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#1 Re: English Forum » Forgive the cabal? Letting go to move on » 2022-05-20 03:46:00

microvirus6 wrote:

I think many of you will find this an interesting read, communicated by a high-density Pleiadian entity/ social memory complex: … e-families

One theme is having compassion for, and forgiving, members of the cabal.

In my life in general, I know that "what you resist, persists" and that forgiveness is the best policy, yet I somehow excluded in my mind the enslavers of humanity. And now it seems obvious to me: the more people are focused on resentment, the more power they give to "the enemy". If we're to transition to a new world, perhaps an inner letting-go needs to happen.

Note: Of course, forgiving is not the same as becoming a doormat, and IMO we should all be working to subvert their plans and actively create the beautiful, free future that is our birthright. Only, perhaps forgiveness is a part of that process

I’m a Zingdad fan as well.  “The Ascension Diaries” was a big turning point for me.  I’ve even had a few sessions w/ him, couldn’t resist!

#2 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2022-05-18 00:47:49

Hello!  Please forgive me if this has been suggested previously, as I did not read each post in this section of the forum.

I am wondering if Gosia’s wonderful people would comment on the immediate future—I mean, what their impression is about the reported impending food shortages and complete economic collapse?  I know that Yahzi did a few videos on why the Cabal feels the need to crash this “game” and install a new one (too many participants waking up to a greater reality and threatening the control system).  Do Gosia’s friends see most humans gone by 2030?  If you are enjoying participating in this game (starseed or not, seems I’m a starseed who wants to hang on here until the bitter end ?), do the T’s or S’s have any suggestions as how to best weather the impending societal collapse?  I believe it will probably be very, very challenging to live through these times & stay alive…not many people I know believe as I do…they think that overall, everything will be “fine”.  I am not depressed or preaching gloom.  Just calling it as I see it. 

Anyway—a video on impending society collapse?  Economic collapse?  Famine?  Grand Solar minimum?  Second magnetic field around the earth in 2024 October?

Many, many thanks.  I appreciate you all.

#3 Re: English Forum » At this point, is everyone contaminated to some extent? » 2022-04-13 00:47:41

Does anyone believe that if you intentionally did NOT say yes to the vaccine, on some cosmic scorecard are you in some way slightly more protected?  Or is this ultra hopeful silliness.  I am for sure contaminated due to living in a highly sprayed and mind controlled area for almost my whole life (East cost USA).  LMK.

#4 Re: English Forum » HOLISTIC Society - Preparation is the First Step - Yazhi » 2022-03-20 00:59:36

This video release was serendipitous for me!  The timing was perfect.  Something that has been on my mind a LOT recently has been community.  The building of (or joining) a proper PHYSICAL community, and soon.

I apologize if this topic has been discussed previously.  I am new here and looked for a search feature but couldn’t find one.  If it has been discussed at length previously, could someone point me in the right direction?  Thank you so much.

If I could snap my fingers and manifest whatever I wanted immediately, I would have somehow figured out where/what the ideal community would be for me.  Simplistically, it would involve modest living space of my own, but very close to others who have chosen this community also.  Land would be available to build on/use agriculturally.  It’s my belief that to get through, let alone thrive, in the very near future, self sufficiency is of the utmost importance.  I mean self sufficiency of every kind—water, food, shelter, power, transportation.  If I was a woman of means, I would purchase a parcel of rural land and set the intention that the proper people would enter my life (while taking action as well!).

I am aware there are numerous intentional communities all over the place.  I am wary of them, although I can’t specifically say why.  A few reasons that I could mention would be these….as an outsider, entering an already established community with its own pecking order and either overt or hidden politics feels like taking too big of a chance.  Everything could look rosy at the beginning only to reveal later that I may have entered into a mighty shit show.  And how could one know?
For example, I just moved two months ago.  I’m still in the same state (in the US).  However, I was ok health-wise before the move.  Now my health is compromised because I was foolish enough to move to a location that has extremely high chemical toxicity in the water.  I was sick for a month before I even knew what the problem was.  Once burned, twice shy as they say.  I chose the wrong community to enter, and now I’m paying for it.

The way it looks, the Cabal genocide is right on track, speeding up it seems with the inclusion of the Ukraine hysteria.  This is just another fake reason for them to justify food shortages and extreme price hikes on everything.  Food rationing is just around the corner (I can assume).  I am not surrendering to pessimistic future predictions.  It’s my belief that just like everything else, there will be amazing, awe inspiring parts to the future, as well as some jaw-droppingly terrible ones.  It’s my intention to pull through it all, best I can, and to help others pull through as well.  It’s well known that people do best in communities….I’m sure some lone wolves would disagree.  When it comes to self sufficiency, (non reliance on grids or government for anything) I believe to be in a community really is the only way. 

What do you all think?  Wave of the future or nah?

#5 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2022-03-11 03:10:05

Greetings to all!  Joyful to be able to communicate with some soul family.  Best wishes. ?

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