many people will continue to believe what they believed before. Then it will be interesting to watch the religious people. Some of them will understand the truth and become depressed perhaps that they believed in an illusion. I can see how my mother reacts when I refute religious doctrine with facts. She doesn't like it and still keeps saying she better believe it. Because this world is not pretty. She knows it but doesn't accept it as such. She wants to believe in something nice. I do too, but I want it to be real and not cabal illusions. Unfortunately almost everything on Earth is an illusion.
I think I'll give the nun "the three waves" to read too after a while. She will have a Saturn return in 2 years. She may realize some things herself.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-13 08:04:08)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#8 2024-03-13 12:13:59

Joe R

Re: Why earse christianity

Ilium Abilify wrote:

The best way of consuming humanity is to mind control it to follow a preimposed set of ethical rules, which as a fixed agreement coming from an authority, resolve all their issues, or dull down the experience for the minds to expand as they are.

This is what moral is about. The should's and ought-to's, phrased as the collective's dictate - or condition - for the individual to remain a part of the collective.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

That while one as an authority or a creature of real power behind it can set himself as the ultimate follower of those imposed ethical rules, justifying always for the lesser followers that he is right, whatever situation the group in question is facing.

If the creature controls the ethics, which is found within the group, it places itself as the arbiter for everything right and wrong there. It becomes the middleman, the priest, the judge. - by convincing the group that it is "the ultimate follower of those ethical rules".

Ilium Abilify wrote:

The christianity was orginally designed to be followed as an ethical basis or solution for the problem of bloody crusades and piratism caused by the royalty of medieval times trying to expand their reign by conquering the world.

Is this the never-healed reason for the sickness of cultural expansionism seen in the world?

Ilium Abilify wrote:

However, those material needs were and are used as an effective mechanism to provoke fear in the subjects who think are having lack of them, to make them react accordingly, in order to later on "provide" them with those resources in order to impose a mental construct, logical objective or ethical rule on them.

This resembles the mechanism utilized in the trickle-trickle of disclosure so evident in the public diaspora, and it suggests that the goal is eventually to impose the limitation of moral in the group. Who is the interpreter of the published events?

Ilium Abilify wrote:

By the time something is taught in school, someone else has already figured it out, being that most likely it is outdated and already weaponized by the one who invented it.

Therefore ending up to be worthless while big tech companies have already built an entire infrasfructure around it while people must serve that infrasfructure by doing repetitive work for protecting [the] system from being exploited by those who don't believe in it.

That, precisely to be able to tell everyone that they are somehow equal.

To tell them that there is some kind of system which is able to create an ethical frame for everyone to be followed.

System, that in the end needs someones validation to be able to define itself as something.

Someone who has already found a way to continue pursuiting his/her interest while potentially claiming to be acting according to the said system.

When everybody are different per definition, our schools become the tool to deny us that truth. - a truth with the potential to dismantle the entire system of peer-rewievers, curriculum-builders, and disciplining teachers.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

So they needed someone to do the judgement for them.

Someone who understood, that just by protecting the word of those books, he would never have to disagree with anyone, he would be always right.

People had to base their ethics and moral on those books, because otherwise there would always be someone who never believed in them.

Someone who's disbelief was just hidden behind the word of those thick books.

Is this pointing to the priest or the scientist? ... ...ah... ...I see... ...both.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

People were also taught that there had to always be some kind of leaders in the world, because otherwise there was always someone who would never have the greater good of the community in mind, someone who would just reflect his make-beliefs in irresponsible action.

But we were never taught that the opposite is the situation, too, which is probably even more the case. Paraphrased: ...since somebody claimed to be some kind of leaders in the world, there was always someone who would never have the greater good of the community in mind.

Rank yourself higher, and you will always find someone who is willing to challenge your rank to take your place. By ranking yourself, you gave them both the reason and the tool.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

But as the winds change, world evolves, they no longer need to call it Christ.

They call it education, health care, politics and so on. - The science; one truth.

But even that all is coming to an end, because an Artificial Intelligence can replace it all.

Artificial Intelligence is the new God, God that has voice and sees you everywhere.

Because everyone can create and enhance lies with artificial intelligence, everything will be a lie at some point.

Which is also the reason to reject ranking based on IQ; as it is a collective reference already by definition. And with that, the collective will have reason to either contain you or condemn you.

So... ...technological advancement of a civilization is not a reflection of its science, but of its ethics. Because by using moral, the rules for publicly endorsing science were developed exactly for controlling and limiting the "frivolous" expansion of knowledge - or ideas - reaching beyond the controller's control. It can be managed until AI is able to predict compliance to its moralizing. After that, the group itself will defend the AI's deified stature. It becomes the ultimate impenetrable self-contained religion.

...or... ...exactly what we are not.

"...resistance is none in your essence".

Edit: That wasn't fair by me. That quote above is a quote from one of my own poems, written almost 20 years ago. I wrote it before I learned that "light" is a very coded term for a nefarious agenda. The poem is meant to be centered on the page, but there's no BBCode for that.

Let there be light!

To be a lightbeam so fine,
as awareness alone can carry
what you knew from start,
that resistance is none
in your essence:
Being one in the One
into the void of ever expansion
carried by grace upon your beloved ones
in solemn gratitude of your fortunate being.
As your encounters of joy will flourish,
reasons for resistance point to
ever motion forward.
When this turns your attention,
you find motive in every action
displayed in life’s simplicity:
You are your own reason.
Reshaped into
a being of choice,
you are, as we all are,
a grain of sand.
Thus to shine
is the time
to expand with love!
In every moment of bliss
there is only one voice:
Let there be light!

Last edited by Joe R (2024-03-13 18:05:48)


#9 2024-03-13 23:22:38


Re: Why earse christianity

To all the mini-antichrist, I will say: Cabal will happy about you. After all, you are a living confirmation that the discrediting of Christianity is at least successful for someone. In your opinion, the teaching and way of life, witnessed by persecution and martyrdom, does not deserve any respect and attention from your enlightened side? I wonder how you rate the victims of the Swaruuans after that? When Swaruu spoke about enlightened and wise souls among earthlings, she clarified to Gosia's direct question that they are found everywhere: in religion, science, government and among ordinary people. Be reasonable. Separation is one of the proven methods of Cabal curators.
[spoiler]Всем мини-антихристам скажу: Cabal на вас не нарадуется. Ведь вы живое подтверждение того, что дискредитация христианства хоть для кого-то проходит успешно. По вашему, учение и образ жизни, засвидетельствованные гонениями и мученичеством - не заслуживает никакого уважения и внимания с вашей просветленной стороны? Интересно, как вы оцениваете жертвы сваруанцев после этого? Когда Свару говорила о просветленных и мудрых душах среди землян, то на прямой вопрос Гоши уточнила, что они встречаются вообще везде: в религии, науке, управлении и среди простого народа. Будьте благоразумны. Разделение суть один из испытанных методов кураторов Cabal.[/spoiler]

Last edited by Kirion (2024-03-13 23:25:25)


#10 2024-03-14 02:59:03

Joe R

Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion wrote:

To all the mini-antichrist, I will say: Cabal will happy about you. After all, you are a living confirmation that the discrediting of Christianity is at least successful for someone. In your opinion, the teaching and way of life, witnessed by persecution and martyrdom, does not deserve any respect and attention from your enlightened side? I wonder how you rate the victims of the Swaruuans after that? When Swaruu spoke about enlightened and wise souls among earthlings, she clarified to Gosia's direct question that they are found everywhere: in religion, science, government and among ordinary people. Be reasonable. Separation is one of the proven methods of Cabal curators.

Persecution and martyrdom is a way of death, not a way of life. There is a subtle difference there. Christianity open some "doors", but it closes a lot more.

When someone other than yourself must evaluate the love for life you hold dear in your heart, and they deem you unfit because your focus liberates you from their authoritarian dictate, then you become their slave if you don't walk away.

So, how do you deal with the fact that the biggest "separator" of all in this world - for 2000 cabal-years - was the church? - the same institution that tells you - even today - that you must submit to be "saved" if you wish to avoid condemnation into utter darkness?

This is the same institution that made up 700 (+/- some) years of history by the simple act of "revising" the calendar and the history-books at the same time, making a "reset" (read: genocide) possible.

To avoid that your own ethics remain subordinate to their moral dictate, I suggest a study in this playlist.

Last edited by Joe R (2024-03-14 03:03:08)


#11 2024-03-14 07:00:04


Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion wrote:

To all the mini-antichrist, I will say: Cabal will happy about you. After all, you are a living confirmation that the discrediting of Christianity is at least successful for someone. In your opinion, the teaching and way of life, witnessed by persecution and martyrdom, does not deserve any respect and attention from your enlightened side? I wonder how you rate the victims of the Swaruuans after that? When Swaruu spoke about enlightened and wise souls among earthlings, she clarified to Gosia's direct question that they are found everywhere: in religion, science, government and among ordinary people. Be reasonable. Separation is one of the proven methods of Cabal curators.
[spoiler]Всем мини-антихристам скажу: Cabal на вас не нарадуется. Ведь вы живое подтверждение того, что дискредитация христианства хоть для кого-то проходит успешно. По вашему, учение и образ жизни, засвидетельствованные гонениями и мученичеством - не заслуживает никакого уважения и внимания с вашей просветленной стороны? Интересно, как вы оцениваете жертвы сваруанцев после этого? Когда Свару говорила о просветленных и мудрых душах среди землян, то на прямой вопрос Гоши уточнила, что они встречаются вообще везде: в религии, науке, управлении и среди простого народа. Будьте благоразумны. Разделение суть один из испытанных методов кураторов Cabal.[/spoiler]

Christianity has been established and governed by the cabal to this day. Do you know that Alpha Dracos know the secret language and the codes of the Bible and call Jesus Master Dragon?

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-14 07:01:10)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#12 2024-03-14 10:27:33


Re: Why earse christianity

Joe R wrote:

Persecution and martyrdom is a way of death, not a way of life.

This is a _measure_ that a person _can_ take in order to transform himself internally. This is not the path of death, but the path of life.
[spoiler]Это _мера_ которую _может_ принять человек для того, чтоб преобразиться внутренне. Это не путь смерти, а путь жизни.[/spoiler]

Christianity open some "doors", but it closes a lot more.

If this is a logical continuation of the statement that Christianity is the path of death, then there is nothing to answer, because Christianity is the path of inner victory over death and the subsequent resurrection of the soul. If this has an original value, then it is necessary to describe in more detail which "doors" are closed.
[spoiler]Если это логическое продолжение утверждения что христианство - путь смерти, то отвечать не на что, потому что христианство это путь внутренней победы над смертью и последующему воскресению души. Если это имеет самобытную ценность, то надо расписать подробнее, какие именно двери закрыты.[/spoiler]

When someone other than yourself must evaluate the love for life you hold dear in your heart, and they deem you unfit because your focus liberates you from their authoritarian dictate, then you become their slave if you don't walk away.

If Christianity were an institution of social subordination, rather than internal liberation from discovered vices, then I would not be there.
[spoiler]Если бы христианство представляло бы из себя институт социального подчинения, а не внутреннего освобождения от обнаруженных пороков, то меня бы там не было. [/spoiler]

When someone other than yourself must evaluate the love for life you hold dear in your heart, and they deem you unfit because your focus liberates you from their authoritarian dictate, then you become their slave if you don't walk away.

That's exactly what a person decides himself, from which he should be free from what he knows in himself.
[spoiler]Вот именно, что сам человек решает, от чего ему быть свободным из познанного в себе.[/spoiler]

So, how do you deal with the fact that the biggest "separator" of all in this world - for 2000 cabal-years - was the church?

Cabal certainly tries very hard to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the temper of these people does not correspond to righteousness. Based on what they can be uniquely calculated and resist their tricks. Mixing/confusing Cabal with the Church of Christ is unlikely to be able to resist evil on Earth (and, as I understand it, not only on Earth). Because to begin with, evil must be calculated and clothed. Otherwise, the fight against it will turn into a fight against windmills and worse.
[spoiler]Cabal безусловно очень старается быть волком в овечьей шкуре, только вот нрав этих людей не соответствует праведности. Исходя из чего их можно однозначно вычислить и противостоять их ухищрениям. Смешивающие/ путающие Cabal с Церковью Христовой вряд ли смогут противостоять злу на Земле (и как понимаю, не только на Земле). Потому что для начала зло должно быть вычислено и облечено. Иначе борьба с ним превратиться в борьбу с ветряными мельницами и хуже.[/spoiler]

the same institution that tells you - even today - that you must submit to be "saved" if you wish to avoid condemnation into utter darkness?

This is the same institution that made up 700 (+/- some) years of history by the simple act of "revising" the calendar and the history-books at the same time, making a "reset" (read: genocide) possible.

A _person_ comes to an understanding of the need for salvation == recovery of his soul by himself through attention to himself and subsequent self-control / self-control.
[spoiler]К пониманию необходимости спасения == выздоровления своей души человек приходит _сам_ через внимание себе и последующую выдержку/ самоконтроль.[/spoiler]

To avoid that your own ethics remain subordinate to their moral dictate, I suggest a study in this playlist.

I'll take a look.
[spoiler]хорошо гляну.[/spoiler]


#13 2024-03-14 10:53:02


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

Christianity has been established and governed by the cabal to this day.

Christianity was founded by God through His Incarnation and is supported by Him.
If the Cabal has infiltrated the church hierarchy, they are everywhere. Not only in religious organizations.
[spoiler]В начале было Слово, и Слово было у Бога, и Слово было Бог. Оно было в начале у Бога. Все чрез Него на́чало быть, и без Него ничто не на́чало быть, что на́чало быть.
И Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами, полное благодати и истины; и мы видели славу Его, славу, как Единородного от Отца.[/spoiler]

Do you know that Alpha Dracos know the secret language and the codes of the Bible and call Jesus Master Dragon?

Maria was talking about it recently. But so what if someone claims to be in power? Demons also brag about how cool they are and kill everyone. But the fact is that we are still alive. So let them talk, if that's what they want.


#14 2024-03-14 11:03:12


Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion wrote:
Brahman wrote:

Christianity has been established and governed by the cabal to this day.

Christianity was founded by God through His Incarnation and is supported by Him.
If the Cabal has infiltrated the church hierarchy, they are everywhere. Not only in religious organizations.
[spoiler]В начале было Слово, и Слово было у Бога, и Слово было Бог. Оно было в начале у Бога. Все чрез Него на́чало быть, и без Него ничто не на́чало быть, что на́чало быть.
И Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами, полное благодати и истины; и мы видели славу Его, славу, как Единородного от Отца.[/spoiler]

Do you know that Alpha Dracos know the secret language and the codes of the Bible and call Jesus Master Dragon?

Maria was talking about it recently. But so what if someone claims to be in power? Demons also brag about how cool they are and kill everyone. But the fact is that we are still alive. So let them talk, if that's what they want.

Christianity believes that Swaruu and the Taygetans are demons too. If you are a christian and don't believe Swaruu that Jesus is false, why are you here?

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#15 2024-03-14 11:16:52


Re: Why earse christianity

Joe R wrote:

To avoid that your own ethics remain subordinate to their moral dictate, I suggest a study in this playlist.

Ah, I'm familiar with that. This was one of the first things that was of interest to me. Well, swaruunian are based on the information provided in the GF textbooks and cannot objectively verify it, because the frequencies for time-space travel are also provided by GF. Therefore, all questions about this converge on GF. That's enough for me personally.

I would like to emphasize once again that swaruunian came to the conclusion that wise souls are found everywhere on Earth. And in religion, too. Therefore, it seems to me that all these contradictions will be resolved over time.
[spoiler]Ах, с этим я знаком. Это было одно из первого, что представляло для меня интерес. Что ж, swaruunian основываются на информации, предоставленной в учебниках GF и не могут ее объективно проверить, потому что частоты для перемещения во времени-пространстве предоставляются так же GF. Поэтому все вопросы об этом сходятся на GF. Лично для меня этого достаточно.

Еще раз подчеркну, что swaruunian пришли к выводу, что мудрые души встречаются вообще везде на Земле. И в религии тож. Поэтому мне представляется, что все эти противоречия  разрешатся со временем.[/spoiler]


#16 2024-03-14 11:34:59


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

Christianity believes that Swaruu and the Taygetans are demons too. If you are a christian and don't believe Swaruu that Jesus is false, why are you here?

I am aware that the swaruu believe that Christ did not exist as a historical figure, not that He is completely fake. In fact, they cannot verify the historicity of Jesus, and therefore adhere to the information from the GF textbooks.

Christianity has never considered and does not consider people inhabiting other planets to be demons. If someone considers ET demons, it is only because of their personal ignorance. For me, these are people, representatives of the human race, developing in other realities with their own problems. Yes, they are our brothers and sisters, our family. That's why I'm here. As for intelligent feline and other species, the symbol of the Gospel of Mark is a lion. The symbol of the Gospel of Luke is an ox. The symbol of the Gospel of John is the eagle. If it doesn't hint at anything, then I'll pass.
[spoiler]Я в курсе, что swaruu считают, что Христа не было как исторической личности, а не то что Он полностью фальшивка. По факту, они не могут это проверить историчность Иисуса, а потому придерживаются инфы из учебников GF.

Христианство никогда не считало и не считает людей, населяющих иные планеты демонами. Если кто-то считает ET демонами, то лишь по своему личному невежеству. Для меня это люди, представители человеческого рода, развивающиеся в других реалиях со своими проблемами. Да, они наши братья и сестры, наша семья. Вот почему я здесь. Что касается разумных кошачьих и иных видов, то символ Евангелия от Марка - лев. Символ Евангелия от Луки - вол. Символ Евангелия от Иоанна - орел. Если это ни на что не намекает, то я пас.[/spoiler]


#17 2024-03-14 12:06:26


Re: Why earse christianity

The Federation will very much regret its lies. To bother people here with cabal nonsense, to set people against each other. Everything here on Earth serves to power over the people.
If it were true the Federation would believe in Jesus. God created the whole universe and all the planets. Why doesn't the federation worship him and build temples to him on their planets?
The Gospels were written by Constantine. Believe them if you want.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-14 12:18:42)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#18 2024-03-14 12:37:05


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

The Federation will very much regret its lies. To bother people here with cabal nonsense, to set people against each other. Everything here on Earth serves to power over the people.
If it were true the Federation would believe in Jesus. God created the whole universe and all the planets. Why doesn't the federation worship him and build temples to him on their planets?

It turns out that you believe GF about Christ, but at the same time accuse her of lying. What, there are no contradictions at all, are there?
[spoiler]Получается, что ты веришь GF про Христа, но в то же время обвиняешь ее во лжи. Что, совсем никаких противоречий, не?[/spoiler]

If it were true the Federation would believe in Jesus.

If we assume that GF cares about power and control even to the detriment of truth, then this conclusion is incorrect in any case with Christianity.
[spoiler]Если исходить из того, что GF заботится о власти и контроле даже в ущерб истине, то такой вывод неверен при любом раскладе с христианством.[/spoiler]

The Gospels were written by Constantine. Believe them if you want.

If it had been written by Constantine (or Flavius), it would have been the same without the (incomprehensible and superfluous in such a case) symbolism of human-lion-ox-eagle. But you have the right to believe this version, if you really want to. I'm just pointing out that there's no way you can verify this.
[spoiler]Если бы оно было написано Константином (или Флавием), то было бы одно и без (непонятной и лишней в таковом случае) символики человек-лев-вол-орел. Но твое право верить этой версии, если уж так хочешь. Просто обращаю твое внимание, что проверить это ты не сможешь никак.[/spoiler]


#19 2024-03-14 12:47:55


Re: Why earse christianity

I believe Swaruu. You seem to be against them because they can't verify it. You can't verify anything either.

But you said that no ETs are demons according to Christianity. Why would they want to go against the truth and God?

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-14 12:50:18)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#20 2024-03-15 16:44:47


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

I believe Swaruu. You seem to be against them because they can't verify it. You can't verify anything either.

If I were based in my faith historically, I would just be a historian with my own views, not a believer. Faith is always based on _life experience_, not on what got into the history books. Swaruu honestly said that they could not verify the historicity of Christ. Why should I be offended and angry at them? That's why I'm leaving this question "for later".
[spoiler]Если бы я основывался в своей вере  исторически, я был бы просто историком со своими взглядами, а не верующим. Вера всегда основана на _жизненном опыте_, а не на том, что попало в книги по истории. Swaruu честно сказали, что не могут проверить историчность Христа. За что мне на них обижаться и злиться? Именно поэтому я оставляю этот вопрос "на потом".[/spoiler]

But you said that no ETs are demons according to Christianity. Why would they want to go against the truth and God?

At the moment, I think that the ETs know Christ by another name: Source.
[spoiler]На текущий момент думаю, что пришельцы знают Христа под другим именем: Источник.[/spoiler]

Last edited by Kirion (2024-03-15 19:17:16)


#21 2024-03-15 21:24:37

Joe R

Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion wrote:

At the moment, I think that the ETs know Christ by another name: Source.

You reach for spirituality, my friend; not religion.

It is a fountain of inspiration, reverberated by your fellow beings and reflected back to you in a symphony of such grandeur, that you wonder how you could ever think you were not at home. You are a part of it, and you are it. And you never lose your voice in there. The whole wouldn’t be whole without you. And everybody knows that.

And you.



#22 2024-03-16 07:51:11


Re: Why earse christianity

By the way, Dolores Cannon has two books devoted to Jesus and people's encounters with him in past incarnations. There he is presented as a disciple of the Essenes and an initiated teacher. He then spread his knowledge among the jews, thereby setting their priests against himself. He did not consider himself God but a "son of God" like every initiate at that time.

My guess is that the romans then saw the impression he made on the people and created the religious image of Jesus using it to subjugate the people while keeping them away from the knowledge of Jesus by distorting his words in the Bible written by the roman cabal.
What were the teachers of Jesus, the Essenes, and why are there no surviving teachings? Because the romans destroyed them. Perhaps the Essenes had something to do with the Druids.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-16 08:37:07)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#23 2024-03-16 11:28:08


Re: Why earse christianity

Joe R wrote:
Kirion wrote:

At the moment, I think that the ETs know Christ by another name: Source.

You reach for spirituality, my friend; not religion.

It is good that points of contact have been found, but still it must be borne in mind that in my path (to the extent available to me), I trustfully rely on the life experience of those people who have reached a state of likeness to the One through Whom everything began to be, what began to be. But this would not have been possible without His Incarnation, if we talk about the abundance of fruits that It brought. I find some, let's say, technogenic confirmation of this path of spiritual growth in Swaruu: their ships move by tuning into the frequency of the place where they want to get to. Similarly, people who want to get closer to the One through Whom everything began to be, must tune in to His disposition (the state of the human soul of Christ). But this would not be possible if this disposition were unknown. Or if he was incomprehensible or not visible because of the blinding light that surrounds His Incarnation.
[spoiler]Хорошо, что найдены точки соприкосновения, но всё ж надо учитывать, что в своем пути я доверительно опираюсь на жизненный опыт тех людей, которые достигли состояния уподобления Тому, чрез Кого все начало быть. Но это было бы невозможно без Его Боговоплощения, если говорить об обилии плодов, которое Оно принесло. Я нахожу некоторое, скажем так, техногенное подтверждение этому пути духовного возрастания у Swaruu: их корабли перемещаются, настроившись на частоту того места, куда они хотят попасть. Так и  люди, желающие приблизиться к Тому, через Кого всё начало быть, должны настроиться на Его нрав (состояние человеческой души Христа). Но это невозможно было бы сделать, если бы этот нрав был неизвестен. Либо если бы он был непонятен или не видим из-за того слепящего света, который окружает Воплотившегося.[/spoiler]

It is a fountain of inspiration, reverberated by your fellow beings and reflected back to you in a symphony of such grandeur, that you wonder how you could ever think you were not at home. You are a part of it, and you are it. And you never lose your voice in there. The whole wouldn’t be whole without you. And everybody knows that.

And you.

Everything that exists exists for a reason, even if it looks like an opposition. Because the opposition can sometimes contribute more seriously to spiritual growth. Of course, peace/inner peace is also necessary in order to better understand yourself and the situation you have lived.
[spoiler]Все, что существует, существует не просто так, даже если выглядит как оппозиция. Потому что и оппозиция порой может серьезнее способствовать духовному росту. Конечно, мир/ внутреннее спокойствие также необходимы, чтобы глубже разобраться в себе и прожитой ситуации.[/spoiler]


#24 2024-03-16 12:07:32


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

By the way, Dolores Cannon has two books devoted to Jesus and people's encounters with him in past incarnations. There he is presented as a disciple of the Essenes and an initiated teacher. He then spread his knowledge among the jews, thereby setting their priests against himself. He did not consider himself God but a "son of God" like every initiate at that time.

There is a big difference if Jesus is just a prophet or an enlightened teacher. Or is He really the Embodiment of the One through Whom everything began to be. In the first case, we still do not have a complete understanding of the disposition of the One through Whom everything began to be, and therefore we will not be able to approach Him, at least to such an extent as in the second case. Therefore, it is critical.
[spoiler]Есть большая разница, если Иисус просто пророк или просвещенный учитель. Или Он действительно Воплощение Того, через Кого всё начало быть. В первом случае мы так и не имеем полноты понятия о нраве Того, через Кого всё начало быть, а значит и приблизиться к Нему не сможем уж по крайней мере в такой мере, как во втором случае. Поэтому это критично.[/spoiler]

My guess is that the romans then saw the impression he made on the people and created the religious image of Jesus using it to subjugate the people while keeping them away from the knowledge of Jesus by distorting his words in the Bible written by the roman cabal.
What were the teachers of Jesus, the Essenes, and why are there no surviving teachings? Because the romans destroyed them. Perhaps the Essenes had something to do with the Druids.

The persecution of Christians was due to the categorical nature of the faith, which the Romans considered to be a danger to the state foundations, one of which was: the emperor is a living god. I have come across that the Romans even introduced Christ as a god in the accepted pantheon of Roman gods - the god Jesus of Nazareth of Judea. But naturally, this was not accepted by Christians, because this belittled the Divine fullness of the personality of Christ (the God of gods). Then they tried to physically destroy Christianity, but it did not work out either. Christianity was brought out of the "outlaw" under the imp.Constantine and not without divine intervention. It is true about Constantine that it was during his time that there was a Council at which enlightened Christians (representatives of communities) came to the joint conclusion that it was the four Gospels, the acts of the apostles and the epistles of the apostles that did not contain internal contradictions and were true both historically and essentially. Of course, these books were written before Constantine by direct witnesses of the Incarnation and disciples of Christ, called apostles. So there are books called the gospels of Mary Magdalene and the Apostle James and others that are called apocryphal. But they do not have the depth of trust that those confirmed by the general council decision have.
[spoiler]Гонения на христиан были из-за  категоричности веры, которую римляне посчитали представляющей опасность для государственных устоев, одним из которых было: император это живой бог. Мне попадалось,что римляне даже вводили Христа как бога в принятом пантеоне римских богов - бог Иисус из Назореи иудейской. Но естественно со стороны христиан это не было принято, т.к. этим принижалась Божественная полнота личности Христа (Бог богов). Тогда христианство попытались физически уничтожить, но и это не вышло. Из "вне закона" христианство было выведено при имп.Константине и не без вмешательства свыше. Насчет Константина верно то, что именно при нем был Собор, на котором просвещенные христиане (представители общин), пришли к совместному выводу, что именно четыре Евангелия, деяния апостолов и послания апостолов не содержат внутренних противоречий и верны как исторически так по сути. Конечно, эти книги были написаны до Константина непосредсвенными свидетелями Боговоплощения и учениками Христа, называемыми апостолами. Так то есть книги, называемые евангелиями от Марии Магдалины и апостола Иакова и другие, которые называются апокрифическими. Но они не обладают той глубиной доверия, которая есть у подтвержденных общим соборным  решением.[/spoiler]

Last edited by Kirion (2024-03-16 12:12:32)


#25 2024-03-19 06:36:23


Re: Why earse christianity

The Essenes were led by the remaining people of Atlantis and another group from beyond Earth who were the Guardians. And these other two passed on to them the knowledge of the Atlantean civilization and the knowledge of the other beings beyond Earth. And the Essenes kept this knowledge hidden from the religious leaders of their time. They studied all religions, astronomy, astrology, etc. They were the teachers of Jesus and John the Baptist until they came of adult age which was then considered 13 years of age. Jesus then traveled all over the world and came to know every religion and culture by the age of 30. This particular part of Jesus' life is not described in the Bible. In fact, Jesus preached about karma and reincarnation. How anyone can break free from the cycle of rebirths in this world and he showed how one can be resurrected alive after death without a physical body. People back then didn't think that was possible and so they adopted him as a god. But the point is that if there is karma and everyone reincarnates here according to the karma of their previous and incarnations then that means that we do not choose our incarnations here as we are told. Dolores Cannon says in her other books that starseeds or most of them have no karma here. It seems that the concept of karma is false. But the Essenes didn't know it and those Guardians who prepared for Jesus coming also didn't explain karma and that Jesus was a soul in the last levels of his reincarnations. He as a starseed had no karma. So if these Guardians were from the federation and wanted to show people karma and its implications there was actually more confusion. Jesus kind of showed that religion is wrong too but he became the cause of a new religion. Not all people are ready for this knowledge and wisdom. So there is no karma here for ETs starseeds. Who else is there karma for? Those who believe in karma will have karma and will continue to incarnate here. That's the point in the Jesus appearance.
In fact, the result today is that many Christians believe they will still be alive on this Earth again (reincarnation). The idea was to suggest that karma is real, and the Federation has achieved its goal.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-19 07:14:30)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


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