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#1 2024-02-05 23:57:53


Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"


Well, I've been "thinking" again.  HA! Ok, the truth is, I never stop, regardless of how determined I am to do so ~hee hee~...but I digress.

This is just another angle of the many that my mind may entertain, not that any one answer is "the correct one" but this time, I've gone WAY out of the box, possibly even way out there for a stream of thought therefore, I'm reeling it back in and now I have a question that goes quite deep, so bare with me. This might make no sense at first glance so I'll explain after making the statement or question of this: Are we "dead?" Like all of us, are we "dead" and simply seeking "re-birth" (so to speak) into the "Real World?"

Now this could be looked at in regards to those using "immersion" to "play the game" where you basically "die" in order to "Be born" here, in the "Earth matrix" until you then "die" from this incarnation and become "born again" when you wake up from the game in your immersion pod. OR ~ this could also be questioned as I will describe below.

I've often pondered this thought when I learned that "birth certificates" are somehow traded on the stock market? That's with a "?" because I haven't fully researched into all of that but heard somewhere along the line that the birth certificates actually represent us as "dead" (I'm sure some of you know far more about that topic) but as I've attempted to figure out what in the world is going on and why is it that I feel like I'm being forced to "Be" everything I AM NOT while also having to "fight" darkness etc in hopes to have a day where I can simply function, setting aside the idea of true happiness or joy since it feels unreachable here although I'm told even that is an illusion.

Problem is ~ that feels as a realistic interpretation because I don't believe there is access for that true happiness or joy I'm desiring as if we are all forced into some frequency ranges which don't allow for REAL feelings such as this; forcing "masks" to be worn that give an appearance of happy or love or whatever but the true, deep core level of what that actually means is like capped off. Sorta like we can't actually reach the REAL feeling of REAL happiness and joy but can simply "pretend" we are happy etc

Then I read the remarks from Yazhi found in the transcript titled: "What happens after Death? Why is there no Material World? Yazhi Swaruu talks about "Higher Planes"

She says the following:

"Many people when they die suddenly do not yet realize that they are dead. Which causes their mind-consciousness to continue manifesting or translating a copy or carbon copy of the material world, manifesting those ideas that compose it as another mirror world similar to the material one that remains more firm or more difficult to alter with thought because of its low vibrational nature, dense and doughy, although in the end it is the same.

That is to say, the dead person with attachments to the material world will create an alternate world very similar, and in some cases identical, to the real-material world he inhabited in life.

This happens on the principle that the higher the density, the greater the speed and ease of manifesting thoughts and making them perceptibly real or - seemingly - outside our minds.

It scales from the doughy material world as lived in a so-called 3D body on Earth as a means of slow manifestation, to the immediate, as in the very high densities where what you think is simply reality."

Now, I have no way for any of you to comprehend what my mind has had to go through these past years and can only hope I really have just lost it. HA! But all kidding aside, there is something that is just wrong. Something is totally off or wrong or different or messed up or whatever you want to call it which is making it extremely difficult for me to comprehend, much less attempt to describe where it makes sense so bare with me as I attempt.

It's like there's some added layer for lack of a better term.  An added layer to the body making it much more difficult to move, function, or do anything really. And this layer forces me to have unnatural thoughts with emotions that DO NOT REPRESENT ME! It's like some thick layer of unknown substance has been coated all over and is forcing everything to be WAY WAY WAY more thick or heavy and it's toll is extremely even more limiting because of the lack of ability to move.

I do NOT relate this to "getting older" although I'm sure age could come into play eventually.  It's more than that yet something I have no way to explain because it's the feelings I have. Feelings as well as the confusion with why nothing works and why have I been somehow forced into this mismatch frequency of existence in which I'm unable to even access the joy, happiness, excitement out of life type of connection to Source which is all I know! This is somehow related to whatever happened around 2017 (give or take a few years) which is when, and I've mentioned on several occasions, something happened that felt as if my mind became rewired and forced me into this ~ the existence of everything I am not.

I'm devastated to be held back, and feel broken as "God" like I'm not "giving enough love and joy to the people" which is the only thing I have that I can do. I have loads and loads of just spirit energy but its like I'm out of place, at least that's how I feel. To be real honest, I hold back on my "light being" because I simply don't want to be raped again!

I'm also saddened because I'm like the only person who is disgusted with all of this internet way of life type of thing.

I'm not someone who can be translated into a digital being online.  You can give the appearance as such but you will never ever ever get me correct because I'm someone who must be "experienced" due to the type of energy I carry which is just the energy of my Soul from behind.  That type of thing can't be translated into a computer, so to speak, because it's a certain energy and something I have no way to portray other than to say, I have to be "experienced" because anything else is simply a limited representation about the surface level thoughts this avatar might be able to express but it never ever gives the whole story ~ including my expressions here in this forum because they only give "thoughts" and "ideas" but nothing will ever capture the "essence" or true energy behind my soul because there's far FAR more to it and words, pictures or even video simply doesn't capture this type of spiritual energy as I'm attempting to portray.

Anyway, back to my question. With what all my REAL SOUL inside has to offer, I feel it's somehow being forced to remain within these limited parameters as if I'm somehow being forced to live in artificial misery (I say artificial because the normal me or thoughts of me are NOT AT ALL negative) but the inability for my body to give up causes friction in me, making me frustrated since I'm unable to simply be free as I'd normally want to be. (Sidenote: I am "working on myself" though,  including "how" to prevent some of this mess so bare with me because I WILL SUCCEED! And Yes ~ I DO "know" who I am! Other things are what's hindered the full expression temporarily.....but I digress ~hee hee~) Like I said, I'm way more than my body and throughly confused about where I'm even at because nothing makes sense and I feel as if I'm stuck in some foreign world where I'm surrounded by only pre-k mentality others hold.

All I know is that this world is NOT the world I come from nor is it an experience that I want to repeat ever! But being in this limited version of a Soul expression is not making sense for me and is causing me to retract more and more while also seeking expansion back into the whole. Expansion through retraction? Is that even a thing.

Yet I think, well, the world I'm experiencing right now certainly appears to be exactly like what is described when Yahzi talks about "people who die suddenly without realizing it which causes their mind-consciousness to continue manifesting or translating a copy or CARBON COPY OF THE MATERIAL WORLD, MANIFESTING THOSE IDEAS THAT COMPOSE IT AS ANOTHER MIRROR WORLD similar to the material one that remains more firm or MORE DIFFICULT TO ALTER WITH THOUGHT because of its LOW VIBRATIONAL NATURE, dense and doughy, although in the end it is the same."

So combining those ideas with the fact that WE ARE "CARBON COPY BEINGS" and then you add on all the stuff we've been jolted into within these past years as a society as well as the many many "Mandela effects" we now see where "reality" isn't the same as we used to think along with people who report "near death experiences" as being "more Real" than this world and I just question rather or not if something actually happened that literally caused us to "die" and we just don't know it because we're all manifesting the world still, only its NOT the "Real World" ~ it's the limited "carbon copy version " and if that's the case ~ then is it "ego" we must transcend aka: the attachments to ideas that make up each one of us. Certainly brings a new perspective about "ego death" HA!

Of course how can we even "get rid of" the ideas that make each one of us if we don't "die" in order to do so? Then again ~ if it's true, and we ARE "dead" already ~ then good lord, how do we "die from death!" Haa! But then again ~ we're told to "work on ourselves" ~ increase our vibration etc etc which to Me means, create a Bigger ego so that just really gets me even more confused! Which is it? Develop a better you or transcend the idea of you??? Ugh!

I know that sounds crazy but dang, at the same time ~ some of that sorta makes sense!

Anyway ~ I just wanted to share and yet propose the question because I'm so confused regarding where I am even at or why I'm being so held back as Source I am who shouldn't be as limited as I am forced to be right now and I don't understand it.

Which is why I ask ~ are WE the "dead?" Or some form of it regardless if "dead" from the "real world" while incarnated on earth through immersion OR does it possibly even get deeper in the question of are we simply "dead" ... "carbon copy beings" and it's our attachments to the ideas we hold that are manifesting a realm similar to the "real world" ~ the one I call home! But not quite the same due to the slow manifestation results.

My main desire is "home" but I want to have the correct focus on how to get there and yes ~ it's inside.. I realize that but I also know we are all sharing some type of existence right now and there are most who just don't have the same desire as Me which is making my life miserable due to the dominant frequency principle. I'm sure all of you can relate to that.

Anyway ~ I just wanted to share that thought stream with you so there you go. I just did. HA!

Okie Dokie ~ Y'all take care ~ You little Cuties!



#2 2024-02-06 02:14:07

Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

Do you astral travel? Maybe learn that and go home or create an alternative.

There was a group back in 2012 called the silver legion who were a bunch of renegades fighting the dark forces in the astral. That seems to be disbanded now. If youre called to it, maybe you can create a new home in the astral while here on Earth?


#3 2024-02-06 03:21:06

Horton HaW

Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

Well first, the birth certificate represents lost supposedly, not dead. Death per se is just a doorway. However, we here have our own lower frequency astral planes. In a sense, we are very surrounded by death. More so now. The astral planes here are pretty crazy. We are in a lower frequency soup. It feels pretty horrible mostly. However, we are each our own realm and have the ability to "remember" and alter this. In other words, remember how to create our world. If enough of us agree to do this and practice this we can create a threshold effect.

This world seems very unreal. That's because it is. So knowing that, is a step in the right direction.
Maybe we need to hang out with dolphins more often. Lol.

Remembering, feeling much better previously, compared to this place can certainly feel like a death or loss. We experience death everday in different ways.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#4 2024-02-06 04:49:29

Joe R

Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

PinkChopper wrote:

Problem is ~ that feels as a realistic interpretation because I don't believe there is access for that true happiness or joy I'm desiring as if we are all forced into some frequency ranges which don't allow for REAL feelings such as this; forcing "masks" to be worn that give an appearance of happy or love or whatever but the true, deep core level of what that actually means is like capped off. Sorta like we can't actually reach the REAL feeling of REAL happiness and joy but can simply "pretend" we are happy etc

I remember back in my youth, when the term “New Age” was new to me, and I found it disgusting because everything became relative in the terms it was described. What I understood as reality back then became too blurred. I even called it “extreme-relativistic world-view”. Later, the realization that everything actually is relative to the observer, to each one of us, slowly dawned on me. But I was unable to embed that understanding into my everyday life, and it wasn’t until much later, when I managed to break off with my career and was able to do some real Soul-searching within – that I could develop the thoughts further. And boy, did they develop!

But it didn’t really fly until I found Cosmic Agency’s videos, with one particular perspective coming through, first phrased by Swaruu of Erra: That it is our ethics which signifies how advanced we are, not the technology we master or have access to. When we expand in our awareness - while still having a physical body and still relate to our surroundings, that is how advancement manifests.

Because ethics is not only about how we choose to behave, but also how we relate to our surroundings, be it in the moment or in some wider context. It’s not about some lofty PhD’s writing inaccessible thoughts, being published and read in journals, and read by a few other similar... ...entities. On the contrary; It’s as personal and near as it can get.

How to say it... ... the term “New Age” becomes absurd, because your “age” is “new” every single moment in your life. And knowing this, you also know that no matter if you are dead or alive, if you find yourself on Earth, on Erra, or in any other forgotten corner in the universe – even in the astral – you cannot be more real than who you are right now. Because your own consciousness and the choices you make with it determine your reality. It shapes your relationship with your surroundings, but most importantly, it shapes your relationship with yourself.

And the choices you make with that knowledge, makes all the difference... ... every single moment in your life. And how do we develop our ethics? Easy: We learn. And that's how we get even more real than we are right now.

The answer to you question? You aren’t dead. You are real.

Or... I say “you”, but it is really “me” in this. Because it is relative, and you have to decide what is valid for you.

But this was inspired by you... ... thank you! smile

Last edited by Joe R (2024-02-06 05:02:39)


#5 2024-02-06 15:06:37


Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

Joe R wrote:
PinkChopper wrote:

Problem is ~ that feels as a realistic interpretation because I don't believe there is access for that true happiness or joy I'm desiring as if we are all forced into some frequency ranges which don't allow for REAL feelings such as this; forcing "masks" to be worn that give an appearance of happy or love or whatever but the true, deep core level of what that actually means is like capped off. Sorta like we can't actually reach the REAL feeling of REAL happiness and joy but can simply "pretend" we are happy etc

I remember back in my youth, when the term “New Age” was new to me, and I found it disgusting because everything became relative in the terms it was described. What I understood as reality back then became too blurred. I even called it “extreme-relativistic world-view”. Later, the realization that everything actually is relative to the observer, to each one of us, slowly dawned on me. But I was unable to embed that understanding into my everyday life, and it wasn’t until much later, when I managed to break off with my career and was able to do some real Soul-searching within – that I could develop the thoughts further. And boy, did they develop!

But it didn’t really fly until I found Cosmic Agency’s videos, with one particular perspective coming through, first phrased by Swaruu of Erra: That it is our ethics which signifies how advanced we are, not the technology we master or have access to. When we expand in our awareness - while still having a physical body and still relate to our surroundings, that is how advancement manifests.

Because ethics is not only about how we choose to behave, but also how we relate to our surroundings, be it in the moment or in some wider context. It’s not about some lofty PhD’s writing inaccessible thoughts, being published and read in journals, and read by a few other similar... ...entities. On the contrary; It’s as personal and near as it can get.

How to say it... ... the term “New Age” becomes absurd, because your “age” is “new” every single moment in your life. And knowing this, you also know that no matter if you are dead or alive, if you find yourself on Earth, on Erra, or in any other forgotten corner in the universe – even in the astral – you cannot be more real than who you are right now. Because your own consciousness and the choices you make with it determine your reality. It shapes your relationship with your surroundings, but most importantly, it shapes your relationship with yourself.

And the choices you make with that knowledge, makes all the difference... ... every single moment in your life. And how do we develop our ethics? Easy: We learn. And that's how we get even more real than we are right now.

The answer to you question? You aren’t dead. You are real.

Or... I say “you”, but it is really “me” in this. Because it is relative, and you have to decide what is valid for you.

But this was inspired by you... ... thank you! smile

That was an AWESOME answer "Joe R" ~ Thank you!


#6 2024-02-06 15:13:22


Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

wandereringsoul wrote:

Do you astral travel? Maybe learn that and go home or create an alternative.

There was a group back in 2012 called the silver legion who were a bunch of renegades fighting the dark forces in the astral. That seems to be disbanded now. If youre called to it, maybe you can create a new home in the astral while here on Earth?

I've not been able to Astral travel ~ no, not yet! Ha!  Thank you for your response.  I''m open to all suggestions or new ideas for consideration.


#7 2024-02-06 15:24:36


Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

Horton HaW wrote:

Well first, the birth certificate represents lost supposedly, not dead. Death per se is just a doorway. However, we here have our own lower frequency astral planes. In a sense, we are very surrounded by death. More so now. The astral planes here are pretty crazy. We are in a lower frequency soup. It feels pretty horrible mostly. However, we are each our own realm and have the ability to "remember" and alter this. In other words, remember how to create our world. If enough of us agree to do this and practice this we can create a threshold effect.

This world seems very unreal. That's because it is. So knowing that, is a step in the right direction.
Maybe we need to hang out with dolphins more often. Lol.

Remembering, feeling much better previously, compared to this place can certainly feel like a death or loss. We experience death everday in different ways.

Thank you for your words too. I appreciate all input and your right, it perhaps just "feels" like death because I'm surrounded by what appears to be as only that which has taken me down tremendously so I'm like confused about how far we're supposed to go because I still cry everyday ~ not by choice,  something deeper and uncontrollable and I simply don't understand.  It doesn't feel like "me" yet I'm struggling far more than should be as considered "normal" and I'm confused since my comprehension is just wrong ~ about everything ~ mostly regarding "truth" of this entire experience! Backwards experience! Ugh.

Anyway, thank you and take care.


#8 2024-02-06 16:02:20

Horton HaW

Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

Please look at this thread on astral entities. There are things you can do for your body and your space. Be well. Trauma is a big factor. Empower yourself.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#9 2024-02-06 19:07:27


Re: Well, I've Been Thinking Again ~Ha!~ Are WE actually "dead?"

PinkChopper wrote:

I'm devastated to be held back, and feel broken as "God" like I'm not "giving enough love and joy to the people" which is the only thing I have that I can do. I have loads and loads of just spirit energy but its like I'm out of place, at least that's how I feel. To be real honest, I hold back on my "light being" because I simply don't want to be raped again!

There is a certain light energy that predators seek out. This is true. I have been there and I was once broken by this too. But I promise you - you can heal from these experiences.

The first and most important thing to do is to LOVE yourself. You are Source and you are LOVED. If you love yourself, you will heal. Through self love your actions towards yourself will naturally put you on the path to healing.

Sexual trauma to the body runs  deep. It is an invasion of your most inner core. It takes a lot of strength to restore yourself from this violence. But I see strength in you.

The only thing that can trap you and stop you from healing is yourself.

For me, one day I looked in the mirror and saw in my eyes an eternal essence that is INDESTRUCTIBLE. At this point I knew that any abuse had to stop. I took full responsibility for the things in my life that were causing me suffering.  I made the decision to manifest a beautiful life. I have a calm mind and a happy outlook. I love the person these experiences have made me.

If you want to contact me, and talk further, you can email me and I will do what I can to help.

I’m sending much love to you ~  ❤️


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