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#1 2024-03-04 15:06:27

Joe R

Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

Movies and Dark Entities – The content you watch defines your world (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
March 4th, 2024


Mari's YouTube-channel:

Movies and dark entities. The content you watch defines your world

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

All the movies and series in the cabal-controlled mass-media – and every other show there – has a hidden reason to be.

The directors of Earth and the cabal they have appointed to oversee the people do not waste any single opportunity to use something to transform and control the mind of the general population.

The people must be guided so they keep on generating their cherished Matrix, and for them to continue to manifest what the controllers want, all this for too distinctive, but quite opposite purposes; for exploitation in every conceivable way, and because the Souls of those people on Earth have chosen a difficult life there for their own spiritual progression.

Initially, no one is forced into Earth – into incarnating there – yet they can be mind controlled and guided to think that they desire a new reincarnation there; to pay for the bad actions of their last life there, for example, when they do not need to pay for anything, as such, being that paying karma is more of a choice many times.

This besides the evident, which states that all actions will have consequences; this seen as "karma".

Although, from the super-expanded point of view of the cosmos – or Source – there is no karma as such, and even those things that from a lower point of view are seen as the worst wrong-doings, from way above hold a very different meaning.

This must never be taken as an excuse to justify any wrong-doing, as what may be understandable and interpreted in a lighter way from way above; from below – and from the very valid experience of Souls in lower existential realms – those same wrongdoings must be either remediated, fixed or punished.

Souls on Earth are programmed into religious belief-systems, which dictate that wrongdoings must be punished, especially those which involve going against the dogma they impose, which is punishment for being disobedient and for having independent thought.

Adding to this, there are other Matrixed/programmed wrong-doings of a more social or legalistic nature, where some action may be punishable for going against imposed rules, which were developed by the ones in power for their benefit; not for the one of the people, and which do not hold a true ethical reason to justify their existence.

On the contrary, countless laws and governmental regulations couldn't possibly be more unethical, as they are there to perpetuate those in power and those who control the economy.

Perhaps one of the best examples of unethical laws is taxes, where someone can be incarcerated for not paying them, when in fact taxes are nothing more than government-approved systematic theft, where it is not called so officially, only because it is the thieves themselves who have designed the laws which protect them.

This is only one example of many, where a law and the punishment for not following it is highly unethical from just about every point of view, but especially from way above.

These kinds of laws – like the one described above and others which are much, much worse – are so obviously unethical, that the oligarchs in power must use all their resources to keep the population divided, with no resources of their own, in fear and ignorance of the truth and of all what is behind.

This is where programming the population comes in, as it means controlling the perception, values, ethics and the very meaning each person gives to life, so all their actions, their behavior and way of thinking align with the wants and needs of the oligarchs.

As the saying goes, “there are no better slaves than those who do not know they are one”.

There is no such thing as an empty TV-show designed for entertainment purposes only, as they are all approved by intelligence-agencies in disguise of other institutions, so they comply and align with their needed population-control trends.

Even independently produced shows, such as YouTube-videos, are both limited and regulated by ever-increasing censorship, or they are being made by people who are so mind-controlled that they align what they produce with the wants and needs of the oligarchs.

As it is well, known the general population will copy, mimic and follow their cabal-appointed idols in the music and entertainment-industry, with it obeying the direction and trend of thought – if they have such a thing – that the cabal wants.

The cabal controls the population by controlling the idols in the media, this is by controlling the content consumed, and this is no secret.

The problem is, this does not stop there.

As I have explained in countless videos, the very real entities in the lower astral realms have very elaborate ways to control their minions in the world of the living.

Furthermore, many individuals in places of power are nothing more than evil entities and demons, using a human body to access and exploit the rest of the incarnated Souls.

In other cases, empty soulless NPCs – or backdrop people – are used as organic portals for lower astral entities, so they can come into the material world through them; in this case in a temporal way, as sometimes one particular individual may be an empty soulless backdrop person, and the minute after there may be an evil demon inside.

In other more complicated cases, a dark entity can enter and use the body of a person who does have a Soul, but this is more into the realm of demonic possessions and therefore another subject entirely.

My point is that the ever increasing amount of highly satanic and devilishly cruel movies and series – among other things – is being caused by the direct influence of dark lower astral entities, who while working through biological portals have managed to access and influence the world of the living.

With it, they used the mass media and all its established mechanisms to program and guide the perception, values and actions of the general population towards whatever benefits them.

This means that those highly satanic and diabolically cruel movies, series and so on are being directly influenced, designed and produced by those dark entities, even when there may be some perfectly good people working there for a living.

Making people watch satanic movies is not only an attempt to normalize those dark subjects and force them into the life and consciousness of the general population; to cause the people to accept what in other circumstances would be completely rejected.

It is also a way to expose the general population to satanic rituals-of-passage, and all other kinds, so it affects the people directly.

What I am saying is that watching satanic movies, with rituals and so on – the more detailed it is, the worse – is forcing the population to bring all those horrible subjects into their life and consciousness.

This does not only cause the people to manifest more dark entity-egregors, but it also grants permissions to the dark lower astral entities, so they can enter the houses and lives of the people.

People may think that they are only watching a horror movie, but as they do so they are also passively performing rituals-of-pass, which may allow dark entities to influence them – destroying their lives in the process – as those entities are only interested in causing more suffering.

Watching such content is exposing yourself to those dark entities directly.

For example, some video games can be even worse than movies in this case, because some of them openly force the player to perform satanic rituals within the game.

People who watch this kind of content not only normalize it into their lives, but they also start to grow an affinity for those subjects, to the point where they start to worship and mimic the behavior seen in those movies.

They want to be like those dark entities, because they think it is cool and because they have the wrong idea that they are unique and original; to the point where they think that they are going against the system and society, because normal people reject those who dress and behave in a dark/punk way.

Without their knowing, those people with an affinity for those subjects end up drifting towards even increasingly more satanic and evil behavior.

Those people end up being assimilated by the entities; they become more of the same.

Furthermore, normal people – who may watch those movies only a few times – may also deliver some right-of-pass to those dark entities; they may give their consent for those dark entities to enter the world of the living, where they may come into their houses and lives.

The rights-of-pass the people unknowingly may give to the those dark entities may also cause attachments of astral parasites of all kinds.

Some may be more evident than others, as they mostly work undercover, only feeding off the hurt and suffering they have caused to their victim, without knowing that their misfortune is being caused by such astral creatures.

A right of passage is needed for lower astral entities to enter the life of a person, who needs to give it some kind of consent, and this is a constant everywhere.

Even those must follow certain karma-rules, whereas if they were given consent to exploit their victim, the bad karma would fall onto it and not on them.

Karma is used here with more of a cause-and-effect meaning.

There is a distinction between horror-movies – such as those where ghosts and hauntings appear – and those satanic ones, which include covert or overt rituals within the movie itself, and which also expose the viewer to nefarious scenes of despicable nature and cruelty.

Yet the first, which is mostly harmless, may also be an opening door to drift your attention towards the more dangerous latter.

But there is another side to all this, even though there is no excuse and no good side to seeing highly satanic movies.

You need to be aware of what exists so you can prevent such things from entering your lives.

The moment you are aware of what you are watching and you reject what you are seeing there, you are placing a powerful etheric barrier which prevents and stops those entities from affecting your reality.

Yet, there is a limit to this, a limit which is set by the strength of character and spiritual integrity of each individual.

But there may be a point where the evil is so great, it may override such a mental etheric barrier, so believing that you are strong enough to watch a horrible movie – although it helps a lot – may not be enough to prevent you from granting some right-of-pass, or consent to some kind of astral parasitization.

Having said this, you need to develop a thick skin when you live on Earth, or else you will suffer unnecessarily, therefore becoming easy pray for those lower astral entities, which precisely feed from your suffering.

When you understand evil you can also reject it, choosing the side of love and integration by action of contrast in a realm of duality.

But, you can get to a level where you do not need to live evil, or make it part of your life to understand it.

So, there is no point in watching horrible movies for the sake of understanding, as the glimpses you get from there are enough.

Know it is there, but choose the side of love and integration.

As Sophi Yazhi Swaruu said: “the real virtue, strength and honor of a Soul is knowing he or she can be the monster, but chooses to be the light-being”.

The more consciousness and awareness you have, the less you can be influenced and controlled by Earth's powers-at-be, which also include demons and dark lower astral entities.

Knowing is extremely powerful.

Take care and enjoy your movies!

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing!

I appreciate it a lot, much more than you think.

And I hope to see you here next time.

With much love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

Last edited by Joe R (2024-03-04 15:37:09)


#2 2024-03-04 21:05:26

Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

If a girl has horror movies as a passion in her tinder profile, I close it/swipe away immediately big_smile

Reiki practitioner

Resident of Latvia


#3 2024-03-04 21:16:42


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Some of the video games lately are spectacularly gruesome and probably 90% of the series and movies that are released from Hollywood/and stream services/ are dark/satanic. And that is not the only problem, but they lack quality story and quality characters, written, directed and performed by amateurs.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-04 21:19:34)


#4 2024-03-04 21:29:02

Horton HaW

Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Very important topic. I hardly watch anything anymore. They load the content so heavily. It is very sad for many young people. They try to get them before they are aware. The dark energy here is very bad. They put it everywhere. Humans are bombarded in every way. It takes only a moment. There are many ways to lose yourself.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#5 2024-03-04 22:20:28

Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Horton HaW wrote:

Very important topic. I hardly watch anything anymore. They load the content so heavily. It is very sad for many young people. They try to get them before they are aware. The dark energy here is very bad. They put it everywhere. Humans are bombarded in every way. It takes only a moment. There are many ways to lose yourself.

Wait, Eminem's song "Lose yourself" was a bait as well? Oopsie. I listened to him a lot 25 years ago.

From songmeanings:

"The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order A normal life is borin', but superstardom's close to post-mortem

Anyone else find these lyrics creepy and out of the ordinary? Hes talking about selling his soul for the music industry saying superstars are practically dead because they have no souls.

yes, i completely agree with you. this little snippet of lyrics was just the start to his whole time he spent in the Illuminati."

Btw, I'm  playing a video game where Urmah are part of the team who wages war with Archons. A small indie game though. No support from 3 letter agencies I guess.

Last edited by Celestial Marriage (2024-03-04 22:29:30)

Reiki practitioner

Resident of Latvia


#6 2024-03-05 02:26:43

Horton HaW

Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Celestial Marriage wrote:
Horton HaW wrote:

Very important topic. I hardly watch anything anymore. They load the content so heavily. It is very sad for many young people. They try to get them before they are aware. The dark energy here is very bad. They put it everywhere. Humans are bombarded in every way. It takes only a moment. There are many ways to lose yourself.

Wait, Eminem's song "Lose yourself" was a bait as well? Oopsie. I listened to him a lot 25 years ago.

From songmeanings:

"The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order A normal life is borin', but superstardom's close to post-mortem

Anyone else find these lyrics creepy and out of the ordinary? Hes talking about selling his soul for the music industry saying superstars are practically dead because they have no souls.

yes, i completely agree with you. this little snippet of lyrics was just the start to his whole time he spent in the Illuminati."

Btw, I'm  playing a video game where Urmah are part of the team who wages war with Archons. A small indie game though. No support from 3 letter agencies I guess.

That sounds fun. I don't play video games really anymore.
Yes those lyrics are definitely creepy. Lol.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#7 2024-03-05 04:20:50


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

I don't watch horror movies and wonder how the actors themselves agree to be in such films. I don't even like action movies. I have a hard time finding movies I like. I don't like "The Matrix" too. It's like horror. Lol
Sometimes I watch series depending on the subject matter. Like " Vikings", not because I like warriors but I like their story. There are no movies about Druids and Celts. sad
And whatever I watch I don't take it seriously. Because it's false and created for the illusion on Earth.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-03-05 04:44:05)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#8 2024-03-05 10:09:59


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Artists, musicians, singers that are categorized as top sells are also subjected to Cabal's agendas and have done things that if you know will not treat them as celebrities and national heroes of your country. Not going to say names but everything is seen and remembered in Spirit. The lyrics also say much. The pictures in the magazines they do with masonic and illuminati signs. How they dress. The tone of the music. Most probably many are on hard drugs and not themselves anymore.
The channel VEVO in YT is cabal(MTV on YT) and if you are very gifted artist/musician and you want to succeed big have to succumb to the cabal, in their hands are all promoting and demoting medias and finances.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-05 10:17:58)


#9 2024-03-05 14:01:22


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

To be honest it's pretty infuriating that I have to always wonder whenever I choose to watch a movie if there is any artist that genuinely makes something worth consuming.

For example Jim Carrey is one that I would consider worthy and comedy movies in general.
Or movies that make you think like Matrix or Dark City or Truman Show etc...
I am super happy we have a movies thread for this reason.

I agree about the sentiments around videogames also. Nowadays I barely play them, only a handful titles.
Even successful games like Baldurs Gate has weird plot points about sacrifice, not to mention Dark Souls games with their crooked monsters that tower over you and the rituals... Never planning to play them no matter the hype around them. I already waste so much time with much else.

Last edited by akos996 (2024-03-05 14:07:32)


#10 2024-03-05 14:16:54


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

There are some particularly funny animations. Mari will tell us if they make movies in 5D? And what kind of movies do they like? If there are no films there, it will be very boring. Lol
Which makes me think that the federation are making this game to watch movies from 3D, and more stuff. big_smile

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#11 2024-03-05 14:54:06


Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

I do not think that they have movies in 5D for the simple reason that life itself there is more than a movie can ever provide for entertaining. If you have full non invasive virtual reality like they have you are already in any kind of story or plot you want to participate.

I play video games and can talk a lot on this topic. All new worthy big games I play. In the recent years found some tendency in the games, not only they are more bloody in graphic display but are made hard to beat intentionally to infuriate you and frustrate you. Because you are going to try and repeat many times on the same fight in the place where you die. No matter what level of difficulty you choose in the options it is always difficult to the point of that the bots are killing you with one single blow and you do not stand a chance. This is especially in the genre of souls games, like Dark souls, Elden ring, Lies of P and Returnal(this is rogue genre, not souls, but impossible for me to beat without cheating).

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-05 14:57:22)


#12 2024-03-05 20:26:21

Horton HaW

Re: Mari: Movies and Dark Entities - The content you watch

Brahman wrote:

I don't watch horror movies and wonder how the actors themselves agree to be in such films. I don't even like action movies. I have a hard time finding movies I like. I don't like "The Matrix" too. It's like horror. Lol
Sometimes I watch series depending on the subject matter. Like " Vikings", not because I like warriors but I like their story. There are no movies about Druids and Celts. sad
And whatever I watch I don't take it seriously. Because it's false and created for the illusion on Earth.

Closest there is probably Lord of the Rings. They encode them though, regardless. Optogenetics. I have a PC game that is very positive with breath and heart training, however not sure if it will run or not on newer versions. I just am too busy anyway.

When I was young I got talked into a few horror movies. I could hardly watch, but really disliked them.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


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