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#76 2022-11-07 05:28:08


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

This information alone doesn't necessarily mean anything is going to happen. This information doesn't give me the ability to wipe out the entire big pharma conglomerate with a snap of my fingers... This information doesn't allow me to annihilate all the politicians in the world, or CEO's of big transnational corporations.

I mean I'll keep waking up every day focusing on death/destruction on the entire cabal and federation. I'll keep doing it for the rest of my life here until they're gone or I cease to exist within this timeline; which works for me either way.

This information has yet to lead me to being able to consciously dematerialize beings and matter within seconds.

Okay I need the ability to destroy all of the medicial facilities still pushing the vaccines. I need the power to mass target military installations that are still running cloud seeding operations. I need the ability to mass target and destroy AI cube networks that are 3D printing all kinds of stupid shit.


#77 2022-11-07 05:32:31


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

I mean if someone wants to give me the big red button for this whole galaxy to be destroyed, send it over my way. I'll push it. Let's get this stupid effing show over with already.


#78 2022-11-07 05:42:04


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Oh and what's perfect is that as I essentially make death threats against an entire galaxy, I have gawd knows what kind of beings attempting to soothe me, by sending me loving energy. Like seriously, thank you soooo effing much for the "love-heroin" to numb my body and make me feel good about all this. Like seriously, what a perfect weapon to have... Make people feel love and light only to essentially numb them like an insect or snake that paralyzes it's prey. How cute...

And then I'll get my social media blown up with memes about spiritual ethics and manifestation.... Like it's only happening to essentially mock me.


#79 2022-11-07 07:37:33


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Squid do you want yourself to be blown to pieces? Destruction as a conduit of expansion is possible when you know for sure that what you want to destroy do not serve any purpose for the greater good. If you destroy without this precaution you yourself will be blown to pieces. Power comes only with responsibility. Cabal for example have the power but without taking the responsibility and doing their planned destructions it is their downfall already.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-11-07 07:41:07)


#80 2022-11-07 08:28:32


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Sorry for late reply Squid, I know we'll that there are many huge specific issues. You are right. We should discuss how we should tackle these. I have big ideas. Too long to lay out quickly here but my email is available and you are very welcome to contact me to discuss ideas.


#81 2022-11-07 19:54:15


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Well I'm still trying to process all this because the reason I"m vehemently going off the rails is because I've come to acknowledge that this reality is far worse than the disclosure from the Taygetans have alluded to, although it's there in bits and pieces.

And therefore I honestly don't know what we're really going to do or talk about. And I'm very very suspicious and absolutely convinced that the only proper way to do this is to be a stupid loud mouth and drum up psychic energetic nodes with words, feelings and images. To me everything is no longer what it seems... A bird is not a bird just because it flies like a bird and sounds like a bird.

Like for whatever reason because I was trying to load too much information in a holographic way in my words, I had to get visited by some race's faction that has a timeshare here in my locality and I got abducted last night. And no it wasn't the kind of taking on board craft kind, it's the oh all the lights went out for a split second and your whole vision and sense of being here goes blank/black and then your put back together. Which hmmm... Maybe from their point of view they did put me on board a ship, and tortured me and then thought oh well we're done, we've put that stupid slave in it's place.

Which to me indicates that I am not really my body, it is holographic, and somewhere in it, it has holographic coding for some being to assemble another being, and then torture it to make it do it's bidding.

Oh and then I have a dream about one of the primary news anchors (definitely an agent of the Federation/Cabal) from my 3D earth locality, that essentially tried to intimidate me.

When the Taygetans said that the technology that is in use all over the galaxy and that it supercedes Star Trek by thousands upon thousands of years... They weren't kidding and of course they forgot to throw in that the reality also includes all the advanced crap from Star Wars that never made it into the movies, but only the video games, comics, books, and internet forums.

Last edited by HiddenSquid (2022-11-07 19:58:09)


#82 2022-11-07 20:01:08


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

But sure I guess I'll email you! Because gawd knows what I went through last night, is actually part of the higher ordered biology/civilization that governs/fuels you, and something had to happen to a clone of me, or my DNA so the interaction could be modulated.

Ya lol and now I'm in the loony bin if I don't want to play nice with Aliens because all I got left are 3D humans.


#83 2022-11-07 20:54:06


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

And yes Mitkobs I know that about destruction. Sometimes you have to cut your hair off so you can enjoy who you want to be going forward. And of course once you cut your hair off and realize it's not what you wanted, it's too late. Your stuck with having to wait for your hair to regrow back.


#84 2022-11-07 21:39:12

Jupiter 9

Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

The Federation is nether the Federation of Love and Light that is gonna come and save us like Jesus, nor is it the Federation of Fear and Darkness that is gonna come and torture us like Satan. Both views are two sides of the same black and white coin.

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#85 2022-11-08 00:08:02


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

No the Federation (which one?) are terrible beings. That's just my opinion. They want access to genetics, and most importantly attention focus awareness. And they do want to jail/rehabilitate beings here.

The Taygetans said it right to all our faces that this place is a school/prison. And if you missed that part it's because you only wanted to focus on what they also said... The Federation from another point of view isn't imprisoning anyone because this place is part of the experience.

Like how are all of you missing this? They're saying it right to our faces that the Federation is actually allowing horrendous things to happen here.


#86 2022-11-08 00:15:10


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Like could you imagine if I went out and shot a bunch of people and then claimed oh from a certain view point that's what they wanted because I actually succeeded?  If it happened it therefore was meant to happen. What crap.

Oh and not only are they allowing horrendous things, but their very own people are down here causing the horrendous things!


#87 2022-11-08 01:38:48

Scott Summers

Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?


I love your spirit. You’re tough.

Don’t ever change. Be who you are and never be ashamed of that. I’m serious.

One day we’ll all meet when this nonsense blows over. Hang in there.


#88 2022-11-08 02:18:17


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Thank you for your kind words and affirmations. big_smile

I will try as you say, although if I'm being honest, I must change! At some point (every point?) I have to... But I know what you mean, and I know you didn't mean it like that. I'm just being a smart ass lol.


#89 2022-11-08 05:20:00


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Not about Federation allows or not but what we are here. This is the key to true freedom. Are we afraid of the Adversary, are we going to surrender to the darkness and let it take over, are we going to feel helpless and lesser in every sense, dependable little small defenseless and scared. Do you want someone to save you or you will save yourself. It is all about who we are, everything that is happening.
Are we Source or what. Are we going to continue to complain or take things into own hands. However powerless one can feel physically and externally, no one can take your internal power and that is the most important power there is. This is the power of eternity, the power that transcends time and space, needs, divides, disagreements, differences. Do you feel that power within you. Can you handle that power. How you are using that power now, do you use it at all. What world you will imagine to be. Do not answer me but form this into your mind, make internal resolutions and affirmations.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-11-08 05:21:28)


#90 2022-11-08 06:30:21


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Good gawd what am I supposed to do. Go back to school, take all the electrical engineering, smithing classes, and biology classes I can, then reconvert all it's mathematics into 12-Base? Throw myself over a bridge, and hopefully I wake up in an immersion pod, then depending on who/what/where/when I am, come back and destroy everything I deem as useless?

I mean essentially what you're saying is to shut up, get back in line, have a seat, because your whining is useless and like an insect buzzing at me.

I mean you do realize you're complaining about me complaining right?

What on earth am I supposed to do? Go into the grocery store and just start taking what I need because oh it's simulation, the people in there aren't real?

Oh I am the source, but I cannot complain. How lovely...

Oh goodie I get to sit in forever contemplation of the nothingness of my beingness. That's all I get. That's my only power, what a fucking joke and a waste. Seriously.

Oh and the Cabal have all the power but no responsibility, oh bullshit. They're taking it upon themselves to genocide and mind-control the world.


#91 2022-11-08 07:59:11


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

What you are doing here exactly then? Do you think someone here can make your life situation better or anyone is here to hear you complaining venting out of your situation. Take a seat, calm your horses, almost everyone here is in the same life situation. I am telling you what you can do but you do not listen, you are cynical and you see the things from materialistic POV and like a victim. What else we can do for you here. Do you understand for what this Taygeten disclosure is. Why all this information is shared. To make you feel cozy or feel desperate seeing the truth?

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-11-08 08:00:23)


#92 2022-11-08 08:55:31


Re: What would trigger the Overseers to take action?

Hi Squid, I LOVE the fire you have inside my friend. However, we are in a war of consciousness and focus is intention. If I may say without causing offence hopefully, it seems you may be reinforcing these negatives by worrying so much about them?
Is about integration Squid, understanding - as conflictual thinking only reinforces duality. The Taygetans have explained repeatedly. Spend time every day focusing on a version of Earth as you can best imagine life here to be. You obviously have a Hella strong soul within you my friend, turn from anger to Love Squid. The dynamics between all the varied beings making up the Human race means it is more complicated than the oppressors and the oppressed. I hope you understand where I am coming from.


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