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#1 English Forum » I'm Daniel, Roberts voice over » 2023-03-10 19:28:33

Replies: 5

Hello Hello!

I am Daniel, Roberts English voice on Gosia's channel. I'm posting to notify that I will be live streaming on my youtube channel Saturday 3/11/2023 between 3pm and 5pm Eastern Time, Come hang out and chat with us!

I don't not speak to the Taygeteans directly, But i'm happy to discuss general C.A content with you smile



#2 Re: English Forum » Pleadian Knowledge new video w/claims of fraud? » 2022-04-20 22:28:57

Wolfsan1983 wrote:

I am so grateful to the Taygetans, Gosia and Robert for their hard work. I believe and love them wholeheartedly. The doodle video is a buzz of flies for me. Take care of your sparkle.

I Love this, "Protect your sparkle", Im keeping this!

#3 Re: English Forum » Pleadian Knowledge new video w/claims of fraud? » 2022-04-20 17:32:11

It must be very frustrating for our Robert and Gosia to deal with these smear campaigns all the time, They are both good people and I know they mean well.

I can tell you that Those girls issuing this statement at the SAME time as Gosias YT channel getting a 7 day ban comes at suspicious timing, as if its all an orchestrated attack.

Now As the voice over guy, I am often asked questions I do not know how to answer because Im not on the inside, I just provide the voice overs
and one question people are asking me now is: "Why did the face/girl of Athena Totally change at one point"? As in, The face listed as Athena on the website and in previous graphics is one girl and the face of Athena in NEWER videos is a totally different person?

I do not have any answers.. Im sure Robert and Gosia have their hands full with this drama but maybe they can explain at a later time.

Like ANY source of information, take what resonates with you and leave the rest, if you find the information given valuable to you, thats all that matters for each of us as individuals.

#4 Re: English Forum » Seeking Clarity on a storyline change » 2022-02-12 14:32:39

This makes sense yes, Thank you Gosia! I Will forward this to those who were curious. Because im the voice guy I often times get asked clarifying questions like this that I don't always know the answers to hehe.

#5 English Forum » Seeking Clarity on a storyline change » 2022-02-11 14:01:20

Replies: 10

Someone asked me a question I did not know how to answer for them in regards to a change in the information given to us from 2018-to a recent video so I figured I would ask the community here to see if we can clear it up!

In the 2018 video titled "We are living in the 3D Matrix": Before 6 minutes:
It is explained that the FEDERATION Implemented the matrix specifically to isolate the regressive reptilians after Tiamat/moon wars, Then highjacked later via mind control.   This was the reason listed in the video and explained in detail.


In the December 2021 video titled "The Issues of Human Past - Perceptual and Laboratory Influences": 8:35 Time stamp
The story line changes as to WHY the Matrix was implemented stating that 3D Matrix was created to heal the trauma from Tiamat wars, Then highjacked later via mind control. 

I don't have the answer to this change or possibly it was misinterpreted so maybe the community here knows!?

#6 Re: English Forum » Super Soldier With Swaruu » 2021-06-03 20:59:41

Thanks Gosia, Myself and a few other people in the community were talking on this as from the mans perspective, it "Sounded" like he was talking about an alternate reality or alternate timeline where some things added up to OUR version and many other things made no sense. So we wanted to clear it by you above all else ! <3

#7 English Forum » Super Soldier With Swaruu » 2021-06-03 19:45:15

Replies: 5

Hey guys, this is an interesting topic to research:

On The youtube channel Super Soldier Talk, Jame Rink interview SSP Assets. In this two part series (Very long interviews), This man name Darryl claims to have lived on the Taygetean ship, fell in love with Swaruu and they had 2 kids together. It first glance it sounds far fetch and easy to throw out because we have never heard of him through cosmic agency however, I listened to both long interviews and the stories are very in depth and elaborate.

Video #1 (Sets up the story)

Video #2 (all about his time with Taygeteans)

What do you guys think? Maybe Gosia can confirm or deny this story for us?

#8 Re: English Forum » EMP devices » 2021-06-03 19:35:06

Hey guys, I built and use this model:

I feel tingling on the areas I run it over the body.

#10 Re: English Forum » Hey Im the voice guy » 2021-05-06 22:57:23

Hey guys! Nice to meet you. I was just a fan, I engaged with Gosia alot on social media so we were familiar. One day she posted a casting call for a voice actor, I submitted myself and she chose me to voice over the English parts for Raguel and Robert. My friend Hector got the spanish speaking part for Raguel smile

#11 English Forum » Hey Im the voice guy » 2021-05-06 16:23:58

Replies: 7

Hey Friends of Cosmic Agency!

I'm Gosia's voice actor "Raguel" and the English voice actor for Robert smile

Nice to connect with you.

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