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#1 2022-03-20 13:44:59


Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Gosia has introduced a new blog system on her server, and upon user requests from now on uses it to provide timely information on current world ongoings that will not make it into videos, which will save Gosia a lot of time.

Here is the latest entry to be found, with a copy below.


Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 20, 2022

Originally in Spanish - March 19, 2022

Robert: It came very strongly to my mind today...that the Ukrainians are using the civilian population against their will.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that's right. The Western media disinformation is monumental in Ukraine. Basically nothing they say is true.

Let me inform you. I flew 3 days in a row in the area. What I saw is that around Ukraine over Poland mainly it is plagued by NATO machinery. Tanks, armored vehicles and so many planes that it looks like a hornet's nest, but nobody is allowed to cross the border or court martial. So many Western fighter planes make my job much easier, they get confused among themselves and don´t even know who is who in the air, a lot of disorganization.

What I saw is a lot of anti-aircraft ammunition, SAMs (missiles) YM270 MLRS which are armored vehicles that put out clusters of rockets to destroy a whole area. In the Black Sea there are US NAVY and Royal Navy ships. At least 6 submarines. In the Baltic there is only one submarine, from Hampton. But the submarine is a fighter, not a missile carrier. Although it carries Tomahawk. It can hit a population inland. It is a Los Angeles II.

Romania has the 10 Mountain of the US ARMY. Complete a division, 1100 men. Helicopters but in swarms.

On the Russian side I can't see from air. But unlike my last report that there were no planes in the air, the Russians are also swarming. I'm talking about thousands of planes on both sides. And there have already been incidents of near collisions with each other.

Including me. As I flew low, I always passed dangerously close by a T-6 Texan II taking off. We went right past each other. 

Robert: And you filmed all that for the Toleka to see?

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, and it was on the Gun Cam. But it was very disturbing because we passed virtually at about 2 or 3 meters. The tail of the Texan II passed grazing my rear stabilizers. The mountain was blinding me and we were both at about 90 meters AGL altitude. She was flying inappropriately for the location and altitude, I was in approach position, on my ILS path by instruments.

Robert: That means they bring in inexperienced pilots.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, and that's my point too. They brought in everybody. Greens especially. For example, if you look on the internet, the T-6A Texan II is the USAF's primary trainer aircraft. What is it doing in Poland?

What's going on there is a powder keg waiting to explode. Anything happens and it's the Russians' fault, worst time I've ever seen.

Now, part two. This is no longer reported by me because I can't see inside Ukraine because I can't fly there. We know it by other methods.

You don't see fights as they tell you in the news. You see Russian positions at key points like nuclear plants and bridges, as well as airports and military bases taken. As if Russia has already taken Ukraine almost completely. ALMOST.

Because what you do see are many refugees in large numbers. Walking towards the borders with Russia, Poland and Romania. Thousands and thousands carrying what they can. Scenario comparable to the Second World War. And many villages and towns destroyed and burning. It looks like arson attacks. It looks like the Ukrainian Army is the one attacking the people, as Robert suspected.

The West is pushing an absurd narrative. Completely fake news. What you do see is that they are attacking Ukrainian civilians and for sure making them think it is the Russians who are attacking them. But at the borders and in some refugee formations or convoys Russian wheeled armored vehicles have been seen escorting people <---

What is being said here, by the military analysts of Taygeta, Dhor Kaal'el and Khila mainly, that they are pushing the narrative of "heroes" of the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian air force and of ordinary people who have remained to fight against the Russian not only manipulate the Western perception against Russia but also to encourage the Ukrainian people themselves to fight, thereby exploiting their courage and their impetus.

Robert: So they are afraid that the civilian population of the West will see that all these atrocities are done by mercenary commandos who are surely from the US.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes. We cannot say whether or not they are "mercenaries" as such (paid army) nor can I be sure that there are US or NATO Special Forces inside doing the atrocities, but knowing how they operate, and based on what history has shown us, I am convinced that Ukraine is full of American SOC soldiers (Special Forces, Delta Force, Navy Seals, Marine Pathfinders and so on). And more than mercenaries, it´s the Ukrainian armies themselves working for the West.

Gosia: One thing I don't understand. You said that you haven't seen the fights but on the other hand that everything is destroyed, in flames, and people escaping. How is that possible without some form of combat?

Swaruu X (Athena): We don't think it's combat, more than anything an army arrives, whichever, and takes out the people and then sets the houses on fire. Also a lot of mortar damage. They can also come into already evacuated villages and destroy them.

CIC reported to me just a moment ago before I came in with you, that they can't find a single real Gun Cam type footage showing combat between Russian forces and Ukrainian Forces.

For example, there is footage of a Russian APC Armored vehicle of the BMP type painted with a Z like the Russians have it in Ukraine that they are destroying and burning. It turns out that that type of BMP is no longer used by the Russian military since the 1980s. It's a farce. So yes, we see that there has been combat between Russians and Ukrainians, there must have been, but since the Russians surely dominated, there is no footage.

So what we see is that the Russians came in, dominated almost everything and the West pushes another narrative.

Robert: What can happen with the President of Ukraine? It looks like they came to some kind of agreement.

Swaruu X (Athena): This is where, in my view, the Cabal's larger plan that controls both sides comes into play.

And yes, we believe there was bloody combat and deaths on both sides, but not as pushed by the Mass Media. CIC also reports plans that YouTube will stop working in Russia imminently. Don't know if this is true or not, but it doesn't surprise me.

Gosia: And another really is the status of this war then? Is Russia winning? What do you see possibly happening?

Swaruu X (Athena): Street level - Russia is winning and overwhelmingly so. The Western Mass Media will never say that. Whether they win, however, does not depend on whether they have better strategy, technology or armaments. It depends on what the controllers want.

Gosia: And what do you think they might want here? Just for the war to spread, right? To cause problems all over the world.

Swaruu X (Athena): It only depends on the Cabal's plan that controls both sides. Yes, a big false flag Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam) style is possible and for it to start NATO war against Russia. Because I DO see everything in place for that. All in their positions. Whether it happens or not, I don't have the answer. Thinking about steps for civilization reset, war between NATO and Russia would be a good option. It would collapse economies, motivate people to fight and work hard, and to accept new oppressive norms. 

Robert: And a good excuse to cover up the side effects of vaccines.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that too, exactly. They would say it's because of Russian chemical weapons or radiation. I see that as a possible narrative, yes. I don't see anybody dropping dead from vaccines anymore, because it's not even reported in the conspiracy media anymore. And that's very dangerous.

Robert: Once Russia takes Kiev what will happen? I think they are already surrounded.

Swaruu X (Athena): Russia, according to my reports, already took Kiev. Maybe there are some places of resistance left, isolated, because Kiev is big.

The Ukrainian Army didn't stand a chance against Russia, that's why they went against the civilian population to make the atrocities fall on Russia (false flag) and thus get more Western support. Because the Cabal's agenda is to demonize Russia, and has been doing so for years now, not counting the Cold War. This is to create two strong sides for population control.

Robert: Well, I mean the parliament.

Swaruu X (Athena): Directly on that, I have no data. I am talking about military positions around and inside most of Kiev, at least. I don't have that specific detail.

Robert: And this fake news, Tina: "Russian astronauts board the international station in the colors of Ukraine". How if there is nobody there?

Swaruu X (Athena): Everything is rigged. The ISS is not what people are told, the filming is done in the green screen studio or underwater. That is false. What happens on the ISS is not given to the public.

The only real thing about the ISS is that sometimes they do transmit some real remote camera shots back to Earth, only sometimes, not all, because most of them are re-runs of the ISS itself. But few times, if it happens, it is real but not live. It goes through censorship first and then it is transmitted. Never in real time. We know this because from the Toleka we see the clouds and places as from the ISS and they don't match.

Gosia: One question, going back to Ukraine itself. The false flags made by Ukrainians in you see it done by Ukrainians paid by the West, or by Ukrainians themselves looking to be seen as victims to get more Western support as you said? Or both?

Swaruu X (Athena): Both.

Yes, they happen and that is what we see that is driving people out of Ukraine, civilians. I don't doubt that there have been Russian atrocities, they always happen, but the evidence that we have now points to the fact that it is the very Ukrainian armies and mercenaries and US special forces infiltrators who are doing those atrocities and destruction.

Robert: So could Russia formally accuse the President of Ukraine for war crimes?

Swaruu X (Athena): Street level, definitely YES. As you told me today that you were suspecting that. Which also explains the media censorship and everything coming from Russia.

Robert: And what is the purpose of burning all the houses?

Swaruu X (Athena): To create refugees, resentment against Russia, to accuse Russia of war atrocities, of attacking civilians, and thereby gain support from the Western population and governments (street level). Expanded level, create destruction and suffering in the Ukrainian people who are key.

Gosia: I have a question. Matias told me how people, his family here in Finland for example, are scared and all that. They think they have to prepare food and so on. I myself have seen people in Finland FB groups talking about where the bunkers are positioned to hide. What could be said to people at this level? Is there a possibility that the war would spread to other countries like Finland, for example?

Swaruu X (Athena): If it does, it will spread to the whole world. If NATO starts fighting against Russia, yes. Finland would be in the middle. Between the Russian bases in Kola and the NATO bases in Norway. We don't have the exact agenda, but it doesn't look good. Still, there is not much that can be done, but if they can prepare it would not hurt anything. I don't want to cause panic though.

Gosia: Matias also asks me about the Agenda 2030 PDF document. He asks if this war has something to do with that, and if that document has to do with the Cabal's real plans?

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes. It is part of the Agenda 2021, now 2030 depopulation. That document, of which I am aware, does say a lot and they are obligated to tell people what they will do so that the blame will fall on them. But it does not mean that things will happen exactly as in that document. But it does contain elements that we see as real. It is a very serious warning. But it is not possible for us to know with what certainty they will do this or that or how. We do not know what is coming. But don't be alarmed yet.

Also, the lack of military presence in the Baltic shows us that there is not much action there, which strikes me because there are the Russian bases in Kola. However, there is a lot of activity in Norway and the North Sea, mostly from the English Royal Navy.

Side point: At the moment the quietest place in Latin America as far as agendas are concerned is Mexico. East and South, North NO. Far from the narco zone and US influence. Rural Mexico, which is Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Campeche.

Gosia: And another question. How can the West be pushing a narrative so opposite to what is happening if all these people, thousands of them, who are coming out of there, can now tell the truth of what is really happening? I mean the civilian refugees. Unless for some reason they too, even having been inside, were manipulated and can't tell who is who. But I doubt it. How do we explain that? 

Swaruu X (Athena): Because for the refugees it was the Russians who did the atrocities to them, being that the overwhelming likelihood is that it was Ukrainians, or mercenaries posing as Russians to accuse them. Then the refugees will go and say it was the Russians.

And I haven't seen a single interview with refugees, and if there are any they could be staged, meaning those they are interviewing are not refugees but paid crisis actors. If it comes out in the Mass Media you can't trust it at all, they never tell the truth anymore.

Under no circumstances is it allowed to publish the information presented in our channels and on our Blog page for commercial purposes (sale of books and promotional materials).

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#2 2022-03-20 13:57:27


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

No no, they still WILL make it into videos just a bit later. And thank you smile

Robert369 wrote:

Gosia has introduced a new blog system on her server, and upon user requests from now on uses it to provide timely information on current world ongoings that will not make it into videos, which will save Gosia a lot of time.

Here is the latest entry to be found, with a copy below.


Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 20, 2022

Originally in Spanish - March 19, 2022

Robert: It came very strongly to my mind today...that the Ukrainians are using the civilian population against their will.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that's right. The Western media disinformation is monumental in Ukraine. Basically nothing they say is true.

Let me inform you. I flew 3 days in a row in the area. What I saw is that around Ukraine over Poland mainly it is plagued by NATO machinery. Tanks, armored vehicles and so many planes that it looks like a hornet's nest, but nobody is allowed to cross the border or court martial. So many Western fighter planes make my job much easier, they get confused among themselves and don´t even know who is who in the air, a lot of disorganization.

What I saw is a lot of anti-aircraft ammunition, SAMs (missiles) YM270 MLRS which are armored vehicles that put out clusters of rockets to destroy a whole area. In the Black Sea there are US NAVY and Royal Navy ships. At least 6 submarines. In the Baltic there is only one submarine, from Hampton. But the submarine is a fighter, not a missile carrier. Although it carries Tomahawk. It can hit a population inland. It is a Los Angeles II.

Romania has the 10 Mountain of the US ARMY. Complete a division, 1100 men. Helicopters but in swarms.

On the Russian side I can't see from air. But unlike my last report that there were no planes in the air, the Russians are also swarming. I'm talking about thousands of planes on both sides. And there have already been incidents of near collisions with each other.

Including me. As I flew low, I always passed dangerously close by a T-6 Texan II taking off. We went right past each other. 

Robert: And you filmed all that for the Toleka to see?

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, and it was on the Gun Cam. But it was very disturbing because we passed virtually at about 2 or 3 meters. The tail of the Texan II passed grazing my rear stabilizers. The mountain was blinding me and we were both at about 90 meters AGL altitude. She was flying inappropriately for the location and altitude, I was in approach position, on my ILS path by instruments.

Robert: That means they bring in inexperienced pilots.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, and that's my point too. They brought in everybody. Greens especially. For example, if you look on the internet, the T-6A Texan II is the USAF's primary trainer aircraft. What is it doing in Poland?

What's going on there is a powder keg waiting to explode. Anything happens and it's the Russians' fault, worst time I've ever seen.

Now, part two. This is no longer reported by me because I can't see inside Ukraine because I can't fly there. We know it by other methods.

You don't see fights as they tell you in the news. You see Russian positions at key points like nuclear plants and bridges, as well as airports and military bases taken. As if Russia has already taken Ukraine almost completely. ALMOST.

Because what you do see are many refugees in large numbers. Walking towards the borders with Russia, Poland and Romania. Thousands and thousands carrying what they can. Scenario comparable to the Second World War. And many villages and towns destroyed and burning. It looks like arson attacks. It looks like the Ukrainian Army is the one attacking the people, as Robert suspected.

The West is pushing an absurd narrative. Completely fake news. What you do see is that they are attacking Ukrainian civilians and for sure making them think it is the Russians who are attacking them. But at the borders and in some refugee formations or convoys Russian wheeled armored vehicles have been seen escorting people <---

What is being said here, by the military analysts of Taygeta, Dhor Kaal'el and Khila mainly, that they are pushing the narrative of "heroes" of the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian air force and of ordinary people who have remained to fight against the Russian not only manipulate the Western perception against Russia but also to encourage the Ukrainian people themselves to fight, thereby exploiting their courage and their impetus.

Robert: So they are afraid that the civilian population of the West will see that all these atrocities are done by mercenary commandos who are surely from the US.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes. We cannot say whether or not they are "mercenaries" as such (paid army) nor can I be sure that there are US or NATO Special Forces inside doing the atrocities, but knowing how they operate, and based on what history has shown us, I am convinced that Ukraine is full of American SOC soldiers (Special Forces, Delta Force, Navy Seals, Marine Pathfinders and so on). And more than mercenaries, it´s the Ukrainian armies themselves working for the West.

Gosia: One thing I don't understand. You said that you haven't seen the fights but on the other hand that everything is destroyed, in flames, and people escaping. How is that possible without some form of combat?

Swaruu X (Athena): We don't think it's combat, more than anything an army arrives, whichever, and takes out the people and then sets the houses on fire. Also a lot of mortar damage. They can also come into already evacuated villages and destroy them.

CIC reported to me just a moment ago before I came in with you, that they can't find a single real Gun Cam type footage showing combat between Russian forces and Ukrainian Forces.

For example, there is footage of a Russian APC Armored vehicle of the BMP type painted with a Z like the Russians have it in Ukraine that they are destroying and burning. It turns out that that type of BMP is no longer used by the Russian military since the 1980s. It's a farce. So yes, we see that there has been combat between Russians and Ukrainians, there must have been, but since the Russians surely dominated, there is no footage.

So what we see is that the Russians came in, dominated almost everything and the West pushes another narrative.

Robert: What can happen with the President of Ukraine? It looks like they came to some kind of agreement.

Swaruu X (Athena): This is where, in my view, the Cabal's larger plan that controls both sides comes into play.

And yes, we believe there was bloody combat and deaths on both sides, but not as pushed by the Mass Media. CIC also reports plans that YouTube will stop working in Russia imminently. Don't know if this is true or not, but it doesn't surprise me.

Gosia: And another really is the status of this war then? Is Russia winning? What do you see possibly happening?

Swaruu X (Athena): Street level - Russia is winning and overwhelmingly so. The Western Mass Media will never say that. Whether they win, however, does not depend on whether they have better strategy, technology or armaments. It depends on what the controllers want.

Gosia: And what do you think they might want here? Just for the war to spread, right? To cause problems all over the world.

Swaruu X (Athena): It only depends on the Cabal's plan that controls both sides. Yes, a big false flag Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam) style is possible and for it to start NATO war against Russia. Because I DO see everything in place for that. All in their positions. Whether it happens or not, I don't have the answer. Thinking about steps for civilization reset, war between NATO and Russia would be a good option. It would collapse economies, motivate people to fight and work hard, and to accept new oppressive norms. 

Robert: And a good excuse to cover up the side effects of vaccines.

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that too, exactly. They would say it's because of Russian chemical weapons or radiation. I see that as a possible narrative, yes. I don't see anybody dropping dead from vaccines anymore, because it's not even reported in the conspiracy media anymore. And that's very dangerous.

Robert: Once Russia takes Kiev what will happen? I think they are already surrounded.

Swaruu X (Athena): Russia, according to my reports, already took Kiev. Maybe there are some places of resistance left, isolated, because Kiev is big.

The Ukrainian Army didn't stand a chance against Russia, that's why they went against the civilian population to make the atrocities fall on Russia (false flag) and thus get more Western support. Because the Cabal's agenda is to demonize Russia, and has been doing so for years now, not counting the Cold War. This is to create two strong sides for population control.

Robert: Well, I mean the parliament.

Swaruu X (Athena): Directly on that, I have no data. I am talking about military positions around and inside most of Kiev, at least. I don't have that specific detail.

Robert: And this fake news, Tina: "Russian astronauts board the international station in the colors of Ukraine". How if there is nobody there?

Swaruu X (Athena): Everything is rigged. The ISS is not what people are told, the filming is done in the green screen studio or underwater. That is false. What happens on the ISS is not given to the public.

The only real thing about the ISS is that sometimes they do transmit some real remote camera shots back to Earth, only sometimes, not all, because most of them are re-runs of the ISS itself. But few times, if it happens, it is real but not live. It goes through censorship first and then it is transmitted. Never in real time. We know this because from the Toleka we see the clouds and places as from the ISS and they don't match.

Gosia: One question, going back to Ukraine itself. The false flags made by Ukrainians in you see it done by Ukrainians paid by the West, or by Ukrainians themselves looking to be seen as victims to get more Western support as you said? Or both?

Swaruu X (Athena): Both.

Yes, they happen and that is what we see that is driving people out of Ukraine, civilians. I don't doubt that there have been Russian atrocities, they always happen, but the evidence that we have now points to the fact that it is the very Ukrainian armies and mercenaries and US special forces infiltrators who are doing those atrocities and destruction.

Robert: So could Russia formally accuse the President of Ukraine for war crimes?

Swaruu X (Athena): Street level, definitely YES. As you told me today that you were suspecting that. Which also explains the media censorship and everything coming from Russia.

Robert: And what is the purpose of burning all the houses?

Swaruu X (Athena): To create refugees, resentment against Russia, to accuse Russia of war atrocities, of attacking civilians, and thereby gain support from the Western population and governments (street level). Expanded level, create destruction and suffering in the Ukrainian people who are key.

Gosia: I have a question. Matias told me how people, his family here in Finland for example, are scared and all that. They think they have to prepare food and so on. I myself have seen people in Finland FB groups talking about where the bunkers are positioned to hide. What could be said to people at this level? Is there a possibility that the war would spread to other countries like Finland, for example?

Swaruu X (Athena): If it does, it will spread to the whole world. If NATO starts fighting against Russia, yes. Finland would be in the middle. Between the Russian bases in Kola and the NATO bases in Norway. We don't have the exact agenda, but it doesn't look good. Still, there is not much that can be done, but if they can prepare it would not hurt anything. I don't want to cause panic though.

Gosia: Matias also asks me about the Agenda 2030 PDF document. He asks if this war has something to do with that, and if that document has to do with the Cabal's real plans?

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes. It is part of the Agenda 2021, now 2030 depopulation. That document, of which I am aware, does say a lot and they are obligated to tell people what they will do so that the blame will fall on them. But it does not mean that things will happen exactly as in that document. But it does contain elements that we see as real. It is a very serious warning. But it is not possible for us to know with what certainty they will do this or that or how. We do not know what is coming. But don't be alarmed yet.

Also, the lack of military presence in the Baltic shows us that there is not much action there, which strikes me because there are the Russian bases in Kola. However, there is a lot of activity in Norway and the North Sea, mostly from the English Royal Navy.

Side point: At the moment the quietest place in Latin America as far as agendas are concerned is Mexico. East and South, North NO. Far from the narco zone and US influence. Rural Mexico, which is Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Campeche.

Gosia: And another question. How can the West be pushing a narrative so opposite to what is happening if all these people, thousands of them, who are coming out of there, can now tell the truth of what is really happening? I mean the civilian refugees. Unless for some reason they too, even having been inside, were manipulated and can't tell who is who. But I doubt it. How do we explain that? 

Swaruu X (Athena): Because for the refugees it was the Russians who did the atrocities to them, being that the overwhelming likelihood is that it was Ukrainians, or mercenaries posing as Russians to accuse them. Then the refugees will go and say it was the Russians.

And I haven't seen a single interview with refugees, and if there are any they could be staged, meaning those they are interviewing are not refugees but paid crisis actors. If it comes out in the Mass Media you can't trust it at all, they never tell the truth anymore.


#3 2022-03-20 15:06:21


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Thanks for the report.

Here in Sweden, I have noticed something in this "fakevation" - the force used to steer opinion by the MSM has increased dramatically. In fact, the lies are so obvious, I'm honestly thinking if people really buy into it - but at work, they do. I try to tell them small bits and pieces of the other side, but few if any sticks.

You no longer smell the lies. The bs is so close to your face, it is hard to ignore, even though I don't even have a TV.

I also feel that the war on the humain domain has increased overall by some multiples going into 2022. It's nuts. And surely they also plan a new lockdown considering the WHO plan for a unified global vaccine ID.

But I'm also enjoying the show. Bring it on. The quicker the better.

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#4 2022-03-20 15:28:52

Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

It s a good analysis and description of the situation.  Thank you Athena for your work.

Sad, but I think all what she says is true.


#5 2022-03-20 15:53:36


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

One could wonder:

If Cabal is controlling the show on Earth - then surely, Putin and the entirety of Russia is under their power - Why risk independent mercenaries (or whoever they are) do the killing and burning - why not just let the Russians do it in the first place and the narrative will be much more "true"?

Same for the ISS - Why not let some people stay in the ISS - there can't be either resource limitations or practical limitations? Why do the extra work of creating a movie set and actually create a new bubble inside the bubble?

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#6 2022-03-20 20:04:36


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Here's a bit more info posted on Telegram:

Cosmic Agency, [20.03.22 20:21]

Small addition to today´s transcipt which Athena just shared an hour ago. It is about her comment how it is Mexico that is more "free of agendas". She comments: "I am referring only to issues related to the Covid agenda. Because Mexico is plagued with problems of drug trafficking and Mafias and corruption. However, even so, we see that comparatively it is not so bad in terms of Covid agendas. For now, tomorrow is unknown. Because they do have very strong plans for Mexico, to destroy it as using a "Balkanization" or fragmentation into smaller independent states, among other things. And I have no reports from Peru or Bolivia or Venezuela. So they could be better off, or worse off, but I don't know yet.

I feel that the Mexican people have defended themselves, but not by waking up, not by protesting. But by their own internal disorganization and ignorance. With all due respect to the Mexican people. Making it very difficult for them to impose measures as in a first world country, however it depends on where in the Mexican Republic. Because Mexico is very big.

Another thing now in favor is that Mexico is surrounding the "eye of Gaia" or major energetic point, as "pineal gland" of the Earth (The Gulf of Mexico). So it is full of mystics, shamans, and very advanced people, of strong paranormal phenomena. These people, whatever they feel and whatever they do, they distribute along the ley lines to the whole world. Comparatively to the Ukrainian people, also sitting on a very large energy node.

The Mexicans themselves, I think, would accept that the very chaos in which they live, so much poverty, extremes of social classes, all that causes them to be difficult to manage as a population. And I see this as an example that passive resistance does more harm than overt demonstrations which the Cabal is prepared to deal with.

Whether Mexico defends itself because they simply do not obey but because they are disorganized, corrupt and ignorant, the result is the same: they are difficult to control because they are not inside the system as much as they are in other countries. I speak of mass of population, because of course there are populations, groups and cities completely Matrix in Mexico, but I speak of population that in general the majority is very poor little educated."

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#7 2022-03-20 20:20:17


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Thanks for the clarification - actually - I was wondering this exact thing because it came out of context in the first post.

Again - thank you.

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#8 2022-03-20 21:08:13


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

It SEEMED like it came out of context but in fact it came out of the more personal conversation that we had at that point that I didnt include, which was about where we would like to travel to or move to in the world, so thats why she mentioned Mexico. That´s how these transcripts with chats go sometimes, I edit out more personal stuff that are of no interest to no one, and leave bits that are. smile

mryang wrote:

Thanks for the clarification - actually - I was wondering this exact thing because it came out of context in the first post.

Again - thank you.


#9 2022-03-21 01:51:40


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

My guess is this personal stuff could be very interesting to us! Hearing their perspectives on everyday situations we're familiar with..

(obviously I don't mean very personal, private stuff)

But, for instance, I personally find it helpful knowing now what prompted the Mexico bit that you just mentioned, as I think about how I will respond and protect loved ones if things truly go bad


#10 2022-03-21 11:27:56


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Believe me, it was nothing interesting. A personal random talk between Robert and I about where we would like to go in the world, with Athena listening only. smile

microvirus6 wrote:

My guess is this personal stuff could be very interesting to us! Hearing their perspectives on everyday situations we're familiar with..

(obviously I don't mean very personal, private stuff)

But, for instance, I personally find it helpful knowing now what prompted the Mexico bit that you just mentioned, as I think about how I will respond and protect loved ones if things truly go bad


#11 2022-03-21 14:12:10


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mryang wrote:

One could wonder:

If Cabal is controlling the show on Earth - then surely, Putin and the entirety of Russia is under their power - Why risk independent mercenaries (or whoever they are) do the killing and burning - why not just let the Russians do it in the first place and the narrative will be much more "true"?

Same for the ISS - Why not let some people stay in the ISS - there can't be either resource limitations or practical limitations? Why do the extra work of creating a movie set and actually create a new bubble inside the bubble?

On the second question, they are probably cheap. When something can be made with less money and resources and final goals are met why bother with complicated expensive staging. The goal is to sell the illusion, public opinion to be convinced in something and that is achieved easily with audio-visuals, just showing something on the tv that looks believable.
On the first question. They are playing game of chess with many moves ahead. Things have to look in certain way to the public perception when the game is over. And also there are levels of what is happening, fractions of cabal who seems to be enemies even from conspiratology POV's. They are playing the enemies like there are black and white figures on the board. But it does not matter who wins this game because all is preplaned, the winner and loser are predestined and are not important. More important is cabal to establish what they have preplanned.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-03-21 14:15:44)


#12 2022-03-27 12:08:37


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

On YouTube Odysee:

Ukraine - Flight Report - More about the War - Athena Swaruu

From the Blurb:

"In this video we talk more about the war in Ukraine and Athena Swaruu shares her experience flying near conflict areas for 3 days."


Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#13 2022-03-28 14:50:36


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Here’s another text update on the topic of the Ukraine from Gosia’s blog:

Taygetan Hashmallim Forces on the ground in Ukraine - What they Saw

Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 28, 2022
Oiriginally in Spanish - 23th of March 2022

Swaruu X (Athena): As you know, the Hashmallim team went down to Ukraine in the past few days. Last night we picked them up. Myself included. What they saw and we saw there…is going to be talked about for days to come.

The war in Ukraine is a Covid style war. All media made. Of course there are refugees. That’s for sure. But the Ukrainian government is in collusion with the Russian government and the Cabal to create this media thing. There are dead yes, but not as you are told and not for the reasons you are told. And even that is murky and we still can’t know what exactly is going on there or what they are up to with that.

Robert: From the Russian army more than 10,000 casualties.

Swaruu X (Athena): That is simply not true, it is more lies with agenda as in this example comparison: There are 10,000 dead for Covid in Germany/There are 10,000 Russian dead in Ukraine. Same lie. Thousands of refugees YES. Fleeing from war executed in a media way. And as an important side note, the refugees, although they are in the thousands and thousands, are not the total mass of the Ukrainian people, not even close <----

Let me inform you of what they saw and we saw. Alenym sent her Special Forces to see what is going on from the ground. 4 Hashmallim went down. They wanted to go see that supposed Pfizer lab of graphene that the Russians reported. And it turned out to be a former bioweapons facility of the former Soviet Union.

(Alenym´s note: However, that’s not to say that there aren’t labs, which we know there are. However, not of graphene specifically but of chemical or biological weapons development. Just that the Hashmallim didn’t see them. Ukraine is big. They weren’t down that many days).

Swaruu X (Athena): What they saw were destroyed and burned villages. Small villages, not big cities. No people anymore. But the Hashmallim are military, they know what they are looking at. Those villages were destroyed not by war or combat, but on purpose. What they saw there makes no sense. And so village after village, all near the borders with Poland and Romania. Further into the Ukraine they saw nothing unusual, nothing out of place. No signs of war. People going about their almost normal lives just with a lot of police presence, not military. Presence of barricades in the streets, barbed wire. But no fighting and no armored cars destroyed. But a lot of airplanes passing overhead as I reported before.

The situation was more marked when arriving in Kiev, because there was NOTHING happening there. There is plenty of food in the supermarkets and normal traffic in the streets. Just that they have curfew from 8 pm to 8 am. Internet only local. That is to say, the signal does not leave Ukraine, the same with mobile and landline telephony. That is, what happens in Ukraine does not leave Ukraine. No civilian can report anything. But these services are working internally. There is also electric light, and everything normal.

What they did see in large numbers in several Ukrainian cities especially in Kiev were: entire convoys, hundreds of trucks of CINEMA equipment. Sets, cranes, lighting systems etc. All full of Matrix journalists. Hotels filled to capacity with journalists and film crews.

Then they saw cars purposely burned on streets and old armored vehicles, some burned and artificially placed at each location, cranes putting armored vehicles on the street, with directors telling them to put them further down please. Crisis actors, trucks and trucks of make-up and special effects facilities. Lots of trailers or caravans for actors too. As the Hashmallim say, there are more reporters with cameras than soldiers with rifles there.

Kiev received a large influx of refugees from other parts of Ukraine, and the police put them underground for the night. And at night, last night, and I saw this myself, they close all the doors of the underground and journalists come in to take pictures of them, all crowded inside. While outside a single police pick up driving around the block with the siren on every now and then, creating the illusion of danger. With only one policeman inside.

The suffering is real, people are in crisis, losing their homes, their lives, but the war is fake like the Covid. And it is the second war of this nature, the first was the 1991 Persian Gulf war, which was semi-mediatic. This one seems to be completely fabricated.

Even so, NATO is on the borders waiting for orders, it looks like a hornet’s nest with so many planes and so much armor. The same on the Russian side. Surely the soldiers believe it is real, it should be this way. But what you see on the news is Hollywood.

I extracted the Hashmallim with Suzy II. I was there on the outskirts of Kiev. They have an old departmental building complex, very Soviet Union-style, from that era. They have cinematic vehicles around it, and they put pyrotechnic explosions inside. It looks destroyed because they’ve destroyed it on purpose. They set fires here and there, creating the illusion of war. All to make people believe that the Russians attacked apartment buildings, people’s apartments, civilians’ apartments.

I was there. With my feet on the grass watching all that in the distance as the Hashmallim brought up their equipment. No sounds of war. Just crickets and insects, as spring approaches.

The problem is that we still don’t have the full picture. Nothing fits, but war as it’s on the news, that´s definitely NOT happening. It’s another false flag.

But I insist that people do suffer and they do believe that something is going on, especially the refugees. They believe there is war mostly thanks to the media, and what their local government tells them.

It is highly probable that Ukrainian soldiers attacked civilian villages to make people believe that it was the Russians. Still it is quite possible that there have been real but brief and local clashes between the Russians and Ukrainian forces. But never on the scale they say in the news.

Given that I saw convoys of refugees on foot being escorted by Russian armored vehicles, and from everything else we know that Russia is cooperating in this heinous plan. So I don’t contradict my previous report. I just add to what we know. But it’s all media.

Gosia: Thank you Athena. One question, I don’t understand one thing. What are the refugees, and thousands of them, escaping from if nothing or not much is happening?

Swaruu X (Athena): For the same reason why people wear masks. Because of the fear of war, taking it for granted that it is happening “next door”, and those “next door” believe it is happening in the first place or another. As with Covid, they believe that the other person is dying, and the other person believes that it is the first person who is dying. They always take it for granted that it’s happening somewhere else, even if it’s not happening anywhere else. The media war is what causes them to flee, because they believe in the Hollywood TV theater they show on the news.

That, plus who knows who, the Ukrainians or the Russians, or both, attacked small villages to start the exodus.

(Alenym´s note: From the drones we conclude that there is some fighting, in border areas, in areas basically evacuated of civilians. Inside Ukraine, we haven’t seen any signs of war).

Robert: And those 500 prisoners that Putin wants to hand over, is that real? I would imagine so.

Swaruu X (Athena): It is not known. It is very possible that even that is not real. We don’t know what is going on. We just report to you what we saw and put the pieces together. Not because we’ve been to Ukraine, or flying over Ukraine, we know everything that’s going on. But what we saw there doesn’t look good, it’s not war. This looks like a false flag to move their pieces to install their New World Order. They are generating economic collapse, or so it seems, because that could also be just theater.

Gosia: And if there is no war, why are they flying all these planes and having all those tanks and there is NATO on the border?

Swaruu X (Athena): Because we’ve already seen that either they don’t know either, or they feed you lies that go with the narrative. Or they could be creating the illusion of war that we see to provoke a larger conflict. It is one of the main purposes of creating a war with the use of the media, to stimulate the war economy, to create separation and hatred between the two sides because the soldiers there do believe that there is a real rivalry between the nations.

Gosia: Okay. And the soldiers that are there, all of them, I’m sure at some point they would say: We have NOT fought against anybody. No?

Swaruu X (Athena): Yes exactly, but soldiers could also come out saying that they fought. And maybe they did fight, but not on the scale they are telling you. I mean, a skirmish between Ukrainians and Russians in some village will cause 5 Russians and Ukrainians wounded and all bandaged that the media will use to make believe that the war is something bigger. Or not even that, because they may very well use crisis actors to portray said wounded soldiers.

Robert: Of course they fought, because the info is compartmentalized.

Swaruu X (Athena): Exactly.

We don’t know and have no way of knowing on what scale they are really fighting and how much of it is just lies part of a False Flag. But most of it is fake and media, that’s true.

Gosia: And what about the supposed dead Russian generals, supposedly killed, plus whole regimes killed, can that be falsified? Because you could know if such and such general is dead or not.

Swaruu X (Athena): I don’t have the answer. But nothing fits. It could be that those were already dead. I speculate. There is a lot of uncertainty, everything is murky. And people look to us for answers, but at this point we can’t have them all. We’re just reporting what we saw, we’re not jumping to conclusions. And it’s very difficult for us to get more information.

However, it clearly looks like it’s all media. I have exposed what we saw directly without intermediaries, and directly from Ukraine. There is definitely no war going on on the scale that the official mass media show you.

Last edited by Robert369 (2022-03-28 16:34:31)

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#14 2022-03-28 15:30:35


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Thanks for the added update. (The text seems to be duplicated.)

The initial analysis that this is just a media cover to hide the planning of the new lock-down measures of another Papaya round - is that still valid? I was thinking this is like the magician: We look at one hand, while the other is doing the actual "magic".

To create/prepare for a much more serious energy crisis also seems valid, setting the stage for the crash.

The people I talk to in Sweden, all believe this is real.

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#15 2022-03-28 16:37:30


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mryang wrote:

Thanks for the added update. (The text seems to be duplicated.)

Thanks, fixed !

mryang wrote:

The initial analysis that this is just a media cover to hide the planning of the new lock-down measures of another Papaya round - is that still valid? I was thinking this is like the magician: We look at one hand, while the other is doing the actual "magic".

To create/prepare for a much more serious energy crisis also seems valid, setting the stage for the crash.

Our Taygetan friendls clearly said that they have no idea about the plans behind all this, but since we know that the master plan involves eradicating all of Humanity, and that they have prepared food shortages, etc. everywhere, this clearly aims at continuing that route - with or without "war", because this is not about battle but about a war against the people. Or rather... the genocide.

Last edited by Robert369 (2022-03-28 16:54:44)

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#16 2022-03-28 17:56:24


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Have to remember that without our consent they cannot proceed and cannot accomplish their plan. This plan is nothing without the people, the real souls which energy is being harvested by these shadow entities. Real people if awakened and realize that they have been manipulated in every way the matrix experiment/game will be over.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-03-28 17:57:20)


#17 2022-03-28 18:10:58


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mitkobs wrote:

Have to remember that without our consent they cannot proceed and cannot accomplish their plan.

I fear that this is wish-thinking, because they never cared for consent but simply killed off everyone in the past as they saw fit. Or would you believe that Starseeds coming down to liberate the planet (which also happened in the past) were not killed as soon as they became a danger ? And today there are too many of them on the planet - hence they have urgency to remove current Humanity.

Also, as Yazhi explained in the Holistic Society videos, they already have a fully chipped, robotized and indoctrinated "replacement population" ready, which to my knowledge are mostly clones, and they aim at putting those in place of the current Humanity. This is visible everywhere, no matter how much the GF and new-age lie about "free will" and "consent".

The consent question is only useful if it is followed, and it is only cared for by those who are willing to help - which for sure are not the Space+Earth Cabals aka the local GF and their lackeys.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#18 2022-03-28 18:38:25


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

They fear more what is going to be ahead if they do something without the consent of real souls. We are the Source, we can change any plans and turn the game upside on its head if they break some fundamental rules. Why else is this complicated lying and convincing. Because people when manipulated are using own free will. They take the injection and kill themselves, they take the rifle and go to war and being killed there in the clash.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-03-28 18:39:23)


#19 2022-03-28 18:46:10


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

How do they pull off the misinformation over there? Its one thing when trying to manipulate who has been the one who is shooting on civilians. But manipulate who has control over a whole city, like Kiev wich is a big one, how do they do that? If the russians now have taken Kiev and all the media and reports from Ukriane says the opposite, thats some extreme level of manipulation.

Last edited by Breakingfree (2022-03-28 18:46:39)


#20 2022-03-28 18:48:40


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mitkobs wrote:

They fear more what is going to be ahead if they do something without the consent of real souls.

Seems you ignore the fact that they are actively killing Starseeds and performed their many genocides in the past without consent but via deception and violence ?

Regressives - and that's what the local GF is - do not care about "consent". This is wish-thinking, but good luck if you think that you are safe from getting killed in the genocide just by saying "No!". This needs more action - and that on a global scale.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#21 2022-03-28 18:54:36


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mitkobs wrote:

They fear more what is going to be ahead if they do something without the consent of real souls. We are the Source, we can change any plans and turn the game upside on its head if they break some fundamental rules. Why else is this complicated lying and convincing. Because people when manipulated are using own free will. They take the injection and kill themselves, they take the rifle and go to war and being killed there in the clash.

Everyone is "source" though. This "game" or whatever it is called, can end however, or whenever "they" see fit for the purpose of the game, learning, experience or else. From our point of view, murder, rape, eating babies is horrible - but from higher perspectives, they are all lessons because we carry emotions - Federation doesn't.

I also think that the Papaya kill-off is the least of our near future "problems" as we are not boosted. All these coming events, oil crisis, population shifts, wars, internal resistances on all levels, Earth changes, will culminate in one apex - I read someone describe it:

"This coming moment, the birth of a new kind, will be the most majestic event to ever grace time."

Swaruu said 2025 plus minus - I say - Enjoy! smile

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#22 2022-03-28 19:03:29


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Breakingfree wrote:

How do they pull off the misinformation over there? Its one thing when trying to manipulate who has been the one who is shooting on civilians. But manipulate who has control over a whole city, like Kiev wich is a big one, how do they do that? If the russians now have taken Kiev and all the media and reports from Ukriane says the opposite, thats some extreme level of manipulation.

But Swaruu wrote that in the post:

"Internet only local. That is to say, the signal does not leave Ukraine, the same with mobile and landline telephony. That is, what happens in Ukraine does not leave Ukraine. No civilian can report anything. But these services are working internally. There is also electric light, and everything normal."

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


#23 2022-03-29 01:30:54


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

Gosia wrote:

It SEEMED like it came out of context but in fact it came out of the more personal conversation that we had at that point that I didnt include, which was about where we would like to travel to or move to in the world, so thats why she mentioned Mexico. That´s how these transcripts with chats go sometimes, I edit out more personal stuff that are of no interest to no one, and leave bits that are. smile

mryang wrote:

Thanks for the clarification - actually - I was wondering this exact thing because it came out of context in the first post.

Again - thank you.

Mexico is the place we have our eyes on should NZ fall.
Lots of awake people gravitate there.
The Balkanisation process could work to our advantage in that a well defended freedom zone could be carved out in the process.
Might be an easier place for the Taygetans to make physical contact with communities as well.

Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered    Rainer Maria Rilke


#24 2022-03-29 05:36:18


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

They cannot kill starseeds just like that out of no reason. The starseed have to attract such energy within its ethereal field. To think and proceed in certain way in order to make yourself compatible with such turn of events. They also believe in karma, they fear what is going to happen to them. And that is very real thing based on the reality of "all is one". What you sow is what you reap. What you do to others you do it to yourself.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-03-29 05:38:04)


#25 2022-03-29 06:07:54


Re: Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine

mitkobs wrote:

They cannot kill starseeds just like that out of no reason. The starseed have to attract such energy within its ethereal field. To think and proceed in certain way in order to make yourself compatible with such turn of events. They also believe in karma, they fear what is going to happen to them. And that is very real thing based on the reality of "all is one". What you sow is what you reap. What you do to others you do it to yourself.

Starseeds can't be killed. Bodies can stop working. We incarnate into a new one - if we want. The concept of killing is human 3D.
Karma is individually created. We choose to carry it. You can kill, violate, molest and be a general "dick" 100 lifetimes without carry any karma whatsoever. It's all in your mind and purpose.

My humble opinion that is smile

Pleadian Starseed. Orphan. Born Korean, adopted to Sweden. Curious. Fighting to dematerialize my life. Watching and enjoying the show. I'm sometimes doing indexes to videos on youtube I like. Loving my life, 9/10. Grateful to be living here, in this moment, together with all of you. Let us create the new Divine World Order in the shift to come.


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