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#1 2022-02-06 17:52:01


Medical metal implants and frequency question for Taygetan's

Hi all,

I realize the team is pretty busy now days with all manner of people asking questions for the Taygetan's, and now the team are doing productions for Gaia channel as well.

Nevertheless, I was wondering about what I feel is an important question to perhaps ask the ET's some day in the future.

We know that we are being injected with heavy metals and have been for a long while. We know that chemtrails, and other environmental sources are being doused with certain heavy metals, to allegedly reduce our ability to raise our vibratory frequency, and to cut off our connection to the pineal gland, etc.

In the 80's I had cancer and thus had a big surgery in my groin to remove lymph nodes. Inside me remain about 24 surgical staples, some small and some very big. According to the records, they are stainless steel. Stainless steel can leech several different heavy metal ions over time.

When I asked about having the staples removed, (because I think I'm sensitive/allergic to the metals) a surgeon said it would likely kill me and he can't guarantee he could even get all of them. Too high risk.

So, for me, or anyone with a metal implant of any sort, do the Taygetan's think we would be screwed out of raising our frequency due to these metal implants and release of metal ions over time? The same could be asked for anyone who has stainless steel tooth implants, amalgam fillings, pace makers, etc.

Thank you.


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