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#26 2020-10-28 21:26:13

Leon Perry

Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

This is about, why the COVID-19 death rate is so low.


#27 2020-10-29 12:26:01

Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Statistic bias.


#28 2020-10-29 13:21:01


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Here are some good news about a large number of scientists and doctors signing an anti-Covid declaration:

34,000 Scientists & Doctors Sign Declaration

P.S.: And yes, all statistics about Covid cases are faked because it is known that there's no working test for this fake virus. They report positives on pretty much anything, including gasoline and other crap. The numbers being wrong has even been confirmed by the respective institutions

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#29 2020-10-30 08:25:21

Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam … aningless/
Bulgarian Pathology Association Says COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless
Why is the Covid-19 Death Rate So Low?

Last edited by Tommi On The Gig (2020-10-30 08:26:12)


#30 2020-10-31 19:52:24


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Gosia wrote:

In this thread please share any important videos and information that support exposing the false pandemic. Let´s go!

with all my respects, how do you explain people die? die of what?
I know some people are ill, they have the same symptom than a flu.
the only scam, I don't believe the number of deaths, however, the virus really stars in China, there was a video from a chinese virologist who is now in the US, She also confirms this.

Last edited by magicalex (2020-10-31 20:02:09)


#31 2020-10-31 20:17:13


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

magicalex wrote:

how do you explain people die? die of what?

If you claim that a virus kills people, it would be you to provide proof instead of demanding it from others.

For those who are not falling for the cabal narrative, it is known that people primarily died from 5G attacks - which's electronic chips are labeled "Covid-19" (!) - or toxification like vaccination/testing, and if not directly, then their immune system will be so ruined that the next best flu will be able to finish them off. The "Covid-19" is simply a modified weak flu virus with much less mortality than regular flu, and the symptons are 99% identical with dozens of other illnesses.

Meanwhile there's plenty of official information out even from cabalistic sources like the WHO and the virus never was isolated aka never was found, and that hence no test ever has been able to get created. Instead, the patents for today's tests clearly state that they are giving plenty of false positives and for what reason.

In addition it has been explained in one of Gosia's videos what a virus really is: Nothing that can kill a body because it is not an organism but only a message. And only a weakened body will due from panic due to "bad messages".

As for demanding links: Much proof is in this thread or in linked other sources. But being offensive without having seen/understood them is never clever.

I hope that this clears up a few things about Covid being a lie. If not, please try not to convince anyone here from the opposite.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#32 2020-11-01 15:07:43


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Robert369 wrote:

If you claim that a virus kills people, it would be you to provide proof instead of demanding it from others.

here is the evidence from a doctor.

For those who are not falling for the cabal narrative, it is known that people primarily died from 5G attacks - which's electronic chips are labeled "Covid-19" (!) - or toxification like vaccination/testing, and if not directly, then their immune system will be so ruined that the next best flu will be able to finish them off. The "Covid-19" is simply a modified weak flu virus with much less mortality than regular flu, and the symptons are 99% identical with dozens of other illnesses.

bla bla, you can't back up besides cosmic agency videos.

also, you're wrong 5G is not everywhere, only some parts of Euro, US, and some Asian countries use it.

Meanwhile there's plenty of official information out even from cabalistic sources like the WHO and the virus never was isolated aka never was found, and that hence no test ever has been able to get created. Instead, the patents for today's tests clearly state that they are giving plenty of false positives and for what reason.

you said earlier CAbal was behind it, I can see you did  some good research about WHO, and you believe what they say about the virus !

In addition it has been explained in one of Gosia's videos what a virus really is: Nothing that can kill a body because it is not an organism but only a message. And only a weakened body will due from panic due to "bad messages".

as much as I believe her story about Swaruu, unless she can provide with scientific proof?

and this Virologist  lies about virus from Wuhan lab?

Have fun


#33 2020-11-01 15:15:24


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Believing fake-science never helped anyone except the system. As if a regular system "virologist" knows what as virus is anyways: This knowledge about a virus not being an entity but only a message DOES exist in the fake-science system but is suppressed like most other things. Your claim is like "Free Energy cannot exist because it doesn't exist in the system".

As for Wuhan, it is publicly known (to those checking proper sources, of course) that there was a 5G mass murder attack which afterwards was afterwards covered by the fake-virus created in that infamous lab which is owned by a US Rothschild company and its content managed by Bill Gates. Well, in fact the virus was not fake at first but had almost no effect due to the "100th ape" effect.

Here you see "Globalism" and "Free Economy" being perfectly abused by installing devices and companies for what they were installed for by the Rothschild: To take over and/or destroy countries. (Not to name banks, governments, and much more - but that's a different story)

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#34 2020-11-01 18:57:16


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

I'm aware Uncle Bill was behind the wuhan lab, WHO etc
but I'd like you to provide with some links with what you said ?


#35 2020-11-01 19:03:43


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

magicalex wrote:

I'm aware Uncle Bill was behind the wuhan lab, WHO etc
but I'd like you to provide with some links with what you said ?

I am providing knowledge and understanding, not links, and you make of it what you want. As you know, links are are no proof anyways, so I could care less - you either resonate with the info I give or not. Plus, much of the information I provide is not linkable anyways, meaning that the sheer request that it must be, implies a mainstream source of whatever type.

Sorry to disappoint you, but real knowledge comes more from without than from without, and non-public sources.

Yet, since as you say you are aware of all of it, I cannot see a need for links anyways.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#36 2020-11-01 22:06:43


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

yes, but your 5G doesn't explain all the deaths, it's a mix of Virus + 5G it makes more sense.
People need to have a critical thinking.

Last edited by magicalex (2020-11-02 00:58:23)


#37 2020-11-01 22:26:29


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

magicalex wrote:

yes, but your 5G doesn't explain all the deaths, it's a mix of Virus + 5G it makes more sense.

Correct: It is known that 5D destroys the body, especially the immune system, and then even a little artificial flu can kill. This is why old and ill people are the only ones that can die from a flu - including the "Corona virus" (which means flu family, while "Covid-19" is simply the project name). In fact, no healthy person ever died from the "Covid-19" - but instead very much so from the fake-tests, killer-examiniations and "treatments" that the cabalistic systems "kindly" yet enforced offers.

There's nothing magic about this virus, especially since it can be fought using all the simple standard household means that work against regular flu, e.g. Sleep/Warmth, Vitamin C, H2O2, CDS/MMS, etc.. This was only different at the very beginning when it was new to China, because it contained a DNA portion against Asian races - but the peoples' bodies quickly adapted and by that made the virus useless.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#38 2020-11-02 01:06:42


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Robert369 wrote:

There's nothing magic about this virus, especially since it can be fought using all the simple standard household means that work against regular flu, e.g. Sleep/Warmth, Vitamin C, H2O2, CDS/MMS, etc.. This was only different at the very beginning when it was new to China, because it contained a DNA portion against Asian races - but the peoples' bodies quickly adapted and by that made the virus useless.

the majority of people  died are old but some ppl die at 30', 40' too, I'm not into medical field, from what i've heard the chinese lab created this lethal virus to reduce world population, 5G doesn't transmit from body to body but the virus does.


#39 2020-11-02 11:06:59


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Robert369 wrote:

Humanity currently is benefiting from from the various cabal factions fighting each other because it will ultimately lead to all their demise, especially with further powers waiting in the background to end whatever cabal remains after they are done amongst each other.

Yes ^-^

Evil is a self-destructive energy. The Universe doesn’t understand of separation, but evil does. That’s why it’s self-defeating. The energy of fight always means fighting yourself. Cabal is in a transmutation process. They come into the light, a greater state of knowledge and true benevolence, or they disappear fighting in their darkness.

R.I.P. Illuminati.

Soon or later, everything comes back to you.


#40 2020-11-02 11:55:01

Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

magicalex wrote:
Robert369 wrote:

There's nothing magic about this virus, especially since it can be fought using all the simple standard household means that work against regular flu, e.g. Sleep/Warmth, Vitamin C, H2O2, CDS/MMS, etc.. This was only different at the very beginning when it was new to China, because it contained a DNA portion against Asian races - but the peoples' bodies quickly adapted and by that made the virus useless.

the majority of people  died are old but some ppl die at 30', 40' too, I'm not into medical field, from what i've heard the chinese lab created this lethal virus to reduce world population, 5G doesn't transmit from body to body but the virus does.

I understood what Robert said was that 5G radiation drop the immune system down so it was also possible for young people to have this C-19 what they would not have received under other circumstances.


#41 2020-11-02 22:03:00


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

jakx wrote:

What is the full form of COVID-19?

I remember in some video Swaruu saying 'Covert Operation Vir...' something.

Does anyone remember?

I read that it means Certificate of Vaccine ID 19.  I don’t know if it is true.


#42 2020-11-10 07:50:30

Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

how do you explain people die? die of what?

Robert369 wrote:

If you claim that a virus kills people, it would be you to provide proof instead of demanding it from others.

i agree with Robert.

Robert is correct.


#43 2020-11-12 04:47:16


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

......there is some information indicating that the test for covid is actually the vaccine or hydrogel identification....therefore do not get tested......


#44 2020-11-12 21:10:52


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam


#45 2020-11-14 13:30:20


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Thank you everyone for participating in the discussion in this thread! It surely is quite helpful for many newcomers. And I especially appreciate the opposing views and questions, as they are most certainly on the minds of many people who are new to ¨Covid is a fraud¨ awakening, so they need arguments and facts to understand things, and they can only be provided if the opposing views are voiced. So thank you everyone!


#46 2020-11-16 02:42:36


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Dr Enoch Metatron wrote:

If you claim that a virus kills people, it would be you to provide proof instead of demanding it from others

i agree with Robert.

Robert is correct.

I didn't claim anything, I replied to your thread, since you support 5G, you have to prove it not me, btw, I did prove it's not only 5G because it's not everywhere, how about you?



#47 2020-11-16 11:53:46


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Thanks for your encouraging words, Gosia, they are appreciated. Let's keep going!

Cosmic Agency came my way only recently. I had already worked out that it is a corona-no-virus, and had read quite a few sources on the subject. When I saw the information coming from Swaruu and the Taygetan team on the corona-no-virus, it just blew me away. A clarity, confidence, and POWER communicates itself through these messages like from nowhere else on the subject. And it was at this point that I knew for sure that the info here was real, authentic. We were a million miles away from fake matrix new-age channelling, which I have become very wary of.

I really recommend anybody here who hasn't done it, to do so: go through all the no-virus info on the channels here. Start at Feb 1st transcript (I imagine that YouTube thoughtfully removed the video). This is amazing. Right at the beginning, just as the 'virus' was first touching down in Europe, Swaruu was already explaining clearly that it is a fraud. Most humans have needed to go through a process of cognitive dissonance to reach that point, of confusion, head-scratching, of asking themselves 'Would they really try anything as fraudulent and criminal as that?' Another very significant video is April 6th, 'What is a virus?' It explains many things very clearly, and especially how the illusion of contagion by viruses comes about. This is new to me.

Personally I have overcome my hermit-like tendencies and linked up with some other local people for leaflet distribution, 'gatherings' (not 'protests' or 'demonstrations', words with the wrong connotations), and moral support. Some starseeds there, for sure!

If you can accept that the virus is a no-virus, then clouds of confusion dissolve away. The entire global process of lockdowns, masks, distancing, testing, then more lockdowns etc etc makes sense. If there was a real dangerous pathogen, it would have been impossible to control the process as it has rolled out. Too unpredictable - you don't know how many people are going to die, who, how long the virus is going to stick around, where etc. But with a phantom virus and a fraudulent test that you can turn up or down, you can create any narrative you want!

So that's it for now. Many thanks to the Taygetan team for communicating, and to the crew of starseeds for getting it out to the rest of us.  xxx


#48 2020-11-21 06:17:31


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

I love the fliers the Gosia designed, to educate people about theScamdemic.  I watched the video of Gosia, on a snowy night at 1:00AM, bravely distributing the fliers, and putting them into baskets on bicycles smile 
So dedicated!
Seeing that, I felt I should be creative too.
So I made a short video about the SCAM.
I've been about brainstorming ideas of how we (those who want to help),   can use one's creativiy, to direct people to know about the Cosmic Agency Youtube Channel.
Here is a 11 minute short movie called, "PENPALS FROM SPACE" (made on my iPhone in one day, so it has some errors)

Last edited by Meridianwoman (2020-11-21 06:19:48)

TOGETHER we can move mountains!
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#49 2020-11-24 13:55:07


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

Hello. Have printed some of the fliers and handed out around town. I would like to ask, is it possible that a small change could be make to the Finnish fliers? There has been a lot of talk here in Finland at the beginning of this year concerning 5G. It has basically been labeled as a conspiracy theory here. I'd like to pass out more fliers, but is it possible to get this removed(which is on the 4th page of pamphlet): "yhdistettynä lisääntyvään 5G-säteilyyn" so, all of those words. The corrected sentence would read as follows: Todellinen tarkoitus on talouden tuhoamisen ja ihmisten hallinnan lisäksi väestön pakottaminen rokotuksiin, jotka aiheuttavat tuhoisia vaikutuksia fyysiseen, psyykkiseen ja henkiseen terveyteen.

"Remember who you are, from whence you have come and why you are here"


#50 2020-11-24 14:01:20


Re: Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam

WhiteWolf wrote:

There has been a lot of talk here in Finland at the beginning of this year concerning 5G. It has basically been labeled as a conspiracy theory here. I'd like to pass out more fliers, but is it possible to get this removed(which is on the 4th page of pamphlet): ...

Considering that 5G is the real cause of all troubles and the virus is only the make-up for it, I would think that this makes little sense. One cannot spread truth without the real truth in it ?

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


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