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#1 English Forum » Question/Concern regarding the manner/platform of ET Contacts.. » 2022-01-30 21:43:36

Replies: 5

Please correct me if I'm wrong or under-informed on this topic...

My basic understanding of how, for instance, Swaruu, Aneeka, etc have made contact, as they say, in writing and not channeled, has at the very least been initiated via Facebook friend requests....  I'm sure there are other ways this has happened also I seem to recall a story of Gosia's about being introduced via another woman to the Taygetan's and then they went their separate ways...

So I guess my concern is the manner in which these in writing talks take place.... are they always happening via facebook chat, or twitter chat or other controlled tech?  With those types of writing communication, it would never be possible to verify or authenticate any information like IP addresses and things of that nature as that information would be presumably available only to the corporations that control those chat platforms....

It has been stated from many sources that the various ET teams are able to and do connect with our terrestrial internet, hence being on Facebook etc... so in theory there would be nothing to stop them from, say, posting on this or any other forum for that matter.... but that doesn't seem to ever be the case....

there's also a wide world of privacy focused and open source message platforms that could also be used....

So if they connect to our standard Earth world wide web / internet..... what would their IP addresses look like? What would running a traceroute look like? Does their technology interface with ours in such a way that makes it seamless?

Why couldn't any of these writing contact information exchanges take place via email or text message or a voice-to-voice conversation?  Certainly the technology exists to make that happen...

and I know the convenient line always given is something to the effect of "Well federation rules and laws prohibit anything that could resemble something verifiable....

My thoughts and feelings are that the information from Swaruu is genuine, that she herself is genuine and desires to help humanity through this rough spot...... HOWEVER, I know I have been fooled before and I'm sure I'll be fooled again- human beings it would seem are very prone to believing things presented as the truth.... of course everything is entirely stacked against us- the control of everything, the corruption of everything, the unlimited amount of information that is out there and oh so much of it is just lies lies lies... But I digress...

To get back on topic, it would seem to me that if the only manner in which these in writing communications are taking place is via Big Tech, then it is all very worthy of suspicion.... the lynchpin of misinformation/disinformation is giving 99.9% accurate information with this tiny gem of devastating poison...  Like Mary Poppins says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..... in this case the sugar would be the gobs of truth, the medicine would be the dangerous venom that seeps into your mind that is designed to deceive...

Maybe I'm just paranoid or maybe I'm just getting sick of so many things turning out to be lies in the end.... as if it werent bad enough that almost everything is a lie....

If everything is a manifestation of consciousness, and what we perceive as reality is our own creation, then how is it that the truth of our divine power and the truth of the nature of the universe has been so well concealed?  It almost feels as if though one simple message broadcast globally would break the spell and the truth would be so utterly obvious it cannot be denied..., yet this is not the case...

Believing is seeing as Swaruu has said... we've got it all reversed.. All these people that appear on TV- Biden, Trump, Fauci, the talking heads of MSM, etc etc.... having never seen any of them in real life, how am I to know these aren't just AI creations for computer and television screens?  The technology to re-create the likeness, voice, demeanor, etc of any human being past present or future already exists.... if we are or are not in a simulation would almost be beside the point..... unless you have the keys to see whats behind the curtain.... and even then, if you were to peak behind the curtain, is there not just another curtain?

I'm on the hunt for truth and I've found myself a little lost.... I am grateful to anyone who takes the time to share perspective with me regarding my trepidations....


#2 Re: English Forum » Marina Jacobi - Simulated Realities / Hybrid Program - S4 E49 » 2022-01-18 02:43:24

Though I agree with most of what you say re: federation is no saviour/answer, all channeled/direct-contact information requires discernment in truthfulness (really, this applies to any information source period- classic news, books, the internet, a conversation you had, a lecture you attended etc), I didn’t get the impression that Robert was making any value judgments such as “channeling is bad” nor “the federation will save us” nor “direct contact info is superior to channeled info” or anything otherwise felt as being divisive; but also keep in mind that what is true for me may or may not be true for you and two opposing accounts of the truth can both be true simultaneously (same premise applies for falsity) depending on the perception of that focal point of consciousness.

Given the vastness and variety of so-called extra-terrestrial contacts and information that is out there currently and historically, “first contact” has already happened long ago. The cabal and their information mafia of course have used the same weapon they always use: information warfare; misleading/nonsensical defining of terms is par for the course. This is something that must be United against if it is desired for the false narratives to end, full disclosure to occur, etc.

I could be misinterpreting either or both of you here, but I think Robert was pointing out the potential ways in which the referenced video may have been influenced (knowingly or unknowingly) by signature cabal-like tactics (information warfare.) I admit I did not watch the video referred to so I make no claims as to what its content involves.

But at the end of the day, to arrive at our truth, we must be vigilant in our efforts that involve sharing and consuming information, including this message, the original messages, and everything else we create/co-create/share/etc.


I hope my perspective is useful and helpful, unifying not dividing… but no results are ever guaranteed.


#3 Re: English Forum » JESUS - DID OR NOT HE EXIST? WHO WAS BEHIND HIM? » 2020-09-19 12:53:41

from (which is a glossary of terms used by Lisa Renee from - highly recommended and extensive material regarding ascension, the negative alien agenda, and things of that nature):

Guardian Yeshua

The Man Called Jesus

Jesus Christ is a Sirian Blue Human from the future that came to change the 3rd dimensional Timelines and bring the Essenes, Christos Templars and Law of One Ascension knowledge and its consciousness technology back to planet earth. This mission was in response to the DNA damage the planet and humanity had most recently suffered after the Luciferian Rebellion, and then the after the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, which was the final destruction of the Mother Staff principle in the earth core.

His group mission under the direction of the High Lyran-Sirian council was to work with the future earth 5D Tara multi-dimensional Templar crew called the Azurites, organized by the RA Confederacy. As a team they were working with repairing the planetary architecture, doing Soul Retrieval from the Lemurian Holocaust and Atlantian Cataclysm, preparing the Ley Lines, Planetary Grid Network and Planetary Gates to help align for the ending Ascension Cycle in 2012.

Guardian Yeshua came to the earth plane with his genetic equal Wife, Mary Sophia holding the Staff and with a large Sirian ground crew. Underground portals were used for Egypt Melchizedek Initiations for Ascension out of Stargates, as well as in Amarna where Akhenaton had left information for them in the area. The Amarna portal was accessed to hide Law of One and Guardian Founder Races technology in Ireland and the UK. The mission was partially successful, they could not recover Blue Ray Staff and Mother Principle Force for the Earth Core. The 5D Blue Flame Staff alignment was destroyed in the Stonehenge DNA Fire Letters code scrambling, that was a result of the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Yeshua was not crucified and ascended out with Guardian support. The group was partially successful in their mission, and many other Christos consciousness family have been on the earth since then to prepare for the return of the Krystal Star on the earth. The Krystal Star returned with a planetary hosting change in January 2013.[1] See the Ages of Humanity.

There's quite a bit of information on this character and it also seems like Yeshua/Jesus had incarnated here on Earth multiple times, but mythologically was combined into one person when the bible and its teachings were subverted/re-written.  Something that seems to be largely agreed upon is that he is from Akhenaton's bloodline. 

More info on the multiple incarnations of Yeshua here: … akhenaton/

hope this helps... it also seems to mostly align with whats already been said on here so far on this topic.



#4 Re: English Forum » Question for Yahzi Swaruu (or anyone else with an answer) » 2020-09-19 05:56:52

So if we take it as a given that there are plenty of worlds where duality not only exists but is the norm, ie: there are many other planets similar to earth in terms of the experiences for growth of the soul  (by virtue of forgetting ones innate divinity, the veil of forgetting as it were).... why would the federation need a planetary reset if there seemingly are plenty of other planets and options for souls to experience duality, 3rd density, and everything else that comes with a life on earth? why not just allow the ascension to occur knowing that souls could instead choose to incarnate on at another time/place/planet where their desire for those sorts of experiences can be fulfilled?

#5 English Forum » Question for Yahzi Swaruu (or anyone else with an answer) » 2020-09-19 05:22:35

Replies: 14

In the many videos about ascension and whether or not it will happen for the entire globe/population.... correct me if I'm wrong or off here, but..... Yahzi frequently asserts that, basically, [global ascension] will not happen because the souls, the people, the federation, etc etc etc all want there to be a place to experience duality such that their souls are able to expedite much growth and learning, and as such, once the game is over because too many have woken up, it ceases being this kind of training ground based in duality, and in essence, loses its value as this kind of learning ground from the perspective of the 5d federation, so they basically just issue a reset and start over....

i suppose that makes sense, however, with a seemingly endless universe, is there not another planet where they could create another matrix and seed life there, thus accomplishing the same thing? Instead of destroying the awakening Earth population, why not just allow us to be, to evolve, to ascend and start a new matrix on another planet in another part of the universe in order to fulfill the same role that Earth has purportedly been filling for "billions"(?) of years?

much love.


#6 Re: English Forum » My vision about Autarky and Freedom and how to get there » 2020-09-12 19:02:18

My former means of making a living was completely and easily crushed by the "pandemic." (I used to work in a restaurant).  The time off got me to realizing how completely vulnerable we are to this totally corrupt system/society that we find ourselves in.  I had decided I'd sell my house and move somewhere that was warm year round and try and start a sustainable living community...  So these thoughts have already been percolating in my head and I just so happened to stumble upon this post after realizing there was a forum associated with Cosmic Agency, which I've been watching on and off for maybe a bit more than 6 months.  I'm really excited to sign up for your forum and hopefully be able to exchange knowledge and ideas that would be fruitful for all parties involved.

I often catch myself off guard thinking something along the lines of, "it's so strange how these things just kind of pop up at the right time...." and then I remember that the universe is literally chock full of this kind of scenario, to varying degrees, depending on how much or how little you are listening/seeing/hearing/knowing what is right in front of you, without resistance.

I'm Bryan, nice to meet you all.


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