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#1 2022-01-30 21:43:36


Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

Please correct me if I'm wrong or under-informed on this topic...

My basic understanding of how, for instance, Swaruu, Aneeka, etc have made contact, as they say, in writing and not channeled, has at the very least been initiated via Facebook friend requests....  I'm sure there are other ways this has happened also I seem to recall a story of Gosia's about being introduced via another woman to the Taygetan's and then they went their separate ways...

So I guess my concern is the manner in which these in writing talks take place.... are they always happening via facebook chat, or twitter chat or other controlled tech?  With those types of writing communication, it would never be possible to verify or authenticate any information like IP addresses and things of that nature as that information would be presumably available only to the corporations that control those chat platforms....

It has been stated from many sources that the various ET teams are able to and do connect with our terrestrial internet, hence being on Facebook etc... so in theory there would be nothing to stop them from, say, posting on this or any other forum for that matter.... but that doesn't seem to ever be the case....

there's also a wide world of privacy focused and open source message platforms that could also be used....

So if they connect to our standard Earth world wide web / internet..... what would their IP addresses look like? What would running a traceroute look like? Does their technology interface with ours in such a way that makes it seamless?

Why couldn't any of these writing contact information exchanges take place via email or text message or a voice-to-voice conversation?  Certainly the technology exists to make that happen...

and I know the convenient line always given is something to the effect of "Well federation rules and laws prohibit anything that could resemble something verifiable....

My thoughts and feelings are that the information from Swaruu is genuine, that she herself is genuine and desires to help humanity through this rough spot...... HOWEVER, I know I have been fooled before and I'm sure I'll be fooled again- human beings it would seem are very prone to believing things presented as the truth.... of course everything is entirely stacked against us- the control of everything, the corruption of everything, the unlimited amount of information that is out there and oh so much of it is just lies lies lies... But I digress...

To get back on topic, it would seem to me that if the only manner in which these in writing communications are taking place is via Big Tech, then it is all very worthy of suspicion.... the lynchpin of misinformation/disinformation is giving 99.9% accurate information with this tiny gem of devastating poison...  Like Mary Poppins says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..... in this case the sugar would be the gobs of truth, the medicine would be the dangerous venom that seeps into your mind that is designed to deceive...

Maybe I'm just paranoid or maybe I'm just getting sick of so many things turning out to be lies in the end.... as if it werent bad enough that almost everything is a lie....

If everything is a manifestation of consciousness, and what we perceive as reality is our own creation, then how is it that the truth of our divine power and the truth of the nature of the universe has been so well concealed?  It almost feels as if though one simple message broadcast globally would break the spell and the truth would be so utterly obvious it cannot be denied..., yet this is not the case...

Believing is seeing as Swaruu has said... we've got it all reversed.. All these people that appear on TV- Biden, Trump, Fauci, the talking heads of MSM, etc etc.... having never seen any of them in real life, how am I to know these aren't just AI creations for computer and television screens?  The technology to re-create the likeness, voice, demeanor, etc of any human being past present or future already exists.... if we are or are not in a simulation would almost be beside the point..... unless you have the keys to see whats behind the curtain.... and even then, if you were to peak behind the curtain, is there not just another curtain?

I'm on the hunt for truth and I've found myself a little lost.... I am grateful to anyone who takes the time to share perspective with me regarding my trepidations....



#2 2022-01-30 22:33:05


Re: Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

The Taygetans and Swaruuneans definitely won't be found on Facebook or Twitter! There is plenty of info re. the nature of the contact scattered through many videos and forum posts. Use of the 'search' facility here should help to answer your questions.


#3 2022-01-31 01:48:10

Kahi Harawira

Re: Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

The usual process of making contact at any level, is CHOOSING a contact that would relay the message as sent, as opposed to interpreting what is being sent to align with some other personal agenda that might be running or ulterior motive.

The methodology by which the communication is made is also the preference of those making the contact, not those who are being contacted and big tech does not qualify as having the necessary attributes to correctly convey the message.

In essence, what you require is proof to settle your own doubts. And self manifestation being what it is, no amount of proof can convince someone who has already convinced themselves otherwise. It took me about 18 months of watching and reading everything before the penny dropped. You will either know or you won't.

But when the penny does drop, you might find yourself alone in what seems an ocean of people who don't know the difference. Then you start to research for yourself and very slowly, begin to see things that were always there, but wasn't able to see or recognize before.

You are the key to what you know and NO-ONE and NO-THING has the ability to convince you otherwise. There seems little point in continuing the Cabal practice of always giving away your own power and authority to think for yourself, to someone else. I too have noticed a number who would like to shortcut their own thinking process and replace it with the actual answers to be provided by someone else. Trouble is, you alone are responsible for deciding what is right or wrong for yourself. Greater due diligence is required.

Take it easy on yourself, watch every video made and take time out to consider each one. Short cutting your own thinking process simply means nothing was learnt, “trusting others becomes easier than thinking”


#4 2022-01-31 04:04:06


Re: Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

Greta wrote:

Which chat do Taygetans use? Do they still contact new people? Or will they?

Anything could happen.

Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered    Rainer Maria Rilke


#5 2022-02-01 11:02:36


Re: Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

I have suspicion that they use some sort of TOR based chat like Pidgin routed over TOR and VPN but that is literally a shot in the dark and a random guess.   It doesn’t matter how they communicate as long as they keep up with the quality of the content.   They basically outshined most other disclosures, channels, and related communities.  They have debunked stupid perpetuated ideas like Pole Shift from ZetaTalks, cleared up a lot of fear propaganda especially around NIBIRU and World War III.  Keep going !!!!   The more you digest Taygetean information the less you need to digest any other kinds of disclosure since almost all bases are covered.


#6 2022-02-01 15:12:23


Re: Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts..

People can speculate as they wish, but it should be obvious that this information cannot quite be revealed t the public. Wonder what's so hard to understand in this, because either one likes the information or one seeks to endanger it by asking for such publicly posted.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


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