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#126 2023-02-24 18:52:10

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

big_smile big_smile

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#127 2023-02-26 04:45:08


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#128 2023-02-26 04:48:20


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Good tip...I shall try the reverse on my cats to save the incurring expenses with a watchdog !

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#129 2023-02-26 04:52:56


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Jupiter wrote:

big_smile big_smile

Guardian and soldier - I would  replace them with a partizans - they would fight according to their inner judgement where they deem is necessary.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#130 2023-03-01 17:20:02

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#131 2023-03-04 05:20:03


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

By the way ...pets need their favorite tree too - of course, for different reasons !!

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#132 2023-03-11 08:16:14


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

History, oh mine... … for-rachel

more tapes, more tapes... … nformation

Last edited by Edith_S (2023-03-11 08:19:57)

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#133 2023-03-13 19:45:04


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

It always amuses me :   funny animals show

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#134 2023-07-30 18:49:45

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

LOL big_smile big_smile



"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#135 2023-08-01 20:41:10


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Urmah trap big_smile



#136 2023-08-09 15:50:42

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

I hear the aliens are about to invade. This time I am prepared.


"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#137 2023-08-12 01:39:11

Betty L

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Getting out in nature for a walk..

Last edited by Betty L (2023-08-12 01:40:15)

It's presumptuous for us to think we are the only beings in the cosmos.

Louis Gossett, Jr.


#138 2023-08-12 02:53:29


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Betty L wrote:

Getting out in nature for a walk..

That’s not a walk! Lol Betty ☺️


#139 2023-08-12 20:05:23

Betty L

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Relaxing Horse Ride in the Rain

It's presumptuous for us to think we are the only beings in the cosmos.

Louis Gossett, Jr.


#140 2023-08-30 18:59:57

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

LOL big_smile big_smile


Mr. Cheesy Visits a Sacred Site


Awake and Aware with Mr. Cheesy

Last edited by Jupiter 9 (2023-08-30 19:25:44)

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#141 2023-08-30 19:05:54

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

The Igloominati lol


Top Tips For Our Survival in Modern Times with Mr. Cheesy

Last edited by Jupiter 9 (2023-08-30 19:24:45)

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#142 2023-08-31 03:49:55


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

The Deep Thoughts of the Deep Federation Lol




Last edited by Brahman (2023-08-31 07:07:13)

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#143 2023-09-17 03:14:13

Betty L

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

I ran across this, it is interesting and slightly mind blowing but entertaining too.

It's presumptuous for us to think we are the only beings in the cosmos.

Louis Gossett, Jr.


#144 2023-10-04 19:38:14

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#145 2023-10-04 19:50:31

Horton HaW

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Betty L wrote:

I ran across this, it is interesting and slightly mind blowing but entertaining too.

Quite entertaining!

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#146 2023-10-04 20:44:34


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

I don't know If anyone mentioned Sniglets coined by Rich Hall on HBO many decades ago now. Anybody got any made up words?
In my family we have: adulting, the act of trying to be the adult when your kids or spouse don't want to act like an adult. Or: fine, F'd up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional.

doork, a person who pushes on a door marked "pull."

flirr, a photograph that features the camera operator's finger in the corner.

lotshock, the act of parking your car, walking away, and then watching it roll past you.

krogling, the nibbling of small items of fruit and produce at the supermarket, which the customer considers "free sampling" and the owner considers "shoplifting."

lerplexed, unable to find the correct spelling for a word in the dictionary because you don't know how to spell it.

mustgo, any item of food that has been sitting in the refrigerator so long it has become a science project.

profanitype, the special symbols and stars used by cartoonists to replace swear words (points, asterisks, stars, and so on). It is yet to be determined which specific character represents which specific expletive.

pupkus, the moist residue left on a window after a dog presses its nose to it.

Wooley Booger, the lint that you find in the bottom of your pockets after several washes.



acronym-nym - a redundancy created by following an acronym with the final word of that acronym. Example: DNS server.

alpha geek - the most knowledgeable, technically proficient person in an office or work group.

analog-retentive - those people who obstinately cling to outmoded technology.

AlzIMers - forgetting who you're talking to and typing in the wrong IM text window.

animousity - vigorously clicking your pointer device because a page is loading too slowly. See also: screen spasm - pages that try to load simultaneously on your computer screen as a direct result of your animousity.

AOL-WOL - disappearing from an IM conversation without notice.

backronym - an IT term whose letters once had no meaning, but have since come to stand for something-or-other.

bee break - the act of sneaking off to the bathroom in the middle of dinner, concert or work to scroll through one's BlackBerry.

beer Googles - searches on the Internet made while intoxicated, sometimes resulting in information looking more attractive or credible than it would otherwise.

blamestorming - sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.

blogorrhea- compulsive, excessive, and/or meaningless ranting/raving by an individual on a blog -- essentially, blog-based logorrhea, meaning a tendency to talk on and on.

Bluetooth fairy - someone who walks around with a blinking Bluetooth headset permanently affixed to his ear. (Remember the kid's song "Little rabbit foo-foo?")

blurker - someone who reads a blog or blogs regularly but never comments or contributes to the discussion.

cellphonic appraisal - the activity that occurs when a ringing cell phone causes everyone in the room to check and see if it's theirs.

crapplet - a poorly written or totally useless Java applet.

cinderellaware - software (demo or shareware) which becomes useless after a trial period unless the user pays for and registers it.

cube farm - an office filled with cubicles.

cylences - long gaps in a phone conversation that occur because one person is distracted and reading their text messages

cellopain - the person who talks loudly and obliviously on a cellphone in a crowd.

CrackBerry - slang for BlackBerry, often used in the sense of a "CrackBerry addict," or one who is always checking and responding to emails on the handheld device.

D'OH-jo - the opposite of mojo.

doomscrolling - scrolling aimlessly from one negative, disturbing story to the next.

dopeler effect - the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

dot gone - pre-Internet bubble bust startup

e-dundancy - sending someone an e-mail at the same time you're having an IM conversation with them.

egosurf - to search for yourself on Google or another search engine

e-mailsculation - what happens when the IT department abruptly takes away access to an email account from a worker that's been fired, including archives, distribution lists and contacts.

e-mnesia -- the condition of having sent or received an e-mail and having no recollection of it whatsoever.

execuglide - to maneuver oneself around the room while seated in a wheeled office chair.

famspam - unsolicited email sent by family members.

fauxtography - altering a photographic image with editing software to create an image that appears real but is in fact misleading or untrue.

faxcess - having access to a fax machine.

faxcination - staring intently at the fax machine because you're waiting for a fax to come through.

fonesia - the affliction that strikes when you dial a phone number and forget whom you were calling just as they answer.

fUtility - a 3rd party utility that won't install no matter how closely one follows the instructions.

gadaboutag - the orphan HTML tag that's messing up your page.

gleemail - inspirational emails forwarded by a friend or coworker that may or may not bring joy to your inbox.

GMOOT - short for "Get me one of those," the basic command from CEOs to CMOs or CMOs to their agencies.

id10t error - help desk log lingo for clueless end-user.

IMdecision - repeatedly erasing an IM text box because you change your mind about what you want to say.

IMglish - the combination of chat abbreviations and online slang commonly encountered in instant messages conversations.

Mahogany Row - the business side, the boardroom.

multi-asking - communicating with someone through IM, phone or e-mail at the same time. See also: e-dundancy .

Macrimination - the automatic assumption that whatever is wrong is caused by the Mac on the network.

negabytes per second (NBps) - a measure of data transfer that seems so slow it can only be assumed to be flowing backwards.

ohnosecond - that very short moment in time during which you realize that you have pressed the wrong key and deleted hours, days, or weeks of work.

oxoxomoron - a person who includes symbolic "hugs and kisses" at the end of their e-mail.

pebcak - help desk lingo for user error (problem exists between chair and keyboard).

percussive maintenance - the fine art of whacking the crap of of an electronic device to get it to work again.

phenomenot - the Latest, Greatest, wizz-bang whatever that's not what it's proclaimed to be.

phenomenut - the guy who runs right out and buys phenomenots.

prairiedogged - the feeling of helplessness that overtakes you when co-workers in neighboring cubicles constantly pop their heads up to ask you stupid questions.

Questfallen - reaction to the realization that your MapQuest directions have failed you.

random excess memory - memory you were talked into buying in order to solve some problem that never did get resolved.

reBay - to buy something on eBay and immediately put it back up for auction.

screenager - an intern in the IT department.

regurgimailer - someone who forwards whatever that lands in his inbox to everyone he knows .

schoogle - to Google the names of old classmates.

screensucking - wasting time engaging with any screen, including computer monitor, video game, television, BlackBerry, Palm, cell phone or iPod

spamouflage - an intentional typo, such as Vikagra , used by spammers to fool spam filters.

spammified - when an email ends up in the spam folder by mistake.

specifiction: - 1) a specification founded on invalid or erroneous assumptions. 2) a specification that, as written, is impossible to implement.

treeware - documents made out of paper, as opposed to electronic documents.

unstant messaging - minimizing your IM window when your boss walks by.

wandal - someone who vandalizes a wiki, participating in "wandalism."

WAPathy - lack of interest in wireless technology.

zen mail - an e-mail message that arrives without text in the message body.


Know any sniglets? Does your inner family have some?

A link: … -228518726

You can just google Sniglet, and It's fun and rewarding amusement.

Last edited by Tecumseh (2023-10-04 20:52:28)

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#147 2024-01-03 11:02:08


Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

Urmah players Vs Etorthans in 3D game lol
And there is a princess... big_smile

Bodhidharma: 'All phenomena are empty.'

"Narayana(the eternal) is beyond Avyakta(the manifested); the cosmic egg arises from Avyakta. In the cosmic egg are all the worlds."
Adi Shankaracharya


#148 2024-01-03 20:01:49

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#149 2024-01-05 17:15:09

Betty L

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

It's presumptuous for us to think we are the only beings in the cosmos.

Louis Gossett, Jr.


#150 2024-01-11 17:11:45

Jupiter 9

Re: Have some Fun just for the H'of it !!!

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


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