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#1 2023-05-25 18:55:00


Some info about twins for your consciousness studies

Hello, I just thought I'd mention something I've always found interesting since it's related to my twin boys (now age 22) and the sharing of consciousness.  Rather or not this is pure “coincidence” is still to be discovered but here's the story:  So, I had twins who were born premature and had a condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome which basically causes both babies to die since one baby gets too much blood flow causing a heart attack while the other doesn't get enough causing anemia, malnutrition etc.  Well, I was extremely lucky in that this was discovered while I was pregnant and in time for them to be taken early which did save them both although LOTS of complications did follow.  While they are considered “identical” they are not so much identical in looks as one is a bit smaller than the other.

Anyways, back to the complications.  One of the babies grew up requiring hearing aids while the other had loads of neurological issues including some condition that caused him to just cry and cry uncontrollably and just about every day for no reason.  This went on for years!  He also was diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome which was so debilitating that he couldn't even walk.  Yes, it was quite bad during those early years but here's the part I figured I'd share just because it is quite interesting to me.

You see, back in those days, I was still a “good little matrix mom” who made sure her babies received every “shot/immunization” that the doctors said babies needed as they grew.  It was the immunizations they received around age 13 (give or take) that somehow resulted in the boys switching so that the Tourette's simply vanished from the one son while the brother (and one wearing hearing aids) developed the exact condition.  This switch between them seemed as if it happened almost over night and as if the immunizations were somehow a cause for this.  I could be totally wrong and it could just be a total coincidence but as a mom, I've never forgotten and I do relate the switch to those shots.   

I've always wondered about this and questioned the “consciousness” behind it all while wondering if it did have something to do with those immunizations or if somehow, within the realm of consciousness, is it possible the one decided to take on this situation relieving his brother of such a nightmare because it's quite literally like night and day for the one boy, meaning no more signs of Tourette's (or nothing as he did have. Every once in awhile I might catch a tick here or there but truly it's rare now a days) although his brother does still have somewhat of the condition but Nothing like it was for the first child.

I just wanted to mention that simply because it's held such a marker of sorts in my own mind and since we're talking “consciousness” and twins, I thought I'd share the story if for nothing else but to provide info for you, anyone, who may be interested in the topic. 

(Side note: I find it interesting now a days that here in the State of Texas, there's a form you can complete so your kids DON'T HAVE to get immunizations if they are in school.  I have one other son, now age 15, and he wants to go to public school so he does but the form for immunization exemption is called “Exemption from School or Childcare Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience”  Exemption  for Reasons of Conscience.  HA!  If you ask me, that alone is pretty telling! ~hee hee~

Okay, That's all for now, Yall Have a Great Day!



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