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#1 Re: Forum en Español » Dieta de ciclos de balance. » 2022-11-26 01:34:18

Donde todos dan prioridad a las demás especies por sobre el ser humano en un mundo donde comes o eres comido, Swaruu de Erra le dió prioridad al ser humano.

Hace rato que investigué sobre la carne sintética y los intentos genuinos de desarrollar el producto no tienen financiación ni atención. La gente no lo pide, probablemente ni sepa que existe esa posibilidad, y esos artículos periodísticos sensacionalistas que lo que hacen ver como una estupidez no ayudan, como ese intento de científicos japoneses de reciclar heces humanas en forma de carne sintética, obvio que nadie quiere comer eso.

El mercado se mueve por la demanda, si la gente empieza a buscar carne sintética y a pedirla en los comercios, entonces los empresarios empezarán a preguntar a sus proveedores, eso genera el interés por desarrollar métodos eficientes para producirla. Es cierto que nos exponemos al consumo de productos nocivos, pero los alimentos de origen vegetal que consumen las masas también son transgénicos y rociados con tóxicos. Sería una adición más al menú de venenos que tiene a su disposición el ciudadano promedio. Y la carne de origen animal de por sí ya tiene un montón de cosas nocivas para la salud por el método de cría al que son sometidos.

Con respecto al consumo de trigo, recomiendo el libro Cerebro de Pan de David Perlmutter.

#2 Re: Forum en Español » Saludar » 2022-11-26 01:10:20

No capté esa última parte, pero hola Lola. Me gusta esa rima.

#3 Forum en Español » ¿Alguien está haciendo trabajo de sombras? » 2022-11-26 01:08:39

Replies: 1

Yo comencé hace poco y al principio me afectó mucho. Ahora estoy explorando mi mundo interno y siento más que nunca que mi vida no tiene rumbo ni propósito y que precisamente por eso es que nada de lo que haga es un error.

Creo que vivir en ese estado neutro es una experiencia muy pasiva, quizás hasta antinatural y peligrosa para un ser humano, porque si no prestas atención constante a todo lo que haces te puedes convertir en un sonámbulo que persigue hábitos destructivos sólo para sentir algo. En un libro que estoy leyendo, el autor se refiere al hombre actual como el hombre vacío. Por lo que este estado de pasividad parece ser común y probablemente la raíz del problema de la sociedad actual. Eso más el uso y abuso de la proyección para huir de los problemas.

Una cosa que a mi me sirvió de mucho es la defusión cognitiva, desligarse de los pensamientos y filtrar sólo los que nos resultan útiles o constructivos, considerando al resto como irrelevantes.

Y bueno, pregunto porque mediante los que dice Swaruu me di cuenta que necesito hacer trabajo de sombras y me preguntaba si alguien más lo está haciendo.

#4 English Forum » Taoist Documentary » 2022-11-17 01:11:37

Replies: 0

A video I found while looking for shadow work material and it aligns with the thoughts I've been having lately.

The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary):

#5 Re: English Forum » A few questions - I'm new =) » 2022-08-16 22:33:36

I remember them saying that there are many (or countless) alien races. That'd make it hard to make a comprehensive list, but CA covers a few of them in the YT channel so I'm guessing there are also transcripts.

And I don't know if it's good info, but there's that alien races book attributed to Dante Santori, the karistu guy. And he says in his channel that he's working on part 2.

I would give you the link but I'm not sure if that's allowed, I'm new too. But if you look it up with keywords like "alien races book dante azazel" you should be able to find it, there's an English copy in the internet archive.

#6 Re: English Forum » On Mass Psychosis And Life » 2022-08-14 00:46:10

knoxvilles_joker wrote:

The psychosis as you refer to it is more of a symptom of a systemic mass brain washing campaign spanning generations and population centers.

It creates what I like to refer to as cognitive dissonance or brainwashing or more specifically bigotry and intolerance.

CA shows/teaches us that part of this is part of a greater campaign to lower awareness and frequencies. 

There is another aspect here that souls will always try to reconnect with the cosmic source.  Some connect with religion.  Other certain affiliated groups.  Like attracts like as it were or as the bible says sin attracts sin. 

Or more specifically our expectation of perceptions literally determines the reality that we will see.  This goes back to the ability of an individual being willing to alter their mind and their core frequency. 

But the other thing that accelerates this is the negative black goo that came from tiamet that exists in various geo-political hotspots the world over.  This goo has been incorporated into many things to negatively affect humanity and is the reason why psychosis temporarily occurs in some groups, such as enforcers in the third reich.

But wait there is more the third reich took psychological manipulations to a severe extreme and guess what, it is happening again.  After world war 2 psychology was almost outright banned as a career, science, and discipline.  Now the same abuses are being allowed to occur, again.  Joseph Goebels greatly used the science to push the concept of propoganda to great effect before the days of the internet.  Now both pieces are being used to create this dissonance that is creating the psychosis.

But more specifically as folks try to up their frequency and are unable a psychotic break is possible.  Once their reality is unable to be organized in a matter to allow a higher frequency the break occurs.  Most often it is where understandings are relearned and an insatiable rage occurs as things are being rewired and a body or soul realizes their entire existance is based upon lies from the first time they can remember things.

Fear ramps are being used as part of this campaign.  But really circular logic is used in conjunction with this with phrases such as systemic racism, supporting illogical arguments that fall flat on their face in an inquisitive mind asks why and how. 

But the problem is once you start massaging away the washed brain to clean a mind the dissonance and violence response are increasingly likely the worse the mind is suppressed.  This is why beings on a higher plane do not interfere.  The minds have to be willing to wake up, forcing an awakening will literally cause mass suicides and mental break downs.  The same reason why aliens are not coming out enmasse and saying hey we are here.  Too many are not ready for full disclosures.

You are pointing out some very good points, but it is all part of a massive jigsaw puzzle that we are having to put together upside down with no point of reference.

So, please, keep posting  more insights.  Not only were the videos good, so was your post and points stated.

I will, thank you.

I don't think the masses will be ready for full alien disclosure in the foreseeable future, if ever. And I don't say that because I think we are a lost cause, on the contrary, we do whatever we want for better or for worse, and that's exactly why I think disclosure is not for everyone and never will be. Some people want it, some don't because they're here for a different experience. In other words, this planet is the place we come when we want to live on lower frequencies. If you want the utopian experience, you have to leave here. And on that line of thought, perhaps many of us are being carried away by the promise of a better life that inevitably comes with friendly alien contact. Maybe it'd be better for our mental health to keep that knowledge they've given us as the compass to follow when we are ready to leave here rather than dreaming of having that right here and now in the place that is not meant for that. Mostly because doing that becomes just another way of hurting ourselves and, through that suffering, staying here even longer when that desire of a better life becomes our pain.

I have the understanding from following both channels that people come here to have mostly bad experiences, and while part of that experience may involve the roller coaster of hitting rock bottom followed by big spiritual revelations or interacting as humans with their alien friends, most people seem to come here to completely disconnect and live in a extremely impaired state of being. I see this reflected on a society that always puts more value in the harder ways to do things, no matter if they are impractical or pointless. And while emotions are running high right now, as a rule of thumb people always seem to choose one path and hardly ever stray from it, even if they know it's wrong or that there are better options. I get the impression that people in these circumstances often just choose to keep doing what they where doing their whole lives. Not necessarily because they agree or care, but because, from their point of view, they got this far, put all of their energy into it, and just don't want to change because that means starting from scratch later in life and that is just not acceptable or they simply don't feel like it. And don't think that is out of laziness or a lack of responsibility, it's more like they just accept that they made a mistake and rather live with it and perpetuate what they know than changing their ways into the unknown at a point in their lives when they might no longer have enough time to really experience that new path. Many people don't believe in reincarnation, they think they get this one chance and are like "what's done its done and this is my life now."

They're not really interested in change and also pain, suffering, and self-victimization can be addictive experiences. The rush they can give you might be stronger than the one you can get from positive emotions, I'm not sure but it does look like that in this place. At this point of things, I wonder how many among us keep coming back because we don't know better, and how many are here simply because they're addicted to it, even when they get out and remember who they are.

So rather than figuring things out, most people just go with the flow for better or for worse, and that's the whole idea of being here for most of them. I don't think Earth will remain like this forever, but its return to normal might happen slowly and naturally by just letting people get their fill until they are bored of it rather than being a huge and sudden event. Until then, I think the best those of us that are against what's being done here can do is simply put our two cents each chance we get, both in here and out there, whenever we see someone willing to listen. It sucks because it'll take forever but also what's the rush? Why are we in such a hurry to learn and do stuff that we come to places like this that promise us quick learning when we have all the time in the world to do it? One thing I've learned here and never going to forget is that I need to calm down and stop treating life like it's a ticking time bomb.

Kahi Harawira wrote:

Brilliant. An excellent resource for the uninitiated

Yes, I think it covers the basics and also quotes a couple of authors for further reading. I'm starting one of the books mentioned there myself.

#7 English Forum » On Mass Psychosis And Life » 2022-08-13 18:14:47

Replies: 7

Hey there, I just watched this video, found it pretty on point with our current circumstances and thought it's something worth sharing around. It focuses mostly on totalitarianism but I think mass psychosis is happening on so many layers it can be hard to follow and not be completely overwhelmed or just so desensitized that you don't even see it as a big deal anymore. And even knowing what's going on doesn't protect you from falling in one trap or another. More than a society, it feels like we're living in a minefield.

Anyway, the vid in question:

And also this one to de-stress a little:
Because I see a lot of people being tormented by the feeling they have some kind of duty to fulfill in this life (been there) and, in my opinion, if you had something extra ordinary to be doing, you'll remember enough about it that you would be doing it already, or just naturally fall into that path by your life circumstances. Else just chill and live as best as you can, a hard thing to do as it is without falling into our penchant for making everything more complicated than it needs to be. And "just chill" might sound like an annoying or insensitive thing to say but keeping a cool head is of paramount importance under our circumstances. Good decisions to secure our well being never come out of fear or pain.

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