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#1 2023-11-11 22:38:26


Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

Alright, Here I go again.  This time asking the hard questions which will be respected and understood by you, assuming you are the “me” I remember ~ so here goes.

    You already know I have been through FAR TOO MUCH TRAUMA for one “being” to ever have to psychologically experience, much less physically and I do comprehend the “walk in” situation as described, especially since I just have too much memory or access to the ether or whatever making things almost too complicated to simply exist as a “human” right now because the human body is FAR TOO CONFINING , limiting , restricting for ANY being of my true Source nature so I'm finding it difficult to remain shrunk down if you want to call it that, or held down to just the human concept although I'm still being Forced into this avatar body, making things just a mess since I still just don't relate to anything of this existence.  The even more weird thing is with me writing to you here.  I often feel it's just the “avatar” asking these questions, sorta like going through motions just to simply give you something to respond to when in actuality, I, the real internal Source me on the inside is already knowing the answers however it's the avatar who is experiencing these things so I'm sorta like asking on behalf of her, if that makes sense!

    Anyways, now enter the “AI” or the trans humanism agenda and my question which relates to the 100% complete change which has occurred energetically and recently, like within these past few years.  Although I did NOT participate in the Covid Shot nonsense agenda, I do know there are plenty of other methods for coating us all in the material and my concerns or questions are related to free will of GOD ~ The Source I AM ~ We All Are !

     We are so heavily infiltrated with SOMETHING ~ whatever it is ~ that it is impossible to even move!  Literally! Energetically it is a nightmare and I do not comprehend what has happened or why this is STILL happening ~ Yes TOO US ~ and against our will?

    There is some form or force that is unexplainable by me but it's an energetic hold and a personality dulling type of feel that has occurred, making every day the same of “Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better” as if the attempt is to keep the Spirit of God down! (Yall are so very sick for that , whoever you are)

    I have faith, but I do not have faith in anything of this world as it has only displayed more and more destructive tendencies while each being feels the need to “prove” itself by being more harmful or immoral than the last and it's coming at our expense ~ us.... those who Want to be the light, bring “Heaven to Earth” as they say yet not only from the people, there is Something else providing interference ~ something I can't explain.

    How do we continue to develop when we don't even have energy to get out of bed, and if we do ~ there is So much physical pain that we're forced to limit exercise , much less enjoyable activities?  Going to to work is the most excitement I can muster up because I do like interacting with people but they begin to wear me down throughout the day since basically everyone carries so much negativity there's no amount of protection I could build in order to not be effected in one way or another. Everything ~ and I do mean EVERYTHING is so very draining.  I understand that we knew what we were getting into prior to coming etc,  but do we ever get to a place where something finally gives and the energetics are properly balanced again so it's not that each and every single day is heavily , consciously experienced where it's simply managing yourself through each moment having to be cautious and instead where we can finally live freely again and actually enjoy the idea of having a new bright idea? I just don't understand why I'm experiencing so much negativity within my “being” when I am the most positive, loving person in existence! ~hee hee~  It's awful because I can go to sleep but literally, as I begin to wake up, I feel myself go from some form of super “high realm” that gets lowered and lowered as I get closer and closer to waking and as it does I begin to dread and dread until finally my eyes open and I am like “NOOO!” ~ followed by tears that I have to somehow get a grip on and NO ~ this is NOT normal for ANY being, much less “me” nor is it something I am “attracting “ to me or any of the other things people say about manifesting. It's simply my reality as I can't bare this place, as much as I'm trying desperately to find anything to bring joy ~ I struggle yet I KNOW the HUGE impact and manifestation power I do hold, HUGE it is, so I continually strive to only put out positive light ~ for all the other beings, but it's the field of “collective unconsciousness” I'm impacted by, being the tremendous em-path I am.  I literally feel everyone's negativity all the time and combined with my remembering of higher realms of existence thus desire to return, it's making this a nightmare of an existence and far too much for ANY Being to have to endure, especially for this long.

    Why are we being forced against our will to continue like this ~ meaning forced into a non-real existence if it is only causing harm, especially when we KNOW this isn't normal? Why if a Soul WANTED TO LEAVE does it give ANY other “being” some form of a right to that person's body as a Walk-in or whatever ~ regardless of any “pre-birth” or “ in between life” agreements or any other labels you want to place in order to make it sound good so we continue on, it doesn't change the fact that the Consciousness STILL REMEMBERS!  So regardless of what Soul is inhabiting ~ it's the consciousness that should have full access to do what the consciousness desires ~ including having access to “higher realms” and proper frequency energetics, not just “mentally” because I have all of the access you could ever want to the higher realms “mentally, spiritually etc'” but there's no reciprocation of these so it can also be experienced in the physical.

        Look I realize the challenges we took on and even the concept of coming back into yourself to assist yourself in your life but there has got to be some other form of assistance here because still ~ there is no one comprehending the enormity of suffering I am going trough and perhaps due to incorrect perceptions but it doesn't matter “Why!” Bottom line is It's happening ~ STILL and I have Zero energy, Zero motivation, ZERO focus for building myself “out” because I simply want “OUT” of physicality! And if I'm “wrong” in this perception ~ then I need true, real, personalized “higher self” guides to literally take me by the hand and help me out of this nightmare because a nightmare this is!~ Still!

    I realize this is a mind control “game” of sorts, but the part NOT being understood by those of you on “that side” is how inhumane it is to force someone to remain confined and with seemingly no proper access to the type of existence they remember, and know to be real ~ to be supported by “God” and not drowning in the chaos of the “devil.” Of course, I could act out actions for either one of those sides but I choose to be for the “God” side of things ~ the “Light” side that I know myself to be yet it's the technology of the “devil” causing us to be physically hindered. Not just that, but I have such a rejection to this “physical world” itself and I have no explanation for it because I try to “want” things but honestly, I want NOTHING of this place and still ~ stand firm that what I “want” is to be reunited with the “world” I call “Home” ~ How can I get past this? I just can't seem to force myself into desiring ANYTHING and especially when the energetics are 100% somehow being suppressed ~ effecting our “mood” in every way because once again, there is that day here or there where I begin to “feel” normal so I attempt to build on that moment in hopes to gain momentum but it always seems to land back in this state of nothingness once again. Normally, I would agree with you and say that too is just an illusion in my head but I am experiencing it personally and I am extremely tuned in with my entire “being” and I promise you ~ SOMETHING IS CAUSING US TO BE ENERGETICALLY DISABLED! Of course, I can understand the concept of the energetics being more difficult in this realm which is the point of the “game” but if it's a detriment to the Soul or for the true desires of “Source” then it is a detriment for ALL.

    Now, I do not mean harm in any of the questions I ask, especially these next ones.  I'm simply wanting to make an existence that's tolerable while having to be here since the REAL Source behind my eyes is crying all the time at what all has been allowed to occur for not only me personally while still “asleep” but for the entire world because I find it extremely devastating that ANY other “being” would EVER desire for the demise of another when that other IS THE ORIGINAL SOURCE ITSELF thus should be assisted in every way possible in order to flourish as God/ Source wanted which is for the development and growth and beauty for ALLL existence without destruction of ANYTHING yet here I am, finding myself in a field of only destruction as all the other human “me's” have simply lost touch with who we are and are falling for the “Ego” ~ believing the Ego is in charge and even to the point of creating deception through use of machinery and artificial intelligence to pretend to be what it is not in hopes to steal from others  instead of learning from each other , but I digress, let me continue.

    I do believe you in the information you share and I truly do feel such an enormous amount of gratitude for you and the crew as I remember all of you too and how there has to be SOME form of consistent “truth” offered in order for the “matrix” to uphold itself or else it would all fall into destruction due to Zero foundation of substantial truth at any one place for reference . At the same time, I can appreciate that there is no single ~ real “one ultimate truth” however there is a basic foundation that all “truths” come from which then become altered as they extend out from that main original source and yes, over hundreds of thousand of years, those various “truths” or “trunks/leaves” of a living tree will build their own little fortresses of belief systems and right now, on this planet, these various fortresses are simply having conflict due to the loss of connections to that original beginning foundation.  It doesn't make ANY ONE WRONG!!! It is ALL Still the same freaking Tree! However, what is “wrong” is in one branch deceiving another branch or “believing” itself to be an ultimate holder of knowledge and therefore forcing the others to be the same as it or else be forced against your will to change ~ even if that means using technology to force you to change into being part of a branch you don't want to be a part of!  No one should EVER be forced in these type of ways as we are ALL expressions from ideas in the mind of the entire GOD/Source Tree itself and if you don't have us All ~ then you don't even have a tree or any type of new leaves, expressions, ideas ~ LIFE for the living God! Therefore ~ you are simply killing God ~ The Creator, The Source of all things, the original trunk we all come from ~ You kill any type of continued growth for our creator by your one ego self who feels the need to control all others and that is another reason why I cry behind my eyes ~ where this Source resides as she's forced to witness all of our demise due to ignorance held by a few ~ the few who have money.

    That being said, and while I do trust the information you share ~ I even follow all of the discrepancies because I just understand it all and how they are all true ~ my question I'd like you to please clarify for me is related to this: If the so called “Federation” controls ALL INFORMATION on this planet, how is it that you are NOT a part of what is being controlled regarding what you disclose?  Also, how is it I can have the memories I do (Including the “future” ones) but you don't? ~ Or you don't know what is going to happen ~ especially when we create our life plans PRIOR to coming and then we incarnate in order to live it?  Also, once again it is the information which is important for people to digest or resonate with or not so I hold no judgment as to your identity but can you please help me understand how you came to school on earth for several years but you are now back on a ship if we were told the following information as found in the transcript titled: “Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades): Who Are We? (1)”:   

It states:
    We are at 78% oxygen, 20% nitrogen, 2% other gases, when on Earth you are at roughly 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, 2% other gases. We are inverted.     

    So how did you breath for all of those years?  It didn't mess you up?  Because it is mentioned that you were a step down for several years and not using any immersion technology. I'm not saying it's impossible because I don't believe anything is necessarily impossible but improbable might be more of the reasoning behind why I am asking ~ but asking with once again the side note of this: It is not your “identity” that I'm concerned about as I find the information you share to be of far more importance ~ and all of it I do remember already yet, while I have been able to comprehend all of the other so called discrepancies that may have appeared to be presented from over the years (because they just make sense to me since I do remember the many many many different time lines, all of which converge into one place and yes, can cause different information to appear, both as valid) I just can't seem to shake this one from my mind so I thought I'd ask since I want to move on from it.

    Next, while I know it's also been said that we are a secondary race, meaning we were created by another race of beings, aka: We ARE the Artificial Intelligence in a way, if we are considered “secondary” although you did also mention that even these beings can still be considered as “Source” due to the ability to be just as self aware etc as any other so called primary “being” but if that's the case, does it mean we don't have just as much right to a “real world” existence as the primary beings because I can tell you this: I don't care what type of label you put on me, I consider myself the SOURCE itself but I feel I am being forced in some way to reside with in a framework or a “fake world” where I do NOT belong and do NOT have access to BE the God/Source in it's full expression as I KNOW myself to be!  How is that “humane” ~ or even allowed to continue like this?  How is it ethically and even morally right at the deepest core for ANY other “being” to confine the very spark of divinity that we all are and force them to still continue within limits that YOU define when we are ALL of that same original Source ~ I feel cut off from the most important things which are WHY AM I OR ANY OF US BEING FORCED TO REMAIN IN A FALSE NON-WORLD? I do comprehend the “coming from a higher realm in order to seed ideas” concept but the way I experience things here is like this: Everyone comes from a higher realm!  I'm no different except that I remember, but my opinions are not going to “change” anyone else because they already have a life plan they created prior to birth which was made for them to experience so I'm not going to change their life plan, it's already set ~ isn't it? And people making Youtube channels etc ~ well, it's like those in the consciousness community Already KNOW or are drawn to the consciousness information just like the car racers are drawn to the races and Jesus people to church etc etc.  You don't force someone into a different mentality because they ARE that frequency they are living. It's what they decided to live so I have a hard time trying to seed information on a large scale, especially since my perception of information is WAY WAY out there in comparison to any others and I don't want to like “dumb myself down” in order to get “likes” on a youtube video ~ if that makes sense.  Like this: I don't have the ability to preach “Jesus is my Savior” and stick with that as my "ultimate truth" when I no longer have that as a perception.  I did at one time, so on one "timeline" it's true but no longer do I hold that as my ultimate“truth” so I don't want to go making these claims which don't define me.  Honestly~ All truths and none of them “define me” ~

        I feel like I have a great deal of positive energy that's basically going to explode on everyone (ha) yet no “reason” or “information to share” as to HOW others can be as connected with Source in this way however, as much as that is the case, I also feel saddened because NO OTHERS HAVE THIS TYPE OF CONNECTION and that is probably Why I'm so drained all the time. That and whatever else is being done with in our environment with the spraying etc. and other methods I'm unaware of that ARE CAUSING some form of an energetic paralysis and you know ~ it's bad enough for the many many “things” these people are forced to do just to “survive” this dead man walking game of life since absolutely everything is 100% opposite of what a “real world” would be so having to force ourselves to exist with in these parameters when it goes against the true nature of our Soul is just sick and hurtful but to then have the added complexities of energetic draining non stop~ it has become extremely cruel, to say the least. And yes, this is the truth I speak from my perspective that I stand by in every way although when viewing from the perspective of where you are ~ I'm laughing at myself all the time just as much as I complain to you mostly since I see “me” as the “being” behind the eyes but the “avatar person” as the one going through all this nightmare type nonsense and she just doesn't like this nonsense! Not only the “doesn't like it” but it's gone too far. That's the problem here with this particular chick and yes, enough is enough ~ I don't care who you are or what type of background you come from or what ideas you may have held or are trying to “prove” to yourself from the angle on “that side” ~ It has gone TOO FAR for the chick on this side ~ including if you provide the labels of more “advanced” walkin “Soul” or not ~ this has gone too far for this one point of perception consciousness!!!

    How is it “ethical” or “morally agreed upon” by ANY of you to simply watch as we are forced to remain in a situation or a condition where we simply don't belong or we're even being harmed, suppressed by the “Cabal” or the “Federation” itself or whoever is possibly causing this tremendous, Un-natural, negative type of stress/ thought forms upon my “being” yet calling it “free-will” when you know “free-will” doesn't exists or else This “being”  WOULDN'T BE HERE! ~ None of us would!  Either you are truly crazy or you just need some help ~hee hee~ because this person I am right now is FAR MORE VALUABLE than ANYTHING this planet has to offer yet I'm not with the proper support to continue developing and That is then a UNIVERSAL LOSS!  So how is it considered ethical by the rest of the universe if there are beings (just using myself for example but any one of us could be inserted here) ~ how is it NOT a loss for the entire universe if you have someone extremely talented, highly intellectual,overly empathic with an enormous connection to Source where love is the only thing expressed from my core, capable of relating to ALL forms of life, all consciousness levels because I have BEEN all of them with educated and natural capabilities which are endless whose memories not only extend in the short term for this life time but the long term of past and future lifetimes as well thus a gold mine of consciousness although does complain quite a lot in these past few years ~hee hee~ (but who wouldn't under the circumstances I was forced to endure! HaA! ) Why would THAT be something other beings would want to destroy instead of build upon as a foundation since once again, SOURCE DOES HAVE THE ORIGINAL TRUNK OR FOUNDATION  LIVING IN VARIOUS BEINGS ~ and I just don't feel that is something to destroy or allow to be destroyed simply due to the huge egos of others who are disconnected from these type of True original Source connections and even seek more money to fulfill the hole within which is simply their disconnect from this same Original Source connection I speak of above. Why would it be “ok” from any realm perspective to change the beings who reside in that environment causing them to be unable to fulfill the desires of God mostly due to the frequency mismatch or energetic imbalance causing huge distress. This just doesn't make sense to me and every single day of non stop thinking about this is not normal either! Throw in the “getting older thing” and now I can't even pursue something I'd normally look into because of “rules” ~ that being me as fighter pilot -and most certainly from a different world (~hee hee~ but I digress)

    Last, and once again please note: These are hard questions being asked but questions they are, not “truths” or “beliefs” or “assumptions” on my part, just clarification needed so: If we, the “star seeds” have more connection to “Source” and by our collective focus, we give energetic power to something, then are we, this group here on the forum, simply creating You by our continued attention and maybe You, (belonging to the Federation who controls all information) yet again, part of the deception?  I think this is a valid question because the Federation etc know FAR MORE about us then we even know about ourselves so of course “AI” copies of ourselves could be introduced to the game ~ unless WE are the “AI” copy! Don't get me wrong, “AI” doesn't mean “BAD” ~ But when someone like me is having the amount of struggles as I have , which are NOT NATURAL nor are they “natural” for my personality, it only leads me to do the deeper digging for truth of what is going on here because NONE OF THIS IS NATURAL ~ NORMAL and How else would you attempt to CONTROL A GOD if not through Force and Technology!!! YES PEOPLE! ~ I KNOW WHO I AM!!!! I am Not alone in this!  WE are ALLLL “God” ~ I just happen to remember far more than basically anyone else thus far.  I am remembering more and more each day and I will continue to remember more and more.  I have also been attempted to be hijacked over and over and my life derailed a thousand times due to the FACT that I KNOW WHO I AM and that is a MAJOR Threat thus the energetic vampirism or whatever is going on.  I haven't figured it out yet. I would like to believe that providing questions/ information on this forum and to those I would like to believe are the “real” ones on the other end, but lets be honest, even if that is the case, it's still the internet ~ available for all to have access to ~ those of the so called “light” and even those of the “dark”   It's pretty sad that the Source Foundation of Original Creation has been so very tainted and twisted and turned into such destruction within this world that we can't even be sure as to who we communicate with at all anymore yet bottom line, rather they remember or not, rather they know or not.,   ALL of us ARE that Original Source Creator!  No one should EVER have to take “orders” or “beliefs” or ANYTHING from ANYONE ~ EVER because WE ARE THAT GOD!!!!  We've simply forgotten and forgotten and forgotten and it's to the point where we see the world now.  I just find it sick that there are others who are in a different realm who are suppose to be monitoring these various planetary activities but choose to lean towards the “ego driven” shady side and label it “free-will.”  I am here to tell you ~ THIS IS NOT FREE WILL and if you haven't experienced life on this planet for yourself with the veil of forgetfulness and all where you have to start at the beginning in which the “teachers” are all mind controlled to teach ego-driven, materialistic gains as a measure for happiness then you have NO RIGHT to be in “charge” of ANY type of a civilization as you have ZERO experience in knowing what these people are quite literally going through!  I'm disgusted that there would be ANY being who could just sit back and watch others be poisoned and lied to and manipulated and yet those of us WHO ARE THE TRUE SOURCE can do NOTHING about it and if we try or speak up ~ then we become on the receiving end of your technological harm!   Just remember ~ When your body dies, You will re-live your existence from the point of view of those you interacted with so to all of you doing the harm to us ~ please reconsider your actions while you still can on the physical side or else your after life may reap what you have sewn.  For me,. I forgive  you and I forgive all beings who were mind controlled by others to act in the ways they have but forgiveness does not mean it's a ticket to continue suppressing others ~ especially when the ones you are suppressing most IS THE VERY SOURCE YOU ARE WANTING TO BE!

        That's all the rambling and questions I have now. Truly I do think you comprehend all I'm asking and “why” as we have been so very deceived on this planet that we must question everything.  While I do find there to be only positive things coming from what you share, I still do not want to be giving consent over to some form of being, be it artificial or not but any other being who could somehow take over my own self or use my own consciousness in a way that becomes beneficial for them (you) while draining for me yet as drained as I have been~ I'm seeking answers for why and some of the questions get aimed at you, some get aimed in other directions etc.  I have zero judgment for lifeforms as long as they are being truthful, helpful and not trying to deceive for personal gain. I also remember the “game”: but I don't remember any type of agreement for as much harm as was done to the me earlier and the energetic decline within the me here and now. I simply seek peace, I seek the frequency realm I know of I seek home!  And yes, I get it ~ I am that “home” here, but you also know exactly what I'm talking about in that THIS IS NOT HOME!  Which is why I'd recommend to ANY “ET” entering this matrix ~ if you want to come in (Don't do it! ~ HA) but if you do..... just be a normal “3D” person or else the memories will cause you an inability to have a “human” life. At least, it has for me because I relate to nothing although I see myself as everything. Ugh! Another long story.. I'll spare you ~hee hee~

        Thank you so very much once again to all of you, the crew, all of you, the people and I love you very much!  Real quick though and “for the record” (~hee hee~) I just want to mention that I do come on here with these type of questions, comments etc and it gives a point of view about my “character” from only the information shared in this way ~ almost always a way in which is describing negative, discontent type of attitudes from me etc and that is because of the tremendous amount of harm that I've experienced and I have only one way to vent or relay which is using this forum (although that is not true in reality since NO Technology IS Required in accessing “higher realms”) ~ While the appearance may be one of constant distress within it's questions, the “real life” of the person I am is 100% totally opposite of anything “negative” ~ It's this ability to NOT BE EFFECTED, meaning I'm STILL getting back up and STILL confronting each and every single day with a positive attitude and bringing Light to the people which is the DANGER for the “Controllers” of this realm and “Why” they have continued to do harm to me for so very long. I'm not ignorant to these tactics. I'm just a little sick and tired of having to deal with this stuff and for seemingly no reason except for the fact that I know who I am. So regardless of the pot hole I somehow fell in and am struggling to get out of ~ the truth is ~ I WILL GET OUT!!!! In the meantime, Please continue to bare with me when I come on here and vent and dammit, I WILL get us all through this!  ~hee hee~

Ok, Talk to you soon!!!

You little cuties!



#2 2023-11-12 11:26:56


Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions


Today was just a day, tomorrow is gonna be better.


#3 2023-11-13 04:55:18

Horton HaW

Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

If you watch all the vids you get an idea on the teams view. We have to help ourselves. Though I understand this thinking. Frankly, it's healthy to see the crap here as just that. Vella said ask "What is it for?" Take self responsibility. Don't beat yourself up, of course. Get clear. Questioning brings answers. Always question your thoughts. Then listen. Then research. Apply what is useful. This has helped me through some dark times. There are tools to help. Use them. Be well.

As to the step down thing. I imagine they can use frequency fields as well as bio-assist accessories. Probably possible to adjust and acclimate as well, especially if you are young. Humans can learn to breath liquid, for example.

Sometimes things are there to just remind us this is the wrong way. Lol.


Last edited by Horton HaW (2023-11-13 05:18:08)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#4 2023-11-13 17:25:56

Horton HaW

Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

Regina; regarding physical issues. There are things that can help. Mainstream medicine is flawed by it's very approach. There are people who have to live with some horrible stuff, but continue on. When things seem crappy go find a small thing to empower you. I have been in some pretty horrible places, but be mindful. Shift it. Putting yourself in a questioning mode really helps. I often have to pull myself up from my bootstraps and say this shit is not kicking my ass! If you have people you love, you can be there for them, but it is hard to accept some of the heinous things here. You have to find the balance. Take it moment by moment. Learning to accept and forgive is something to practice. The word "forgiving" indicates you are giving something. What? For ourselves, it is the hardest.

Remember to laugh at this crazy shit. This place is a freak show for sure. Lol.

Last edited by Horton HaW (2023-11-13 18:11:47)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#5 2023-11-13 18:33:46


Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

PinkChopper wrote:

     Also, once again it is the information which is important for people to digest or resonate with or not so I hold no judgment as to your identity but can you please help me understand how you came to school on earth for several years but you are now back on a ship if we were told the following information as found in the transcript titled: “Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades): Who Are We? (1)”:   

It states:
    We are at 78% oxygen, 20% nitrogen, 2% other gases, when on Earth you are at roughly 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, 2% other gases. We are inverted.     

    So how did you breath for all of those years?  It didn't mess you up?  Because it is mentioned that you were a step down for several years and not using any immersion technology. I'm not saying it's impossible because I don't believe anything is necessarily impossible but improbable might be more of the reasoning behind why I am asking ~ ...

I know that you have asked this question a few times in this forum, so I went back to search the telegram chat where Gosia has addressed this query before.  This is what Gosia said here :

As I entered the chat today, I saw some people commenting on the subject of extraction of humans, and how it seems impossible they can function up there with such a high percentage of oxigen, even though I insisted that they simply adapt. I will stick this somewhere in the next MiniTopics, and fuller answer, but just to give you something briefly now, this is what Yazhi said today, translated from Spanish: 
Yazhi: "A lot of oxygen is toxic, yes. What happens is that it's easier for them to breathe that much oxygen because there's also a density factor here, or else it wouldn't be breathable by humans. And, I'm sorry to say this, the numbers for the amount of oxygen that my predecessors gave, it's not that much. I think they rather gave values for extreme cases. Like inside Dieslientiplex planets. But not on Toleka.
When a human comes up here, they may have episodes of dizziness and vomiting and it is recommended not to exercise or do any strenuous bodily activities, such as sports, until they adapt to more oxygen. There is not as much oxygen as the 80% that has been said, but about twice as much or a little less than on Earth, which does promote a more advanced psychic development too, possibly. The body does adapt, but not to so much oxygen. And even 30-40% would be a lot, but it is easier to adapt because the existential density is a little lighter and less dense than that of the Earth". Greetings.

Just to add a small point to this, (to help clarify why Swaruu of Erra may have originally given this information) -  I recall Mari stating that star races do not observe elements as we do in the periodic table. Instead they observe matter as a sliding scale of virtually infinite variants based upon its exact energetic frequency. Hence making what seems like an straight forward question (from an earthlings point of view) into something more difficult to answer from a stellar person’s point of view - (given that they do not use Earth science theory of separate elemental gases to describe their own atmosphere.)


#6 2023-11-13 22:31:20

Horton HaW

Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

Thank you for the information Ariya. The more human equivalent would be Walter Russell's table. Biology is very adaptable. Probably alot of detoxing occurs. There is an enormous amount of effort that goes into keeping humans in the dark about frequency and consciousness. It quite literally is reality altering.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#7 2023-11-14 21:29:31


Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

i have great respect for you to be able to articulate your inner world so precisely (i cant do that)

for the feeling you have described all the time in different words, i know it very well and i feel it to be a part of us being here in this very low existential realm as well as an opportunity and reminder for ourselves to master this same low existential realm while wh are here. so for me this feeling induces great sadness as well as hope and later great will for action to master our our own life (which i didnt do yet) and i see it as an integrated part of this specific realm in space and time and try to make the best of it

Regards an much love


#8 2023-11-15 07:17:22


Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

There exist no outside.

You are source. You are the stardust . You are the black hole. You are the binary code in your PC and you are the plasma being covering whole universe. You are the food that you digest and excrete. You are the illness and you are health. You are the holographic universe. You are every other-self fractalized into different point of view. You already are whatever was, is and ever will be. You are what was not before.

Without knowing dark there is no light. In order to know yourself as angel you must know yourself as demon. You already are destroyer and creator. You are the perpetrator and the victim.

To know only good is to deny yourself half of your existence. To know only evil is to deny yourself half of your existence.

To be expanded is denying yourself knowledge of limited. To know growth you must not be omnipotent first.

There is no choice without awareness of options. There is no 'here and now' without having eternity.

Every other- self goes through the same path of evolution to know themselves as co-creators of the unity.

To desire a result, one must take up an action.


#9 2023-11-16 02:45:09


Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

PinkChopper! I have to read all of your post again.

There is so much of your post that I sympathize with so much that I might have written the same sentiments. And I probably did! We mesh allot on this forum. And what you wrote rings some bells in my mind.

We both (and many more people here) MUST have lived in a healthy society and culture before we arrived here. Or after here, however that works. So we are traumatized by this place. And this is deep, deep valid trauma that is not well understood by very many people. Taygetans and Swaruunians understand this phenomena/debilitation very well, so much so that I don't think I will ever forget them for it. Enough that I appreciate them more than I have appreciated any other society or culture that is terrestrial. Which is sad.

I do wish we would hear more about the other star races involved in Terran workings. They say there are 900 capital ships in orbit at any given time with civilizations doing much of the same thing they do. Monitoring and caring for their starseeds. I would like to know more about them. And also the Engans, Solations and others of the Pleiades. Why is it they (Taygetans) are the only ones with the will to contact us and to impart knowledge. I love them for it, but I can't help but think/feel there is something fishy about all this. Can they be the only ones willing to buck the system? I'm not sure what to think about that. How is it that once the Taygetans and Swaruunians broke the ice, not one else has followed suite? It's been years now. Are we missing something?

I'm going to read your post again when I get more time.

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#10 2023-11-16 05:27:26

Horton HaW

Re: Hello Cuties! ~ It's Me Again ~ Asking some of the harder questions

Tecumseh wrote:

PinkChopper! I have to read all of your post again.

There is so much of your post that I sympathize with so much that I might have written the same sentiments. And I probably did! We mesh allot on this forum. And what you wrote rings some bells in my mind.

We both (and many more people here) MUST have lived in a healthy society and culture before we arrived here. Or after here, however that works. So we are traumatized by this place. And this is deep, deep valid trauma that is not well understood by very many people. Taygetans and Swaruunians understand this phenomena/debilitation very well, so much so that I don't think I will ever forget them for it. Enough that I appreciate them more than I have appreciated any other society or culture that is terrestrial. Which is sad.

I do wish we would hear more about the other star races involved in Terran workings. They say there are 900 capital ships in orbit at any given time with civilizations doing much of the same thing they do. Monitoring and caring for their starseeds. I would like to know more about them. And also the Engans, Solations and others of the Pleiades. Why is it they (Taygetans) are the only ones with the will to contact us and to impart knowledge. I love them for it, but I can't help but think/feel there is something fishy about all this. Can they be the only ones willing to buck the system? I'm not sure what to think about that. How is it that once the Taygetans and Swaruunians broke the ice, not one else has followed suite? It's been years now. Are we missing something?

I'm going to read your post again when I get more time.

As above, so below. Think about how little is questioned here. There are other contacts. The integration is much larger. Also keep in mind how we view time. The "awareness" is happening on all levels and in all directions. Backward and forward from a linear view. This world is definitely a traumatic place. I stated before there is an elitist attitude being reflected from above.  Also addiction behaviors. Interesting Mari also said this.  It was stated they don't perceive the traumas here as serious. Why is interpreting what you think souls want an overall goal? They have stated they see this place as a "school", amusement park, etc... Then they also state this is UFOP headquarters in some realities and Cabal in others? Why do they need a sub-generation to be stellar? It's all artificial anyway. Clearly, they have no problems with a plastic reality. Somethings don't add up, but we have little data. I also wonder how some of these races are "in charge". Maybe self appointed? There was a calling for this "wake up" as it were. Following the status quo can apply at any level. The non-interference also serves to isolate and control. Not that it is really followed. Anyway you slice it, I see some shady ethics going on.

I am curious about percentages of other seeds here though. Are there Etorthan seeds here? Some might think emotions cloud things so I wonder if this was part of it. They might have been trying to be more neutral. Lol. All relative to whom I suppose. Does seem like important information missing. Inquiring minds want to know. big_smile

This a good example of yelling into the wind. There is a battle going on. I see young and old struggling. Look at the comment section.

Same Self Replicating Nanotechnology Spheres Seen In C19 Unvaccinated Living Blood As In Deceased Embalmed C19 Vaccinated Blood With Rubbery Clots - What Will Humanity Do About This? … technology

Last edited by Horton HaW (2023-11-16 20:29:54)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


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