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#1 Re: English Forum » Worldbridgers? Anyone can help expand my perspective? » 2020-11-27 04:53:34

Let's try google hangouts. I will dm you my email. Although, when I'm on the boat, letters are not out of the question.

#2 Re: English Forum » Worldbridgers? Anyone can help expand my perspective? » 2020-11-26 21:44:13

I just checked my email and saw that you sent me a message. I checked my post and didn't see any new responses. I honestly don't even know how you sent me this message, I didn't think you could send dm's. If you can, idk how. Maybe it was just a reply to my post and it's just not loading for me. Anyway, I'm interested in getting in contact with you. The moment I saw your message I felt like I should and I trust my intuition. So, hello! I think that you where right about you being a friend of mine. I consider my perspective to be fairly expanded, and if you want, I could try to help you expand yours.

#3 Re: English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-19 02:05:28

I understand, thanks anyway. If you could at least relay a message to Swaruu for me, I would be very appreciative. I would love for her to hear my story and, I don't want to ask too much but, if she has any words she might want to say to me, it would mean the world to me if she could reply. Please tell her that I love her and that I am incredibly grateful to her for all of the information she has shared with humanity. It has completely changed my life. I am currently planning to get a junk boat and to fix it up so I can live in it and be self-sufficient, never having to rely on money to live. I'm planning to sail through rivers to get to the ocean before I head for the Bahamas. I am taking full control of my life from a very early point and it is all thanks to her helping me understand Just how much I really can, and because I now understand that the matrix is not the only way to live my life. I truly can forge my own path in the world. I am removing myself from the game that almost every soul on Earth gets sucked into and I am going to live a life where my intuition is my guide and I can focus most of all on my spiritual growth. Honestly, I'm hoping that when I do this, I will have some way to consistently contact the Pleiadians, but I haven't thought of how that could happen yet. I still want to continue learning their information when I go off the grid. Anyway, I also want to say thank you Gosia, for being a conduit of this information and dedicating yourself to spreading the truth. You are a true hero of mine and I am really enjoying having an opportunity to talk to you directly.

#4 Re: English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-17 18:08:08

Thank you Gosia for reading my story through and replying! I have to ask however, is there anyway I can contact you a bit more privately? I would really love the chance to connect with you and be able to share a bit more about his experience. I would also just love to have contact with another Pleiadian starseed so I could have someone I could relate to that way.

#5 Re: English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-17 03:50:40

I feel that the crappy experiences you have don't pollute the experience, instead they are all just you doing everything to yourself. And you can trust that you are doing it for a reason. I think I have a pretty good way of looking at the world and it allows me to really transmute a lot of negative energy. But I get what you are saying, and you are right that navigating is a better way of looking at it.

#6 Re: English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-17 03:13:04

I really like that analogy. It reminds me a lot of what I've been practicing doing. I've been trying to appreciate the work I put into my reality because there really is beauty in slowly building a beautiful life for yourself. I'm honestly kind of lazy in 3D, because my mind is so often away from there, but that's something I want to change. To be fair, I'm fairly young so I guess it's kind of understandable that I might be kind of rusty with functioning in 3D when, like Gosia said, the matrix has kind of stopped, and I haven't had to be very present for so long. Either way I definitely want to be more in control of my life in 3D. I'm very interested in controlling my life like Swaruu described in her video, how I manage my reality.

#7 Re: English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-17 01:03:20

I understand what you are saying, but I haven't believed in karma for my whole life. I am completely detached from the ideas of cycles or baggage. I know that if I did actually do that, I would go back, but I honestly feel too excited about the rest of my life to want to do that at this point.

#8 Re: English Forum » I recently discovered that I am a Pleiadian starseed. » 2020-11-16 20:37:16

I'm referring to the specific race of Taygetan Pleiadians, the very species that Gosia has contact with. Gosia herself is on of their starseeds.

#9 English Forum » I have to publish a response to her most recent video. » 2020-11-16 08:16:33

Replies: 13

I want to start this of by saying that I talk about some serious stuff in this. To any Mods reading this, If you have time, please read this through. I hope that you can see that I am being genuine and just can't find a better way of contacting Gosia. A few days ago, I published my story about how I realized that I am a Pleadian starseed and then I realized just how common it probably was for people to be saying that just because they want something. I know I can't do anything to prove otherwise but for the sake of understanding, can you please accept the idea?
   In the past few days a lot has happened. Like I said, I talk about some dark stuff in this. Suicidal thoughts and even plans, so read this at your own discretion. Recently I have been in my head quite a bit. I was feeling that I had lost interest in being a human. I had what, in my opinion, was completely sound reasoning to not continue my incarnation any longer. I thought to myself that, if from a higher plain, everything is how it should be, and if everything is completely preplanned from a higher level, then why should I bother trying to make a difference in the 3D matrix, If you don't do anything, that's exactly what was going to happen all along and there would be no point in feeling bad or trying to change it. At the same time, if it's not worth trying to make a difference, what's the point anyway?
   At the same time, I was thinking of the video, Lets be our higher self now. This is one of my favorite videos of Cosmic Agency's, but recently I had been thinking about it and I was I couldn't help but think. If suffering is not necessary for growth, why be in a world so full of suffering? Instead of being here, I could be in a world full of free knowledge and an amazing life in comparison to earth. I could return home and just study everything there was to study there. And I could get out sooner rather than later.
   I know that that is not at all a healthy mindset to have, but I had been so disconnected to the 3D world through all of covid and waking up, I was only interested in the highest points of view. If it discovered a new perspective on something, I then took that as my new reality and basically ignored anything lower than that on the subject. I got to the point where I didn't think much at all about what was going on in 3D. I honestly didn't even have interested in being here on Earth anymore.
   At first it was just, "I'm not afraid of dieing at all." then, "I wouldn't mind dieing."  After a while I got kind of obbsessed with the idea of the Pleadians coming down to take me away from here. The night I discovered I was a starseed, when I saw many ships in the sky that I mentioned in my last post, I was outside from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. I spent that night trying my best to use the day of 11/11/2020 to magnify my intention to be taken away. After that I just took a nosedive, I began thinking of the inevitability that everything that is going to happen and used that to start justifying the idea of my killing myself to leave this incarnation.
   Earlier tonight, I genuinely made plans to float out into the middle of a lake on a stolen air mattress with a backpack full of rocks and once in the middle of the lake, popping it under me and everything sinking to the bottom, leaving no trace while simultaneously hiding my body so it looked like I just went missing.
   There where many times that I would go outside and look at the sky. I would think about the fact that there where Pleiadians in orbit right now that could here me speaking to them. I have no idea how many times I looked at the sky and thought 'What is the point of even being here? I don't see how this life in the 3D matrix could be worth it when it's not necessary to go through suffering to grow spiritually. I really don't want to try to put pressure on you, but please help me understand why I should stay here. I don't understand any reason right now and I won't be here for much longer like this. Please, If you're willing, I don't know how you can get in contact with me, but please contact me as soon as you can in the most direct way you can.' I was kind of expecting that, if they did contact me it would likely be through telepathy. At one point I did bring up the idea the idea of contacting Swaruu, but I never expected them to actually contact you and explain it through you.
   My dad and I where hanging out and he mentioned that you had a new video out. Apparently my internet blocked it because it is from a school and it blocks a lot of things. Immediately, when I read the title, I realized that this was a direct response to me. Every second I got further into the video I resonated with it more and more. I could genuinely feel her talking directly to me. Everything she said was exactly what I needed to hear. I can so clearly feel that I am not the same as before I watched this video.
   Thank you so much Gosia and every soul involved in getting me this message. This has genuinely been one of the most amazing and validating experiences I've had in my life. I truly do feel reinvigorated with life and motivation. I feel so much more grounded then I have in what feels like forever.

#10 English Forum » I recently discovered that I am a Pleiadian starseed. » 2020-11-12 18:36:21

Replies: 4

I know that the title is a fairly bold claim but everything that has happened recently has me convinced. It started about a month ago. I was visiting my mom in upstate NY, in the mountains. One of my favorite things to do while I was up there was to watch the stars. Me being used to Ohio skies, being able to see the hint of the milky way was really amazing. Often I would turn on Cosmic Agency and watch the stars. There was one night were I saw at least 18 lights moving across the sky. My dad and I call them fast movers. The most unusual thing that happened while I was there was when I had gotten up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. When I was returning to the camper that I was sleeping in, I felt drawn to look up. When I did, I instantly locked eyes on a small group of stars and I saw a light shoot from one side of the star system to the other and go no further on either side. At the time I was just blown away that I looked up to see a light, but I also did acknowledge an odd pull that I felt to the star system. As you can imagine, I would later find out that that star system was the Pleiades. Jump to three days ago, In was helping my dad unload stuff from his truck. He was inside and I was about to go in too when out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in the sky. When I focus on it, I see that it is a faintly glowing V silently moving across the sky. I watched it for a second, frozen in shock, before I ran inside to yell for my dad. When I looked at the sky again, I couldn't find it. I spent the rest of the day wondering if what I saw was government or E.T. That night, at around two in the morning, I decided to go outside to look at the sky. I could see through my window that the sky was clear. As I was walking out I thought to myself that if what I saw was E.T. then I might see something when I look at the sky. I walk out the door and feel an overwhelming urge to look up that almost felt like electric shock. I looked up and Instantly saw a light streak across the sky. I didn't see anything else that night. Last night was the pinnacle of everything that has happened. It was last night when I realized that the star system I saw the light go past was Pleiades. I was outside, watching the sky, talking directly to the Pleiades that I have realized really have been listening every time I talk to the night sky when I saw the first one. A light turned on in the sky and started moving in an almost wave-like pattern. The most interesting thing about it was that it was moving in a way that makes me believe it was being piloted by hand. This was only one of at least 10 different anomalies. Some where just lights quickly streaking across the sky, in several different directions, discrediting the idea of just a meteor shower. At least one other looked like it was being piloted by hand. I honestly don't even know what to do with the information that I'm one of there starseeds. I am amazed and super excited to find this out though.

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