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#1 Re: English Forum » A question to any space friends who monitor this forum. » 2021-05-23 16:25:35

I would like to add that I totally agree with Wayne about everything he exposed. Who need enemies with a federation composed with a leadership like this.

#2 Forum en Español » Una observación constructiva y amistosa a Robert » 2021-04-17 19:24:06

Replies: 5

Hola Robert
A lo mejor mi observación no te va a gustar pero lo que voy a escribir es la razon de que no miro la mayoría de tus directos. Es que todo es tan largo, lo importante del contenido está escondido entre 90% de conversación que es solo esto, conversacion y nada relacionado con las chicas y chicos de Taygeta. Yo entiendo que eso es lo que to haces, y lo respeto mucho, pero tus subscriptores no tenemos horas a diario solo para seguir tus directos. Yo pienso de que con los episodios mas cortos mucha mas gente lo miraría. Perdoname, pero no quisiera ofenderte, solo expresar mi opinión.
Un saludo

#3 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-03-23 19:06:56

wayne wrote:
LauriLavi wrote:

I have lot's of crystals placed near electronics and I have particularily found that shungite nullifies the emf radiation efficiently, it's just that finding proper shungite might be hard as there is alot of fake ones. I luckily live relatively close to the original shungite mining site so I get the real deal and very cheap!

This is great info Lauri and just last night i re-read what Aneeka said about Shungite:
Question: Does organite & shungite shield 5G? Anéeka: Yes they do work, if properly made.

Do you know of a legit source in the US to order from and can you speak to the best shape and what Aneeka may mean about "if properly made"?

i'm going to be driving from may to august and have noticed that these 5G towers on the interstate can be brutal with 5G.   My thought was to get 4 of these and put it on the furthest 4 points in the interior of the vehicle.

- wayne

I know you mister. You are my best friend. Hugs bro.

#4 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-03-23 19:05:17

Hello dear friends, hola queridos amigos
After all this time I see all involved with Taygetan crew as close friends even tho we don't know each other. I'm pretty involved in to design and video etc, so will dare to suggest what I see could be a bit improved in videos. This is not any negative criticism, just a friendly observation which can just be a food for thought if someone anytime wants to change anything. Will talk from the professional point of view what I see good and what less good in any of three channels, so Gosia, Robert and Estel'la & Cristina.
In all of the channels graphic work is very good, don't know who does it but all that particles give life to text.Very nice. What I see a bit too long are intros and outros, sooooo unnecessary long. The shortest are from E&C.
I see that illumination of "talking heads" should be improved, of course it can't always be optimal, but when inside so in "studio" lighting could be better. Some not very nice image is also consequence of the use of web cams. Today we should avoid 720p cams which are normally in laptops.
Enough for today and please, this is not a negative critic but a way how another professional see what could be improved. I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Kind regards - abrazos a todos

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