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#1 2023-10-14 19:39:02

Can we have another livestream about Mental/Mind subjects only please?

As I know Mari was known as seeing everything as mind, then metaphysical and mental questions should be her speciality.

90% of the picked questions in the live was about the physical side (science, their life, their ships, crystals, cosmic political, Galactic Federations, Cabal) which could easily be arranged into a Mini-Topic videos - some of them were even answered before, curious people have just come to the channel and asked for fun.

I believe topics relating to mental or emotional side (manifestation, shadow work, reality, negativity, law of mirror…) should have been prioritized- even if she gave them a short answer, these questions could somehow reflect to her & raise ideas inside her to make more videos about them.

These mental topics requires her opinions & POV, not only dry data from the computer which is not so practical.

I’m begging for another livestream- but this time only questions about metaphysical & mind ideas , since even if my questions are not picked, some of the other picked questions could give me hints to solve mine as well, and vice versa.

ATKx999 Matrix★Nemesis | Part-time★Artist | Anti★Apocalypticism | Surv★ivor | Gate★Closer | Tayg★etan | Technical★Type | Chaotic | Demon | Anti-Provoke | Anti-Virus-Inflict | Ignore-DEF | Laser | Barrier-Break | Hacking Invalid | Anime | Apple | Anti-TikTok | Narcissist | Mental Demanipulating | Sea (@Sea111) on Youtube


#2 2023-10-15 05:21:33


Re: Can we have another livestream about Mental/Mind subjects only please?

I agree. Those are the videos I like the most. We're in a small minority. Mari said in one video that she was taking a break from the astral topics because people weren't as interested, according to the youtube metrics I think, and the lack of interest is reflected on this forum too.


#3 2023-10-15 17:55:05

Betty L

Re: Can we have another livestream about Mental/Mind subjects only please?

Hi. ZA'EL and ARIEN did videos on mental topics. Things that make you think. I'm at a place were I love the physical topics the most though because they help me understand what is going on here.

It's presumptuous for us to think we are the only beings in the cosmos.

Louis Gossett, Jr.


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