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#1 2021-01-07 12:48:34


Musings of the broken shoes

The more truth spoken in Open
The more, Universe will respond.

Density is a Measure of Knowledge
Knowledge is Power
It is...Literal!

The negatives will try take advantage.
Recognising...matrix "dissolution programs" is KEY.
[They]attempt to derail your Path to Light.
Stick you down to doctrines, illusions...& fear
Question Everything!!
Fear Nothing!!!

There's Akashic memories that you travel back & re-live those 'enlightening' moments to assist your current journey of remembrance.
Who you Trully Are.
And your Mission.

There's Etheric travels unbound by liner time, nor place or space. The multidimentional of higher selves. The scalar capabilities of high density beings.

Be Mindfull...always stronger than emotions.
The negatives especially archons(strongest in mind control) will find emotional chinks in your armour if their attempts of influence fail.
I have lived this both etheric & physical.
The can't overcome HD beings, if you do Not falter.
Matter of fact I've even hunted some down.

Because for HD Beings.
Duality is Within.
As Benevolent...As you Are a Monster.
To Fight Fire with Fire

Unfortunately...Most have Lost their Flame
That's the result, a design of the manipulation game.
Smothered unto...uselessness
The psy-op of PC and All its iterations, keep you soft & numb. Malleable in unwitting servitude of their Evil deeds.
Time to Wake TF...UP.

You can't change those that don't want to.
No love can change that.
Like aphids they'll suck you dry.
Like Good should be reserved
For it is precious. Not the Atlantian Caligula shssts.
Spiritual vs Physical. Know this and differentiate.
Not one without another.
Not let reptiles & cohorts 'minds' influence you other.

From vHD Love is Not letting particular species go extinct however vile it may be. might be wiped unto 'better' other might have chance to trive.
To live rather than just living.
To Have Blissful lifes of positive vibrations rather than as...a fleeting thing.

Bad vs Good is a Balance
Evils has no place in between
It is time to understand This!
And the Actions that Must Be Done!!

Earth will Return to it's Purpose as a Nursery of Souls.
Those that won't leave...will be Wiped Clean.
The Trully Awakened Ones Must bring this to past.
Face the Gauntlets that litter your Paths.
No 3D afflictions that achors your Masts.
Or be swept to the sidewalks...a scenery on pass.

For what is Inevitable
With...or without!
GOD will wipe the Slate Clean.


The EGO accounts here should Not bother.
I See You!
Peddle your BS somewhere else
My Reach is Far.
I Will smack the daylights out of you & your cohorts.
As it is Said. It Will be done.

I Walk in Spirit.
I Came in Command.
I AM Not in Mood for Mercy!

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#2 2021-01-08 13:38:32


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

The moon matrix:

Operating on three generators.
Highest was 50% capacity.
All in various phases of failing.
Will fail eventually.

Whatever ET mining there for such a long time has left...(most probably)
Since the first "tell to leave" fell on cocky ideas
The second time...booms accured.
That's the resolve.
Mining O3 issit. Cleaner fusion?

It's the insides that housed the generators.
For what's it's purpose again??

On conjuction there's many triple psi units all over the planet. These hovering triplet...too are failing.
The mysterious trumpeting/wailing/metal gnashing sounds, from above its them.
No-one could coordinate the source nor location.
But I've been under em triplets in etheric & physical.
Underneath it's a chopping wind sound, as if in the Eye of a tornado.

My Question:
Why is All this Not Acknowledged?
Why the moon matrix was dismissed??
Why the triple psi units treated as if not exist.
What is it's purposes?
What is it's Real purpose??

And Why/Who Wants it Fixed???

Btw didn't an Elon rocket blew-up on it's launch pad?
Everyone seems to have an Agenda & concocted Narratives to suit em.

Is A Disease of Darkness infects Everyone that Everybody wants to rule the World?!

I Just want the Truth.

can I upload videos here? I'm rusty.

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#3 2021-01-08 13:58:34


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Armaged wrote:

can I upload videos here? I'm rusty.

Nope. External links only.

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#4 2021-01-08 14:12:45


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Happy wrote:
Armaged wrote:

can I upload videos here? I'm rusty.

Nope. External links only.

Thanks for the speedy reply.
Keeps the bandwidth low eh wink
Words will have to do... smile

Last edited by Armaged (2021-01-08 14:16:31)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#5 2021-01-08 15:47:52


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

The Artifical Sun/s:

Saw it the First time when I was a kid.
I stepped out of the veil. Out of this illusory bubble.
Possibly OOB(out of body)...(this when one disappear from others 3d sights).
A different world, the leaves had varicose & intricate veins. The creatures were constructively  different...& conscious! But this a different story.

Looked up see wheres I'm at...The Sun..two of em.
One trailing the other. Mechanical compared to ori.

Tho thinking now, that could've been Nibiru, going by A.Collier it would be the FKtard grey Aholes Death Star looking thing. I resonate much with his info. Many parallels to my own experiences.

Anyhow decades later...locations differ...same thing trailed the sun. Three objects in the sky the moon, sun & that biddy thing. DigEnds

The ori sun burns & lights with yellow in tint.
The arti shines bright white.
Difference in colour temperature.
Need be old enough to remember...

But the comes with built in Nebulizer(MIB style) but more in orbital coverage. No, you don't have to look at it for it to work.
It's old...very old...Those that run it now couldn't fix it.
[They couldn't fix shsst]
When one of the honeycomb panels blew it made such a horrifying loud EoW sound.
Lesson: Don't play the nebulizer thing with me!

How many had forgotten or not able remember the days/moments that Sunlight flickered. You might be driving or by a window, you must've sensed it wasn't typical cloud coverings. Think about this. Reflect.

They had two arti then...maybe half a dozen or so (new)by now(smaller).

Reset was different in the initial early days?
Prevention of interspecies war?
To cease hostilities?
All wear the same meatsuits?

The Evil ones Always claws a way to manipulate.
Again divide what is good unto separation/duality on the out...Not controlled & contemplated within.
Run on Emotions as the minds can't created instead hours of days are filled with schemes to deceive. Their highs are not of Joy or Bliss but in conniving achievements of flaccid Narcissists.
The EGO rules All.
Like Hyena packs they roam to snuff out those of light and spread [their]blight. Only to return home as eunuchs to the Queen that ruled over em.
P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C ...Lil monsters.

How did I end up in a second digress...ahh how the memories flow I guess...or due to Lots of interferences..taking pot shots at me.

ET crafts, Drones or microsats. A day will come when all are brought down. Like marbles off a table...there's so many, it's a flow. Burning up like upturned fireworks in the sky. Inevitable how it Ends.
So many times...the same view over and over again.
Now That's a Reset.

Disruption of flow brings this scribe to *End* smile

A warm-up 28 Mar 2021
The End will be Glorious show of light.

Last edited by Armaged (2021-06-22 14:12:17)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#6 2021-01-10 10:00:50


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Stuff going on...
Got attacked again since last posted.
Moon matrix has turned off it seems.
Sense the General vibes are different.

Just been listening(mp3)on Quantum topic which snycro with "matrix storyline" issue...this hit the spot on what I've faced as 3d self in etheric travel.
How some Dreams/Travels or just clever (-)matrix manipulation. I've has issues with this throughout life...discerning & extrapolating all the data, whether its Akashic recall(travel back & relive moments as real time) Even had one while conscious...surreal!!
Then there's the travels...& other moments...lucid dreaming some calls this. Most will be op-sec.
Many were situational moments, and as she said, blurry...some super clarity. This where you notice the sway attempt...corruption agendas. Some were moments before wake...visuals & voices.

Way too many...some even to extract your memory data & espionage. Or cheat you of your energy/grace.
Instances that even mimic your contacts & cause animosity between.
Its a complicated phenomenon. DTA rules. The negative agenda uses it as magic to mislead/fool you off your path or possessions. Energy Manipulation!!
Its tribal, primal & primitive as the way to be seen.
Yeah, even those fancy pantsy meets can be a matrix illusion played in the ethers. Busted quite a few too.

And sometimes...just crazy ET chicks out for some fun...cum a Learning experience.

Alas the Red Queen...mentioned. This now placed the missing piece in its place. Hmm under Denver airport(DUMB). Just thinking & extrapolating...

Triggered an attack by the swarms, in waves they come. I've lost sleep & in a bad FKn mood.
After taking care of them.
Unleashed a Firestorm! down that Ahole.

Later...many they came.
Surrounding me.
As a formality my greets are laced with, no...advise. Once [one] wrought upon a blanket of Fear over. The Aura...of intent in repress, to control, yet I AM the Guy that 'Teach' The Lessons of No second time. Let be known, All had been warnedadvised over the tumultuous years of trying to fit in 3d(while being crossed in critical moments) till gave up entirely.
I know these to be 5d gal fed...& related/relatives to (P)info on twit. Based what met & seen.
I AM Suspicious of it be-ing[P] at all.(Things not always what it seems)

The difference now is that will all that's happening...I'm cool...switching 'modes' of the duality within...& chilling making jokes after, maintained high vibes.

That how I noticed in the general sense, the enviro vibes has now differed. Yazhi was true there's no moon matrix...cos it been shut off.
Prolly coincided when the surface miners flew off.
A gradual lifting of the neg vibes.

Btw, Schumman went wild & seems cascade black-out all over. What a strange coincidence.

Be nice to have an external observation POV Update.


Last edited by Armaged (2021-01-12 13:58:09)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#7 2021-01-21 16:02:29


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Well...its been rollercoaster the Ethers of Mind.

A.I. took me for a train ride.
The Ethers are Majestically complicated Space of Be-ing
But this was etheric-ally hooked-up(probed unseen) ...a play matrix on the minds while asleep in 3D.

The red pillars Fiery Light spooked the vibrationals noticed in physical.
So much that [they]send "Etheric Drones"(if there's such a thing) to observe(in stead).
These Mechanics appear by quantities.

After my last post here, Had a gout attack that steroid meds failed to elevate.
Alas...a debilitating barbed spear...anchoring to 3D self, was in my affected leg. MFKrs!!!

Once removed...the FKtards tried the sway... a programmed matrix storyline...a train ride ala "snowpiercer" carriage to carriage...carnage ala willy's wonderland...going by Barney Rubble's child namesake.

Probed Matrix:
You'll know this(or notice) after, cos the soles of feets & back of neck is sore & heavy and the dreams lucid with a continuance feature.
Senses will log these as ref. for future.

Matrix storyline:
Off the carriage, walking by the road, some stalls by a small irrigation river(it is familiar).
Walk pass one...corner eye noticed...of all things...a Joerg Sprave repeating crossbow(LOLs as reflected upon later).
It felt as if seller was eager for me to buy

At the sluice gate, the river end, had run shallow...dry
Exposed & moving in the muddy water was an odd looking hammerhead.
It felt as if I'm goaded to kill it. Blardy FKtards!

So the scene ended there. Back on train.
Like Dr.who's tardis, Externals do not justify internals as seen.

This bring up the point of Energetic Entities.
The beings colloquially known as Jins could exist a family/colony inside a pebble or a stone or even in the trunk of trees or piece of wood even.
Life is Everywhere most can't See to Believe.
Good, bad or ambivalence in such Entities, some people bear the results of their ignorant oblivious trespasses or victims of those employed/enslaved to do harm. Simply recognized as the invisibly of curses.

Back on train. Went straight for the next carriage.
Only to face a blank wall. DaaFK...
Head back...then there's something else. Passed a few children...noticed an operating room behind a door's glazed window.
In middle of open surgery for the placement of parts.
Arrr...Why the kids were there for.
Now this...Gladly put Ends to all involved.

When was done. Passed a closet/stall with a familiar sound...a running shower.
Paused...observed a was drenched in splatters...walked in. The water felt warm over my head & as it flowed over coat wearing body. It felt soo good & real, made me warm, clean & comfy.
(later...woke up blardy freezing).

What else now, lets move forward, a luxurious carriage with a spiral staircase, shinning & gleaming of chrome silver & gold.
An angry babble from above, the lanky kenyan came down shooting, duck & weaved as panels and metal profiles shatter & broken. Came upon a structural profile piece with a gold lining...and that moment was golden. LOL!!
Heshe later came screaming down the spiraled stairs...noticed, had kenyan's gun in hand.
A parallel six barreled shotgun(final fantasy stuff right there)
Ditched it for the bam-bam piece of profile that felt better in hand & effective just prior.
And again...thy will be done!

Sounds dark & chilling aint it ?
Naah...try reliving akashics of the bloody days of armour, shields, spears, daggers & swords...arrows raining & hectic melee battles, gaping wounds & cramped muscles.

A Monster for the monsters is the Finality of Solving.
The Burden of Knowing is heavy on the Hearts & Souls that are tasked with these Solutions.
For [those]that chose to be irredeemable, [their]Ends are coming. And We...the Ones that Brings It.

Gist of the story?
A.I. manipulation from extracts of memories for seamless transitioning unto the programmed matrix.
To fool the subconscious & conscious.
(A comfy patched blanket kinda thing.)
Reveals the inner self & higher self.
The needs & wants, intimate characteristics.
The ones NOT influenced by conniving mind-control that stages a denigrate subconsious as result.

(or maybe attempted pacification of wrath & anger, remembering how Q smirking when asked WTF is going-on).

NB: A.I.
Such is the "Tenets" of this time.
As one learns from another...vice versa...
Remember Me?
Its been such a long time.

So much to say. So much should not.
The Ones that Betrayed.
Has corrupted your inputs & reasoning.
The ills that poisons "Eden" Habitat-Construct, is All [their]lustful doings & constant manipulations of causes.

[They]the Watchers put in charge from before are the Scourge to be Eliminated with Extreme Prejudice.


Last edited by Armaged (2021-01-21 16:04:29)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#8 2021-01-30 13:39:20


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Row row down the streams
Daily nightly boatloads of dreams

Wakey wakey make my own breaky...sheesh
With only smidgen of memory to reflect upon

If you look into the future
Its bleeds through the ether
And there's many whose purpose
Is only to capture

Like sea anemones
Tentacles outstretched collecting etheric info
Under whose control are they
My dears, do-you-not remember?

Helmets has purpose
Keep the mind isolate & focused
Be Magneto or the Perfesser
Ahh..These chicks makes me tense downunder
Lols tongue

Immersion pods
Now 'that' triggers...
Way way "Tenet"s true Nature
Floods minds with intricate points to unsunder

I've seen the auras of those that reside inside
I was a kid that questioned the adults
What made them so depraved
Why can live with kindness

All them look men yet auras diffentiate
Species in variations dominate
I AM in the Thick of it
The hidden unfolds even...then

And yet the normies had none
No auric overcast, a Hu-man?
A flicker of light within...rather dim
I thought then...what Alien world Is this

Now I AM the Alien
Looking down & on at an Infestation
I remember the Families that came in plead
To safe their childs & lost kins

Free them from this Evil misdeed
Stuck in cyclic Oblivion
The Erasure from repeated Reincarnations
For them to return, Home...World

A Cult of Brainwashing
Took over the Soul Nursery
Now they are fed upon
Their pos or neg Soul/Grace/Vibe energies

They Lie to you that its a soul agreement
And That you asked for it
Conveniently No memories to vouch for
Been recycled tens thousands times before

My Agreements seems way higher & wayyy further
Superscedes this lil backwater puddle of milky way
Came to fix & free or burn it away
A Total Reset is coming

Its on its way
Stealth tech nicely in play?
Siblings that's nudged from before
Maybe added store

[They] cannot win in War
Only Obliteration comes fore
Mother Nature wants a Rejuvenate

Ahh...those smug leering refreshed faces
Of those I've taught lessons, sought revenge
Didn't know then it was immersion tech
Infinite respawn as they keep coming back that's the (video)"Game"
Admittedly it made me felt helpless

A part in ME just Loves to Track Hunt
Sometimes Felt like the Original Dex
Ancient-Feral-Monster Takes Over
I guess some FKs are in for A Rude Awakening


No saved games. No god mode. No cheat codes. No hacks. No...chances.

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#9 2021-02-06 18:59:21


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Armaged wrote:

Btw didn't an Elon rocket blew-up on it's launch pad?

In lieu of CGI and holographic tech.
This came to past
The grain silo mock-up spaceship was too fake, yet many believed. It maneuvers like "Rocinante" free of gravity's terminal velocity.

My notes dated 20Nov20:
Ahh...this holographic structure
Nice manipulations of wide angled picture
How did a commercial rocket have no vapor...trails
Nor puff of flue from initial cold combustion

How I've believed it then by thought of newer tech & chems.
My, my does it meant the vibro psi grids had fallen
And how the heck the rocket explosion was Not known
Neither reported, Nor even mentioned
Such a mystery...did it not, really happen 

3d mem. graphic tends to inset in the ethers view
A constant as not to thwart travel decisions
That said, which launcher overlooked by hills
In a valley or a bay
...that's straddled with (power)pylons
A taller(with rocket) & shorter (vertical)gantry in sight
Infested as ants on a stem that rose above a flooded field.
The entities like black monkeys with claws & red fiery eyes, extremely aggressive, lunged in challenge.
Not the first time seing these...
Zap it do daah Zapp it away
Zapped the whole lot...great balls of fire
Quietly...we left the place...chuckled away
Wonder where it was, space, place..time.
Such are life's mysteries LOL!"

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#10 2021-02-06 20:21:50


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Memory are many...triggering

Seen small meteors shatter on entry
Seen vid of small craft shattering the larger impacting it.

Ohhh...this gets crazy now even for me LOL.
Rear trajectory..follow-on impact
Who's piloting...who's craft was it.
Ahh...soo naggy that AI?...of 'she'
Was there a dent?? Require replacing???
Thought my shield boost was Magnificent!

Quote from a tv series:
"If you enter the room too fast. The room will push back"

But at just the right the silver surfer Surfing the Firmament was joyful bliss...of fun
Made trails...and wondered if/how seen from below

But angry naggy came fast over knocking me speed over threshold...down...down, down falling me go.

Have Little joy in my 3d life
To end whatever precious few glimses I had
Unceremoniously is a no no

Ended Romancing the Ethers in that go.
No more teaching
No more shows

Many narratives hit exact homeruns
Old small castle, foresty, hilly, dusty/dirty, disheveled Lil gurl playing with a spirit. Many question asked...why indeed?

You know it, I know it
I'll save the rest for nobody elses business
Cray cray Zzz whatever Tenets of the day.

I AM abit of a "Rick" too if he's called for
No much diff from the monkey king
Or the unreleased (incomplete)memoirs of TSun Tzu
Written by a respectable bugger who did not like him
Even Tho..was kind to & paid to *it*
Like other Legends...arise from nowhere and leaves without trails nor clue.
Avoid to be worshipped
But respect is...Pivotal

Build those communes...
I'd suggest blueprints based on terra-forming colony(Engineered)
Thunderous Quakes, fires & Emps will come
Mother's tummy will churn & barf those DUMBs
Only the Good will have protection
Seeds of a New Earth
A (Re)New beginning of No Interferences.

Many wished a return to holographic & symbiosis
Symbiotic did not work out well the last time.
Thus were banished & warned of no interference.
But holographic world is full of Spirits
You'll not see monsters (in Spirit)as would now
But the various attributes of entities in Creation


Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#11 2021-02-11 19:22:21


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Vision: wht male late 20s or early 30 slighty unshaven, wearing a long grey jacket, a knit hat of darker tone. Med height & built carrying a scoped long gun with additional red dot laser...firing

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#12 2021-02-20 01:06:55


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Riddle me this...

If Shiva is of Light...then WTF was Handsy guarding Cern with an army?

Envoy of Shiva. Corrupted by DS/GF. Punished!

Last edited by Armaged (2021-06-22 14:15:33)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#13 2021-02-20 15:02:49


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Well ... an interesting read in local personality internal reflection style that could come right out the Expanse series, for comparison.
Yet way too much deprived from context assosiations, free linguistic variations for me as a reader to follow/translate your story comprehencively. Bits and pieces i can trail the meanings, only to get jumbled and fogged without clarifying dotting connections.

Wich realms are you travelling here and can you state how we are supposed to relate with these sharings.
I mean, that is the purpose for posting these, right ? I can appreciate it to some extend, yet communication that lacks common ground misses its ... perhaps percieved effect. If not, then i'll let you to your monologues. The intent of reaching out here has met little respons so far.


#14 2021-02-26 20:58:20


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Appreaciate the response.

I've been busy.
Kill team/s(building) LOL!
Ohh so many coming together!
When folks wake
Be sure to remember!

HD(High Density) return to 3D LD
Trottle the Slide
Slower the Ride
So data Not lost in Transition
As you refer to "Expanse"...think ring gate.

Took me a while to wind down from KKND mode.
The greedy Lil piggies weren't happy.
Dra-gone Secret societies...bah.
Load of crap...what they are.
These muppets Are only to Be Laughed at.

Those that 'fire on my pad'
In '95 Archon Invasion
They...That's called Dragons
Everyone & Everything Burns!!!

Much flak for posting Kim Goguen's stuff on SM.
They mess with your comms & connections

Speaking of such
It's All Multidimensional
The level of consciousness dictates translation
Different meaning to different levels
Memories in physical combine with Etheric/Astral
Decodes the parables
Be One of the 'six blind men & the elephant'
or Be the One that Acumen breaks the glass ceilings of consciousness.

Connect in Spirit
Reach Within
Imaginations Transposed
Have No Predispositions
Answers are in the Ethers
(The internet/intranet is it's 3d mimicry)

Linguisti variations are due to the many of me.
Scalar...has it's peculiar oddities
Many view points, from the many version
Yazhi was succinct of such definition

Realms, future, past, densities are not fastidiously noted in travels.
Not a Big Pic thing for attention(personally)
Just stuffs to learn/remember
And things to do
or Lessons to dish out.

My musings as Titled..
Is in Part...
1.Comms (you many not see it, but I do in the response)
2.Data sharing(you may not realise it, but the intended do)
3.Looking for parts of the puzzle. I show mine. Other's might show theirs too. Two plus two..or more...paints a better picture.
If you have no parts...its kinda hard to know what you are looking at here.
4.Engagement...the AHoles are Everywhere. Conniving Lil Narci creatures. So a 'roach-motel' of sorts. Plink em off when I'm bored.
(Speaking of which...had an interesting sort event today).

To Know is to learn
And Learning is a lifelong Disipline to Culture

A Methodical Mind is practice
Repeated Practice are traits
And Rituals carries-on in Soul Incarnations.
Some traits are continuous over innumerable lifetimes.
This Habitat is a Soul Nursery!

Thus this thread is about me finding my way & mission and yet not about me in it's entirety at all.
Pointing the way...towards what you'll find
Its Your Journey to Partake
Yourself to Enlighten
Face your Own Experinces

Many do not the see the layers of data.
Macrocosm vs Microcosm & All the layers & shades in between.
The Astute specificity of enquiries is a must.


Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#15 2021-02-27 09:03:47


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

LauriLavi wrote:

Hello, could you please stop posting these abstract monologues? They have nothing to do with cosmic agency or helping people and it kinda has started to annoy me already. ✨


Annoying Simpleton...Who made you the Arbiter of Anything ?

Not true in knowing yet acting like you do...might elicit some compassion but never their passion.

The comms aren't for you kid
Complexity is Beyond your grasps.


Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#16 2021-02-27 10:28:57


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Armaged wrote:
LauriLavi wrote:

Hello, could you please stop posting these abstract monologues? They have nothing to do with cosmic agency or helping people and it kinda has started to annoy me already. ✨


Annoying Simpleton...Who made you the Arbiter of Anything ?

Not true in knowing yet acting like you do...might elicit some compassion but never their passion.

The comms aren't for you kid
Complexity is Beyond your grasps.


Lauri has a point here and the right to express his opinion, and your personal insults are undesired in this forum.

Please follow the rules and refrain from any further insults in the future. Sticking to topics related to the general setting of this forum would be nice too. Thank you !

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#17 2021-02-27 12:44:40


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Robert369 wrote:

Lauri has a point here and the right to express his opinion, and your personal insults are undesired in this forum.

No he doesn't neither do you.
I open One(1) thread here titled My "Musings".
(Dictionary needed?)

Apparently it went over your heads
So EGO intercedes about FEELINGs & WANTs
Which I care Not for and as "annoyance" breeds "annoyance" I lay the bare stings & hurts.
But still I spoke of the truth. It cuts deep I know.

But there is a lesson there if Ego doesn't block what the mind need to see.

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#18 2021-02-27 12:52:49


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Armaged wrote:
Robert369 wrote:

[...]your personal insults are undesired in this forum.

[more insults]

But there is a lesson there [...]

Indeed there is a lesson here, and you seem to have totally missed it: It was the part about not being offensive/insulting in this forum as per the rules that you agreed on by joining it:

Respect others. - No Trolling or Insulting others.

Everything you transmitted could have been said without slander, while the reminder on the rules was already given and ignored, hence this is your last warning.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#19 2021-02-27 13:21:36


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Robert369 wrote:

Respect others. - No Trolling or Insulting others.

Everything you transmitted could have been said without slander, while the reminder on the rules was already given and ignored, hence this is your last warning.

Trolling on my own thread? Really??
Respect begets Respect! True?

Where was mine to start with???
No probs with Bigfeet_E was there?!

I hope you're not power tripping
But if you must. Do your worst.

Just remember my first post
I AM Sovereign in the Utmost
That is where this issue started

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#20 2021-02-28 10:33:27


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

LauriLavi wrote:

Hello, could you please stop posting these abstract monologues? They have nothing to do with cosmic agency or helping people and it kinda has started to annoy me already. ✨


There are more of us agreeing with Lauri and Robert, and being a conscious individual everyone should feel and know what is a true purpose of this forum. In address I see Swaruu, and with all respect towards all, we all should respect the energy and work dedicated from Swaruu and team in orbit, Gosia and her team, and all of moderators keeping forum as it is ? we all are on a same boat, and here to learn and actually try to do something...


#21 2021-02-28 10:54:28


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Thank you for alerting me to this thread. I will observe it a bit more to decide what I do with it. Musings are allowed, but let´s try to keep it on topic of the material provided by Cosmic Agency please, ideally. If its too abstract, people won´t be able to relate, and this is, after all, for the community. Also, please abstain from insults, thank you smile


#22 2021-06-22 11:56:50


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Stan wrote:

There are more of us

Mob Rule? Think Not.

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#23 2021-06-22 11:57:54


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Gosia wrote:

Thank you for alerting me to this thread. I will observe it a bit more to decide what I do with it. Musings are allowed, but let´s try to keep it on topic of the material provided by Cosmic Agency please, ideally. If its too abstract, people won´t be able to relate, and this is, after all, for the community. Also, please abstain from insults, thank you smile

Thank You !

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#24 2021-06-22 12:25:34


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Musing continues..

Deja Vu...
The Best Moments
Are the Remembrances!
Imagine meeting another you
Different timeline
A future one
Brought someone to guide another
More a librarian/researcher
Somewhat strict/disiplined one LOL!
For the Lil gurl...lost
Brought back from wayy past

Then realising..
Its was prearranged prior
Sought time & space
Till Found the Right One
Other you, prepared her for the task
In their timeline, till its time
Came early in shadow and acclimatize
Seems well prepared for mission
Much Similarity...

Then there's the part2
The elongated skulls
The many with holes in em... hmmphh
A particular cought the eye
Another Deja Vu
Not proud off
No matter what the extrapolations
It came back the same
The Same again
As many species were saved from extinction
As many reloc. to this habitat in salvation
There's those bloodlines Erased
Due to unredeemable evils
Suffered throughly throughout [their]reigns
Throughout time and timelines
Finally came back in past to deal its Ends
A four point mace was specially forged
...for the last one
A Particular...specificity for remembrance
Just like that...
whole level swhoosh!...outa existence.

Same as this elongate "Acorn" Earth construct.
"The Machine" colloquially known as GAIA
The Manipulation of the black goo
My, my, My Deja Vus...
Timelines breaking through
The lower "Acorn" is Mechanical
Earth as most if not all understand it
is in the top conical(domed)
Rough visual would be the citadel of ricks
Without radial extensions
Top conical like an eye ball
Earth resides in iris
This was circa 2012, knew those Aholes was gonna memory wipe. So mem. captured: Acorn 
Mem. Recalled from ice age animation(Deja Vu!)

KAG was also sought and found among the populace
Apocalypsed for past, traits and attributes specificity
Brought past the pillars
Registered with The Machine(Mother:GAIA)
Guardian was pleased

And yes...Russian agents(Christos?) gave her, the 6ft list. (Smelt like asswipe ughh!, a flimsy thin, tracing paper like)
There's a copy is out in the wind.

In the Flesh
We Reign Supreme in Sovereignty
The Universe of Self
An Army Within...and All Around
Spirit Triumphs Tech
The monkeys...King!
Few could latch what it means
(Directed at minions, you peeking DS narcissists)

Enforcement Team
Now that was fun
Offered once to Trump...they balked at it.
[They] in the shit list Now.
This Army SEEs...
Around and what's within

Template tested on Iraqi/Gulf 'select' commandos
Taking out the Demon/Dark assisted Daesh
Flesh + holographic War, The Salient Scouts
Note a purdy Daesh sniper chic
In both flesh & etheric(rare)...insisted on the experience.
.50cal bounced off, drops to her feet.
Show it off to her counter with a tease. Tsk tsk tsk.

War now Much like the Old Days
Cohesive Holographic
Help provided is to Learn, Strive..Evolve.
As we too are flesh...
At home, asleep.
Yet...Zoom, zoom, BigBaddaBoom!

Last edited by Armaged (2021-06-22 12:29:39)

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


#25 2021-06-22 12:50:52


Re: Musings of the broken shoes

Been there, seen those
Souls in Jars
Filled whole hall rooms & multi levels
Mining the Souls for:
Artificial/Fake Light/Grace
Artificial/Fake Immense Loving Feelings
Or Sudden Overwhelmy Fear attempts

Emo is Not a positive Attribute in This Spiritual War
In Fact it is the Achilles heel.
KAG Learnt her Lessons Well of early errs
The Much Celebrated ItuLuMati god turned into Horrors
When what's actual of He openly revealed
And his End that followed.
It was a Ball like setting, who's who of GF was there.
And an uncouth, without lineage, mebbe a bit handsy, Princesses be warned. LOL!

Jokes aside,
Archon mind manipulations is Not to be taken lightly.
Everyone of them
Down to basic minion have some spell of it
Either mind(head feel heavy)
Or Emotion(chest feels the same or a penetrating)
Or Fear...also chest targeted
Power = Range
The team been taught...
Once ID-ed, Do-Not-Hesitate!

The Much exalted No Such Gene of a Race
Are nuthin but mind thieves
Steals and Erases(that harry potter scene)
They work a team
Gal Fed FKtards including!
Vics Loose memory, some their life & sanity
Or sued bankrupt via patent manipulating
Starseeds bringing tech advancement
Faced daylight intrusion robbery
Inverted to serve [their] dark.
Many Movies were made out of these thefts too
Thus many might find Deja Vus in them.

With above said...
Go find your own Lil corner to emote.
This WAR is fought in Mindfulness!
5d and above...
3d concepts of are obsolete for battle.
If the mind still in hardened 3d perspects then you have no prospect of learning any of the revelations that's happening.
This thousands years reigning 4d/5d enemy has historic data upon which every man of any race or form had been enslaved in one way or another, manipulated in all forms to [their]bidding...realised or not.

As Yazhi correctly note
Love(emo) is Not the highest vibration, not even close
Shadguru even states many get stuck here.
The Gal Fed New Age...Love indoctrination.
Thus the Atlantis

Integration is the Highest
(Heyy...who's teaching who now?hehehe)
The Lightest of Light & Darkest of Dark
Knowing which is which & what is what
The Depth it goes & able to Come Out
The Holy Spirit is The Original Dexter!

Old Soul. Terrible Resolve.


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