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#1 2023-10-13 15:34:24

Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights
Artificial Weather (English )
by Swaruu Oficial


"What you can do with, or about all this, you may ask. There is nothing you can do other than be vigilant and continue with your life..."


No, with all due respect, I disagree. What happened to "you are Source", "I AM you, you are me", "the only thing that limits you is the Idea that you are limited", "Nothing is impossible", and other self-empowering teachings and mindset that has been propagated on these information channels?

To be "vigilant and continue with your life" while the Cabal and co. are doing their utmost best to play their role of being the antagonists/villains in this Divine Theater and screw up as much lives as possible "for the sake of experience" (even to those who no longer consent to it) is incomplete at best, discouraging and destructive to some people at worst.

I am thus questioning why all of a sudden, Mari said those words, which, from my analysis, is not in alignment with their self-empowering teachings and mindsets that they are giving the audience.

My supposition is that it only applies to some people who don't want to--or cannot--take the role of the "Frontliners" or "Protagonists" in this Divine Theater; living their lives all the while having knowledge of all of these entropic schemes by the Antagonists, while the world burns around them. In the end, I do hope Mari provides some clarifications to that in some way soon.



There are so many things that each of you can do, far more than you can imagine and realize, as I'm sure anyone that practices the Spiritual/Metaphysical Arts that are "worth their actual metaphysical salt" should know and realize already. Thus I am making this post to remind people (which most of you, I believe, already knows anyway) of the fact that:

-You are Source; an aspect/fractal/indiviDUAL (i.e. Indivisible Duality) expression (Ego-self) of the One Divine Source; therefore, you have a say as to what happens and what does not, on the reality and the world that you live in--you have the power and the authority to write the story the way you want it to go, in your own individual "Book of Life".

-"Everyone is you pushed out"--Neville Lancelot Goddard; hence the Cabal, Galactic Federation, what have you, are, at the end of the day, also YOU; if they have power over the individuals of this planet, then by the Law of Reversibility--as Neville Goddard has taught it-- the same individuals of this planet also has power over them.

-You, Souled individuals, are more powerful than any of you realize and imagine yourselves to be; so break away from the fetters of limitation, of limiting beliefs, discard what no longer serves you, including dogmas and limitations and step into your own power, accepting no "intermediary" (whoever that is) between You and the One Divine Source--which is also YOU.

-"The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental"--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism; therefore, again, you have the power to define and write this Story the way you want it to be.



So what can you do aside from being vigilant and continuing with your life, while waiting for some specific individuals to "act upon their role" with regards to the ongoing script in this Divine Theater?


Utilize meditation and manifestation techniques, as well as self-empowering spiritual, metaphysical and philosophical teachings and mindset, such as the ones taught by Neville Goddard (which are eerily similar to what the Swaruu is teaching, I might add), all free and in public domain, all over YouTube and Reddit to name a few.

To create the reality you desire, or in another angle, to BE a frequency match with the reality that you desire; if one utilizes the paradigm that "All Creation is Finished"--the life you desire already exists, all you need to do is to become a frequency match to it by becoming it in your consciousness and "Living in the End"/"Living FROM the wish-fulfilled". You do not manifest what you want; you manifest what you are in your CONSCIOUSNESS/I AM.

For instance, Neville Goddard's books/audiobooks, teachings, philosophies, mindsets and practical techniques can take you about a week or two to learn and start practicing its practical applications while applying the teachings, philosophies and mindsets to your life.

On the other hand, you can also go combine that with structured Magickal Systems such as the free online magickal course: "Quareia" by Headmaster and Adept Josephine McCarthy, which takes you from the journey of an Initiate to Adept, enabling you to start from the very basics of utilizing your own spiritual and metaphysical powers to creating great change to yourself and the world with its help as you advance in power.

Or you can also go with Franz Bardon's works such as "Initiation Into Hermetics" which is also capable of advancing you spiritually and showing you that you are truly "more than your physical body", and that you are not powerless, at all.

It's all about combining, manipulating and utilizing these beliefs, paradigms, teachings and techniques as mere tools to help you advance in life; use Bruce Lee's method: "Accept what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is essentially your own"--the good ol' Chaos Magick way.


In addition to continuing to live your life and staying vigilant, you must always make sure your emotions, thoughts, energies, frequencies and vibrations are as Negentropic as much as possible, be the "Lotus Flower", blooming radiantly and beautifully despite its roots being submerged in "murky waters" (i.e. the chaos of the world and the entropic events that are happening), and do not let any news and information that are of entropic in nature, such as the ones related--or points to--the Cabal and co., to conjure negative emotions and thoughts within you, making you stressed AND powerless to do anything.

Be the Master Martial Artist, know that you are powerful, while maintaining inner serenity as you "vanquish" your "foes" in complete meditation, without any hatred and other negative and disruptive emotions and thoughts in your heart and mind (which only serves to "dull your blade" anyway).

If you're confused with this, feel free to peruse Martial Arts Philosophies from here in the East, such as Kendo, Kyuudo, Aikido, Niten Ichi-ryū philosophies by Miyamoto Musashi (e.g. The Book of Five Rings), "The Unfettered Mind" by Takuan Soho and so on, and apply it to your life as a Spiritual Warrior/Spiritual Worker, or just "someone in the know".

Also, don't forget Shadow Work; no matter how difficult it may be for you. To reap its benefits just take one step at a time, keep going, don't give up and strive to hone the wisdom to apply the lessons you learn in Shadow Work and in periods of "Dark Night of the Soul" in your life.


Learn, practice and UTILIZE Astral Projection (you can use Lucid Dreaming techniques as a spring board for this, with the more advanced ones specifically the WILD (Wake-induced Lucid Dreaming) being THE Astral Projection itself, no matter how many materialistic "scientific" Lucid Dreamers try to deny it and tell you otherwise) and other Magickal/Spiritual/Psychical abilities, communicate with Benevolent and High-energy, Frequency and Vibration Inner Contacts, entities, Source-Fractals (e.g. the "Gods and Goddesses", the consciousnesses of the Planets, and so on and so forth), and gain much training, wisdom, knowledge, spiritual/metaphysical powers and become a Spiritual Warrior that helps to maintain the Balance and Harmony of all Creation, in your own right.


Utilize Astral Projection as a Spiritual Warrior and utilize your powers of manifestation, healing and self-defense to help and protect others, and even perhaps "settle the score", in however way would that be, with some individuals and collectives I could mention (you know who).

You can do so many things, so much more than doing "nothing aside from being vigilant and continuing on with your life", as the world burns around you, that is, which, if one is not careful, will also be affected negatively by these entropic events, further tempering the so-called "3D" Matrix, and creating "hell" in your lives.

NOTE: You can do these things above at the comfort of your own home/room; change yourself from within and those around you--the world you live in, will gradually also change.


"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction", Job 33.

Everyone's role can change gradually, or even the next day, after you change yourself from within, according to your Direction, as a co-director of this Divine Theater, thereby "sealing the instruction" to others and changing the way the script in the Divine Theater that you experience, to change.


Personal Thoughts:

I sure hope I'm not the only one in this world that wants this planet and Her inhabitants to be a FREE, "5D" and above (and continuously evolving), interstellar society with access to advanced technologies, knowledge, wisdom and teachings that can enrich the lives of many, enable humanity to reach even greater heights in their own personal and spiritual development without being isolated, and heal them from any ailments should they desire to, all the while travelling the stars (should the individual want it) and meeting other extraterrestrial races, exchanging culture, meeting new people, forming new relationships--for the individuals who no longer want to play the 3D game?



Think about it from this perspective:

The so called "Evil Controllers" of this world are technically the Game Masters at this point, and we are the players (don't forget we are also the Developers alongside these "Game Masters" because they are Source and so are WE); we joined this game for the experiences and for various reasons, though some seems to have been coaxed or deceived for it, and others already want to quit (probably they bit more than they can chew, or has grown tired of this specific game), and others want to change it and improve it.

Taking those into considerations, it is only ethical AND logical, to allow "Players" who want to quit the game midway, even if they have agreed to do this initially, the ability to quit; it doesn't make sense to keep them around and make their Temporary Avatars suffer unreasonable amounts of entropic events more than they have agreed to.

And those who want to change the game should also have a say and the authority to do so, after all, the players themselves are also THE Developers (as All is One), otherwise, this is equivalent to a game development company that doesn't take monthly player surveys to help the game develop, improve and evolve together with the input from the Players themselves--I've played such games in the past and almost always they are doomed to fail and do an early "End of Service".

At this point, it can also be concluded that the "Game Masters" are just in it to continue to farm "money" as an act of greed or any other regressive behaviors, by that I mean they're just keeping this game alive to continue to feed their Negative/Entropic Astral Entities overlords with negative/entropic energies from the avatars/players of this game.

Thinking from this perspective, this is a sign that this "game" is already entering its "End of Service" soon (I've seen this same pattern on live-service mobile and PC video games for several years now where the Developers doesn't care about improving the game anymore and is just doing whatever they can do to milk as much money (in this case, "Loosh") from the players). Thus, I personally feel that a reform must be done, including but not limited to the "game" itself, and the Game Masters and Administrators of this game.

And guess what? Everyone can take a stand to this, because once again, each and everyone of you, provided you are not an NPC, is powerful enough to make changes, such as the four points I mentioned several paragraphs above, which might be a good start for you, and once again we are all co-creators, producers, directors and actors/actresses of this whole "Divine Drama" (see my signature), so thinking for a second that you are powerless, falling to despair and can't do anything, even at the comfort of your own home/room is not the most productive way to staying vigilant and continuing with your life.

Last edited by Azure-CrimsonLeaves (2023-10-14 13:19:34)

-"Form is Emptiness (Void) and Emptiness (Void) is Form."--The Heart Sutra
-"All the world's a stage..."--William Shakespeare; "and God (Source/I AM) plays ALL the parts."--Neville Lancelot Goddard
-"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."--Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster & Founder of the Order of Assassins
-"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism


#2 2023-10-13 16:06:15


Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Because of this post, I will continue living another week without pulling the trigger.  Thanks fam


#3 2023-10-13 22:12:49


Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Azure-CrimsonLeaves wrote:
Artificial Weather (English )
by Swaruu Oficial


"What you can do with, or about all this, you may ask. There is nothing you can do other than be vigilant and continue with your life..."

No, with all due respect, I disagree. What happened to "you are Source", "I AM you, you are me", "the only thing that limits you is the Idea that you are limited", "Nothing is impossible", and other self-empowering teachings and mindset that has been propagated on these information channels?

To be "vigilant and continue with your life" while the Cabal and co. are doing their utmost best to play their role of being the antagonists/villains in this Divine Theater and screw up as much lives as possible "for the sake of experience" (even to those who no longer consent to it) is incomplete at best, discouraging and destructive to some people at worst.

I am thus questioning why all of a sudden, Mari said those words.

My supposition is that it only applies to some people who don't want to--or cannot--take the role of the "Frontliners" or "Protagonists" in this Divine Theater; living their lives all the while having knowledge of all of these entropic schemes by the Antagonists, while the world burns around them. In the end, I do hope Mari provides some clarifications to that in some way soon.



There are so many things that each of you can do, far more than you can imagine and realize, as I'm sure anyone that practices the Spiritual/Metaphysical Arts that are "worth their actual metaphysical salt" should know and realize already. Thus I am making this post to remind people (which most of you, I believe, already knows anyway) of the fact that:

-You are Source; an aspect/fractal/indiviDUAL (i.e. Indivisible Duality) expression (Ego-self) of the One Divine Source; therefore, you have a say as to what happens and what does not, on the reality and the world that you live in--you have the power and the authority to write the story the way you want it to go, in your own individual "Book of Life".

-"Everyone is you pushed out"--Neville Lancelot Goddard; hence the Cabal, Galactic Federation, what have you, are, at the end of the day, also YOU; if they have power over the individuals of this planet, then by the Law of Reversibility--as Neville Goddard has taught it-- the same individuals of this planet also has power over them.

-You, Souled individuals, are more powerful than any of you realize and imagine yourselves to be; so break away from the fetters of limitation, of limiting beliefs, discard what no longer serves you, including dogmas and limitations and step into your own power, accepting no "intermediary" (whoever that is) between You and the One Divine Source--which is also YOU.

-"The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental"--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism; therefore, again, you have the power to define and write this Story the way you want it to be.



So what can you do aside from being vigilant and continuing with your life, while waiting for some specific individuals to "act upon their role" with regards to the ongoing script in this Divine Theater?

1.) STUDY AND PRACTICE MANIFESTATION AND OTHER METAPHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL/OCCULT ARTS: Utilize meditation and manifestation techniques, as well as self-empowering spiritual, metaphysical and philosophical teachings and mindset, such as the ones taught by Neville Goddard (which are eerily similar to what the Swaruu is teaching, I might add), all free and in public domain, all over YouTube and Reddit to name a few.

To create the reality you desire, or in another angle, to BE a frequency match with the reality that you desire; if one utilizes the paradigm that "All Creation is Finished"--the life you desire already exists, all you need to do is to become a frequency match to it by becoming it in your consciousness and "Living in the End"/"Living FROM the wish-fulfilled". You do not manifest what you want; you manifest what you are in your CONSCIOUSNESS/I AM.

2.) MAINTAIN INNER SERENITY: In addition to continuing to live your life and staying vigilant, you must always make sure your emotions, thoughts, energies, frequencies and vibrations are as Negentropic as much as possible, be the "Lotus Flower", blooming radiantly and beautifully despite its roots being submerged in "murky waters" (i.e. the chaos of the world and the entropic events that are happening), and do not let any news and information that are of entropic in nature, such as the ones related--or points to--the Cabal and co., to conjure negative emotions and thoughts within you, making you stressed AND powerless to do anything.

Be the Master Martial Artist, know that you are powerful, while maintaining inner serenity as you "vanquish" your "foes" in complete meditation, without any hatred and other negative and disruptive emotions and thoughts in your heart and mind (which only serves to "dull your blade" anyway).

If you're confused with this, feel free to peruse Martial Arts Philosophies from here in the East, such as Kendo, Kyuudo, Aikido, Niten Ichi-ryū philosophies by Miyamoto Musashi (e.g. The Book of Five Rings), "The Unfettered Mind" by Takuan Soho and so on, and apply it to your life as a Spiritual Warrior/Spiritual Worker, or just "someone in the know".

3.) ASTRAL PROJECTION (WHICH HAS MORE USE THAN JUST "FLYING OR TELEPORTING"): Learn, practice and UTILIZE Astral Projection (you can use Lucid Dreaming techniques as a spring board for this, with the more advanced ones specifically the WILD (Wake-induced Lucid Dreaming) being THE Astral Projection itself, no matter how many materialistic "scientific" Lucid Dreamers try to deny it and tell you otherwise) and other Magickal/Spiritual/Psychical abilities, communicate with Benevolent and High-energy, Frequency and Vibration Inner Contacts, entities, Source-Fractals (e.g. the "Gods and Goddesses", the consciousnesses of the Planets, and so on and so forth), and gain much training, wisdom, knowledge, spiritual/metaphysical powers and become a Spiritual Warrior that helps to maintain the Balance and Harmony of all Creation, in your own right.

4.) BE A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR: Utilize Astral Projection as a Spiritual Warrior and utilize your powers of manifestation, healing and self-defense to help and protect others, and even perhaps "settle the score", in however way would that be, with some individuals and collectives I could mention (you know who).

You can do so many things, so much more than doing "nothing aside from being vigilant and continuing on with your life", as the world burns around you, that is, which, if one is not careful, will also be affected negatively by these entropic events, further tempering the so-called "3D" Matrix, and creating "hell" in your lives.

NOTE: You can do these things above at the comfort of your own home/room; change yourself from within and those around you--the world you live in, will gradually also change.

"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction", Job 33. Everyone's role can change gradually, or even the next day, after you change yourself from within, according to your Direction, as a co-director of this Divine Theater.



I sure hope I'm not the only one in this world that wants this planet and Her inhabitants to be a FREE, "5D" and above (and continuously evolving), interstellar society with access to advanced technologies, knowledge, wisdom and teachings that can enrich the lives of many, enable humanity to reach even greater heights in their own personal and spiritual development without being isolated, and heal them from any ailments should they desire to, all the while travelling the stars (should the individual want it) and meeting other extraterrestrial races, exchanging culture, meeting new people, forming new relationships--for the individuals who no longer want to play the 3D game?

Think about it from this perspective:

The so called "Evil Controllers" of this world are technically the Game Masters at this point, and we are the players (don't forget we are also the Developers alongside these "Game Masters" because they are Source and so are WE); we joined this game for the experiences and for various reasons, though some seems to have been coaxed or deceived for it, and others already want to quit (probably they bit more than they can chew, or has grown tired of this specific game), and others want to change it and improve it.

Taking those into considerations, it is only ethical AND logical, to allow "Players" who want to quit the game midway, even if they have agreed to do this initially, the ability to quit; it doesn't make sense to keep them around and make their Temporary Avatars suffer unreasonable amounts of entropic events more than they have agreed to.

And those who want to change the game should also have a say and the authority to do so, after all, the players themselves are also THE Developers (as All is One), otherwise, this is equivalent to a game development company that doesn't take monthly player surveys to help the game develop, improve and evolve together with the input from the Players themselves--I've played such games in the past and almost always they are doomed to fail and do an early "End of Service".

At this point, it can also be concluded that the "Game Masters" are just in it to continue to farm "money" as an act of greed or any other regressive behaviors, by that I mean they're just keeping this game alive to continue to feed their Negative/Entropic Astral Entities overlords with negative/entropic energies from the avatars/players of this game.

Thinking from this perspective, this is a sign that this "game" is already entering its "End of Service" soon (I've seen this same pattern on live-service mobile and PC video games for several years now where the Developers doesn't care about improving the game anymore and is just doing whatever they can do to milk as much money (in this case, "Loosh") from the players). Thus, I personally feel that a reform must be done, including but not limited to the "game" itself, and the Game Masters and Administrators of this game.

And guess what? Everyone can take a stand to this, because once again, each and everyone of you, provided you are not an NPC, is powerful enough to make changes, such as the four points I mentioned several paragraphs above, which might be a good start for you, and once again we are all co-creators, producers, directors and actors/actresses of this whole "Divine Drama" (see my signature), so thinking for a second that you are powerless, falling to despair and can't do anything, even at the comfort of your own home/room is not the most productive way to staying vigilant and continuing with your life.

You have a strong outlook. The one problem is that the collective and their frequency equilibrium and the members of the Galactic Federation are just as much fractals of Source too.
To impose your way of life on the sleeping population makes you the cabal.
Rejoice that you personally have the eyes to see the information which helps you be a beacon for those who CHOOSE to experience what they want.
All you can do is be the white rabbit, help others expand their own personal matrix and the Earth matrix expands by consequence.

Last edited by Lyran (2023-10-13 23:42:15)


#4 2023-10-14 06:52:42

Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Lyran wrote:

To impose your way of life on the sleeping population makes you the cabal.

Clarification request:
-Are you suggesting I am imposing my way of life to other people with the post I made and the insights I presented and [ACTING] "like" the Cabal? (Might not be; I'm just making sure).


Clarifying myself (in case there's been a misunderstanding):

Reading between the lines, if it isn't so obvious yet, all I did was to give suggestions and information, and perhaps a little bit of "influencing"; some waves to shake up this Divine Drama to some degree--it's up to the individual who will come across them to do with that suggestions, information and "influences" as they wish: utilize it, modify it, or throw it away.

I can only open the doors; the individuals and collective are the ones who have to go through it, while I take my own path and do specific actions towards the end-goal that I personally want, in my own "timeline"/parallel universe/reality that I experience, as I AM an individual "Universe" myself, as much as others being their own Individual "Universes" too.

To put it in perspective: I have my own "Book of Life" to write and to fill up and I decide to fill it with the most wondrous stories and experiences I could write on it.

On the other hand, I can only present ideas, insights, suggestions and other information to other "authors" of their own individual "Book of Life" because I also want to help them to "improve their writing" (or at least present another "option" or method that they might want to incorporate in their writing) along with reminding them of the authority they have that they can actually consciously write on it and direct their own life story the way they want it to go, without being subject to the unwanted/entropic influences of other "authors" (e.g. Cabal and co.) who want to force, or at least aggressively influence others into writing a specific "story" of their own making, "hammering down" any "nail" that "sticks out" and killing/suppressing any individual creativity there is to be had in writing and giving individual meaning to this understandably "Empty" and "Meaningless" Slate of Lives that is our own individual Book of Life--what's the use of writing if the pages are already "filled" up and the "meaning" is already defined by someone else other than the sole individual rightful author?

What the individuals and collectives do with the information I give and present to the public with regards to their "Book of Life writing" is of course up to them to decide; I just want to share information.

Law of Reversibility: If the collective can influence an individual, then an individual can also influence the collective, utilizing the paradigm of "everything is you pushed out".

Each and everyone of us are influencing each other whether we like it or not, consciously or not; it is inevitable--it's up to the individual and collective how they respond to that, with ones without Souls will most definitely be swept easily anyway, for better or for worse.

Then again, I believe most of you here know and realize these already anyway.

Last edited by Azure-CrimsonLeaves (2023-10-14 07:49:05)

-"Form is Emptiness (Void) and Emptiness (Void) is Form."--The Heart Sutra
-"All the world's a stage..."--William Shakespeare; "and God (Source/I AM) plays ALL the parts."--Neville Lancelot Goddard
-"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."--Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster & Founder of the Order of Assassins
-"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism


#5 2023-10-14 07:36:20


Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights


Thank you. I enjoyed reading your original post.

It was a much needed reminder.


#6 2023-10-14 08:33:43

Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

RoadtoSamadhi wrote:

Because of this post, I will continue living another week without pulling the trigger.  Thanks fam

I understand and I can empathize; I've seen people with states similar to yours as well in various other spiritual/metaphysical communities. Seeing such people fills me the drive to do what I think, feel and intuit to be the right thing to do, according to my own moral compass, including but not limited to sharing information, suggestions and so on.

If you're up for it, feel free to give my suggestions in "what can you do" section of my post a try; being able to be in a state where you're most powerful (e.g. through Astral Projection and practicing Magick) might give you a lot of benefits and help in navigating and playing this "3D Game" due to the new and more expanded perspectives you will gain access to, in addition to being able to have more impact in enforcing your will upon the reality you experience (should you choose to)--which is your personal right, instead of others doing it for you, which may be not what you want.

In any case, it might be a good idea for you to take such paths towards Personal and Spiritual Development, and not wait for specific individuals who has "certain roles" to [act] upon them in this Divine Theater, with regards to the planetary situation (there are such individuals, but I can't say more than that).

I wish you the best and may peace be with you.

Ariya wrote:


Thank you. I enjoyed reading your original post.

It was a much needed reminder.

Thanks for reading. Though I'm quite conscious how much of a block of texts it is to read for you and for the others out there; I apologize I didn't have much time to refine what it is I have on my mind, and, well, with this claircognizance (as I define it), adding insights/realizations upon insights/realizations, all on top of the other, additional info from beyond my physical body is nice, but it can get quite messy.

Last edited by Azure-CrimsonLeaves (2023-10-14 08:37:56)

-"Form is Emptiness (Void) and Emptiness (Void) is Form."--The Heart Sutra
-"All the world's a stage..."--William Shakespeare; "and God (Source/I AM) plays ALL the parts."--Neville Lancelot Goddard
-"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."--Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster & Founder of the Order of Assassins
-"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism


#7 2023-10-14 10:28:29

Scott Summers

Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Thank you very much, Azure-CrimsonLeaves. I share Ariya’s sentiments.


#8 2023-10-14 19:51:42

Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Scott Summers wrote:

Thank you very much, Azure-CrimsonLeaves. I share Ariya’s sentiments.

Thank you for reading too.

And for you and for the others who read/will read, I hope at least a few of you were able to benefit in some way to the information I gave, however little that benefit is.

If not, then it's all good, there are other "truths" out there (and, well, "Nothing is true (all is an Illusion/Maya); everything is permitted (Divine Source's Unconditional Love to allow anything to exist and to happen without judgment)" as Hasan-i Sabbah might've said.

Thus, find ones that resonates and ones that can help you write a beautiful, insightful, meaningful, resonant and inspirational stories in your own Book of Life, according to your own standards of those criteria and your own creativity, while being open-minded at taking inspiration and ideas from other "Authors"--should you choose to--if their information resonates with you in some way, modifying them to suit your own or take it as it is, up to you.

May you all create amazing "life stories" in your own "Book of Life" that the One Divine Source (which is also you, at your very roots) and your other co-authors in this whole Cosmic/Multiversal Divine Theater, will be delighted to read/experience for more Eternal Cycles to come.


Well I guess that's my cue to leave, I only really posted here to give some reminders and take things "out of my chest" in hopes of being of some help to at LEAST one other individual in this platform, what with all the chaos and entropy going on in the planet right now. The exact time I should have registered and made my own post was not supposed to be this early, but it is what it is.

The next time I post a new thread will be the main "part" I'm supposed to play in this Divine Theater; it's more or less a "cooperation request" for something "major" (and not just on this particular platform), but that's all I can tell. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the next time you folks will see me again will probably be... still within the remaining months of this year, as the target goal, anyway. Otherwise, I'll see you all when I see you.

I wish you all the best, and may peace be with you all, always.

Last edited by Azure-CrimsonLeaves (2023-10-14 19:57:08)

-"Form is Emptiness (Void) and Emptiness (Void) is Form."--The Heart Sutra
-"All the world's a stage..."--William Shakespeare; "and God (Source/I AM) plays ALL the parts."--Neville Lancelot Goddard
-"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."--Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster & Founder of the Order of Assassins
-"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism


#9 2023-10-14 21:37:43


Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights


Your words don’t fall on deaf ears…

I have studied Neville Goddard and extensively and embody the main manifestation philosophies. I am also a Quareia student for many years. These teachings are ever more enriched by the Swaruu and Taygetan knowledge they have shared.

It was a timely reminder for me to step up my game.

And as you said above, there are many different life experiences or paths to choose - and lots of different people here, but among them, there are also many powerful intentional creator/ manifestors / healers /astral warriors here on the front line…
(And no doubt Scott is also one of these … wink )

And now let’s go into the silence … ❤️


#10 2023-10-14 22:31:47


Re: Artificial Weather by Mari Swaruu: A Query & Personal Insights

Azure-CrimsonLeaves wrote:
Lyran wrote:

To impose your way of life on the sleeping population makes you the cabal.

Clarification request:
-Are you suggesting I am imposing my way of life to other people with the post I made and the insights I presented and [ACTING] "like" the Cabal? (Might not be; I'm just making sure).


Clarifying myself (in case there's been a misunderstanding):

Reading between the lines, if it isn't so obvious yet, all I did was to give suggestions and information, and perhaps a little bit of "influencing"; some waves to shake up this Divine Drama to some degree--it's up to the individual who will come across them to do with that suggestions, information and "influences" as they wish: utilize it, modify it, or throw it away.

I can only open the doors; the individuals and collective are the ones who have to go through it, while I take my own path and do specific actions towards the end-goal that I personally want, in my own "timeline"/parallel universe/reality that I experience, as I AM an individual "Universe" myself, as much as others being their own Individual "Universes" too.

To put it in perspective: I have my own "Book of Life" to write and to fill up and I decide to fill it with the most wondrous stories and experiences I could write on it.

On the other hand, I can only present ideas, insights, suggestions and other information to other "authors" of their own individual "Book of Life" because I also want to help them to "improve their writing" (or at least present another "option" or method that they might want to incorporate in their writing) along with reminding them of the authority they have that they can actually consciously write on it and direct their own life story the way they want it to go, without being subject to the unwanted/entropic influences of other "authors" (e.g. Cabal and co.) who want to force, or at least aggressively influence others into writing a specific "story" of their own making, "hammering down" any "nail" that "sticks out" and killing/suppressing any individual creativity there is to be had in writing and giving individual meaning to this understandably "Empty" and "Meaningless" Slate of Lives that is our own individual Book of Life--what's the use of writing if the pages are already "filled" up and the "meaning" is already defined by someone else other than the sole individual rightful author?

What the individuals and collectives do with the information I give and present to the public with regards to their "Book of Life writing" is of course up to them to decide; I just want to share information.

Law of Reversibility: If the collective can influence an individual, then an individual can also influence the collective, utilizing the paradigm of "everything is you pushed out".

Each and everyone of us are influencing each other whether we like it or not, consciously or not; it is inevitable--it's up to the individual and collective how they respond to that, with ones without Souls will most definitely be swept easily anyway, for better or for worse.

Then again, I believe most of you here know and realize these already anyway.

No my friend, I wasn’t implying you are acting anything like the cabal. you can influence only and not impose is all I meant. By stating “I am source and I say it should be this way” ignored the perspectives of the other fractals. Otherwise I mostly agree with all you say smile

And of course individuals influence the collective! That’s what we are doing here big_smile

Last edited by Lyran (2023-10-14 22:48:21)


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