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#1 2023-11-30 13:58:47

cosmic Mind

Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

In today's video by Mari (link above) Mari talks about two different versions of the Orion story and how in my opinion the United Federation of Planets was infiltrated at a high level. In the light of what is described in the video we can understand in my opinion that the humanity of earth has been invaded by logical, cold and aggressive races with a low connection to the Source and low ethics. These races first invaded the earth militarily by being physically present, and once indoctrinated the empathic race into things that were probably unnatural to them (remember the story of Adam and Eve as told by the Taygetians?), then through their puppets via governments and secret societies, with sophisticated mind control they managed to perpret anti-human agendas and get them 'accepted' by the unthinking, now majority.
Welcome the return of empathy and a better society through the guidance and help of the Urmah and Taygetians. Special thanks to Mari for constantly informing us and to HRH Rurh of Avion and Arisha, may your example and strength be an inspiration to all of us and our humanity.
Ad Maiora
(Latin for bigger and better things)


Last edited by cosmic Mind (2023-11-30 16:03:08)

"Light is information,
darkness is lack of information"


#2 2023-11-30 15:51:53


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Realistically the benefits of this game(if any) are many times less than the harms. So in my opinion there is no point in continuing this. If the etortans think it's logical to continue all this then they think it's their decision and not the people's. So far no one has stopped them. Orion is there and whoever misses regressives can visit them off Earth. So for all of this to continue here at the expense of humans doesn't make any sense to me. We see that they think so, the mentors etortans. I guess censorship is big in 5D too. Those etortans who have caused a lot of misery with that game of theirs. Logic cannot provide an answer to that.
The audits are pointless. But the people have no say here.

There is only Nirvana (Buddha) lol


#3 2023-11-30 17:59:20


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Got be a being with emotions and logic in order to be/become highly spiritual. Without emotions the being is missing a serious part of potential integrity. That is what I think.


#4 2023-11-30 19:09:54


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

It seems logical to me that the regressive ones learned they could not take over the Federation through force, and instead have opted to use mental manipulation exactly the same as what they did on Earth. The Federation members need to wake up to this as much as regular humans who think governments are there to protect them.


#5 2023-11-30 21:17:57

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

The Federation have been infiltrated and I think the Ethortans are mind f*cking the Andromedans to believe anything they say. Both obviously match in frequencies. Listening to the description that the Federation give about the Ethortans should be flipped. Like everything here on Earth.

This whole game is to take over this planet and this quadrant under the Ethortans. I dont know why the ET's up there cant see this? They want to kill off the emotional races especially the Lyrans or use them as their dogs, just like centauri's.

The logical races want to irradicate the emotional races and thats obvious. They fear us because we have the connection to source they dont have.

Why doesnt the Urmah's go to the Federation and make a proclamation to everyone the lies spread by the Andromedans and the Ethortans. Then take over.

F*ck these logic heads they need to be shut down.

Last edited by Cyndrieldreams (2023-12-01 00:20:58)


#6 2023-11-30 23:13:46


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

In a Universe where anything is possible, it seems totally bizarre to me that the Andromedans refuse to see even the possibility of the Federation having been infiltrated. They called that claim "impossible and ludacris". Seems like a very defensive response to a legitimate concern. Thou doth protest too much.

Has anyone else found this video a bit upsetting? The fact that the Etorthans (who had previously plotted with their Orion allies to attack and kill the Urmah is the same race in charge of the Earth audit. I do not consent.


#7 2023-11-30 23:20:53


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

There is allot that we don't know about the situation on Earth and our Solar System. And apparently our friends the Taygetans and Urmah only know what they have been told, or what is in the Federation database. Who put Etorthans, Andromidans and Alfratans in charge? Why? I see Alfratans as being under the thumb of the Federation. There was some mention in Mari's conversation with the Urmah male about the story of their "liberation" being in question. They are Human though, which is a plus. But how much influence do they have in Earth's affairs? There are things going on in this game that we are not aware of.

Just think for a moment of the technological advancements that we have had since the late 1800's to now. Great leaps that were not seen in the 12,000 years before done in 125 years. From the horse and buggy to the space shuttle in a very short time. And the Elite's "science" has taken them to other solar systems. From the steam engine to another solar system in less than a hundred years? From the cannon ball to nuclear weapons overnight (50 years?).

Something is going on. Sure would like to know what the plan is. Screw the prime directive. Those of us on this forum are well aware of the technologies available. It frustrates me to no end.

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#8 2023-12-01 02:36:10

Horton HaW

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Again I ask. How are these people in charge of Earth? Almost has to be mind control going on. Do the Andromedans know of the Urmah story? They don't find that a teensy weensy bit troubling? Geesh. We SO need better reps and mentors. She is right about the disconnect. The do exactly the same here. If they are watched they just hang back and misdirect while they put something in place that kicks in down the road where connecting it is a bit harder to preempt. What really is going on with Centauris? Gotta ask. That Rigel 7 battle just sent chills up my spine.

A starseed forcefully on Earth is just like holding a cork underwater: it is under the surface only because a strong hand is holding it there. ~Mari Swaruu

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#9 2023-12-01 04:35:42


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

The prime directive states that the evolution of a species is sacred and is not to be interfered with, except for the Etorthans, of course, their purpose is to interfere in the evolution of countless species it seems, helping them evolve, which is outside interference. I do not consent to having my evolution managed by Etorthans.


#10 2023-12-01 06:06:51


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Here on earth the cabal members work their magic to convince the population they need to get locked in their house and wear a mask to save themselves and others. The same organization tells the star races in the Federation that they need to allow the Etorthans to go around violating the prime directive just like the cabal members on Earth violate human children.


#11 2023-12-01 22:42:26

Horton HaW

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Using a planet like Earth with it's unique status could be a very strategic location. The other members like Andromedans need to seriously wake up. This is quite serious. I said this before that this could cost the federation dearly.

A starseed forcefully on Earth is just like holding a cork underwater: it is under the surface only because a strong hand is holding it there. ~Mari Swaruu

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#12 2023-12-02 00:26:57

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

I find it mind blowing that there are 500,000+ races that have joined the Federation, but there are only two races that know about the lies the Federation are perpetuating. We all here have figured this out, and we're stuck in this 3D matrix.

How dumb can you be, you fools up there must think it's all for the betterment of the human race. It's going to come and bite you in the ass, as the Ethortans/Andromedans agenda Im sure is to get all races under their beck-and-call through their lies. Definitely, the Orion wars has not ended. The control system that was in place in the Orion wars is still playing out here now, but covertly. I'm sure the Orion council has been plotting this for their comeback for a long time.

I hope there is a huge awakening happening amongst other federation races, so these psychopaths can be revealed and taken down and the ones responsible held to justice.

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:


#13 2023-12-02 01:21:38


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Cyndrieldreams wrote:

I find it mind blowing that there are 500,000+ races that have joined the Federation, but there are only two races that know about the lies the Federation are perpetuating. We all here have figured this out, and we're stuck in this 3D matrix.

How dumb can you be, you fools up there must think it's all for the betterment of the human race. It's going to come and bite you in the ass, as the Ethortans/Andromedans agenda Im sure is to get all races under their beck-and-call through their lies. Definitely, the Orion wars has not ended. The control system that was in place in the Orion wars is still playing out here now, but covertly. I'm sure the Orion council has been plotting this for their comeback for a long time.

I hope there is a huge awakening happening amongst other federation races, so these psychopaths can be revealed and taken down and the ones responsible held to justice.

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:

H.M. Allenym is the direct eyes and ears of the Alcyone High Council and also the Taygetan representative to said council. Which means everything that goes on here all of the Pleiades (M45) know. And everything that comes from Toleka's internet connection I'm sure is monitored. With the Urmah and Avyon Council that adds up to alot of people. And people talk. There have to be other races including the Andromedans that are hearing what Taygetans and Swaarunians have to say.

If anyone has the guts to step up and say something we have not heard about it. I would like to think that HMAA1 and HMR together would have enough clout to expand the audit into the Federation. They have every right as they are essentially quadrant level themselves are they not?

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#14 2023-12-02 02:05:16


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Great find @Cyndrieldreams!  My thought is always, do we really have to go through all of this crap?  Can't we integrate and unite without all of the mess?  Something inside me tells me we can.  But how?

Cyndrieldreams wrote:

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:

In La'kech

“Whatever you think, is.” -Mari Swaruu


#15 2023-12-02 02:30:20

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Paganini wrote:

Great find @Cyndrieldreams!  My thought is always, do we really have to go through all of this crap?  Can't we integrate and unite without all of the mess?  Something inside me tells me we can.  But how?

Cyndrieldreams wrote:

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:

I've been going through the Prime Directive videos and that hasnet been happening here at ALL. The ET's need to go back to basics.

I think we didnt sign up to the full extent what is happening. And I think you're right that we can unite, but education is a priority. Humans have this capability to change when they are informed. Humans arent that dumb in figuring things out. It's just been too distracting to survive down here for people to reflect on things.

As well, IMO If they shut down the internet, the Taygetans and Urmah will not have the internet connection as well. Shut them all out.

Last edited by Cyndrieldreams (2023-12-02 02:41:19)


#16 2023-12-02 04:35:19


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

If Ethortans are not emotional why are they attached to this game/matrix? They shouldn't be attracted to anything. They are still very far away from true non-attachment, and therefore they are not free and do not know the Source. They want to subordinate others to their attachment to the matrix.  So they are emotional even if they don't admit it. So I don't trust the federation's opinion of them.

There is only Nirvana (Buddha) lol


#17 2023-12-02 06:52:14


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Yes, Etorthans go around interfering in the evolution of other species. On Earth they have overseen the spraying of black goo to alter our genetics; their actions have been extremely damaging to our evolution and they have retarded it considerably. I wonder what their track record is with other species, probably negative.


#18 2023-12-02 08:01:03


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

If we deduct from the picture of the Ethortans with all their darkish grey look and frozen darkish grimace this speaks by itself for the energetic structure of these beings. Such being cannot be that spiritual advanced. I bet the eyes are pure black like with other Greys.

Last edited by mitkobs (2023-12-02 08:05:35)


#19 2023-12-02 21:53:28

Horton HaW

Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Paganini wrote:

Great find @Cyndrieldreams!  My thought is always, do we really have to go through all of this crap?  Can't we integrate and unite without all of the mess?  Something inside me tells me we can.  But how?

Cyndrieldreams wrote:

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:

I don't always agree with Whitney, but she does research well. Her baby was sick recently, hope they are ok.

A starseed forcefully on Earth is just like holding a cork underwater: it is under the surface only because a strong hand is holding it there. ~Mari Swaruu

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#20 2023-12-03 02:15:06


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

The Etorthans (rapists of the prime directive) Should be quarantined to their own planet and not allowed to leave. If the Federation were to do anything at all with its fleet to keep its own morals it would not let those Etorthans run lose across the galaxy.


#21 2023-12-04 15:06:09


Re: Ethortans vs Urmah: a war between pure logic and empathy

Cyndrieldreams wrote:
Paganini wrote:

Great find @Cyndrieldreams!  My thought is always, do we really have to go through all of this crap?  Can't we integrate and unite without all of the mess?  Something inside me tells me we can.  But how?

Cyndrieldreams wrote:

There is a journalist called Witney Webb who has been studying the WEF agenda's and has come to the conclusion that there will be a huge bullsh*t cyber attack about to happen in 2024. Just in time of the Ethortan's audit. check it out here:

I've been going through the Prime Directive videos and that hasnet been happening here at ALL. The ET's need to go back to basics.

I think we didnt sign up to the full extent what is happening. And I think you're right that we can unite, but education is a priority. Humans have this capability to change when they are informed. Humans arent that dumb in figuring things out. It's just been too distracting to survive down here for people to reflect on things.

As well, IMO If they shut down the internet, the Taygetans and Urmah will not have the internet connection as well. Shut them all out.

In my definition of "The Prime Directive" there is a sentiment that in order to be subjected/subjugated to the prime directive you have to be incarnated into the Terran surface population. It's a F#4%ing birthright. If you were born here you are not allowed to participate in the cosmic commerce of ideas and culture. This Green Mountain boy writing this say's, please shove your PD up where the sun don't shine.

I suppose we are allowed to be frustrated. We shouldn't let it handicap us and we should move onward and upward, which I think most of us here do on a daily basis. hmm

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


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