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#1 Re: English Forum » Question to our Stellar friends about the time line deadline. » 2023-10-06 15:53:27

what is an "UFOP"? 

which is "this UFOP"? are there other "UFOP"s? such as...????

I have some perspectives on the why 2030. but in those, the 2025 makes no sense, also I make sense of this by ignoring the "20" part because otherwise I can't (not yet at least); I trust these perspectives won't make any sense to anybody else because it never fricking does... what's worse any time I look over the stuff around the taygetian numbers I just get like dissapointed or something.... true math understanding is really poor; it seems like they've been trying to undo math away from humans

it does seem like the architects of culture want even less math for "the people"... it looks like one part of how they make us weaker (along with all the pollution and radiation). It's likely connected to the agenda (that some perceive) that pits us as "all lyrans" (whatever the fuck that really means) vs "the synthetics" or "the borg" or the "ai" or whatever; which ever happens to be "not us" (in a "us vs not us" framework)

#2 Re: Forum en Español » el considerar esto una escuela es parte del problema » 2023-10-06 15:43:13

tal vez tengas razón, que parte del problema sea eso,

pero también me parece que te falta considerar quienes están siendo 'educados' en cada caso.

parte del nivel de educación que se imparte aquí (por decirlo de una manera,  y continuando con esta alegoría educativa) tiene que ver con exposición al caos y el desorden.

piensa, si se quiere y si se puede, que el 'receptor' de esta 'educación' son los agentes (o entes o actores) decidiendo que hay que dar golpes de estado y que hay que intervenir, y asesinar, y así...

para algunos esta vida será en una granja, algunos tendrán que ser el ganado. para otros será una carcel (aunque para algunos eso no es otra cosa que un descanso … es-trabajo y es buen ejemplo, por que ilustra como los que están siendo educados en ese caso NO SON los perdedores descansando en esas 'carceles', sino los zoquetes (...jos de puta) causando que los trabajadores tengan que descansar de ese modo tan extremo)... a algo asi

este rollo de que este planeta es una carcel o un 'centro educativo' solo son (y serán siempre) alegorías, maneras (intentos) de explicar la complejidad de la realidad a alguien mas (o mejor dicho, de compartir distintas perspectivas entre gentes (y entes) conscientes sobre lo que esta sucediendo a nuestro alrededor).

#3 Re: English Forum » Most here sound like they know their star family. Do you? » 2023-10-03 22:22:48

I'm pretty sure I'm not taygetian. but I'm also relatively certain that we're distant relatives because I'm still lyran (whatever that really means)

in fact, a way I see myself is as a mix of some sort of lyran descendant and reptilian. I consider this quite common. but sometimes think that this is merely another perspective to having a maternal ancestry and a paternal one; mixed with variations or 'skips' caused by parthenogenesis in some of my ancestors and other mutations.

so I don't know which terms are better to used to describe (or try to describe) my own ancestries.

some people use these modern seemingly made up names of alien races, some others use zodiac. somewhere in between there must exist a mapping between zodiac/constellation and star names, and alien race names.

personally, I gotta still need to consider a lot of things related to tissues, endocrinology, and biochemistry to make sense of these things to my own satisfaction and in my own way; which is the only truly reliable source.

#4 Re: Forum en Español » porque encendieron la Luna nuevamente? » 2023-10-03 19:03:29

Gatopanul wrote:

escuche de otra persona contactada de que estuvo apagada entre los años 2018 y 2020 y que luego fue puesta en marcha nuevamente,  lo único que me dijo esa persona  fue que apagarla por completo afectaba los intereses de razas que estan orbitando ahora,  asi que  vengo a buscar información,  (pero  ya sin mucha  esperanza) ,   la verdad  perdi  la esperanza en obtener información por este foro,   todo parece monologo con estas divulgaciones,  nos tiran información a medias y no responden casi nunca las preguntas e inquietudes,

asi es, desafortunadamente las reglas de este foro dicen que solo se puede hablar sobre lo que dicen las divulgaciones. buenas intenciones pero finalmente es la manera incorrecta de llevar un foro en el internet, incompetencia pura y dura. pero bueno, nunca dejo pasar oportunidad de criticarlos.

pero no venia solo a postear eso:

para mi lo de la luna siempre ha sido uno de los puntos flacos de lo que dicen los taygetianos; me parece que dicen que esta ahi para perjudicarnos y que la deberian quitar. yo opino que vienen de un planeta sin luna, o con muchas muchas lunas y que no les gusta como es aqui la situacion.

sin embargo, hay mas influencias que  las taygetianas, y muchas de esas otras no tienen problemas con la luna (de hecho pensaba que en realidad no les afecta pero de todos modos no les gusta o solo cuestionan mucho al respecto?), incluso algunos (minorias????) tienen problemas SIN la luna.

#5 Re: English Forum » The Elites are Planning to Leave Earth » 2023-09-29 15:45:04

elites leaving earth was actually the plot in a  netflix movie "dont' look up"

here's a spoiler of a joke in the movie: some "AI" predicts some character will be killed by something strange, they use some made up name and when they hear this nobody gets it, then in the end of the movie, after the elites arrive at some other planet, the alien animal immediately kills the elite character which "explains" the weird name that nobody understood initially.... 3.5 out of 5 movie.

#6 Re: English Forum » Any information about the russian mission to the moon? » 2023-08-12 12:08:55

Bucegi wrote:

i think the ISS has been made into an international party club by aliens so they can pardyyy hard after it got closed by the humans

that just sounds like Cuba before their communist revolution.

#7 Re: English Forum » Any information about the russian mission to the moon? » 2023-08-12 11:00:01

Lyran wrote:
naringl wrote:
Lyran wrote:

Hanging out with NASA wink

you're reply is as good as saying nothing. They've hung out with NASA for a long time, the "international space station" whatever the fuck it really is has been all about that hangout.

but this is why I get for expecting information out of this forum.... when will I learn there's nothing for me here in this forum?

Nowhere naringal- they are playing a movie on a projector screen called 3D - How’s that?

much better, thanks. I understand your reply to say that it's artistic self-expression... except the canvas is what some consider their entire reality.

#8 Re: English Forum » Any information about the russian mission to the moon? » 2023-08-12 01:02:07

Lyran wrote:
naringl wrote:

Hanging out with NASA wink

you're reply is as good as saying nothing. They've hung out with NASA for a long time, the "international space station" whatever the fuck it really is has been all about that hangout.

but this is why I get for expecting information out of this forum.... when will I learn there's nothing for me here in this forum?

#10 Re: English Forum » Any information regarding newest occurances on Maui » 2023-08-11 21:47:02

so hawaii was thinking about leaving the union....

now they have bigger problems, it's an insurance thing, meaning it's an american empire thing.

but I'm just a random internet person guessing. always guessing. not like the swaruu's or the taygetian teams who KNOW.

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