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#1 2024-02-15 14:17:37


Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

I just recently visited the site and read several dozen articles.
Many of the messages conveyed are strongly negative towards the Galactic Federation.
This is surprising. Because the Galactic Federation, as I understand it, is the Galactic UN.
The basis of which is made up of the most developed civilizations - the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians.
Moreover, it is the Pleiadians who are the main ones in it and, as I understand it, the Galactic Federation is headed by a Pleiadian - Ashtar Sheran.
I have no doubt that he is an entity with a very high level of consciousness and purity of intentions. (According to many of his messages).
The Swaruu themselves are Pleiadians. How to explain this attitude towards the Galactic Federation?
And what is their attitude towards Ashtar Sheran?

To the site administrator:
I was unable to register via gmail. Messages from the swaruu site do not arrive at all. When requesting a password again via, a message was received from gmail:
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For assistance, see or contact your administrator.
I registered through another site, but the answer with the password was placed in spam with the server message:
the sender did not pass the spf check


#2 2024-02-15 15:42:19


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.


#3 2024-02-15 16:32:09


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Hello SeverusSnegg and welcome to the forum.

The Galactic Federation or United  Federation of Planets is a multi density organisation founded in the wake of the Great Expansion of Lyra.

Its main remit is to establish alliances to handle threats and problems that may arise in Space, and to establish trade or other treaties.

As you can imagine, just like any large organisation or institution (such as the European Union, or the United Nations on Earth) there will often be controversies, or difficulties in the way things are handled, according to motivations and individual perspectives. Disagreements are not uncommon.

In the recent past we have learned from this disclosure the extent of the control the Galactic Federation has on Earth. This has led to some questioning as to how closely they are tied to the governments or cabal (or deep state.) Given the atrocities and suffering that occur in Earth, it could be seen that there is more than a simple permissive element to the federations involvement. This lead to all kinds of philosophical, diplomatic and political questions arising - and this is what you see being revealed on this forum and website and via Cosmic Agency and Swaruu Oficial YouTube channels.

To form your own opinion, I invite you to explore the transcripts that can all be found:

Or explore the videos and dedication playlist about the Galactic Federation at  Cosmic Agency channel here:

Or at Swaruu Oficial here:


#4 2024-02-15 16:36:17


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

With regards to ‘Ashtar Sheran’ you may be interested in the conversation here between Gosia and Swaruu of Erra.

Gosia: Ok, we will go into it then at some point. Now... everyone asks me about Kryon... Law of One and Ashtar Sheran... Are they good sources?

Swaruu (9): Law of One, I am not sure what that is at the moment.
Kryon, confirmed, 7D light being. If it's really Kryon who they are channeling of course. He is okay and very good, but be warned it may be contaminated as it's channeling.

Ashtar, Alaniso, etc., Cabal created miss informant. I know they say nice things, but they are false. There is no Ashtar! We would know it. Ashtar is Matrix!

Gosia: And for what purpose would he be implanted if the message is empowering? I am just saying as I don't know his message exactly...

Swaruu (9): The message is not empowering, it is “nice”. Big difference.
The intention and the message is to make people get closer to the Catholic Church. It's essentially the same Catholic religion adapted to modern times with the addition of starships.
It's false as false can be!

Gosia: Ok, now just as a mental curiosity... As you always say all is real if it's real for you...
Couldn't be that people with their beliefs manifested Ashtar and now Ashtar came to being and is sending messages in their universe? Because you do say we make things real with our minds. It's something I'm struggling with.

Swaruu (9): If they believe in that enough yes, it becomes reality for them.

Gosia: Then in that sense... he could be real and sending real messages since there are many parallel worlds.

Swaruu (9): Yes, and the Easter Bunny as well. There is a parallel world, a parallel universe for every individual, they are a Source, they are the creators of their universe.

Gosia: So, in theirs... there could be Ashtar, right?

Swaruu (9): Anything they want...

Gosia: Ok, so in that way there is no sense discussing what's real and who is real and who is not!

Swaruu (9): Correct!
In that expanded point of view everything is futile, and as I always say everyone is seeing and living exactly what they are meant to.

Gosia: Then, should I even say that Ashtar doesn't exist?
Wouldn't it be observing our dominion over the reality where they are, where Ashtar could very much be in existence?

Even saying that something doesn't exist would be a sort of imposing, no?
Since everything does exist according to their beliefs... but then... what's the point of looking at historical records then? Confusing all this...

Swaruu (9): We must live in a schizophrenic reality. We've talked about this.
So within our little roles as Gosia and as Swaruu, we must say what we think about Ashtar.

Going against Ashtar is going against the Catholic Church. It came from there. It was the Vatican who came up with the idea of Ashtar.

From the 3D point of view, the correct answer for the people is: Ashtar is a creation of the Vatican and it's all false, and that's effect.

Full transcript here: … uestions-2


#5 2024-02-15 16:36:40


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Welcome to the forum. However, let me put it straight. Ashtar Sherar DOES NOT EXIST. There is no such a thing. Its Jesuits´invention and we stated it many, many times. They are brainwashing people with Galactic Federation of light propaganda, most of which is simply not true. You are welcome to familiarize yourself with the extensive list of videos on Galactic Federation on our channels, but it wont be what you expect. Greetings. smile

SeverusSnegg wrote:

I just recently visited the site and read several dozen articles.
Many of the messages conveyed are strongly negative towards the Galactic Federation.
This is surprising. Because the Galactic Federation, as I understand it, is the Galactic UN.
The basis of which is made up of the most developed civilizations - the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians.
Moreover, it is the Pleiadians who are the main ones in it and, as I understand it, the Galactic Federation is headed by a Pleiadian - Ashtar Sheran.
I have no doubt that he is an entity with a very high level of consciousness and purity of intentions. (According to many of his messages).
The Swaruu themselves are Pleiadians. How to explain this attitude towards the Galactic Federation?
And what is their attitude towards Ashtar Sheran?

To the site administrator:
I was unable to register via gmail. Messages from the swaruu site do not arrive at all. When requesting a password again via, a message was received from gmail:
The message was not delivered because the address was not found or does not accept incoming messages.
Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table
For assistance, see or contact your administrator.
I registered through another site, but the answer with the password was placed in spam with the server message:
the sender did not pass the spf check


#6 2024-02-15 16:58:23


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

I opened this channel and saw the last video with Corey. He was talking about some extradimensional beings playing this game and being negative. But it's also information from the SSP or cabal. Why does cabal say they are negative who are making the game? So they are against them. Corey says they are known as the Architects. I know from another source that they are the Dragons of Draco. But cabal call them negative. If cabal is with the negative why would they betray them? The Federation wouldn't want to seem negative.

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#7 2024-02-16 01:16:05


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

@ Brahman,

Corey claims that there are different kinds of SSPs. The 'SSP Alliance' which Corey gets information is not present on the Earth. This 'SSP Alliance' is present in the exterior of our Solar System and has an alliance with the Sphere Beings. Actually Corey gets information from the following sources-

1) Sphere Being Alliance(SBA)- Blue Avians, Triangle Beings, Eyosians. They are present in our Solar System.

2) Global Galactic League of Nations(GGLN)- It is an ally of SBA. It is not preent in our Solar System right now. Previously it was under the control of the Cabal of Earth but later escaped.

3) GGLN Alien Allies- These are alien races who are the allies of GGLN. They are not present in our Solar System right now. They are the allies of the SBA.

4) SSP Alliance- Ally of Sphere Beings. Not present in our Solar System. Previously under the control of Cabal but later escaped.

5) Earth Alliance- White/Grey Hats of the Earth. This group has been criticized by Corey many times.

According to my analysis what Corey does is that he filters information coming from all the above sources and reveals what is necessary for the Human Beings of the Earth.

Anyways, I don't like him that much because he doesn't talk about the Felines.


#8 2024-02-16 02:37:18


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

The way the Earthly "Matrix" is designed is such that whenever you escape from one trap, you fall into another, even more elaborate trap. That's exactly what all those "channeling the Galactic Federation" types are. The more popular someone is, even if they appear completely of organic origins, the more likely that person has some government CIA type control over them, or at least an agenda they are instructed to follow or promote.

The Taygetans have explained that the real Galactic Federation, which does indeed exist, and which controls a major quadrant of our galaxy has levels within it that appear to be highly corrupted or influenced by the "Orion Council." That was the group which waged wars against many planetary collectives long ago, a group that they say cannot be trusted. Those conflicts are the basis for how the Earth ended up in such bad shape to begin with. As they see it, the G.F. wants to keep Earth and humanity trapped in a negative timeline. It's likely because many reptillian based species are still isolated to Earth under Antarctica. Those beings feed off our "loosh" (negative energy), farm humans, and probably still do a lot more that they don't tell us. They don't want humanity breaking free from all of its Cabals and governmental controls because then they lose the Earth as a farm and likely would end up being forced away.

In addition to these reasons, the G.F. views the Earth as an advanced school for souls to have extremely intense, but short experiences while incarnated as a human. It is their belief that the souls incarnating want to experience the harsh reality of say living through world wars or economic turmoil because those problems do not exist anywhere else throughout the galaxy. However, as the Taygetans and many of us see things, this little game has gotten out of control and they are making the experiences far too intense. The highest levels of the Galactic Federation are basically meeting with human Cabal controllers and giving them all sorts of agendas and plans to implement such as the mRNA jabs and probably a lot more. You cannot view these beings as being of total love and light, because they are not. Many are highly logical and cold hearted who just think humans are stupid and deserve these punishments. That's why the Taygetans are so against the G.F. because anytime humanity starts to evolve, these higher levels invent some mass tragedy reset event that throws us all back hundreds of years. That's what they are doing right now with their attempts to greatly lower the populace. By the way, since you may not have seen the videos on the "jabs" yet, know that the Taygetans found nano technology in them that greatly exceeds the human level. They have said the only way for this to have happened would have been for members of the G.F. to have given that tech to humans which violates countless space treaties... and when reported to the high council of the G.F. they just ignored them. That and many othe reasons are why they feel so negative towards the Galactic Federation.


#9 2024-03-18 20:19:47


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Hello wonderful ones, hope you are all well.

I have posted a question on the YouTube channel Swaruu Oficial (thank you Mari for all your work, I am deeply humbled and grateful for your existence, dear one out of time) at a time when I haven't investigated more of your views, to align myself to them. It went like (I believe it was on the 2nd video with Arishah and was a paid question, it matters little to me, except the fact that I feel is too little for what I would want to offer you amazing souls) : Are the Urmah in contact with the council of Nine or the council of Saturn?
In my view at that moment I thought about the higher soul's ([edit:] one of which is the entity which many have called Christ Consciousness that Rudolf Steiner has provided more information on than any other human), that I still believe are guiding this mesh of souls from different backgrounds and past lives experiences with new ones, in this planetary system. I understand that my question had been improperly put without context and does not require a response. At least I could show my gratitude towards you, dear brothers and sisters of my soul big_smile❤️
My question of now, if anyone has watched the movie "Laws of the Sun" can you please share how much from your point of view do you resonate with what is present in that animated video (found in full on youtube)? And also I would love to hear your points of view that you feel at misguided within that clip.
Thank you from all my heart ❤️

Last edited by IulianRay (2024-03-18 20:22:39)

We are all One Consciousnesses, experiencing creation from all possible view points. I am deeply grateful to The Creator for your existence wonderful One


#10 2024-03-19 11:26:47


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Ariya wrote:

In the recent past we have learned from this disclosure the extent of the control the Galactic Federation has on Earth. This has led to some questioning as to how closely they are tied to the governments or cabal (or deep state.) Given the atrocities and suffering that occur in Earth, it could be seen that there is more than a simple permissive element to the federations involvement. This lead to all kinds of philosophical, diplomatic and political questions arising

Nicely put.
Even as a teenager before I knew anything about this I made the argument in my mind that if life exists outside with advanced tech and ethics the first rule would have to be "live and let live", a sense of non-interference into lower civilizations.
The mere fact that silence is the response of a vast Universe proves that sentiment and sets up the Fermi paradox as many know. And reality doesn't deal in paradoxes. So either no life or a non interested/interfering world. That should be the case.

The discovered facts of UFOP show otherwise and it's deeply upsetting that they purposefully interfere to not only steer and slow our spiritual and technical advancement but forcefully reverse it. I couldn't imagine a worse scandal in a book or a show, let alone our own reality.

lulianRay wrote:

My question of now, if anyone has watched the movie "Laws of the Sun"

Haven't seen that but thanks for the recommendation.
I am familiar with Rudolph Steiner. I've been a close follower of his work before finding this community and still holds true in the context of all that we know thanks to Gosia.

Last edited by akos996 (2024-03-19 11:38:55)


#11 2024-03-19 13:23:21


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

akos996 wrote:

And reality doesn't deal in paradoxes.

Where is it written? Reality consists of paradoxes. The simplest example of a paradox is love and hate. It is known in the world that these are opposite concepts, but people can often experience these feelings one by one or simultaneously for the same person.
But to some extent it is one and the same energy, and it has the same goal.


#12 2024-03-19 22:40:24


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

I'm just paraphrasing the Swaruus. In the time travel explanation it was said that time pradoxes do not exist as we imagine them.
Maybe it's a stretch for me to say they cannot exist at all because of that. But so far all the paradoxes I've known were all philosphical or mathematical concepts not something to experience. Do not use the word paradox in a lighthearted way because of a contradiction existing, the nature of being unsolvable defines the paradox not the mere existence of the contradiction.

I don't agree about your view of love and hate but I see what you mean.  Or it's going over my head maybe.  I know people that give this emotion to me in my life. In fact it's quite often for everyone to know people like that.

Being ambivalent (torn between hate and love) about someone or something is explainable without paradoxes.
"Someone" (or people for that matter) as a concept is a complex idea. It means events, memories, places, words, interactions with them, ideas of them, wants and needs, wishes and so on aggregated as a symphony of emotions in the meaning of it. You can't equal something with one emotion as it drags a whole history in your mind a huge chain of experiences that themselves make you feel all sorts of ways. Words pack a punch.

They love and hate exist by themselves, but depending on the other.
There's a codependency between hate and love, because we like to devide groups and things and appreciate what we love in the hatred of what we don't.
The same way people appreciate their own group of working class they are in and in the hate of the petty and fake upper class they unite as being different and better,
the same way the upper class feels they are better in relation to the working class is rude and dirty.
You can find love in the depth of hatred because of how it supports you to be something other than something else.
Someone who transcends duality will appreciate the "enemy" as the background to see the shape of what they love.

But I cannot claim paradoxes cannot exist.

Here is a nice talk from Alan Watts about duality, a beautiful compilation of some of his teachings:

Last edited by akos996 (2024-03-19 23:00:45)


#13 2024-03-20 08:42:43


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Paradoxes is what cannot be understood for some kind of reason or personal limitation but on another level is totally understandable. And with that there are no paradoxes. Love and hate is not a paradox, just two opposite emotions. On more expanded level hate does not occur at all.


#14 2024-03-20 08:45:29


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Does this have anything else to do with the topic? I can go on and on and find a paradox anywhere, and if there isn't one, you can always create one.
The time paradox will be the same. You go into the past, but in the end you change not the past, but the present, simply because for you the present is the past, and the past is the present. Without going into too much detail, it turns out that time travel doesn't exist. But you create a situation where it works for you.


#15 2024-03-20 08:49:19


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

mitkobs wrote:

Paradoxes is what cannot be understood for some kind of reason or personal limitation but on another level is totally understandable. And with that there are no paradoxes. Love and hate is not a paradox, just two opposite emotions. On more expanded level hate does not occur at all.

In this case, you accept the expanded level as something that exists. But are you sure that this level exists? That's the paradox for you.


#16 2024-03-20 10:52:36


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

I guess when you put it like this will sound always like a paradox. You know if someone is able to imagine this so called higher level there is no or little difference between the reality and imagined. And there is another thing, who knows, maybe is not just imagining but could be memories seeping in.


#17 2024-03-20 17:54:34


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

xxayaxx wrote:

Without going into too much detail, it turns out that time travel doesn't exist. But you create a situation where it works for you.

SO.... does it change ONLY for you? Or is for everyone? Because if it has changed for you and your back in your new "timeline" with everyone else, has it also changed for them and would they know especially with big changes? And if so what happened to the other "them" in the other time line are they still living the "old" unchanged time line? Because I have memories of event's and things that are not the same anymore, for example the monopoly board character with a monical and Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80's etc....   Are these "effects" of altered timelines?

Nikola Tesla...

"...If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration..."


#18 2024-03-20 21:50:05


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Marak60 wrote:
xxayaxx wrote:

Without going into too much detail, it turns out that time travel doesn't exist. But you create a situation where it works for you.

SO.... does it change ONLY for you? Or is for everyone? Because if it has changed for you and your back in your new "timeline" with everyone else, has it also changed for them and would they know especially with big changes? And if so what happened to the other "them" in the other time line are they still living the "old" unchanged time line? Because I have memories of event's and things that are not the same anymore, for example the monopoly board character with a monical and Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80's etc....   Are these "effects" of altered timelines?

The only thing you can change by going back in time is your present, so who else would you change the present for if you are the only one who has gone back in time? A time machine could be just a deconstruction and an illusion with 100% similarity, but I admit that time travel could be necessary for a whole civilization. For example, as far as I know the Grays can't change their present, so they can interfere with the fate of others. Theoretically, if they make contact with the earth, if that's allowed, they get to their past for themselves. Without machines and time travel.
I know about the Mandela effect, but I haven't really looked into it.


#19 2024-03-20 22:49:04

Horton HaW

Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Marak60 wrote:
xxayaxx wrote:

Without going into too much detail, it turns out that time travel doesn't exist. But you create a situation where it works for you.

SO.... does it change ONLY for you? Or is for everyone? Because if it has changed for you and your back in your new "timeline" with everyone else, has it also changed for them and would they know especially with big changes? And if so what happened to the other "them" in the other time line are they still living the "old" unchanged time line? Because I have memories of event's and things that are not the same anymore, for example the monopoly board character with a monical and Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80's etc....   Are these "effects" of altered timelines?

There are endless variations. It would change for you, but you could say the others who became compatible with it can also change. That said, those other timelines still exist. A timeline is just a serious of perceived events. You are constantly time traveling as you make choices. Those other lines can filter in to inform you.

Last edited by Horton HaW (2024-03-20 22:49:57)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#20 2024-03-21 06:26:46


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

I have a two part inquiry on the subject of this topic.
1. From my understanding of the Swaruu and Taygetan culture there are a few life principles that deeply resonate with myself. In short I could express them like: Law of One, Law of Free will, Law of Love, Law of expanding the self consciousness, Law of equilibrium.
(please let me know if my phrasing is confusing or if I should expand on this)
There are a few details that most of the UFOP share this way of living and share the same desire for integration and the wisdom that we are all One Spirit. If I may please ask, is there a way for Minerva Mari to share how much does the Federation share the points of view of Urmah, Alpha Draconians and Swaruu (Taygetans) wisdom? (as these 3 physical forms of the One Infinite Consciousnesses seem to be the most familiar to me, now, in my current physical form)
2. Is there a way before the Federation will remove the blockade of Earth from our galactic family that they will agree to the free will of one, that strongly desires to be extracted, to be, even for some moments, closer to the ones, that the one in question is feeling a deep connection with?
*I know that one could say that if the desire is strong, one is in spirit close to his most dearest ones and could go in the form of astral travel to meet with the ones he would like to meet. And that is okay to a degree as for the ever-growing expansion of one's perspectives, a physical interaction would provide one with a greater amazing experience and growth in one's own being.
Is the extraction something the council of the Federation would approve of? As I understand that in the past there were a few conflicts regarding the extraction of Ana, by the Swaruu family, even though there have been a lot of close encounters, short abductions of humans born on Earth, by multiple species and from what I could understand, there were little or no consequences for the "trespassers" (to say so, for a lack of a better word at the moment)
Thank you & much love to you all.

A special ❤️❤️❤️ for Minerva Mari Swaruu for all that she shares and for the whole crew on Toleka, I deeply appreciate you all being here.

Last edited by IulianRay (2024-03-21 08:06:03)

We are all One Consciousnesses, experiencing creation from all possible view points. I am deeply grateful to The Creator for your existence wonderful One


#21 2024-03-21 06:47:30


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Horton HaW wrote:

That said, those other timelines still exist.

Exist, but in a simulated reality or illusion that is in the present. There is nothing but the present.
I know that there is a version on the internet where by making a choice you also make another choice by creating a parallel reality for it. But there is no practical sense in it, because in the end it will turn out that you didn't make a choice.


#22 2024-03-21 08:34:47


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

First thing there have be a subject, point of attention, real soul.
Second thing - there is only the now. You go to the past and is becoming the now for you. You do things there and when returning in the future where you want things to be changed - again is not the same future as before and it is the now again and is not possible to count the variations that might be happening for something small you changed in the selected past. Variations could be so much that you may not recognize the future where you have returned to.
Always is the now and is a personal timeline that is interactive according to the made choices. And everything possible as choices and outcomes exists in the Source. All is going somewhat, somewhere, predestined because all possible is existing.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-21 08:37:25)


#23 2024-03-21 09:21:08


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Quick overall question...... Lets say we travel into the past and make a desired change, however, when you return to the new now and you find it is really not at all what you wanted, is it even possible to do a reset?  Or have you totally screwed yourself forever? Because making the changes in the past to fix the current now have been altered so much you have lost your original start point forever?

Nikola Tesla...

"...If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration..."


#24 2024-03-21 10:40:29


Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Here's what I think. Screw up forever - the forever is only Source as an entirety and absoluteness. The worst that can be happening to someone is to destroy its soul and become potential energy. But it is the worst from a soul point of view. They could be starting again from somewhere and building new consciousness.
I think everything worse can be repaired if the person have the will for that. And if the person is capable to make the needed choices and person is still its soul that is able to make the choices.
In the now I think we have everything to change our mindset to something better and high vibration.


#25 2024-03-22 22:16:59

Horton HaW

Re: Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation.

Marak60 wrote:

Quick overall question...... Lets say we travel into the past and make a desired change, however, when you return to the new now and you find it is really not at all what you wanted, is it even possible to do a reset?  Or have you totally screwed yourself forever? Because making the changes in the past to fix the current now have been altered so much you have lost your original start point forever?

Things truly only happen once. To dwell on the past isn't healthy. The problem here is a Hall of mirrors with constant looping. There are constant problems, but solutions are with held. The UFOP reps seem focused on maintaining a sick negative environment as a soul growth tool.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


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