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#1 Re: English Forum » E.T value converter » 2021-09-26 13:39:14

Robert369 wrote:
TomTom wrote:

I would like some help to learn about how a lot of stuff works. that's really all I'm saying basically.

And that exactly is not what you were saying/asking, but instead you asked for "ET measurements", etc.. To which I replied that to understand "ET measurements" you firstly would need to understand what and how they measure, as otherwise there's no way to grasp their meaning. And that cannot be done from within 3D at this time but needs us to get out of 3D firstly.

Insofar your comparison with the Alfratans fails, because those were out of 3D when they received new technologies (which includes "ET measurements"). And Humanity is currently on the verge to get to that point but not quite there yet.

As for "learning how a lot of stuff works": We indeed had a lot of private talk about that, and it ended up in me explaining that firstly the greater understanding of how our reality works is needed, as otherwise nothing that is "learnt" will be true.

As comparison I will use the perfect example of several blind people examining an elephant:

  • One holds the trunk and says "It's a snake"

  • One touches a leg and says "It's a tree trunk"

  • And another one opens the arms wide to touch the belly from the side and says "It's a wall".

Not sure if you know this example and its meaning, but the point is that all of the blind people are only using their limited perception and only examine a small portion of the whole, and thus none will ever gain an understanding of what truly is in front of them.

And causing this is what the Cabals' separation of all the "sciences" into different areas is about, so that people will be limit to their respective "area of expertise" but never understand the whole. To avoid this we need to change the way of thinking on our planet, and that starts with looking at the whole firstly.

Your questions to me about "how does this and that work" were not leading into that direction at all, and my response that e.g. "anti-gravity is just a side-effect of how the energy flow in the universe works, and one should start with the bigger view on this to understand it" didn't satisfy you at all, because you wanted a short answer and plans to build a device.

But this is not what I will hand out at this time to random people who refuse to gain the real understanding firstly, because they'd never be able to get it to work anyways, nor is it what Humanity needs at this time, because it will always lead to dependencies from those who have the full knowledge of how things work. Instead, now is the time for the self-empowerment of Humanity, meaning that knowledge counts - something that Yazhi/Swaruu and our Taygetan friends transmit a lot of, albeit without technical details to actually build devices at this point of time.

Yes to ask for measurement  and value terms is pretty much to ask for help. In fact it is at the core of what is important when asking for help. I have a challenge for you. It is a wild challenge. try to formulate an answer whiteout the words - Not, Non, No, doesn't, cant, can not.

I think it is vary logical to start think about these things already.

#2 Re: English Forum » E.T value converter » 2021-09-26 13:04:16

Genoveva wrote:
TomTom wrote:

Btw Rob. have you ever heard the term ''To grow with the task'' Please stop telling people what they can or can not do.

Speaking your mind = good.
Worth taking a second look, though, to the 'stop telling...'. It's funny how circular it sounds - so, leading by example is not on the table? You set yourself up by telling someone else not to do what you do.

We have had a lot of discussions about what the right approach is. And it is the same pattern not just this one time. I think it is good to ask for help and look at stuff in a new way.

I would like some help to learn about how a lot of stuff works. that's really all I'm saying basically.

#3 Re: English Forum » E.T value converter » 2021-09-26 12:43:24

Btw Rob. have you ever heard the term ''To grow with the task'' Please stop telling people what they can or can not do.

#4 Re: English Forum » E.T value converter » 2021-09-26 12:40:53

Robert369 wrote:

Sorry to say, but asking for such bases on a linear 3D understanding which somewhat works within the confines of our 3D Matrix, but is not applicable to the non-linear universe outside of our 3D Matrix, and thus cannot be fulfilled.

Also, there are billions of ET races out there, so asking them all to get their local systems thrown at you doesn't make any sense anyways.

My understanding is that there are a couple of systems that are in use in the galaxy as to allow communication on such topics, but keep in mind that our understanding of physicality is utmost limited - and mostly false anyways -, thus asking for "equivalents" to what we have simply cannot work.

"Out there" the advanced people think in waves, frequency, amplitude and everything else - including matter - is just a consequence of these. Of course, the less developed races still go by matter, but their physics for sure is different than the fake-science nonsense on Earth.

Thus, I'd say that your request has to wait until Earth is sufficiently developed to firstly be ready for new understandings.

And before that we should focus on what is truly important at this time: Fighting off the Cabals. Because without that we won't need any "new systems" or "ET knowledge" at all.

I'm free to ask what I want. you are free to say what others should or should not ask for as well. I'm free to still ask for what I feel.
I Would like some knowledge on what terms they use. The Alfa Centurians  got a lot of help. I can ask for the same help if I wish.

Talking about the A.C's what they use or something in that direction would properly be a good start for humans. Maybe mixed with a Taygetan approach

#5 English Forum » E.T value converter » 2021-09-26 07:27:53

Replies: 7

Please get a list of all the values ET races use, like volts, ampere, Pachals, rotations, and so on.

then ask if they all use the same way to measure values

If they don't then please ask how they convert this information when they work together.

#6 Re: English Forum » Request on 432 HZ background music in videos » 2021-09-24 05:02:32

Pymander wrote:

I'm not sure if this is true; but, from what I remember reading YouTube's own algorithm converts audio to 440hz even if the source is 432hz.

No. YouTube don't convert audio or color of uploaded material.

I think the new powerful Sophia video is in 432. But I'm not sure. I just think its great.

#7 English Forum » Request on 432 HZ background music in videos » 2021-09-23 08:35:29

Replies: 17


If the music in the videos is not in 432 HZ please convert it for the future here.

440 HZ (Most music) is out of tune and made in 1953 by the ISO cabal. The cells absorb 432 HZ a lot better and the main information of the video would be more clear.

#9 Re: English Forum » Music for our soul. » 2021-09-20 10:38:10

BirgOslo wrote:

Oxala, Portuguesse  for:Ojalá (Español)
In Arab; Oj Alá (God will)

Let's change the lyrics a bit. Let's create some new significance. Let's say I will create.
I invite you all to translate this lyrics. Use Goog le translator, it works fine.
Very interesting song indeed.


I don't listen to music in 440 HZ.

Only 432 HZ


#10 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-15 10:13:07

How does E.T Races measure time if they don't use Earth time. How do they calibrate their time devices to know when and where to meet.

#11 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-15 06:28:41

When, why and how did ''offerings to the god's'' start. Was is just a way to trick the people when other people got transported from Earth by reptilians?

#12 Re: English Forum » Web based Cross work platform - Gosia » 2021-09-10 18:08:20

If Gosia and Robert is brave enough to do these videos i think I'm brave enough to talk about it on this forum as well.

#13 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-10 15:02:58

Do Taygetans do snowsports and watersports? Sports in general. Not necessarily competition. surfing, snowboarding and so on.

#14 Re: English Forum » COSMIC AGENCY - SUPPORT CENTERS (By Countries) » 2021-09-10 08:34:49

If you need a Danish Telegram version I'm reedy to Join. Or I can make it.

#15 Re: English Forum » Web based Cross work platform - Gosia » 2021-09-09 13:58:55

Robert369 wrote:
TomTom wrote:

But at some point if enough people are starting to do stuff it would be near imposable to take out everyone. At some point it must go out in the open.

Of course you are correct in that, but we firstly need to get the cabalistic censorship and people elimination machinery removed, else we put all the brilliant minds that we need to rebuild the planet at risk to not be available later anymore.

Thus, for now it is private servers and groups. And yes, once the world is a safer place for such, I will go public too, not only personally but also with a platform like mine, as it can be easily transferred to a semi-public server and scaled up for many users. In fact, this is already in preparation. wink

Okay. Did you get my email.

#16 Re: English Forum » Web based Cross work platform - Gosia » 2021-09-09 12:34:11

Robert369 wrote:
TomTom wrote:

I would like to make a platform where people can collaborate and work freely.

Modern, Simple and professional with categories and under categories. Maybe even based in base 12 math.

Thank you for bringing this up, as it is indeed a very needed approach.

I am already running such a platform on a cabal-free private server (with forum, chats, and more) where I cover all the various topics for self-empowerment, autarky needs and planetary liberation as well as projects. My platform operates in parallel to this forum and a Discord server as public entry point with an explanation of the setup.

Since open advertising wasn't desired here, I only wrote about it once a while, but I assure that people are dragged here for everything that can be discussed publicly and not away from here. Which makes a lot of sense to reach more people with content that is suitable for the public, while the private part is for those who are actually wanting more.

Considering the criticality of most of these topics, the need for privacy and keeping it away from the Cabals' direct view, a private server is a must, meaning that running a server on e.g. a hired virtual server from an ISP is not private at all and also can be taken down/deleted at any time. Or, if the topics covered are "too good", all the participants get hunted down because their identity is easily found via IPs, etc..

This being said: My server is for those who are ready for more, seek action and a community of like-minded people, hence I manually select the people who join up there.

Not sure if this is what you have in mind or if you plan on simply running a place within the regular Cabal observation/censorship, but even if you do it makes sense to cooperate in this, for which I'd invite you to check my Discord server to see what I already cover (see my profile for details).

To be clear: The above is not meant as advertising but as cooperation offer in response to the request of this thread, as I am not seeking the general internet user for my private server.

Okay that sounds cool.

But at some point if enough people are starting to do stuff it would be near imposable to take out everyone. At some point it must go out in the open.

#17 English Forum » Web based Cross work platform - Gosia » 2021-09-09 11:54:59

Replies: 6

Hi Gosia.

I would like to make a platform where people can collaborate and work freely.

Modern, Simple and professional with categories and under categories. Maybe even based in base 12 math.

If someone wants to work on anti gravity there should be a collaborative place for that.
If someone wants to work on frequency measurement systems,  there should be a collaborative place for that.

Everything should be free and out of free will. there will also be ways to inform if you have some knowledge, material, space to contribute or you just want to follow along in web meetings, learn and later do some tasks.

Some examples of categories could be.

Material science

And so on.

Let me know. Maybe I can write you an email.

#18 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2021-09-07 19:04:34

Robert369 wrote:

Seems like major changes are underway while the Cabals try to keep up their narrative against all proof and now even legal changes (in effect in the USA already since 8th of August 2021!):

Supreme Court Has Canceled Universal Vaccination In the United States

This general cancellation to my understanding bases on the fact that the Cabals, after 70 years ago having introduced vaccination under the premise to provide long-term proof for the workings of it within 30 years, never provided this proof because vaccination even after having been "reminded" many times already, simply doesn't work as they claim and only serves the poisoning of the world population.

This not only confirms that vaccinations as a whole are harmful, but it also instantly ends the basis for any possible vaccination demands.

In addition to going against vaccination as a whole, the article also aims at Covid injection, officially calling it "not a vaccine", "unsafe" and to "be avoided at all costs".

Now it is only a matter of time until the USA takes counter measures against the Cabals, while with the US falling out of the vaccination system, it only is a matter of time until all the other countries will follow suit.

I call this a great step forward, as this should make clear even for the masses that vaccination and especially the Covax injection are harmful.

Unlike what the article says, luckily the DNA modification is **not** permanent and can be undone, either over time slowly by the body itself, or energetically through connecting to one's DNA blueprint and restoring the DNA quickly.

Find the article text below.

Supreme Court Has Canceled Universal Vaccination In the United States

It is worth noting this is from August 8th and they are still pushing Vaxxxinations

The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs

The Result: Federal Law Now Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks

COVID vaccine mandates are expected, but CHD is working with a consortium of lawyers to prepare challenges to forthcoming institutional, city and state mandates for COVID vaccines.

BREAKING NEWS ! Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens!

The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19.

For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.

The coronavirus VACCINE IS NOT A VACCINE! ATTENTION! What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies.

It is Not Even a Coronavirus Vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”. Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.

That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs.

II urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19.
For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.

Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.

Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!

This clearly means:

if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because DAMAGE CAUSED BY VACCINATION WILL BE GENETICALLY Irreversible.

Expected COVID vaccine mandates: CHD is working with a consortium of lawyers to prepare challenges to forthcoming institutional, city and state mandates for COVID vaccines.

The Result:  Federal Law Now Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks .

What The Covid Vaccine Really Is….A Pathogen. Microbiologist Expose The Pathogen That Is The Covid Shot

KOMMONSENTSJANE – The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists!’ — kommonsentsjane

https://libertyfreedomgroup.wordpress.c … ve-lost-a/

https://libertyfreedomgroup.wordpress.c … ve-lost-a/

Has not been in the news anywhere. Looks like we are getting closer to the Final Scene in the movie.

Please ALERT everyone in the family, friends and relatives! BREAKING NEWS ! Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens!

The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.

Hi Robert. Please check the original source before posting. Such as Supreme court ruling website or such. No one can find the documents. I've shared this as well. Should have done the same.

#19 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-06 12:53:33

Warrior Bishop wrote:
TomTom wrote:

I'm good, Thanks.

Oh btw.
They sing good but do you know who also sings good? The sirens that got all Odysseus men to steer their ships on the rocks.

And Oh, Oh Btw, btw.

Why do you say things you say and have ''War'' in the start of you name. A man with a masonic pyramid on the top of his Egyptian looking ropes. Let me know.

A bishop is a high priest. Catholic Religion didn't appear from nowhere. It is a continuity to the ancient cults.

And why "war"? Because it is the truth. Catholic Religion is not peaceful at all. It is a lie, how contemporary clergymen behave.

The middle ages were the time when catholic religion was at it's finest.

The bishops and archbishops were the commanders, the leaders of  armies.  They were aristocrats from the noblest bloodlines, they were knights.
Of course they fought. And some lost their lifes in battle or in campaign.

Nothing is as it seems.

so you are saying that you are what you hate?  All you are saying is old news lol. I know all the info you tell me. Anyways. You are free to follow Jesus or Buddah. I do what I believe

What you focus on you will manifest so if you focus on war you will generate more. Just a heads up.

#20 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-06 10:43:14

Yes maybe it is. But I would properly not say the same if it was a living being not affected by cabal infiltration. The uncertainty and the lies around this figure is making ones mind constantly drift to the uncertainty aspects of the story. What is real what is lies. Who can know?

Why not just take the good teachings and then move fwd. Freeing your mind energy to other things. For an example. Im not sure i would have found this place if I kept dwelling on Jesus teachings like I did for some time. the Jesus concept for good or for worse have been a part of my journey. But I'm beyond that now.

I don't look back.

#21 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-06 09:13:23

I'm good, Thanks.

Oh btw.
They sing good but do you know who also sings good? The sirens that got all Odysseus men to steer their ships on the rocks.

And Oh, Oh Btw, btw.

Why do you say things you say and have ''War'' in the start of you name. A man with a masonic pyramid on the top of his Egyptian looking ropes. Let me know.

#22 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-06 06:31:54

Ymarsakar wrote:

I certainly believe in portals. One opened up and created the chosen tv series. A far more accurate look at the christ fed spirit.

An exemplar for others to follow and walk in the shoes of the master. Not to copy dogmatically

Didn't Buddha do the same ? Maybe even better

I don't hate the concept of Jesus. I just think that studying the Jesus concept need a lot of filtering from the Roman lies.

If he didn't die for peoples sin, didn't walk on water and didn't die on the cross the he is basically just a kind of middle rank druid. I don't think one man needs all that attributed to him as a solo human.  I have studied the Jesus concept A LOT. all nag Hammadi scrolls and everything. I felt trapped at the end. The more I  studied it the more i  needed it. - Law of mirrors.

Now I'm more free ( I believe) . I don't need him.  A lot of the ancient concepts associated with him I have tried to intergrade. (When I want to)

#23 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-05 16:34:10

Warrior Bishop wrote:
Luasha wrote:

Hello dear friends, I have recently discovered this wonderful channel (thank you) and I'm making my way through the content daily, so apologies if this question has been discussed. I did a search but couldn't find anything specifically regarding Archangels (e.g a few that come to mind are AA Michael, Raphael, Metatron, Gabriel etc). Are these also like the Angel's you have discussed who were Pleidians and misunderstood in Ancient times, including  in the bible? I use to call on Jesus and the Archangels for healing, protection or assistance generally having been brought up Christian and I'm coming to terms with the idea that he was created by the Illuminati/Church gradually, was sad news. That's ok though, I understand. Was wanting clarity about the Archangels too. I have so many other questions.. But will do them individually as separate topics.. Much love and gratitude, thank you

Jesus and the good angels that surround him are real, they are not an invention of the illuminati. In some topics Swaruu and the other Taygetans can be wrong, too. They also are victims to a certain mind control.  I am sure that the Taygetans will discover that Jesus was / is real after a while, when they go deeper.

But it is true  that cabal and illuminati manipulated christian faith.

You can not evolve if you need a savior

only to a certain point. You need to sin all the time if you need a savior. It is hard to keep up with all the sinning you need to do right?

#24 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-04 16:16:23

Ymarsakar wrote:

I recommend the suriko zeries as it gives a better grasp of human dna vs taygetan life. And why exercising here may be unhealthy.

Good video.

Could not find any info on how body building is shrinking the mind. Had to stop my membership today.

This is a lot smarter...

Maybe it is the people and the energy in the center that is effecting me and not the work out. I still want to know if Taygetan wise men are buff or Gandalf like.

Obi Wan Kenobi ! He is in good shape and has a good mind.

#25 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-09-04 05:18:55

07wideeyes wrote:

I think it's a case of mind and body, not mind or body. Mind/body dualism seems to be a speciality of western 'thought', one of its typical divide-and-conquer mind-confusions. Do both, or see them as not distinct, that's what I try to do. And looking after the body is more to do with healthy eating, sensible exercise (listening to your body to see what it benefits from and what it doesn't), keeping it out of the way of toxicity whenever possible, than 'training'. I went for a while to the gym, and did weights at home. It made my skinny body feel a bit tougher, but in all honesty didn't do an awful lot for me. These are my immediate thoughts anyway.

Maybe this is right. Maybe its just me not good at doing something I'm not in the top of my field doing.
But i feel like its deeper.

Also I hold on to the fact that I have never seen a so called ''enlightened'' person on earth be a bodybuilder type.

Trump ones said that he believes a person only have so much energy at day to use. Maybe you have to choose what you put your mental and manifetation energy into. If you want to expand your mind you basically have to think outwards a lot kind of leaving the body. If you want to body build you have to lock you mind to your psychical location (yourself) a lot. Since earth is in the Lunar Matrix. By locking your mind more to an earth location you are also influenced by the Lunar matrix in a higher way then if you astral travel.

This could be wrong but this is the most logical explanation I've come up with to why I'm not a super fan of body building here.

- Maybe this would change if you trained with someone also having the knowledge about the outside of the Lunar matrix. Or maybe one could train ones own mind to overcome it. .. I don't want to be a gaint bodybuilder anyways. I'm too cheeky and smart for that. oh. Maybe its also the stigma around muscle guys here on earth. They are always seen as kind of behind mentally. I just want to know why it is like this on earth. Is it the same with Adromidans (Slim, Tall) Urmah? They all seems kind of buff and still super evolved tech wise. What about Draco's? Helps us out finding the answer here. Are the ''wise men'' of Taygeta buff or are they slim like Gandalf?

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