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#26 2024-03-21 16:13:35


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

The Essenes were...

There are many assumptions and misconceptions about Christ, but all of them (for Christians) go through the woods for one simple reason: it is the Incarnation of God (into a man) The One through Whom everything began to be, it is precisely this that makes it possible to approach Him as much as it would be impossible without His Incarnation.
Just as it is impossible for a starship to arrive at a point in space-time whose coordinates are unknown, so it is impossible for a soul to approach Someone it does not know. Because the approach of the soul is carried out through the development of an inner attitude or inner likeness to the One to Whom it aspires.
[spoiler]Около Христа существует множество предположений и кривотолков, но все они (для христиан) идут лесом по одной простой причине: именно Боговоплощение (в человека) Того, чрез Кого все начало быть, именно оно дает возможность приблизится к Нему настолько, насколько это было бы невозможным без Его Боговоплощения.
Как невозможно звездолету прибыть в ту точку пространства-времени, координаты которой неизвестны, так невозможно приблизится душе к Тому, кого она не знает. Потому что приближение души осуществляется через выработку внутреннего настроя или внутреннего уподобления Тому, к Кому она стремиться.[/spoiler]

In fact, the result today is that many Christians believe they will still be alive on this Earth again (reincarnation).

We strive for Christ and His Kingdom of Heaven (primarily the inner one, because the inner ultimately determines the outer), and not to be constantly on Earth.
[spoiler]Мы стремимся к Христу и Его Царству Небесному (прежде всего внутреннему, потому что внутреннее в итоге определяет внешнее), а не к тому, чтоб постоянно находиться на Земле.[/spoiler]

The idea was to suggest that karma is real, and the Federation has achieved its goal.

The possibility of what is called "forgiveness of sins" negates karma by itself. Therefore, the doctrine of karma is completely alien to Christianity. Another thing is that a person does not want, for some personal internal reasons, to give up what he is used to. Sometimes it is enough not to give up the inner soil on which sin grows and lives. That is, for some internal diseases, their original cause is not always clear to a person.
[spoiler]Возможность того, что называется "прощение грехов", сама по себе отрицает карму. Поэтому учение о карме совершенно чуждо христианству. Другое дело, что человек не хочет в силу каких-то личных внутренних причин отказаться от того, к чему он привык. Иногда для этого достаточно не отказываться от внутренней почвы, на которой грех растёт и здравствует. Т.е., для иных внутренних болезней для человека не всегда ясна их исконная причина.[/spoiler]

Last edited by Kirion (2024-03-21 16:17:06)


#27 2024-03-21 18:48:48


Re: Why earse christianity

Jesus said we are all divine and have such abilities. When we go to Source we will understand. But first we have to leave this matrix.

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#28 2024-03-21 23:54:32


Re: Why earse christianity

Jesus was a Christ, not the Christ. Quetzycotl was a christ, buddha was a christ, Osiris was a christ, Hermes was a Christ. Krishna was a christ. Samael an weor was a christ. Heck the entire book of revelation is about raising the holy fiery serpent of kundalini through the 7 churches, elsewise known as the 7 chakras. There is no escaping your karma, only understanding it and working through it. Additionally, holy books are meant to be understood intuitively, not intellectually. If you're truly interested in understanding and not just believing then I humbly suggest studying the gnostic teachings that have resurfaced just in time for the Aquarian age. That is no accident. Neither is the fact that Mari's spiritual guidance mirrors them.

"The self-confidence of the warrior is not like the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of others and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eys and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity." - Don Juan Matus


#29 2024-03-22 13:01:26


Re: Why earse christianity

In order to delve into the subtleties of various ideologies and teachings, it is necessary to first seriously understand the definitions. My goal was simply to take away from Christianity the superficial from the Cabal and some of the possible misunderstandings about the spiritual path that Christianity offers as part of its teaching of the liberation of the human spirit. Liberation from what prevents you from approaching inwardly to the One through Whom everything began to be.
[spoiler]Чтоб углубляться в тонкости различных идеологий и учений, необходимо для начала серьезно разобраться с определениями. Своей целью моя видел просто отвести от христианства наносное от Cabal и некоторые из возможных недоразумений о том духовном пути, которое христианство предлагает в рамках своего учения освобождения человеческого духа. Освобождения от того, что мешает внутренне приблизиться к Тому, через Которого все начало быть.[/spoiler]

Brahman wrote:

Jesus said we are all divine and have such abilities. When we go to Source we will understand. But first we have to leave this matrix.

Potential possession still does not mean possession of the revealed/ grown-up. For example, having a priceless seed of beautiful flowers does not mean having these flowers in the garden of your heart in a developed, grown-up form. For which you need to at least not trample on them. And in the end, you can just throw the seeds into a dark corner and forget about them. Even in this case, no one can say that they do not exist, at least formally - in the form of seeds.
The matrix can and should be used for spiritual growth, but this does not mean that it can be allowed to turn into a matrix to satisfy the whims of regressive reptilians (for example). And even more so - in a demonic game.
[spoiler]Потенциальное обладание таки еще не означает обладание раскрытым/ выросшим. Например, обладание безсценным семенем прекрасных цветов не означает обладания этими цветами в саду своего сердца в развитом, выросшем виде. Для чего по ним нужно хотя бы не топтаться. И в конце-концов, семена можно просто закинуть в темный угол и забыть про них. Даже в этом случае никто не сможет сказать, что их нет хотя бы формально - в виде семян.
Матрицу можно и нужно использовать для духовного роста, но это не значит, что ей можно позволить превратиться в матрицу удовлетворения  прихотей регресивных рептилоидов (например). И тем более - в бесовское игрище.[/spoiler]

MayTag wrote:

There is no escaping your karma, only understanding it and working through it.

Nevertheless, in Christianity it is believed that this requires help from above. This is if we consider karma as a change/distortion of the soul. Because to bring a mangled vessel to its original state (in which it was before the bullying / wounds), in _perfection_, is available only to the One Who created it initially. It falls to our lot not to see the consequences of our personal choice, which led to such a distortion of the soul and the rejection of such a choice, looking at its consequences: "Did you get burned? - here is an ointment that will help to cope with the burn. Be careful with fire from now on." So the burn will heal (if the ointment is both accepted and used) and the person will continue to be more attentive and careful. The growth of self-mindfulness leads to an increase in inner sensitivity to everything. This means that a person will understand himself and others better and treat circumstances more soberly.
[spoiler]Тем не менее, в христианстве считается, что для этого необходима помощь свыше. Это если рассматривать карму как изменение/ искажение души. Потому что привести искореженный сосуд к первоначальному состоянию (в котором он был до издевательств/ ран), в _совершенстве_ доступно только Тому, Кто создал его изначально. На нашу долю выпадает нежелание видеть последствия своего личного выбора, приведшего к таковому искажению души и отказ от такового выбора, глядя на его последствия: "Ты обжегся? - вот мазь, что поможет справиться с ожогом. Впредь будь с огнем осторожнее". Так что и ожог исцелиться (если мазь и принята и использована) и человек будет впредь внимательнее и осторожнее. Рост внимательности к себе приводит к росту внутренней чуткости ко всему. А значит человек будет лучше понимать себя, окружающих и трезвее относится к обстоятельствам.[/spoiler]

The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness.

Yes, but we ultimately leave this guiding court of conscience (which is also necessary for spiritual development) to the fullness of Judgment from Above. Because our court cannot claim perfection, because we are in a state of development.
[spoiler]Да, но мы этот руководствующий суд совести (который также необходим для духовного развития) в конечном счете оставляем на полноту Суда Свыше. Потому что наш суд не может претендовать на совершенство, ибо мы в состоянии развития.[/spoiler]

Last edited by Kirion (2024-03-22 13:10:09)


#30 2024-03-23 20:17:59


Re: Why earse christianity

John 15:17 - 16:2
The world hates us because we are not of this world. big_smile

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#31 2024-03-24 01:17:12


Re: Why earse christianity

If "earse" means erase, then that's not that much different from the whole 'cancel-culture' thing (where we just silence that which we think should not exist).

To me, religion is important. Some people around me have said that "religions start wars" i.e "if we get rid of religion, there would be peace on earth".
I think most of the people in this forum are aware that we project our own "demons" unto the exterior world, and so these demons eventually start to become real in the exterior world. Which is the same as saying that if religion has become a mechanism of control and oppression, then this has originated in human character flaws and not in "religion" as a cultural construct.

Example: the first thing I get on a DDG search on "definition of religion" I get this: "The belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe." (source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition)

Now we go to the definition of "supernatural": Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.
Now we go to the definition of "natural" : Present in or produced by nature.

It doesn't say that "religion" is a "dogmatic and tyrannical structure of control" (which is how you apparently define it) simply because religion by itself is not the same as a hierarchical and/or patriarchal structure created around it in order to control people. There are many religious communities around the world where people do not "automatically default" to tyranny over one another. There are many Christians for whom Christianity is merely a set of ethical / moral / spiritual guidelines. And there are also many Christians who actually feel like their life and the life of their loved ones would be much worse off without their credo.

To me (as a pagan) Christianity is very important and continues to be. Somebody above said that we "need a higher power" in order to transcend our karma (in other words, programmed ways of thinking and behaving). You can call this "higher power" anything you want - according to Paul Selig this is called the "Upper Room" and it actually lives within you (just like Christ said that we are Gods). The point is that we cannot rely (just) on our own thinking because our thinking is unbalanced / affected by karma / and actually affects us negatively.

Personally, whenever somebody says "religion X is shit and we need to get rid of it" it makes me feel uncomfortable, because it reminds me too much of our modern (totalitarian) tendency to cancel anything we don't like. And secondly, whenever we say something like that, it means we don't understand that any structure of belief is made up of PEOPLE (individuals) and these individuals are all going to have a vastly different experience of what it means to them. Basically, we are creative entities.

Christianity has done a lot of damage, but so have our governments and educational institutions - to the point where "Believe the Science" has almost become a religion in and of itself. Along the same lines, there are a lot of rotten apples in some ideological factions. This doesn't mean that the entire cultural group or reality itself is of no value. If it were, then we need to just start canceling every single cultural phenomenon, one by one, until we have nothing left.


#32 2024-03-24 06:34:14


Re: Why earse christianity

In the book " They walked with Jesus" Dolores Cannon talks to Jesus' niece, Naomi, who says she disguised herself as a man to follow him and Jesus called her Nathanael.
It was the women disciples of Jesus who were removed from the Bible. She also remained true to his words and did not go about making a religion out of his teachings as the male disciples did later, in Naomi's words.
However, the Bible version is slightly different.
Here it says that Philip tells Nathanael about Jesus.
John 1:43-51

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-24 07:00:34)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#33 2024-03-24 17:38:53


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

John 15:17 - 16:2
The world hates us because we are not of this world. big_smile

In the Church Slavonic translation from ancient Greek, this has a slightly different meaning, implying a different inner attitude than was generally accepted in the Roman Empire at that time.

In the book " They walked with Jesus" Dolores Cannon talks to Jesus' piece, Naomi, who says she disguised herself as a man to follow him and Jesus called her Nathanael.

For me, these are the author's fantasies of Dolores Cannon. I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks that she personally walked by her side in her previous incarnation.

Grassblade wrote:

Christianity has done a lot of damage

Still, it is necessary to specify what is being blamed on Christianity (not the Vatican, for example). And it is better in the sphere of inner spiritual ascent to the One through Whom everything began to be, what began to be.
[spoiler]Все ж надо конкретизировать, что ставится в вину именно христианству (а не Ватикану, например). И лучше в сфере внутренного духовного восхождения к Тому, чрез Которого все начало быть, что начало быть.[/spoiler]


#34 2024-03-24 18:42:39


Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion, this does not apply to you.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-24 18:43:08)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#35 2024-03-24 18:52:12


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

Kirion, this does not apply to you.

Then how: for everyone except me or for someone special? smile


#36 2024-03-24 18:55:59


Re: Why earse christianity

Kirion wrote:
Brahman wrote:

Kirion, this does not apply to you.

Then how: for everyone except me or for someone special? smile

For the GF it is. Lol

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#37 2024-03-24 19:25:28


Re: Why earse christianity

Brahman wrote:

For the GF it is. Lol

Oh, well, okay then. smile


#38 2024-04-10 18:21:50


Re: Why earse christianity

The cabal are trying to make the apocalypse come true by pitting Jews against Muslims. Yes, however, there is no apocalypse. There is a federation that invents false religions. They think themselves gods. Because they can't tell people there are no gods. There is a Source and it is consciousness. And that is all. It would be terrible for them to realize that there is nothing in it, it's illusion. Because the federation would disappear from everyone's consciousness and the matrix too. So no more stupid experiments.

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#39 2024-04-11 06:56:04


Re: Why earse christianity

Religion is useful for less experienced souls. It give them structure, purpose, ethics, rules and ways to meet with their dark side. They need something(someone) to fallow, someone to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Someone to check on them. It there is no religion this void, lack of purpose and lack of way will be filled with something else probably more destructive and regressive.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-04-11 06:56:55)


#40 2024-04-12 08:34:02


Re: Why earse christianity

We know that Christianity has wiped out much of the old religions that they call pagan. But it was Rome, in creating Christianity, that used many of the old gods who gave their characteristics to Christian saints. Many holidays on the Christian calendar coincide with feasts of Roman deities. So in the time of Constantine who mixed the two religions the feast of Sol Invictus, the invincible sun was used as the birth of Jesus. Some other examples from Egypt,Babylon's gods. … ic-saints/

There are two saints of great fame that the Catholic Church thinks did not exist and even removed one from the calendar.. St. Margaret of Antioch was removed from the calendar in 1969 by the pope. She is very famous for defeating a dragon and demons.The other is St. Catherine of Alexandria who was a very clever woman. Some believe her prototype was Hypatia of Alexandria who could heal in addition to her other abilities. She was killed by the Christian authorities.

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#41 2024-04-16 15:44:05


Re: Why earse christianity

The Pagan Origins of Christ and Christianity (PDF) … N2R0mxPdvW

Pagan origin of christianity and the cabal cult of the Black Sun.

This has to do with the war of the main false religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam who stole from Paganism along with the Roman Empire and presented it as their own religion. Now they have to destroy each other because they destroyed the true religion of the Druids and humans before the cabal came.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-04-16 15:44:48)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#42 2024-04-16 17:17:31


Re: Why earse christianity

There is a BIG difference between Christ-ianity (those who practice the ORIGINAL teachings of Jesus of "love one another") and Church-ianity ("religious" organizations/cults designed to CONTROL, such as the ROMAN church -- )! The ROMAN church has murdered millions of the TRUE disciples of Jesus (the Logos) throughout history AND millions of Jews ( ), and history IS NOT WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT IT IS!!!! It is something FAR DIFFERENCT! -- Alan deWalton - ( … erran.html )


#43 2024-04-17 07:25:09


Re: Why earse christianity

Now comes the end of the cabal and their false religions. This is the apocalypse.

The Irish Origins Of Civilization, Vol I And Vol II … ali3qqt0p8

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


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