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#1 2024-01-21 00:56:12


Reaching out to the OverSoul

Hello everyone. I guess it's just time for me to go off on you again.  I don't know what makes me come on here to vent except to say I am suffering from extreme "targeting" (something I dont like to talk about because it makes it more of a reality) I've tried ignoring this and its only gotten worse. I am saddened because its taken a toll on me ~ destroying the being I am inside and I have nowhere to turn) so truly I'm sorry because once again..... I insist ~ it's NOT representative of the "real me" who lives inside. I feel awful presenting "problems" because I normally would never consider myself as one who requires "outside help" but I probably DO NEED outside help (still) because this life deteriorating problem is being caused by outside means ~ something that in part, is out of my control.

I'm only writing here again because I have no other outlet or person to even talk to so maybe this will somehow get a message across to the proper place ~ ideally the "OverSoul" although I'm aware that is still just "me"

I just hope that the message will eventually get to someone who can help in a more direct, physical way or perhaps this is my way of "expanding" ~ "creating" assistance for myself in a more "multidimensional" manner because the problems I endure are "multidimensional" and not something "treatable" through human sciences or therapy etc.

I have of course made mistakes according to the perception of others who may not have been forced to live the existence I have therefore judgement from afar is easier but to disconnect my spirit / soul from my body in the ways that they have occurred right now while pressing harder and harder when we already live on a planet not as friendly for life when compared to others is just down right cruel and evil.

We need to be loved back to health ~ not tortured as you feel that somehow makes us grow? I can hardly function properly anymore and am tortured because the consciousness I have does NOT match the body I'm in yet the body is still being broken down due to the targeting and I have no relief from the constant anxiety and depression being artificially pumped in day and night!

I am NOT "evil" or "not evolving" ..... I am broken! Crushed in every way! I've endured WAY TOO MUCH and yet no opportunity for growth in any direction because of the constant low frequency both self induced but more so artificial! I was taught wrong from the beginning but shouldn't be forced in a never-ending nightmare that does not represent my "real" person inside. Forced to be in a body, forced to exist in someone else's world hoping to "help them" when they have NO CLUE what's happening yet we are being SEVERELY DAMAGED ~

I've endured way too much outside of my normal personal frequency and it's toll no longer allows me to come back up for air because physically, emotionally, psychologically, I am wrecked! Consciously ~ of course I realize I could do more or differently however, physically I am being forced against my will to continue the loops of merely existing because of the lack of support or opportunity to do anything fulfilling to the Soul which honestly, at this point ~ my soul just wants to go home!

Then again, the years and years of targeting that includes pumping into my head "I want to go Home ~ I want to go Home" hasn't helped because I no longer know which part is artificial vs truth although I do believe my deepest ideas of the fact that I DO want to go "Home" which never stops so was that a targeting that took or my personal truth? Who knows at this point but rest assured ~ NO ONE SHOULD EVER EVER EVER HAVE TO EXPERIENCE AS MUCH TRAUMA AS IVE ENDURED! THIS SHOULD BE GALACTICALLY ILLEGAL!

This is NOT life! This is NOT School or lessons or even an experience!!! This is torture!!!! And for anyone to say we don't suffer as much as "they" would like everyone to believe is just cruel and more gas lighting! It's not my "thinking" causing the personal torture. It's the artificially induced thoughts/emotions being placed into me and my personal field which never ever stops causing me to suffer ~ a true spiritual war that I'm losing as others watch while the torture continues at my expense for their enjoyment? Hum. Who's the regressive one here???

I am suffering extreme multidimensional trauma and I can't alleviate this while being forced to continue in an environment that is causing the problems. I'm in pain emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically, mentally and I simply want to go home. Call that not evolving all you want to but I call it loving myself enough to want the misery to stop.

At this point I seek for someone, the oversoul or even a person, to please recognize the major problems going on which are forcing artificial suffering to occur in ways that are beyond comprehension for me to try and explain where you can understand the severity, including the never ending yet extremely unnatural depressive weight with artificial loops of negative feedback I'd normally NEVER entertain.

I ask for me in the higher realms to please see the severity of what is happening here and conclude rather or not this amount of torture is truly "desired" by ANYONE much less to yourself who is the one experiencing it although I'm the one crying day and night. Only you will comprehend what I've gone through and not "judge" me as if I literally deserve any of this. Please hear my personal words and recognize that I am you and I need help! YOU need help! Real tangible help. I don't want to suicide myself but what more is there to do because this is certainly not what Source wants for itself!

No one should ever have to go through the amount if torture and pain as I have and for nothing! This is sick and I'm so overly traumatized by having NO ONE to comprehend the fact that we are being attacked! Targeted as its called!

You know this is NOT me! Which is why I ask for the higher realms to hear my words. If there's anyone who has a heart ~ please help! This is also NOT ME personally creating this nightmare of negative thoughts with emotions leading to Hell for existence ~ I insist, it is me suffering due to someone else's mental illness (not that I'm innocent) but it's at the expense of my own personal soul! And it's not just "me" ~ others are suffering from the same condition but I can only speak from my personal experience. Maybe y'all don't comprehend it but I'm telling you straight up ~ SOMETHING IS WRONG AND CAUSING MASSIVE MASSIVE DESTRUCTION TO MY ENTIRE EVERYTHING ARTIFICIALLY AND I CAN'T MAKE IT STOP!

I've been targeted for my entire life but the severity of damage being done now is WAY over the line for what anyone would dare put themselves through and to then become targeted militarily through use of technology forcing me to cry and cry and cry every day, uncontrollably with the added nonstop mental loop of "I want to go home!" or "Help!" constantly playing in the background has simply become inhumane!

Enough Is enough! Please help us.
Yes as a civilization ~ we need help but please someone in the universe hear my words ~ the evil nature of what's happening is not worth a good hearted soul to have to endure as much trauma as I've personally experienced . Please no more.

The anxiety never stops. My throat is pumped with pain nonstop like you feel when you cry from the heart but it gets stuck in your throat. I have that pain all day every day! There's no relief. Yet here's the added bonus: the only way to get my crying to stop is for me to smoke weed! I DON'T WANT TO SMOKE WEED! Yet the crying from soul level is so extremely devastating that I simply seek relief even if only for the moment ~ How can anyone evolve past this type of nightmare when it's the whole entire essence of me being harmed and yes, I've been disconnected in some way from myself. It's hard to explain what I mean about that one but I'm literally disconnected from my body where I don't have my normal thought patterns or personal consciousness willing to fight as I normally would although I'm still here (if that even makes sense)

Yes you get more of what you focus on but this is inhumane! It never let's up!
I want out! Call me evil if you want but I see it as loving myself enough to know when someone is hurting me and unfortunately ~ it's this world that is hurting me right now the most! Which is supposed to be a reflection of my interior but my interior is loving, cheerful, happy, encouraging, positive, creative etc while my physicality is the one being dismantled in an unethical way causing my world to represent everything I am not!

I want out of this experience in order to go back to myself! And yes we are each supposedly where we belong at all times but even that is not true because I came down to where I don't belong hoping to help. This is so very sad for me because I literally have no one to understand where I am coming from.  No one!

And You know Exactly what I'm talking about when I say I have no one to comprehend the PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE YOU HAVE SUBJECTED ME TO PERSONALLY!!!!

Then there's that one day every 3 months I used to feel where I suddenly felt normal ~ I would think wow! It's me! Ok, I can do this or that and I would suddenly feel amazing, even remembering what I was doing and why I was here.... felt like me! But of course, bam! That totally leaves after the next day and it's back to this nonstop pressure I can't get away from. Ever!

Sometimes ~ there ARE victims and they do need help! Even if appearing in be self enduced from your perspective, I assure you ~ all is NOT what it seems. We need help!

You know something else, whatever happened around 2017 (give or take a year) that's when all of this began. I felt my mind etc as if it rewired only negatively. I'm no longer the real me I know I truly am inside. It's forced me to think and therefore act in everyway except the true nature of my personal self. This whole life has been a representation of everything I am not and I've been ok ~ able to manage up until these past years when it's just been way way way too much! WAY TOO MUCH!

It's so very sad as I am being silently harmed (physically) and have nowhere to turn but to "God" yet there's still no relief. The thoughts and emotions etc are being artificially pumped into me along with the physical damage and I just truly seek relief ~ I beg for mercy ~ I cry out for home!

No we don't understand your mind games and it's childish to think we would. But mindgames for fun fun as an immersion game or whatever Is one thing however, this has become physical, psychological, emotional damage to the point of soul destruction.

I could go on because I am so very broken but what's the point if noone else cares (again, who's the regressive???). Please ~ if there is an oversoul ~ please recognize and end this or someone in the universe ~ unplug me from the immersion if I'm in one. I can't take anymore! I don't want anymore!

And to the other "me's" ~ all I can still say is that I am so very sorry. I would like to think that you understand and hope that you do but I am just way way way too hurt now. I do try but I'm simply weak and I don't have any strength for holding on. No one should EVER have to suffer this much for this long! Ever!

I am grateful for your assistance and your being there and all the helpful things you have dedicated your life towards in helping all of us. But I do still question the validity behind your "identity" only because the "real me" in ANY other realm would have already recognized the situation this "me" is in and would have already provided a more hands on, direct assistance for this "me" so I have my concerns regarding your position and what side your really on. I'm just being honest there. But I do still extend my gratitude for you helping in the ways you have. How does one ever repay such a generous gift? How do I ever express how much appreciation I have to you for all you've done? I can only use the words "Thank you" but once again, hope to pack it with sincere gratitude where you comprehend how deep I mean it. Its only because of you that I'm not yet giving up ~ although parts of me already have. I'm simply seeking help from beyond that of your incarnation because supernatural help is needed due to the severity of damage that's been applied to my personal being as it most certainly has been attacked for way too long and I think you have to recognize that as you know I'm being harmed by methods hidden from the public and it's simply taken its toll. I love you and all of you included. I'm just so sorry I couldn't pull through. The crying never stops and it's just too much.

It's not me Not evolving. I've been attacked! , dismantled and I simply need tangible help if I'm to return to my normal self which yes comes from within but that is NOT what's happening here. I insist,Technology is being used to harm us and personally, I believe it's being done moreso in order to get to YOU!  I sure hope I'm wrong with that but I sorta think you already know what I'm talking about regarding that one so I'll just leave it there.

And last ~ I also realize we make our own reality and all of this is simply one big illusion in my own head however, that's the proper perspective when viewing from your angle. When viewing from the angle of this perspective and regardless if factually true or not, my "belief" (which creates my reality) is that I've been targeted, attacked, harmed, disconnected and I need real tangible physical help from one real soul ~ the oversoul that is because the nature of my problems (caused by misunderstanding of what realm I live in) has led to destruction in ways never anticipated and certainly not "humane" for a person, a light being, an alien or an "ET" to ever have to endure .

I know I view things differently from that perspective. But I'm also with the idea that "memory" (probably subconscious or unconscious) is causing me to re-live this scenario because I'm confused about why we are here again and rather or not my "memories" are that of the past life or maybe memories of the pre-birth plan I hold and am now living through so instead of changing the ending this time ~ it's like I'm subconsciously desiring the same ending due to the amount of torture I've endured this round. Does that make sense? Probably to just 1 of you. Ugh.

We need help. That is all I can say about that and I mean real supernatural help to assist those of us who are being SEVERELY attacked ~ damaged in every way. Enough is enough. PS: lessons learned! I will NOT be "physical" ever again!

Of course then theres the whole "ascending of consciousness thing" in which we are supposed to be moving up ~ evolving ~ not seeking destruction so you KNOW its artificial when that's the constant message Im continually writing about. 

I hope someone out there realizes what is happening here and will please be open hearted enough to realize that "Evil" is not who I am! It's not who any of us are that are being tortured in this way ~ forced to live within frequency ranges foreign to our essence but then now growing into our molecular core due to the changes being artificially pumped within our field. 

No amount of refocusing attention to try and "be happy" works ~ how do we ever ever come back from this ? Surely there is someone who can help which is why, once again, I write but rest assured ~ I feel uncomfortable having to do so because I'm also aware of "us creating our own reality " and "no saviors" etc but I'm not seeking a "savior"  I'm seeking help for damage that has and is being done to us by beings who should have never had this type of technology illegally handed over to them for the exact reason of Why! They've used it against us and now we ~ our Soul ~ is the one being damaged although we ~ the citizens want nothing to do with and are not even the ones participating in this low vibration war however we are the ones most harmed while others who desire the childish games are off Scott free?... living "happily ever after?" Does that make any sense to you? We're not talking about toy guns here. We're talking about the evolution of a Soul! One who desires NOTHING of war games so why are being forced to suffer such as this.

Like I said ~ I could go on forever but won't. I simply seek help for all of us on the receiving end of technological harm because I for one, me as the Source I am can integrate and accept all of it as "part of me" but I no longer want to live in an environment where these things are taking place.  No one deserves this amount of torture! Noone! And sometimes ~ It's MORALLY CORRECT TO HELP WHEN YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO SO ~ Keeping aside all of the nonexistent politics of prime directives etc b/c I DO NOT AGREE TO ANY OF IT!

I agree only to the uplifting, the saving, the restoration for our collective and my personal soul, my human spirit, my God self consciousness that is currently being harmed through illegal acts of war. Something I want NOTHING TO DO WITH!

I do NOT CONSENT to the torture being done to the "being" inhabiting this human vessel. This "human" has done NOTHING TO YOU! I suffer enough Yet the lifelong attacks followed by these years of technological torture at my expense have grown beyond "evil" in your desire to turn me into the same ~ evil! I AM NOT the darkness as you continue to press me into. I AM the light ~ "THE LIGHT" ...... AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!

Stop using me as your guinea pig! Stop harassing me and attacking me with technology and Astral forces. I am NEUTRAL in your black/white game of Hell! I am wanting NOTHING of your games and seek the OverSoul to PLEASE STEP IN!!!!!

How do y'all NOT "see" what is happening here? I'm talking to the so called positive races .... How do you sleep at night knowing we are literally being dismantled and controlled by technology forcing us to act as everything WE ARE NOT and then simply call it "free will"

At what point do any of you show correct morals or ethics and say yes to assistance for YOURSELF! Remember ~ We are all one???? What happened to your remembering there?

I don't mean this disrespectfully ~ I simply mean this in that I AM HERE ~ VERY "AWARE" OF WHAT'S HAPPENING AND YET AM ABLE TO DO NOTHING !!!!

DOESN'T THAT SEEM A LITTLE STRANGE TO YOU!! Why am I with all the info one could ever need but I'm silent? Asking for outside help? Doesn't that seem a bit odd for ANY of you? HELLO!

Honestly, I don't even know why I'm writing. I don't think anyone "out there" cares or is recognizing the severity of what is happening but I'm literally to the point of desperation here and seeking assistance from anyone who has a heart and can recognize a good soul or can simply remember "who" I am and ask yourself ~ am I worth nothing to you? Are ANY of us here, us Souls who are you, are we all simply discardable in your mind and worth nothing for you to simply watch as we're being dismantled, tortured and damaged in every way? Once again, I ask, who's the regressive one?

I don't know anything of my past or future in the ways you might know but I know this: I do NOT deserve this type of torture! No one should ever have to experience this amount of severe SEVERE TORTURE! Wake Up so called "higher realms!" Which is more important? Fake directives or assistance for your own kind who is being tormented through outside forces!?

Once again, I really don't like to be on here complaining and appearing negative but unfortunately, that's the truth for the condition I'm in at this time. Enough is enough, for the love of God..... OverSoul ~ Please step in .



#2 2024-01-21 05:49:20


Re: Reaching out to the OverSoul

I understand what you describe, I usually live at that frequency, and when I do I try to become conscious to observe and discover more things, but it makes it even worse, much worse, the feeling is like the feeling a cow would have if it suddenly discovered that it was the meat industry. It is the greatest trauma my soul has ever had. I am not naive, I realize many things that these aliens do to us, (all of them, including cats and Pleiadians) I am having a bad time just like you, I have collapsed on the floor, convulsing with a panic attack, and other times (almost all these last days) I have been filled with immeasurable hatred and anger, I have hurt my fingers by biting them when this happens, last month I had facial paralysis watching images from Gaza, and like you I also resort to smoking weed to give myself a few hours of peace.

Now at this moment in this afternoon my mind is calm, because today I have dedicated a few hours to the work that I entrusted to myself, I built a goal, to take care of a hill with the last native forest in the city where I live.

I don't have the solution to the whole scenario so I don't have a definitive answer for us, but I have a theory, I have observed that there are universal laws that affect all dimensions, the universe is fractal, if you look carefully you will find that in each part there is a copy of the whole,

So if we attack the problem from that logic, maybe we will find an end.

The cow can do nothing to stop the meat industry, we can.
The forest can do nothing to protect itself from real estate companies, we can.

If we hit the ether hard enough I have a theory that the aliens should begin to empower and regain control of their corrupt organizations and with that they could really help us, (because for now they leave a lot to be desired)
That is my hope, I hope it helps you, it is not much and seeing the present of our planet it is not enough. but it's the only thing I can think of.

ps: many times I have wanted to insult aliens for what they do, but I think they have the ability to escape from what bothers them very easily,
In my place, if a cow wanted to bitch at me, I would listen to her with complete acceptance, because we are not doing enough for them and in turn the aliens are not doing enough for us, but that is how little we are making progress.
That is why I so admire those who are really fighting with all their spirit and body, I admire those who fight against the system and I deny those who only came to enjoy,

That is an important point, because I think there is a lot of lying and intentional deviation when they urge us to be at peace with everything and just vibrate loudly and escape, that doesn't help at all. Many teachings to be healthy make no sense for warriors, my intuition tells me, stay away from yoga and go fight, fighting soothes my soul.

I hope you can find a way to comfort your soul.

Last edited by Mizar (2024-01-21 05:59:53)

léelo con la voz del caballero ikki


#3 2024-01-21 22:28:39


Re: Reaching out to the OverSoul

The ones trying to escape cannot vibrate very high (isn't fear concealed as a claim for freedom...) . Here clearly isn't the place for fighters. They are seen in a suspicious light as imposing an agenda of misery and sacrifice with their "savior complex"... Out of a hate for any kind of compromise. In itself, its considered wrong even for a cause. So there's nothing to fight for in this mindset... Only with empty words.


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