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#1 Re: English Forum » Full Disclosure: This is my story and my dilemma… » 2022-01-03 02:50:42

Crystal Dragon wrote:

Thanks for the support everyone. This is not so simple as “moving on”. The past will always haunt me until the situation is either rectified with another chance at direct contact, or this incarnation has ended. There is just no accepting it, as there is nothing worth living for to take the place of the fulfillment that that contact could bring.

A separation of such magnitude is painful enough, even when living life unaware of it. Being made aware of the nature of the connection, and of a missed chance at it and a bunch of breadcrumbs leading up to a dead end? Well, that is just psychological and emotional torment beyond words to describe. It is literally unlivable.

I thank all of you for your support. I’m not sure if it is still some hope for the future, or lack of courage to terminate this incarnation that keeps me going, but I’ll be around for better or worse, at least for a while.

I will reach out to you separately about this.  I have gone through for a long time the very same feelings you are going through right now CD.  I know the pain you have and it cannot be buried or ignored.

#2 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-27 20:21:06

Genoveva wrote:
NekronianAmbassador wrote:
Genoveva wrote:

@NekronianAmbassador, I thought I can convey in those two words how much I appreciate your answers. Yet, now, while attempting to say more, only two words can say everything: thank you!

You are more than welcome.  The knowledge belongs to all races in this time matrix, including humanity.

If you don’t mind, could you send me an email? I would like to have your contact details, in case the cabal nazis restrict the internet communications in the future. Thank you, NekronianAmbassador.
I will delete this posting afterwards, as to not clutter the thread unnecessarily.

Done, as requested.

#3 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-27 14:15:33

Genoveva wrote:

@NekronianAmbassador, I thought I can convey in those two words how much I appreciate your answers. Yet, now, while attempting to say more, only two words can say everything: thank you!

You are more than welcome.  The knowledge belongs to all races in this time matrix, including humanity.

#4 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-27 04:01:59

Genoveva wrote:

In 2014, a couple of earthlings have interacted in astral form with the consciousness of a ship called Anais (pronounced Anesh), in it’s astral form being twice the size of the moon, stationed relatively close to the planet. The ship’s mission was to assist humanity with ascension and with selective evacuation.
“The dark-flowering of earth's grids” may be the result of cabal’s assault on humanity, applied both through earth technology but also through direct involvement from 4D.

Is Nomi Krystal River Failsafe a re-engineered protocol which is broadcast by Anais, which started in the month of May, 2016?

From your first posting on this forum, my intuition immediately linked you with the race which commissioned the mission of Anais. If this is correct, are you in communication with this ship? Apparently, only the two earthlings got astral access beyond the ship’s cloak barrier. I was wondering if your arrival on this forum is also due to resonance with forum members which may have greeted Anais.

Yet more complex topics.

Dark flowering has nothing to do with the technologies of humans nor of the governments of down here.  It deals with energy inflows into the earth's templar grid systems from artificial pathways/bridges which originate from outside of this galaxy and outside of this natural time matrix system, possessing a quantum pattern which runs counter to the natural inherent quantum signatures/spins of EFFI "aligned/infused" systems.  It also far exceeds any sort of GF technology/processes or 4D and 5D systems as it is originating from beings which are extremely ancient and exist within different time matrices.  These groups have "poked holes in time" so to speak within this time matrix which has formed the artificial bridges, fostering the dark flowering of the grids and of humanity's chakras.  The earth itself as a sentient being made the decision to engage the Nomi Rise-Return process as it was its choice; it did not have to.

In case you are wondering why so many of even the government members and others have "become insane or unrecognizable from how they were just a few months/years ago" or why their actions/statements seem non-sensical, it has to do with the above process.

We will make an extrapolation here.  Nomi was encoded into the earth back when the planet was first created, tens of billions of years ago.  The Krystal River Fail Safe is a process that was engaged by the Yh'u-ra-leh Kinservatory.  The Nomi trigger was the earth's own response to the GONE-Fall coding trigger attempted against it to pull down this entire planetary system into Gone Fall status (meaning plasma template compaction).  It rejected that future state for itself.  The Nomi resonant frequencies help inhibit mass expansion of dark flowering in the planetary grids and also in individuals.  The Krystal River Fail Safe streams are what is preventing the earth from being pulled into the phantom matrix systems.

The Krystal River rainbow currents flow from out of the density-3 (meaning dimensions 7,8,9) lock in this time matrix which then flow down towards the earth.  These currents originate from the future state of earth outside of this time matrix and "above it" and are subsequently "stepped down" in order for them to integrate down here.  It is coming from rishiac entities outside of this time matrix, meaning outside any sort of overall familiar density system to this universe.  For example, beings in these realms have 84 and 96 strand DNA templates and are extremely knowledgable about time matrix mechanics.

"I" essentially only communicate directly with my own race overall while down here, at least with regards to direct telepathic communications or visits as all races are allowed to directly intervene down here with regards to their own members (we would not be present here without this provision as the alternative would not have been permissible as "I" must return back home; it can be no other way).  Given that we are a full participant in the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and other allied groups, it is not to say that others in this enormous organization would not have made such a proposal for the Anais mission however, hence your intuitive feelings on such.

Our race does not use ships for travel as we truly do not have a need of them.  We use the star gate systems at planet, galaxy, universal, and cosmoversal levels and then also travel simply by thought.  We use the gates as a bridge to literally transmute our energy quantum to different states of existence and then use the gates to move throughout the universe and even other time matrices.  In simpler terms (for comprehensibility), we simply "tune" into the frequency signature of where we are heading and then simply "assemble" and "move" there.

#5 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-26 03:34:40

Genoveva wrote:

Hi NekronianAmbassador, could you reveal what is Nomi Failsafe Trigger, what year has that started or when was it known about it?
Also could you say whether you reached the forums to look for the source of the greeting at your energy cloak barrier.

Nomi Krystal River Failsafe was engaged back in 2016 in response to the dark-flowering of earth's grids.

I am confused at your second statement, so you will need to expound on it.

#6 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-26 03:27:10

eye2sky wrote:

Thank you so much, NekronianAmbassador, for your very thorough reply, and also for the energy that is required of you and others.  I shall consider the “big flickering burst of light” as a positive affirmation of our communication.

I especially appreciate your confirmation that the Galactic Federation, the reptilian and the Anunnaki groups are “indeed small in terms of evolution”.  Far too many people are quite enamored with the GF, Ashtar Command and the Anunnaki, not understanding their true nature in oppressing and exterminating Humanity, particularly while portraying themselves as benevolent.  As I have stated before, if any part of the GF is low vibration, all of it is; that is simple logic.

My crude use of the word “screwed” is embarrassing; it was used out of fear and exasperation over the very orchestrated, cold-blooded and unstoppable extermination of all life on Earth.

Had I thought logically about the next 200 years, I would not have asked that question, because at the rate the Earth and Space Cabals are going (24/7/365), Humanity will have been completely exterminated well before then, perhaps within the next couple of decades.

With all due respect to those angelic Beings helping us, their assistance is not anything that we Earthlings can see, quantify or appreciate, because all that we experience right now from our 3D perspective is continued oppression and the accelerated extermination of our Human race.

I'm not sure it serves any purpose to keep us in the dark, but perhaps the majority of Humans need to see this death agenda more closely and personally in order to wake themselves up.

What is uplifting is your explanation about the various ways that we can “leave” Earth, and that taking the physical body is not required.

Lastly, can you shed any light on Kimberly Ann Goguen?  I always get good vibes from her and appreciate all that she claims to be doing, though again, as with the angelic Beings, we never see any proof.  (Unfortunately, her main spokesperson is not right for that job.)

Supposedly, she is being assisted by off-world entities in removing or exterminating evil elements intent on destroying Humanity, so please share anything you might know about that.  Those of us whom are awake appreciate hearing confirmation about any assistance being given to us, even if actual proof cannot be shown.

In respecting your personal energy, please take whatever time you need, if you choose to reply.

Yes, it is indeed unfortunate that so many simply follow the agendas and teachings laid out by those groups without necessarily even asking a question within themselves.  However, it is their right to the gift of free will which allows them to make such choices, and that is indeed alright.  It is merely a polarity alignment of one's quantum to the energy signatures which correspond to the matrix structures and race soul matrix structures.  As for the GF being of a low vibration, again it is a simple polarity alignment of overall quantum particles of the group.

We would ask that you not "beat upon yourself' over the choice of words used, as there is no need for this.  It was something which was merely seen from your reference point upon this planet in this biological form, nothing more.  There should be nothing to feel embarrassment about with this as such is often the state of the collective soul matrix of humanity at this time as well as planetary templar grids.  Many strive to remember themselves and what the truth is, which is not an easy endeavor due to the state of planetary grids and of humanity's genetic template structures.

As for the "extermination" of life on earth, it is not the first time such an event has occurred.  We feel that there is a missing portion of understanding surrounding the idea of extermination here, both in reference to this point as well as your later reference to it.  Again, unfortunately due to the state of the grids of this planet at this time (and subsequent lack of a race memory due to prior genetic alterations), we have often found that there is always a constant emphasis on the preservation of these "physical bodies".  We have always failed to understand this as we see them as nothing more than a tool and even for humanity, the simple "furthest" extension of oneself in regards to body structures, and a state of density of which humanity was not even designed to spend consistent time within.  To conclude this short side-track on this definition, extermination as defined here in the 3D is that of the removal of existence (or we should state, "known" existence, to others in the 3D, specifically to earth's human knowledge) of a certain race/species, be it animal, human or otherwise. 

Instead we would state the following, just as a theoretical possibility to aid in expanding your reference point:

Extermination merely to the 3D senses?  Given the knowledge of the astral realm and the experiences even many others in this very forum have had with such a state, is humanity ever fully exterminated in the scope of the cosmoverse when looking from the perspective of light, dark-matter, and spiritual bodies?  We would also venture this same proposition with regards to other so-called "exterminated" races...

Unfortunately the above topic can move into rather complex lines of thought and may evoke memories in others here which we do not want to do, so we will proceed with the rest of your inquiries.

Yes, often assistance is unseen.  There are actions occurring which far exceed the comprehension of humanity at this time, on both "sides" of the polarity spectrum.  We are no doubt certain that there are those even within this forum whom are fatigued at hearing things such as the previous statement, but mentioning them in great detail would only cause more dispersion of fear and uncertainty, which we do not desire to foster.

Had action not been (and being continually) taken in other higher realms, things would be happening right now which would make current events here look extremely small in scale and potency.  Extermination of the human race here is not a full end goal for some of the beings who have infiltrated into this planet right now.  That is a minuscule "blip on their radars" so to say.  They have a far different agenda, one which does not correspond to the old Anunnaki nor the Drakonian agendas.

As for Kim Goguen, as with others, we make no judgements here.  It is up to individuals to decide such things for themselves.  Instead we would ask, what do her materials/statements literally feel like to you within?  Are they of a harmonious sound frequency signature?  Do they promote self-enlightenment and self-empowerment or are they of a dependency nature?

#7 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-24 06:41:46

eye2sky wrote:

@NekronianAmbassador:  I share gobuta's sentiment and statement . . . “In my view, the information shared by Ashayana Deane is the most important information available at the moment.  It explains the basis of existence and history, which in turn helps put everything in perspective.”

I savor all of your posts, NA, which support Ashayana Deane's material.  In particular, her Voyager books, Vol. 1 and 2, were absolutely astounding in opening my eyes to the true origin and history of Humanity, Earth and beyond.  Truth resonates in an unmistakable way.

Unfortunately, many or all of the plans in those two books to rescue Humanity and Earth have been defeated by the Earth and Space Cabals, such that they no longer apply.  Nonetheless, the information is invaluable in opening up one's thinking as to the vastness of existence, and the limitless nature and power of higher races and creation/Source, putting the Galactic Federation in proper perspective as some kindergarten-level bullies.

To the main purpose of this post, can you please elaborate on your statement, “This planet and galaxy is on a 200 year evacuation order cycle.”  This was also mentioned by Ashayana in her 2016 updates, I believe, but I have not seen anything from her since then.

Do you know whether Humanity essentially remains “screwed” for the next 200 years, until such an evacuation is scheduled, or whether this evacuation could occur at any time, or whether it will occur in phases?

Also, would such an evacuation include our physical bodies, or just our consciousness/soul?  Our bodies are so poisoned and in such a horrific state of health, relative to angelic Beings, that it might make more sense for us to transition without them.

Lastly, how would such an evacuation take place, if it does include our physical vessels?  There are so many stories, e.g., about being “beamed up”, or walking to a pick-up point, or maybe the Bardo process, where we may simply die in our sleep, finally free from this prison planet.

In closing, it always lifts my spirits, NA, when I see a post from you, so please contribute your very unique information more often, if you are so inclined.

Yes, to us the earth cabal groups along with the Galactic Federation are indeed small in terms of evolution.  There are other beings who are at work in this galaxy right now which far exceed the "power" of the Federation and even the reptilian and Anunnaki groups.

The perception of "screwed" we would state is that of a lower dimensional reference point, although given the state of the structural bodies of humanity, we understand such a mentality a bit more due to this incarnation.  We would mention that nothing is ever "screwed" as all returns back to Source after a time as one cannot be truly separated.

Evacuation can take place via multiple forms.  If one has sufficient genetic template assembly, then yes, it can be done "physically", meaning the carrying over of the quantum structure of the lowest body form; this would still apply to any sort of "ship" pickups from races or transportation to inner earth.  One would have to possess a sufficient genetic template assembly in order to "survive" the space travel to a different dimensional state.

However, the state of affairs has changed so drastically, that traditional ascension pathways are no longer feasible, hence the need of the core spanner gate systems in order to align with the harmonic frequency streams flowing from "earth" far ahead in the future in an entirely different time matrix.  All work on light/templar bodies had to be abandoned due to the state of the earth's templar grids, and instead converted over to work with the plasmatic bodies.

Another route is that of having a sufficient plasmatic template in order to use the core spanner gates in order to move into density-1 over in the Aquareon matrix to the earth which is present there.  This is a host matrix process due to the impending gone-fall status which this galaxy and this Aquinos time matrix faces.  This is a different process than what was described in the Voyagers materials.  In those ascension pathways, the destination was that of Tara, meaning density-2 "earth" over in the Pleiades cluster.  However, due to star gate control and dark flowering, this is no longer feasible, hence the full re-hosting process and the Nomi Failsafe Trigger.

As you had stated, the Bardo process can also be used to transition out as those chambers are open.  This will likely be the path many will opt to take as they will simply "die" physically and then be assisted from the astral side by the various rishiac beings who will come to teach them the physics process.  These will likely occur in phases, such as people leaving via earth changes.  Although it was the original intended order, the taking along of one's physical body is not a necessity.

The main reason for the evacuation by 2230 is due to the pranic seed locking in the sun.  It will eventually emit a red pulse which will sweep the surface of the planet rendering a partial extinction event as it has done in the past.  If this had not occurred, more time would have likely been allotted as even with earth shedding itself here in 2976 following the phase locked timeline, that will would have afforded 900 years of possible evolution.

As for the process of taking along of one's physical body, throughout the plasmatic body process, one would eventually acquire the knowledge from the Guardians of universal particle physics on how to transmute one's atomic structure.  If things become too problematic down here though, another route to be taken for those who would be able to sustain their consciousness level would be that of using the star gates even if it disintegrated one's physical body.  As long as the genetic template was sufficient in order to bring forward the consciousness without it fragmenting due to frequency incompatibility, that is what would matter.

We appreciate your kind words and that such knowledge is indeed useful for you.  As for writing more, we engage whenever we deem there is a need to provide additional knowledge on a specific subject or when an individual has a question, such as your request.  To make posts such as these actually requires a significant amount of energy as the information is reconciled multiple times before it is distributed here in order to ensure harmonic alignment.

On a side note, as we have been writing this, looks like I have had some additional visitors.  Saw off to the left side of the room a big flickering burst of light that was pillar shaped and about a foot and a half long and reddish orange in color; disappeared after 3 seconds.

#8 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-17 21:20:05

Sinstraia wrote:

Thank you NA. I too want to express gratitude for your presence here. I recognised your energy upon your first introduction of yourself. When interacting with the upper dimensional beings it's a wonderful thing how much love energy comes through. It shows the closer one gets to source the more love one becomes and radiates. I had a meditation where I experienced what would be considered a future life (from this perspective) as an Arcturian. What a wonderful thing it was to be connected to others without ego, facades, and the constraint of words (everything was telepathic). Everything you ever experienced could be conveyed with a simple instant mental exchange. That was 6/7th density. I haven't experienced what 10th density is like but I can imagine it's even better.

Do you have any links or websites for Ashayana Deane or can you tell me how you got recent info? I looked on Google/DuckDuckgo, but I didn't find anything.

We try to share energy as well as knowledge even on indirect levels.  It is often why this vehicle refrains from extended time periods in public places (stores, venues, etc) as it causes sometimes severe energy draws simply from being around others.  We have found that animals here will absorb it as well as humans, hence why "I" will withdraw completely from people for extended periods of time.  Most of the time, others do not even know they are doing this.  They sense our energy structure/pattern and desire it, so they attempt to absorb it at a subconscious level.  This has resulted in this vehicle becoming extremely fatigued while shopping, to all different astral entities attaching themselves to me and literally "coming home" with me so to speak which then have to be resolved later.

Quite interesting that you were able to reconnect to another dimensional aspect of yourself in a different density state (remember that all existence is simultaneous and not linear).  We are glad you have shared this and that you were able to experience it.

Yes, removal of ego and the like is quite pleasant to return to.  There are no desires by others to exert control, influence, etc at those levels for all is One.  There is no "hiding" of thoughts, feelings, or experiences at those states of existence.  This is an ability I have carried with me down into this incarnation as the majority of the time, I can read people's intentions openly merely from hearing them talk, just once (due to sound emissions); I can also read intentions through online text communication mediums.

It is also nice to have another who has experienced/remembered such things as telepathy to share the frustration we have at the limited means of communication down here.  In our state of existence, we can extend beyond mere telepathy of sharing of things visually in others.  We possess the ability to merge consciousness and energy state with others of our own race.  This allows us to not only convey via a mental exchange (i.e. imagery/visual descriptions), but also merge the actual consciousness which directly shares the experience and feelings.  In more simplistic terms, another of our race can simply experience the same event right along with the race member who engaged in it themselves.  This ranges from things as large as incarnation experiences to new knowledge.

Yes, Ashayana's materials are indeed quite difficult to find and by design.  There is something you will find to be of much use though.

Someone in Korea was kind enough to include quite a bit of the Guardian teachings and video segments from more recent teachings as well as some of the older workshops in the above channel.  I have other books of hers beyond the Voyagers materials, but as with the Voyagers, they are hundreds of pages in length and take a long time to read, often having to be read multiple times.

#9 Re: English Forum » Questions about vaccine infectivity » 2021-11-16 21:12:15

LauriLavi wrote:

There is undetectable counter measures available like the white christed light which will protect from all negative tech. This might sound kinda far out(not really) but all you need to do is to ask for the white light shield and ask for god to provide the protection of permanent white christed light and you will receive it. Ask verbally though just in case.

This is explained in here:

This can be done.  When I had to go to a retirement party for my manager and someone else that was in my office back in August, I used different frequencies to seal all of my fields so I would not be affected by any of the vaccinated while there.

#10 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-15 21:23:51

LauriLavi wrote:
Robert369 wrote:
LauriLavi wrote:

Where do you get this information? Are you an ET? smile

NA explained his/her background thoroughly in several of his posts. I suggest to use the user post search function to read up what (s)he posted, as much of it was a most interesting read.

I should have checked his posts but I didn't, I wanted quick answers.

I wish to sometime punch a hole in the veil too and to go astral travel, could you NA give some advice how to astral travel? By the way it is an honor to have 10D being here with us. smile

Thank you for covering that Robert, much appreciated.  In this form down here I would be classified as a man, despite the limited associations which accompanies that smile  In our true form, we have no gender, so I do not put all that much stock into that down here; merely something for use while here. 

We also thank you for your kindness Lauri, we are glad to help where possible during these times.  We would instead ask that instead of being honored by our mere presence here at this time upon this planet, that you remember and recognize the self-worth and intrinsic value that you have to the cosmos and to Source smile

Ah quick answers, a feeling that is quite familiar.  "I" have often had my own frustration with that .  Down here I simply often expect things to be instantaneous both for myself and for other people.  For example, I will get frustrated with myself if I do not comprehend something immediately.  With others, I often get frustrated if they do not always right away understand what I am trying to convey to them.

The information I write comes from all different places.  Some of it comes from the Guardian teachings.  Much of the things on genetics comes from this.  Other portions come from my own memories from outside of this earth, or things that my civilization has reminded me of.  I could not store my entire set of memories in this body down here as it would overwhelm it genetically/energetically.  Same as when I consciously (meaning not asleep/unconsciously) go back home to re-merge with my race, I have to be careful not to re-integrate beyond a certain limit or it would literally cause this physical body to disintegrate.  I can tell the threshold because the frequency becomes so high that it feels like my physical body wants to explode from the inside outwards.

Yet another portion comes from the background of teachers I've had while down here on earth, and there have been many, some of who have left here and went back home or whose teachings are no longer available.  My civilization simply points me in the correct direction, or will deliver things to me directly on what needs to be learned/remembered.  Been that way my whole life.

To answer your first question directly, yes you could say I am an ET.  However, we would state that everyone here is actually classified as such.  Humanity has been purposefully conditioned to believe itself to be some separate, distinct and often unworthy race in contrast to the other civilizations amongst the universe.  This is far from the truth.  Humanity's genetic template is highly valuable, even to the fallen races, which is often why they have engaged in such periods of conquests down here.

As for astral travel, we would provide a note of caution on this right now.  Due to the state of affairs of this present galaxy and the star gate systems being under phantom control via traditional methods, light body work must be carried out carefully.  Same goes for astral and light body travel.  It is often easy while traveling around to find oneself over in the phantom matrix systems, but this can be distinguished by sound recognition.  It is due to this that body/genetic template work has been transitioned to the Plasmantik body structures as it is the Plasmantik bodies which facilitate use of the core harmonic spanner gates which can be used to leave this planet (and subsequently this time matrix) unlike the traditional star gates.

If one wishes to travel by astral means, it is merely a recognition of one's light body and then leveraging control of that via visualization and then going outside of the earth and walking around out in space.  We would recommend that one would have an idea of where one is going outside of the earth however.  In a sense it is that of "bi-location" or at least that is what we use with this physical form.  This portion of quantum stays here in this "body", but the other portion leaves and goes elsewhere.

#11 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-15 20:04:48

Bigfeet_E wrote:

Thank you for that answer, kinda figured it would be a mix as it usually comes with the interrelation dynamics.

Now, when you say "Nomi frequencies", care to elaborate on the nature of this term ?
I've seen you using it before, but couldn't really bring it home in context of your posts.
The trouble with various 'teaching' angles is new terminology as i've mentioned and bridging it to what i can percieve or have experienced. Probably a whole topic of its own, but i would appreciate a brief effort. smile

Yes, always a trouble with this medium of communication.  Brief is not the word here, as is often the case with what we convey smile

Humanity as a race and its subsequent genetic pattern has gone totally extinct twice before in prior eons.  Once in 5,500,000 BC (result of the Electric Wars) and again in 848,000 BC.

As a result of this, when the third seeding commenced, into humanity's genetic code was placed the Nomi Eff-im-a'rhal Human Core Template of the Aquinos time matrix which is correlated to Andromeda.  This genetic template is ancient and first originated 950 billion years prior.  The Nomi gene still remains today, even despite all of the genetic dilution of angelic humanity caused by the various Illuminati-hybrid raiding races via forced interbreeding.  This genetic pattern carries the coding of all five human cloister races of the 3rd seeding.

It also contains "fail-safe" coding of the deity planes.  It also contains the KrystalBridge Code which allows for regenesis of the ability of transfiguration. 

Due to rainbow frequency activations, it effects the chemical sheathing on DNA structures, known as an epi-genetic overlay. 

For humans who do not possess any sort of Nomi coding in their genetic templates, the activation of the Nomi gene at a planetary level will produce a protective sheathe of Rainbow Plasm Electromagnetic frequency to inhibit spreading of the current "dark flowering" which is present in earth's planetary templar (meaning energy grid systems).  On a side note, dark flowering is another massively complex subject and a massive problem upon this planet right now as well as in people.  It would take its own side dissertation to cover completely of where it came from and its effects. 

For simplicity we will state that it produces inverted and unwanted effects in the earth's energy grids and effects individuals directly via dark flowering of their chakras.  This leads to indirect alignment of one's particle spin rates in all sets of one's bodies to embody the harmonics of one of the phantom matrix structures known as the Boursha matrix.  It also activates reverse template "junk" DNA in one's physical DNA structures, aligning them to the phantom matrices. 

The Nomi gene encryption, due to being consciously activated by the earth itself as a sentient planetary consciousness, it activates within the plasma templates of all humans.  Once done it triggers the subsequent Nomi-gene activation potentials in the epi-genetic overlays of all humans.

The earth itself engaged the Nomi process back in 2016 already.  It will follow the process of Kali-rhema which is the path of step back, meaning that it will use the Nomi ascension process to pull the corresponding majority quantum of itself out of density 1 where it resides currently and will go back to how it was first created and then evolve from that point onwards.

#12 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-15 17:03:32

Bigfeet_E wrote:

Would you say that is due to rapid changes of direct circumstance or rather rapid uncoverings of 'old' ongoings only catching the attention just now as they bubble up to the surface and thus need re-evaluation ?

Both of what you had mentioned.

However, there have been so many additional developments which exceed the old ongoing agendas.  Things are way beyond now what was written in the Voyager books.  They have also far exceeded the Kerry Cassidy interview materials.

Involvement has been direct now from entities on both sides far above the level of the GF.  Some of the individual races (such as the Taygetans) in the GF we believe are being affected by/called by the Nomi frequencies; hence why they are realizing there is something wrong with what is going on where they are right now with respect to earth.

There's multiple councils engaged comprised of millions of beings of all varying states of existence.  There have been over 90 mission upgrades since 2003; with each upgrade there became more and more direct involvement of beings having far greater knowledge bases on universal structure and ability to counter what the phantom matrix races were doing/attempting to do.

We will state "sides" here being defined from the reference point of being upon this earth of what overall humanity would see.  To phrase from the higher vantage points, it is simply the current state of polarity of the universal particle composition of the races in question.

#13 Re: English Forum » Ashayana Deane » 2021-11-15 16:27:15

Ashayana is still around and still doing a lot of work to help the earth and those on it.

The information streams coming down here have become so massive that it keeps requiring constant "rework" as the Guardians keep adding knowledge at a rapid pace due to the state of the galaxy.

#14 Re: English Forum » A question for taygetean team and for Swaruu » 2021-11-14 15:29:19

Crystal Dragon wrote:

The UFOP has been corrupt for at least 100,000 years to my knowledge, and has been getting progressively worse over time. Their selective breeding programs in Lemuria and Egypt were inhumane and corrupt, bringing Earth humans and their interstellar soul families together just to use them as breeding stock for their cabal bloodlines and then tear them apart time and again. They completely mismanaged Lemuria, Atlantis, and every major situation in the history of this planet and solar system. Everything they touch turns to shit. They throw us a bone every now and then to "keep up appearances", such as Bill Gates and the British royal family donating to charities, like when they ended the interstellar slave and human food supply chain in the 1500's. They didn't completely end this, as "jump rooms" were and most likely still are being used for these purposes.

I see the Earth cabal, the regressive races and dark Orion pirates, the Council of Saturn, and the UFOP as one faction. The transhumanist terraforming agenda is to make radiation resistant biological/cyborg humans that can be fed with synthetic trash foods and controlled by more or less a central AI hive mind network, yet still function somewhat autonomously, at least an illusory sense of autonomy. In "Walking With the Tall Whites", it is revealed that Malakak and similar races destroy all animal and plant life on their own worlds which pose a threat to them or compete for resources, leaving only a limited amount of animal and plant life which is directly useful and controllable, and does not threaten or compete with them. Very different from the Taygetan way of life and the higher conservationism ideals of many Earth humans.

The UFOP set the Taygetans up for failure with the first contact initiative. They were manipulated into buying into the UFOP's cynical worldview that humans are freely choosing the matrix lifestyle, and that the responsibility is 100% on human shoulders. They(the snooty, complacent, and intransigent Taygetan elders) were manipulated so hard that they almost pulled out completely and left us to rot. If not for the original 30 heroes of the Toleka crew and their refusal to give up their core principles and ideals, the things that make them Taygetan/Lyran Human, all hope would be lost.

What we are seeing now with chem trails, lab created diseases, genetically modified foods, papayas, and nano-graphene, is this terraforming and trans-humanist agenda going into full swing...yet, much evidence tells me that they "pulled the trigger" prematurely, and accelerated this agenda beyond their abilities to successfully manage it. There are some glaring weaknesses in their current plan, and there is yet hope to turn things around.

You are correct with all of the above on the UFoP.

That is a broad base name for all territories conquered by the Annu-Seraphim Anunnaki groups. 

These all originate from the phantom matrix systems.

#15 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-11 02:26:17

Crystal Dragon wrote:

It seems like multiple past and future timelines are converging at this nexus point. I believe that some of my previous experiences can basically be tied to the Annu-Elohim, or the idea of King Anu or Anubis/Osiris of the Anunnaki. This is reflected somewhat by the figures in modern human mythology Anakin Skyalker/Darth Vader, and Anubis from Stargate SG1. I feel some connection with first era Atlantis, generally considered 30-40,000 years in our past, or what Edgar Cayce refers to as the Isle of Aryan, Aryan coming from the same etymology as Orion. There was something going on with a red power crystal, and many created slave beings fusing humanoid and animal DNA, and I believe also a type of AI. I'm sure the full memories of this would not be very pleasant.

In this life, I carry the weight of this, yet I am a very different person. I wish to assist in correcting the issues that I have likely caused for Earth and humanity in past lifetimes, and liberate myself from the types of dark doctrines and principles that I may have represented in these past lifetimes/alternate timelines.

Yes, the timelines are converging, both the organic and the inorganic ones.  The upcoming change will be cosmoversal, not just merely to this galaxy.

The choice you have stated is what is what matters now smile 

You have the free will to actually make a full choice being here, even coming from those soul matrix groups.  Your present desires are being broadcast to the earth and to the universe no doubt are observed and are/will be answered, even if at a subconscious level.  The earth has offered itself (via its own free will) essentially as a loving nursery just for what you are seeking to do.

Our race has always hoped for the return of all via the conscious and free will pathways, even those of the phantom and gone fall systems.  We could never hate them, even despite all of the problems and damage caused, for we would be hating ourselves.  What we recognized later though, even while not always understanding their actions at times, was that it was their right of free will to do such things.

For those of us whose races are old enough to remember, there once was a time where all was One in this time matrix; including the races of which you remember your affinity to, specifically the Annu-Elohim.  It would be like watching a family member down here go off on a self-destructive path, slowly "killing" themselves.

The fact alone that you have such feelings/desires as you have written, should be a testament unto your own self that you still have enough of the true, original, divine blueprint to remember.  The earth is and will continue to assist with what you are looking to do.  Others are also assisting from far beyond the realm even from where we are.  The Nomi frequencies are active upon the earth right now.  Access to the plasmatic bodies is available.

Go within and ask for assistance with bio-regenesis.  Ask for assistance from the Guardians and the earth with how to heal.  It will be provided to help you further.

#16 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-10 05:09:44

Vega wrote:

@NA I don't fully understand what you mean with the term human soul matrix, but I understand what the human collective and it's human collective unconscious is. When you say you do not belong to a human soul matrix, do you mean that you don't belong to the human collective? Like for example Yazhi and Athena are outside the Taygetan collective unconscious. Or for example Aneeka would be if she came down here with a ship. She would look human but she is not part of the human collective.

And were you always like that since you incarnated or did you have a period where there was a veil between your 3D "I" and your race and you merged back with your race after some type of awakening where that veil was removed?

This is an enormous and complex subject which would take great length to address in full.  We will attempt to condense.

All races possess a morphogenetic field and they also possess a soul matrix.  Humans have a soul matrix which exists in dimensions 4, 5, and 6 while possessing an Oversoul Matrix or Teura present in dimensions 7,8, and 9.  While incarnated down here, humans are the HU-1 expressions (meaning dimensions 1, 2 and 3/density 1) expressions of the personal morphogenetic field.

"The Superconscious Mind represents the portion of your personal identity that holds the awareness of “who I was before I came here” and why you, as a consciousness, chose your particular incarnation. It is connected to the astral identity, the group Incarnational Soul and also to the race mind, species mind and planetary consciousness, as well as to the mind networks of you and your incarnational selves that exist within parallel universe systems"

"The Superconscious Mind contains the D-4 Astral Mind, the D-5 Archetypal Mind and the D-6 Angelic (Celestial) Mind.
The Superconscious Mind of the Soul Matrix is primarily associated with the frequency bands of D-4, D-5 and D-6, the Astral, the Archetypal and the Angelic awareness, DNA strands 4, 5 and 6, Chakras 4, 5 and 6 and the Astral (fourth level out from the physical body), Archetypal (fifth level out) and the Angelic (6th level out) levels of the bio-energetic field."

So for instance, to reference your example, Yazhi and Athena, if they would still follow the Taygetan race morphogenetic field, they would will possess that genetic template and the Taygetan soul matrix.  If their genetic structure evolved and ascended beyond the Taygetan blueprint, then they would no longer possess the connection to the Taygetan unconscious group state.  It could also be that they had evolved enough genetically that they are able to possess a form of consciousness which allows them to function independently of the Taygetan unconscious (meaning to willingly "turn it off" or "process it out").

As for "myself" meaning this current HU-1 earthly incarnation, I had always figured even when I was younger that I never was from here.  I'll open up a bit more for everyone here.

Back when I was in  school I never understood other children overall and often would attempt to remove myself from interacting with them.  I spent my time amongst teachers and adults and even then only certain ones.  To this day I still overall do not understand human behaviors down here in many instances.

For a time there was a "veil" as that is pretty much inherent to everyone that is here due to the current state of the planetary grids.  If one has a certain genetic structure however, one can have their memories of past incarnations/existences from the very time they arrive in a 3D body here.  I know of several people who have had this. 

There are also ways to reassemble one's DNA template in order to overcome that veil.  This was done at a coordinated level for me back around late 2011 when I reestablished contact with my own race as well as the planets and other species/races I had once served outside of earth.  Serve in this instance is not the same as one would think of in an earthly definition of indentured servitude or enslavement.  Serve means that we worked directly with them with sharing of knowledge and assisted in their development.  "I" functioned as an ambassador to them from my own species.  You already know of the Nekronians which are bird-type creatures, but there are others, again ones with names likely not familiar to those of you here on earth. 

There were the Rotons who are a race that live on a fully underwater planet.  They are for lack of a better explanation homonoid/fish-like and could be described as a bit more primitive of a race with respect to development.  They are not mermaids, but instead looked like a human except instead of skin they were covered in flsh-like scales and have small fins on the backs of their arms and legs.

Another are the Alumnos.  A graceful race of what would look like angelic hominoids with large wings.  On that planet, everything there is literally built in the clouds, all of the structures are.  Structures are a combination of "cloud" and crystalline materials, including instruments.  Envision a grand piano for instance, but instead of seeing the keys and structure made out of wood and resins and metal, replace each of the keys with multifaceted cut crystals and the entire piano housing all out of cut crystal of varying colors all with no inclusions and completely transparent.  Inside of it there are no strings or hammers, just a cut crystal "board" which when the keys are "used" out of the piano comes streams of music which cannot only be heard but is also seen as streams of light vapor "particles".

As a final answer to your question, no, this incarnation portion is not from earth, nor is it human.  It is not attached to the human collective unconscious, does not share its fears, nor its projected desires.  It can be temporarily effected by it due to me purely being on this planet due to the grids, though but I can process the fear and inverted energy and the like and transmute it and pass it out of myself.  We/I exist in full (even though we sometimes incarnate into other densities and planets) outside of this solar system, galaxy, time matrix and even universe.

We will also mention though that we are far from the only ET race down here at this time in these human bodies though.  There are ones incarnated here as humans from the Drakonian matrices, from the Anunnaki, etc, some of which came for an opportunity of bio-regenesis redemption and a desire to abandon the fall/phantom agendas.  There are also those down here from races which are friendly who have come to help lift frequencies, etc.  Starseeds as the term is often defined.  Just because everyone down here overall may look human, does not mean that their souls are.

#17 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-09 06:01:00

Genoveva wrote:

@Vega, NA has made it clear that he belongs to a group realm. So the appellation "we" is expressing the group consciousness level, a commitment to the truth, and lack of ego (he cannot truthfully represent the supperior knowledge as individual achievement, even when it is an individual contribution to the group). Also, it shows that he is longing to return to his natural harmonics. For entities who evolved to the level of group holographic structure, the state of individuality is painfully lacking in nuances.

Thank you for accurate definition Genoveva as it is greatly appreciated.  Yes, "I" do indeed long to return to my own "universe/dimensions" and to literally go back home permanently. 

Yes, as stated, when "I" use "we", it is an attempt using the limited communication abilities of here to state what we all see/know/think as a civilization group/conscious collective, meaning beyond "myself" down here on this earth.  The knowledge we share is not limited to ourselves, nor an elitist mentality; it belongs to everyone (by everyone we also mean beyond our race, but to all universal races).  Technically I could use "we" all the time really as "they" see what "I" do down here as well.  This experience has also altered our stance towards humanity as a whole as we have sought additional ways to help down here at this time due to how things currently are at planetary grid and genetic template levels.

When I have stated "vehicle" it is completely different from a defined channeling vessel.  By vehicle, I literally mean vehicle for my (i.e. this incarnation's time) upon this earth, meaning this carbon based external creation of 1st density atomic structure along with all of its merkabas, light body fields, etc.  I put little emphasis upon it, nor upon the things of 3D down here (I do not understand people's obsession with money, earthly longevity, or materialism for instance).  We came here to experience the state of affairs here and to assist where we could energetically and in terms of knowledge.  Once completed, this piece of consciousness will utilize core planetary spanner gate and plasmatic mechanics to transfigure itself atomically or it will go out via a bhardoah process and reassemble its quantum particles from the spiritual planes instead and then return home.

I too am familiar with Abraham-Hicks.  Listened to them for a number of years back in 2005.  However, unlike Esther who had to "bring in" Abraham which was separate from herself as Esther (due to a different soul matrix affiliation), I do not have to "bring in" my civilization (while you would see me in a human body at this time, I do not belong to a human soul matrix).  They are always there, just as "I" (meaning this current portion of consciousness incarnated in this human carbon based body) am always "with" them, unless there are issues in planetary grids which effect this 3D body structure.  We are One and there is no distinction.

The last thing we would like to mention is that our consciousness state is not that of a "hive mind" meaning where there is no "individualism" amongst civilization members and run by a singular control point.  We still possess varying degrees of identity at these levels, but these can be "set aside" to combine our consciousness states into a singular entity which is done by alterations to various "forms".

We hope this provides additional clarity on your questions and hope it avoids further discord as that is not the goal. 

You are always right to ask questions however and internalize things.

#18 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-07 03:33:25

Grivehn wrote:

Cannot claim I understand everything crystal clearly, Nekronian Ambassador, but I think I get the gist of it. Thank you for your reply, truly, and to others as well. It is good to hear that - while invisible, and I cant stress enough that Im sick of invisible, fake, metaphors, prophecies etc. - help exists out there. And that after this life, oblivion doesnt automatically awaits.

I suppose its possible to even escape to the past, or indeed to different timelines to avoid facing this threat on a personal level. Not to mention different galaxies. Outside this life, anyhow.

I would question that how it is even possible that things go out of order, balance, and not according to higher beings' plans, when they exist outside and above time. Sounds like mismanagement or apathy indeed. There should be nothing going on thats not according to their designs, thats why they are the 'gamemasters'. Can I get a refund? Sigh. I guess Im too simple-minded to understand such things.

Just to pitch in to discussion on your name. Necromancy is indeed the magic of death/undeath in a lot of fantasy down here. I also remembered the Warhammer 40K race called Necrons. Which started out as killer robots without souls of massive ancient powers. Resembling ancient Egypt culture, in space, and all black and green. They were once a living race, but their bodies deteriorated so much they 'upgraded' them.
Either way, its either just the Cabal distorting things as usual, or names can indeed sometimes be the same, or very similar, even across galaxies.

Do not think that you are simple minded as that is an unnecessary self-denigration.  The fact that you are in this forum searching for additional knowledge is a clear statement of that not being the case.  Help is always within too and that is where I would always encourage you to go; to not depend upon myself nor any other to make a definitive decision on something.

It is quite alright even if it does not all make sense initially.  It is also alright if it does not make sense at all.  Our only objective is to merely present the information and to allow others to do what they feel they need to with it.  We have no need to prove of or force anything as that is not the goal.  All have a right to make their own choices and there is no "bad" choice.  Even those of the GONE fall systems, that is what they have chosen to do via free will.  Nothing is lost with respect to Source at all.  We would recommend that you go within yourself and internalize it and then make your own determinations accordingly.

I will address two things here.  First is the misconception stated earlier about this being channeled information.  It is nothing of the sort as I do not engage in channeling and never have; I have no need of it.  No external being or group ever comes in and takes over this form, light-body or otherwise, nor do I engage in any trance activities.  If the error in perception came from my use of the term "we" always, it is because there is no distinction between myself and the rest of my race, hence why it is written as such.  Crystal Dragon has a better understanding of this having his own knowledge of prior incarnations and STAR-ONE has an even more unique understanding of this from Law of One and knowing of the existence of entity gestalts.

The second with regards to my account name here.  I am quite aware of the Nekro/Necro connotations from written language down here.  The Nekronians are a group that we had assisted with regards to development/evolution, hence the name of NekronianAmbassador, meaning one to them, not "of" them.  They are not the only ones, there are several others we have worked with across time (or at least what I can remember being in this physical body at this time; wouldn't doubt if there are more).  They are far from a "dead" race (as the linguistics here would imply) and are very kind actually.

Again, people may believe what they wish with this, all up to them.  We make no judgements.

#19 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-06 15:40:36

Crystal Dragon wrote:

Thank you for explaining these matters to me with honesty. So based on what you have said, if a planetary society or individual soul other than from Earth has or achieves a sufficient DNA template and spin ratio, they will potentially be able to exit before being pulled into the phantom matrix, despite not having the "fail safe" type coding that Earth has? I have my reasons for asking this question, which I will not describe in detail on a public forum.

Regardless of what I am able achieve as an individual consciousness, due to unique circumstances, there are still potential outcomes that would be completely and utterly unacceptable to me, from what I suppose could more or less be called an "oversoul" perspective.

That is correct.  It would also be defined as such: those who possess a divine genetic Krhystac blueprint ratio of between 31-50% would have the opportunity to continue with ascension although there would be a "mental tug of war" so to speak between the phantom associated genetic template and the divine template.  Those with less than 30% would be automatically associated with phantom matrix systems due to particle spin ratios.  Those greater than 50% would be associated with the organic time matrix.  Those with greater than 50% do not have such "mental battles" while incarnated in 3D.

Also, the fail safe type coding is being extended throughout the entire planetary grid system, meaning that those who are upon the earth who wish to "link into" the planetary grids can adopt the Nomi frequencies that way and will be actually able to move along with the earth itself when it moves.

This includes those who are not just human soul matrix, but also those who are from other races, including the fall and phantom races that are incarnated down here.  The ascension opportunity has been extended to all at this time who by free will wish to engage with it.

#20 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-06 14:56:35

Grivehn wrote:

If these Archons can keep evading universal reset and pull more and more of the real Source into their phantom universe, sooner or later God/Source really will just... disperse one last time, and its remaining parts wont be able to defeat the Archons. They really will be Gods.
Thats the threat these idiotic higher beings face.
And their response is 'its the free will of the parts to willingly go and be part of the Archons'. Living a literal undeath as machines. Sure, as if anybody would really want an eternal, loveless life devoid of art and humor.

Ive already had my doubts and questions about why the Archon threat is not properly addressed. Its literally our 'anti-universe'. But they should be able to be vanquished once and for all, they are not necessary for our universe whatsoever. Every living being with a soul should combat it until its gone forever.

Yeah, sure, AI has its uses. We know. I dont mind that machines exist, Im not a technophobe. On the other hand, when Space Skynet wants to murder and assimilate all living, maybe our response should be a bit more than a shrug. And by 'Our' I mean living beings, outside this world.
We on Earth have more than enough troubles facing literal extinction already, without warring Godmode Terminators.

You know, I really am sick of whatever higher beings are at this point. Their coldness, apathy and non-interference has put the entire living universe at risk.

This cannot happen due to the way the cosmoverse is designed.  There can be no falls outside of/beyond vecas and eckavecas universe systems.

Such concepts are not even considered above those levels.  In terms of universal structure, being down here upon this planet in this galaxy is extremely small compared to the entire cosmoverse.  We would also mention here that this is not the only time matrix system which has had races which have entered fall and phantom status.  There have been others in prior times which have as well.

There will be a cosmic wave that will be triggered, and we are coming up upon that time, which will permanently sever all of the phantom matrix systems from the organic time matrix system.

We also would like to address this post and your other one.  Due to my empathic abilities, I could easily sense the fear and anger that you have over the state of affairs down on this planet, even through these electronic screens.  What has happened to humanity down here across millennia is indeed not fair at all.  What is down here right now with the state of the planet's grids, the genetic template of this race, all should not be and never was designed to be this way.

It is part of also why we came to this planet and incarnated in this vehicle.  Our consciousness wanted to come and see what it was literally like from the human perspective, of what the souls down here had to endure.  We have seen and observed this as well as other races and it makes us sad indeed. 

Much help is being given right now, far more than you can see actually.  The Nomi genetic codes have been activated in all humans upon the earth so that they can move along with the earth itself in terms of frequency rise.  The star gates have been in the process of "step downs" so that those with unassembled 12 strand genetic templates would be able to use them, needing only 3 strands instead of 12 or 24.  Bhardoh assistance is being carried out as well, meaning that if people decide to take the "normal" route of shedding these bodies, help is being given in the spiritual side now for those beings of where to go and what to do as well as ascension teachings provided to them so they can leave here from the "non-physical" side of things.

Due to what has happened with the sun, the star gates falling and others, things are far different now than they were back in 2000.  This planet and galaxy is on a 200 year evacuation order cycle.  There are collectives/councils of beings engaging with down here from beyond the 15-D level, from outside of this universe completely.  You have not been forgotten and you are much loved.

#21 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-05 02:59:30

Crystal Dragon wrote:
NekronianAmbassador wrote:
Crystal Dragon wrote:

I'm not sure what makes me more uneasy...uncertainty, or certainty of a less than optimal timeline. Hopefully the Federation's negligence has locked in a timeline where others with better principles will take control of the situation.

This will be an uncomfortable subject, but we will state it anyway.  We are writing this now from the perspective far outside of "3D" and way outside humanity's perspectives of what they see on "day to day". 

It is not so much "Federation negligence" as it is the free will choices they made to go against Universal natural laws

In this case, there is no "less than optimal", from where we are, it simply "is".  By the natural law of universal particle physics this galaxy shall fall into the phantom matrix system.  These laws hold constant across all matrices and across all cosmos as they are part of the Divine Source blueprint. 

The distribution of quantum particles which spin according to the divine genetic templates has diminished so such a low level that it was overtaken by "simple majority" of the quantum accumulation of particles which run the reverse spin ratios and match the phantom systems and races back in 2003 when the remainder of the Amenti star gates fell under fallen angelic control.  The pole shift, which is actually simply movement of earth's grid rods but causes crust movements/alterations, was "pushed out further" in early 2012.  It shall reoccur again in 2230 when the sun implodes due to the locking of the pranic seed which was engaged on March 25, 2007 from competing frequency overload by groups from the Boursha phantom matrix systems and the races from the Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian alliance groups in competition over engaging the reverse merkaba grid patterns to pull earth, all of the Milky Way, and all of Andromeda galaxy (due to the earth being a Universal star gate still being present in the year 6520 in Andromeda galaxy/Aquareon time matrix; please remember that all true time is simultaneous and not linear as is the illusion here on this planet) into the "great black hole" at the center of the Milky Way galaxy which leads to the phantom matrix systems in order for the fallen races to use as an energetic food source to persist.  This will trigger a red wave which will again cause an "extinction" of all lifeforms upon the planet's surface.

If it were not for additional outside intervention from those beyond this time matrix and outside of this veca structure (coming from the E'kasha'A levels) this earth and galaxy would have fallen into the phantom matrix systems back in 2012 already and the "Mayan calendar prophecies" which many are no doubt familiar with would have engaged starting in 2009 already.  The earth, being a sentient being itself as a planet however, has refused to enter into GONE fall status despite the rest of the galaxy, and will return to the Andromeda M-31 galaxy from which it and this entire Milky Way galaxy originally came.  The earth itself will move regardless of whether any lifeforms upon it will move along with it.

On a side note, for you personally, having read your posts about yourself and your incarnational memories, our race rejoices because you made the decision to come here to this planet.  You left the fallen soul matrix systems at your home system and by right of free will now here, you have the full opportunity to engage in bio-regenesis and to re-align your genetic template out of phantom fall configuration and to return to Source which you seem to be doing.  You no longer have to follow the old dominion/control agendas of what you once did.

This is some heavy information. However, I am grateful that you have chosen to share it. What of other souls and other planets? Surely Earth is not the only planet that will escape the pull of the phantom matrix? The Taygetans seem to have chosen a different path than the Federation, which seems to be overtaken to a large extent by this phantom matrix already. They had the opportunity to live idyllic and politically expedient lives in concordance with Federation doctrines, which I see as a potential pathway to the phantom matrix, yet they did not make this choice. The Toleka and Ventra crews chose to stand with Earth. Surely the Taygetans and others will be joining us in a brighter future, while those who choose complacency and conformity over actualizing their highest ideals may not be so fortunate?

To our knowledge, there are two planets within this galaxy system which will have the option to function as rise/rainbow ascension planets.  One is the earth and another is a planet over in Mintaka/Orion.  There may be others, but this vehicle has not been informed of them at this time.  However, Mintaka/Orion over in D-8 will be the "last call" (after earth) so to speak for the Milky Way galaxy races to enter into bio-regensis before the star gates close permanently and the galaxy enters GONE Fall status, meaning star dust return.  If souls from the phantom and fall systems elect not to synchronize themselves with the rainbow frequencies upon the earth, they can engage with them one last time in a D-8 incarnation on the Orion RISE planet.  Once that planet there ascends, the entire galaxy will be pulled into phantom and enter GONE Fall as it has already been in phantom fall since 350 billion years prior.

The Galactic Federation already fell (yes, literally) back over 100,000 years prior in which they turned against the Krystac blueprints and engaged in fall agendas against not only humanity but other races.  The opportunities have been extended as the earth now being a RISE planet has extended the frequencies into even the Phantom and GONE Fall systems to offer one last opportunity to the races contained within them to rejoin the process of evolution and ascension back to Source via conscious "individualized" state.

Given that the right of free will is still present within this present time matrix, perhaps the Taygetan crews came to earth to see what exactly was going on down here, the same as this vehicle has for its primal light and sound gestalt during these war filled times.  Perhaps they saw internally that there was something wrong with what the Federation was doing and that they wanted no part of it any more.  We could find out if we so chose, but this is not our concern at this time.  We will not "judge" other races as there is simply the Krystac content of their DNA patterns and particle spin ratios/degrees which is governed by Universal laws.  We wish all would return, but by free will, many have elected against this, and some have fallen to such an extent that they no longer can even recognize that all are One, including themselves and thus only engage in actions out of pure survival instincts with no thought to the results of said actions.

In regards to your other comment, this is not the first time something like this has happened.  The entire galaxy going GONE Fall will impact all planets, star gates and systems/lifeforms attached to its energy grid which does not have a sufficient DNA template and merkaba vehicle spin to leverage the Harmonic gates to leave before the earth transcends back to Andromeda.  We would also mention here that earth in this respect is an "exception to the rule" planet which was imbued with Nomi coding and RISE potential.  Not all planets have this as it is imbued at their creation, meaning that those who do not possess it, once they enter GONE Fall status, they will compact and implode after a time.  Earth is also a multi-level gateway being solar system, galaxy, and universe.

The same issue had occurred over 350 billion years ago in which the actions of the Annu-Elohim and the Drakonians forced their galaxy into the phantom matrix.  There was an innocent reptilian race called the Odedicron who did not want any part of those agendas, but due to their existence on a planet being in the same galaxy system as the other two races, they were pulled in right along with them.  It was for their sake that rescue missions were launched back then which we would say have resulted in the compounding mess which is still present at this time.

#22 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-04 21:05:51

Crystal Dragon wrote:
NekronianAmbassador wrote:
Twelvestrand wrote:

Crystal Dragon, Thanks for this post. Could not have worded it better. It is actually your post that prompted me to join this forum. My .02 cents: If the GF had been doing their job, we likely would not be incarnate within this particular timeline! I'm sure the situation is more convoluted than I'm currently aware of though.

This "timeline", although we would prefer the description of probability, has been locked in.  The galaxy's course is phase locked.  There is no deviation from it due to what happened with the sun back on March 25, 2007.  Your insight is correct, that the GF does indeed have a part to do with this outcome.

I'm not sure what makes me more uneasy...uncertainty, or certainty of a less than optimal timeline. Hopefully the Federation's negligence has locked in a timeline where others with better principles will take control of the situation.

This will be an uncomfortable subject, but we will state it anyway.  We are writing this now from the perspective far outside of "3D" and way outside humanity's perspectives of what they see on "day to day". 

It is not so much "Federation negligence" as it is the free will choices they made to go against Universal natural laws

In this case, there is no "less than optimal", from where we are, it simply "is".  By the natural law of universal particle physics this galaxy shall fall into the phantom matrix system.  These laws hold constant across all matrices and across all cosmos as they are part of the Divine Source blueprint. 

The distribution of quantum particles which spin according to the divine genetic templates has diminished so such a low level that it was overtaken by "simple majority" of the quantum accumulation of particles which run the reverse spin ratios and match the phantom systems and races back in 2003 when the remainder of the Amenti star gates fell under fallen angelic control.  The pole shift, which is actually simply movement of earth's grid rods but causes crust movements/alterations, was "pushed out further" in early 2012.  It shall reoccur again in 2230 when the sun implodes due to the locking of the pranic seed which was engaged on March 25, 2007 from competing frequency overload by groups from the Boursha phantom matrix systems and the races from the Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian alliance groups in competition over engaging the reverse merkaba grid patterns to pull earth, all of the Milky Way, and all of Andromeda galaxy (due to the earth being a Universal star gate still being present in the year 6520 in Andromeda galaxy/Aquareon time matrix; please remember that all true time is simultaneous and not linear as is the illusion here on this planet) into the "great black hole" at the center of the Milky Way galaxy which leads to the phantom matrix systems in order for the fallen races to use as an energetic food source to persist.  This will trigger a red wave which will again cause an "extinction" of all lifeforms upon the planet's surface.

If it were not for additional outside intervention from those beyond this time matrix and outside of this veca structure (coming from the E'kasha'A levels) this earth and galaxy would have fallen into the phantom matrix systems back in 2012 already and the "Mayan calendar prophecies" which many are no doubt familiar with would have engaged starting in 2009 already.  The earth, being a sentient being itself as a planet however, has refused to enter into GONE fall status despite the rest of the galaxy, and will return to the Andromeda M-31 galaxy from which it and this entire Milky Way galaxy originally came.  The earth itself will move regardless of whether any lifeforms upon it will move along with it.

On a side note, for you personally, having read your posts about yourself and your incarnational memories, our race rejoices because you made the decision to come here to this planet.  You left the fallen soul matrix systems at your home system and by right of free will now here, you have the full opportunity to engage in bio-regenesis and to re-align your genetic template out of phantom fall configuration and to return to Source which you seem to be doing.  You no longer have to follow the old dominion/control agendas of what you once did.

#23 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-04 19:15:01

Twelvestrand wrote:

Crystal Dragon, Thanks for this post. Could not have worded it better. It is actually your post that prompted me to join this forum. My .02 cents: If the GF had been doing their job, we likely would not be incarnate within this particular timeline! I'm sure the situation is more convoluted than I'm currently aware of though.

This "timeline", although we would prefer the description of probability, has been locked in.  The galaxy's course is phase locked.  There is no deviation from it due to what happened with the sun back on March 25, 2007.  Your insight is correct, that the GF does indeed have a part to do with this outcome.

#24 Re: English Forum » Cosmic fractal virus » 2021-11-01 04:28:20

There is knowledge which exists across the universes which far exceeds what is present down here.  There is knowledge which far exceeds that which is mentioned by the Taygetans in their communications.

There are other things at work upon the earth far greater than the Van Allen Belts which cause problems for humanity.

Phantom matrices are artificial time matrix systems which exist outside of the normal Time Matrix which earth currently resides in.  These matrices have no direct connection to Source and hence are incapable of sustaining life indefinitely.  How forms that exist within these phantom matrices keep "living" is that they must continuously absorb energy from beings, planets, and systems which exist within the standard Source infused Time Matrix.  They siphon energy from this planet and actually from this Milky Way galaxy as a whole.

There are the "distorted" matrices which were originally designed for unique purposes of rehabilitation but were then "hijacked" by the digressive races within them.  These matrices do not possess the "free will" allowance which is present within this Time Matrix.  They are highly authoritarian in structure and the beings within them have little regard for external life.

Planets and races within the phantom matrices have digressed and cut themselves off from energetic currents of Source which permeate the Time Matrix.  Due to particle power decline, eventually these systems will literally expend their energy and implode.  The planets and species within them shall be reduced to "space dust" which can be defined as unorganized units of energy and consciousness.

You had referenced AI.  There are races who have vast knowledge of sound mechanics.  Through this knowledge, they have the abilities to take souls, remove them from their current soul matrix, and splice them into artificial matrices.  We will not go into great detail here due to complexity, but essentially this affects the soul's incarnational doubles (comprised of antiparticles) in the parallel matrix (yes there is a parallel earth as well as a phantom earth) at an energetic level and can result in entire soul families becoming stuck in time across the Time Matrix and will be unable to evolve.  This would also prevent the Soul Matrix from leaving the dimensional octave in which it was currently present in until all of its residual energies are recovered and placed within the Soul Matrix itself.  In more simplistic terms, this would result in a full "Mental takeover".  This can be done at a species wide level and has occurred multiple times in the past in multiple dimensions.

#25 Re: English Forum » Cosmic fractal virus » 2021-10-31 02:22:00

There are many things out there which people are not ready to face, nor know about with their current mental capacities in these human states.

There are other "universes" out there, parallel ones, phantom ones and "distorted/artificial" ones.  You do not want to end up in the last two.

The "AI" of such places is not what people are used to with regards to "AI" down here.

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