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#1 Re: English Forum » Metaphysical Operation Suggestion and Steps: Post-eclipse Entities » Today 19:29:39


Thank you for your post. I appreciate you taking the time to write out your metaphysical operation to be able to deal with "Post-eclipse Entities"

I was able to follow your post and instructions quite clearly and understand the steps involved. I liked the blend of practises that you use and the methods you described - especially the inventiveness in the creation of weapons.

I have studied western magic for many years and so your techniques are familiar to me.

However, as you know, this is primarily an extraterrestrial disclosure forum and so the level of understanding, experience and interest from the audience will vary. Most people here are not as familiar with occult practises as they would be in other metaphysical communities .

This is partly why I wrote a basic note for beginners for dealing with personal entities here :

And it is not that what you have written here is not relevant- it absolutely is - but please take the level of experience into consideration when reacting to members responses on this thread.

From my perspective I enjoyed what you have written, and I think it is an excellent tool for someone looking for a structural, creative way to advance their abilities.

Personally though, I nearly always work alone using methods that I have learned over the years.

My preference is a more tailored approach to each situation, understanding that issues caused by entities are for complex multifaceted reasons - and most importantly the root cause must always be addressed in order to clear the problem.

But I like your work and appreciate your contributions in the context of Mari’s recent videos.

I wish you well with your project.

#2 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » Today 15:50:06

wandereringsoul wrote:

I can relate to this topic. I've had my fair share of experiences from my NPC parents who have a very dark side to daemons picking me up by the neck and slamming me to the wall. And so many more. It's been a lot of inner work to get to where I'm at, but I know theres so much more that needs to be purged and healed. And I'm grateful that I have been swapped out by a walk in several times after I have made ground doing my work.

I think my oversoul chose to come here to experience the entire spectrum of emotion and mindset.

wanderingsoul, I can see that you have been through many difficult experiences.

Working through past traumas is painful. You should be proud of the work you have done so far to heal.

I think that with enough strength and resolve, you can change your life path or soul’s mission at anytime. It is your right to choose and be able to fully heal yourself. And I do believe you will.

#3 Re: English Forum » Toleka, orbit 505 km, very bright star... » Today 13:43:36

LongShot wrote:

How come we don't see flickers or shadows of object passing in front of the sun when ships go by?? (considering the large amount)

I imagine it is for the same reason we don’t have constant flickering of the Sun from all of the birds and airplanes in the sky.

The only time this happens is when they are very close to us (and pass in direct line between us and the Sun.)

When a plane is high in the sky, the apparent size of the craft is very small in relation to the light source, (the sun) in addition to how far it is from the earth’s surface.

This is also why we rarely see shadows from planes at high altitude - because they are just too small in comparison to the light source.

But while we are on the vague subject of ships and the sun. Let’s have a look at a couple of pictures of some craft and our Sun.

Here a ship coming out of the solar portal:


Next another ship (biosphere)  emerging from the sun portal with its black energetic wake behind it.

Images taken from this video :
ETs navigating Natural Portals - Sun and Wormholes - Athena Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Information … nformation

#4 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Today 11:22:06

Júpiter, I would LOVE any of these scenarios… !

Jupiter 9 wrote:

Maybe like Scott says it's a premonition, and you get extracted in the future and unlike Gosia you decide to wake up yourself from the pod.

I have thought about this before, and if I was extracted and found myself also in a pod, I want to wake myself up!

Because even if you share memories, you are still a different person.

I have no problem there being more than one of me. This feels natural to me.

And she’d have friends and family who would want her back too! I couldn’t replace her.  And I wouldn’t want to.

Would anyone else here wake themselves up?

Jupiter 9 wrote:

Or maybe you are from an alternate timeline and you get extracted in this one and meet your ET self in this timeline.

I would love to be from an alternate timeline very much !

Jupiter 9 wrote:

Or maybe while taking a walk in the woods one day you come across a timejumping ship that telepathically informs you that it's yours and has come to take you to visit your ET self...

This would be so exciting. Let me see if I can telepath my ship now…

Jupiter 9 wrote:

And the crazy thing is that if you can imagine it, it means it is something that is happening in one of your infinite alternate timelines... whaaaaat... don't think about this too much... as Yazhi once said to Gosia "Don't go nuts about it" haha smile

Don’t worry wink I really don’t take myself too seriously… it’s just fun to think about … 

But ..

~ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ. ..  I might just go off to the woods to spend the rest of the day looking for my space craft  …

#5 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » Today 10:59:08

Tardisman wrote:

Are we under attack Ariya ?

Can you elaborate more on what has transpired with regard to missing posts ?

I have all of my posts backed up and they all appear to be working.

How are your posts ?

No, there’s no attack.

Just a forum member deleting their posts.

Unfortunately when they delete a post at the start of a thread, it will delete the full thread and the posts that follow it.

Many of the threads in this instance were those dedicated to discussing and studying Mari’s individual videos.

It is a real shame and I find it disappointing for all the people who made contributions to those threads.

I don’t know if there is a way to prevent this from happening in terms of the forum technology, as unfortunately the  configuration settings is not something easily accessed.

So, for now, I simply advise people to make copies of any important post contributions or information that they wish to keep.

#6 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Today 10:21:30

wandereringsoul wrote:


You are one high frequency woman. To get to the high astral levels like you do, you must be bordering on the "5th density or even higher, the template level.

Thank you wanderingsoul, that is a lovely thing to say.

wandereringsoul wrote:

And its interesting to what you said about feeling a walk in swapped you out and then followed by this "dream".

Keep us updated on more encounters.

Yes, it’s an interesting sensation.
Maybe not full walk-in but I feel as if there is more of me ‘available’ now.

I think it is probably a result of studying all of the information shared by Cosmic Agency and Mari. But also integrating it into my way of life -  so that it has become a part of me.

This has definitely changed my thinking patterns and this has effected my personality and character.

Through this process you become more compatible with other versions of yourselves (or other timelines & past future lives.)

In this way, other experiences become available to you, as if they are your own.

But yes, I’ll keep you posted wink

#7 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Today 09:43:33

Jupiter 9 wrote:

If you hadn't joined the forum long before the arrival of the new ships, you would be suspect numero uno for being part of the social media incursion... smile

^^ Says the REAL time traveller, trying to divert attention away from his own secret mission ! ^^



#8 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » Yesterday 20:36:04

Horton HaW wrote:

Yeah I see the whole astral entity thread is gone. That had great information.

Yes multiple video / transcript threads and 300 posts were deleted again.

This is why I try to open the key video discussion threads - to prevent this from happening.

It’s so destructive to this project. And disrespectful to the time and energy that everyone contributes.

#9 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » Yesterday 20:09:29

Light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. As one strengthens, so does the other, creating a natural balance. While awareness is key, fear only empowers negativity.

I spent some years working at an 1800s hospital, known for royal births. It was surprisingly active at night, teeming with various energetic phenomena. 

I’ll share some of what I have learned, in the event that it may help someone .

The most common are thought-form parasites, often appearing as astral larvae.

They attach to auras or buildings, feeding off negative energy. These parasites can act as syphons or catalysts for other more complex entity formations such as daemons.

They can also be attracted (or attached deliberately) to ritually made egregores. These are purpose made astral constructions designed to funnel energy to feed a larger daemonic entity.

There are some ways to protect or cleanse yourself:

Cultivate inner strength. Maintain physical, mental, and spiritual hygiene. Know yourself, build inner resilience, and develop a calm mind.

When feeling drained or compromised, try silent meditation, nature walks, spending time near water, or a sea salt bath.

You must try to eliminate the energy that feed these entities. This can include obsessions, drugs, alcohol, harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances and self-harm.

Interestingly, internal physical parasites often have an energetic counterpart, so a parasitic cleanse may be beneficial. This is an ongoing process in our current environment.

The next type of entity that you may come across may be disoriented spirits.

The recently deceased may appear confused or grieving. In normal settings (hospitals or homes etc) they're usually harmless. If you see them, speak calmly – they're likely more scared than you. Explain they have died  and it's time to move on.

Gently guide them west (the direction where the sun sets) and visualize a door for them to exit this realm. This may be all they need.

Then there are more complex entities.

What appears as a haunting by an old ghost spirit might be demonic possession of their "shell," similar to possession in the living.

Haunted locations usually involve a mix of entities – daemons, larvae, elementals, and others – drawn together by a shared frequency. These can form powerful and dangerous entities. 

These all need to be dealt with in slightly different ways but the principles of cleanliness and frequency management apply to the environment. But I advise leaving their handling to experienced individuals.

Many people like to use light to disperse negative encounters. Light does work, I have used it often, but I sometimes find that it can attract too much attention. So I now prefer mental full body armour.

I have some experience with various entity / possessions etc, so if anyone has any questions, let me know!

#10 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 16:36:36

mes333 wrote:
Horton HaW wrote:

Well you guys are having a ball in dreamtime. Lol.

big_smile perhaps my two left feet followed me into my Dreamtime

Nice dream mes333.
Maybe the artificial gravity failed on the ship? wink

#11 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 13:25:13

Tardisman wrote:

Thanks for sharing Ariya smile

It’s nice to “step out of the Matrix” for a little while !

It reminds and reassures us that what we experience here is all a “construct”.

Sounds like there is a lot more of “you” to discover and connect with.

Some months ago, I was thinking about what it would be like to incarnate in Taygeta and build SUZI Class Starships.

That evening, I dreamt that I had moved back to the city and I was working at the Airport (on Airplanes) again.

I experienced a “been there, done that” feeling...

I’m glad you liked my night tale Tardisman. smile

That’s really interesting about your dream. & sometimes they do come true …

#12 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » Yesterday 13:15:44

This is a great discussion and it is interesting to read people’s opinions.

But just a gentle reminder to everyone, when things get heated, please try to avoid making your points of discussion personal about each other.

Thank you all!

#13 Re: English Forum » Taygetans in Social Media- Arrival of Starship Alcyone- Yazhi Swaruu » Yesterday 12:50:09

Gosia posted this on telegram and I thought I would post it here to add to the discussion.

Gosia wrote:

Hello guys! On my way back to Finland and I just realized I forgot to mention one thing in my last live from Amalfi town. Something I did say in Spanish.

As for the arrival of new Taygetans in the social media, I think it's important not to underestimate the wisdom and knowledge of our own starseeds in the community. Please don't jump on anyone who expresses elevated thoughts, energy and advanced knowledge as a possible Taygetan.

You have no idea how many wise and knowledgeable people we have here on Earth! There are many people who have been studying our material for 6 years and remember a lot of things, more than I do sometimes!

So do not assume anyone with knowledge and higher understanding is a Taygetan. You are perfectly capable of that yourselves! Also, be aware that there could be people out there trying to give off the vibe of Taygetans as well, sounding enigmatic and as if they knew more.

Probably just to enjoy a bit of attention, and even testing your reaction perhaps. So I am deducing that there will be a bit of everything out there among you. Just carry on, be you, and remember, there is wisdom, high energy, and knowledge of stellar things among ourselves as well! Let's just all mingle as one, because after all, that's what we are. Greetings to everyone!

I really like the sentiment of this. Thank you to Gosia for this reminder.

#15 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 10:34:28

Aww, thank you Alec! x

My dream was so real ! And now I have a picture of it!

And you got all the details in!! The birds, the sea grapes, the tea, the soft sun, the hills. And two of me!! So sweet, thank you.

#17 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 09:04:08

Scott Summers wrote:

Ariya, that’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Some dreams are premonitions, you know. wink

Your comment helped me link a few things together. Thank you Scott!

My dream coincides with a feeling that something has changed in me recently.

Only yesterday I was thinking that I feel  as if I am a different person. This is something like a walk in experience, but maybe not … I’m the same person, but I feel distinctly different.

But I feel good, very calm inside.

Scott Summers wrote:

Make sure you save your posts.

Yes! Good advice …. So many posts have disappeared in the past …

#18 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 08:28:32

Horton HaW wrote:

Interesting dream. What a nice experience. That is always the catch 22 being in these kind of environments. It's sad when people go. One can be happy for them that they are in a better place, but sad for yourself and the loss you feel. Maybe go have a different tea this time and tell her about your day? You didn't really lose her did you?

Btw. My wallpaper changed to a very similar type beach. Lol.

Thanks Horton. Yes, it was a lovely experience !

I spend a lot of time visiting past or younger versions of myself and I have found it really helpful.

But what was nice this time, is that she was one taking the lead and pulling me into her world. Also how real the dream was.

And you’re right, I didn’t lose her. She is me.

#19 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » Yesterday 06:13:29

Last night I dreamt that I met another version of me.

She was the same as me, brown hair, freckles, big brown eyes, smile, slightly slimmer, less muscular, maybe an inch taller than me. A few years younger than me, but maybe more confident.

We met at a seaside cove of a large island. Caribbean blue sea. A wide sandy beach sweeping around, some hills in the background. Lots of thick dense vegetation. Lots of tiny friendly birds. Very comfortable warmth, gentle sunshine, nice breeze.

She gave me a close hug and I felt such relief. She is so familiar to me. It was the best gift.

We looked each other over (as you would a friend you haven’t seen for years) comparing the length of our hair, laughing at our similarities. Seeing some slight differences and understanding we are different people.

We sat at a table in the shade of the sea grape trees, and drank lemon verbena tea.

She took my hands and told me everything is going to be ok. I felt bad because I didn’t want her to see me struggling.  So I just nodded and said , ‘I know, it will all be fine. ‘

She wanted me to meet some people, her family and friends, so we walked to her house. We met some people on the way.  They were all interested in me and where I was from.

Everyone was very kind, thoughtful, intelligent, calm, youthful and in good health. She explained it was because here they have everything they need.

We spent some time in her indoor garden conservatory talking about personal things and exchanging advice about life.

It was a nice very strong dream. But now I feel a bit emotional because I liked her a lot and now I miss her!

#20 Re: English Forum » Toleka, orbit 505 km, very bright star... » 2024-05-11 18:57:05

Ariya wrote:

Here’s one to start: Who knows what ship this is?

Ok let’s do another one:

Im thinking cargo ship…

#21 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2024-05-11 16:40:43

Paganini wrote:

Thank you Ariya. I meant more like the unofficial transcripts that will get posted here that you and others have done in the past. The ones in the links you provided aren’t up to date with the most recent videos. I thought if it’s all in one place it’s easier to find the unofficial transcripts kindly translated by those on this forum. Just a thought. :-)

Ariya wrote:
Paganini wrote:

Can a Sticky be created to post in there all of Mari’s videos with transcripts? And create a sticky for Za’el too? This way it’ll be easy to find. Thx!

Hi Paganini

All of the English transcripts for Mari’s videos can be found here:

And for Za’el here:

If you click on ‘table of contents’ the titles will appear in ascending date order.

Hope that helps, or did you mean something different?

Oh yes, I see what you mean.

What I’d really like is for a separate forum section where we could just post the videos / transcripts and related discussions.

But I like your idea too about a sticky post. I’ll give it some thought and when I have time maybe I’ll go through and list them all out with links.

#22 Re: Forum en Español » LA PAPA CALIENTE DEL PLANETA TIERRA » 2024-05-11 15:59:28

Ansatsusama wrote:

Las Swaruu al igual que Ashtar Sheran nos están dando herramientas para evolucionar, elevar vibración. Debemos mantener siempre la mente muy abierta y buscar alegría en pequeñas cosas porque solo así con alegría y maravilla sin dejarnos llevar por las angustias (muchas veces inevitable) podemos vivir la mejor experiencia nosotros mismo y dejar una huella positiva a todos los que están a nuestro alrededor.

Hola Ansatsusama,

Por favor vean lo que dijo Swaruu sobre Ashtar… … leyades-14

Gosia: Ok, vamos a entrar en eso en algún momento entonces. Ahora, todos me preguntan sobre Kryon, Ley de Uno y Ashtar Sheran. ¿Son buenas fuentes de conocimiento?

Swaruu: Ley de Uno, no estoy segura de qué es eso en este momento. Kryon: confirmado un ser de luz de la 7d (si es realmente Kryon a quien están canalizando, por supuesto). Él está bien y muy bien. Pero ten en cuenta que puede estar contaminado ya que es una canalizacion. Ashtar, Alaniso, etc ... son los desinformantes creados por el Cabal . Sé que dicen cosas bonitas, pero son falsas. No hay Ashtar. Lo sabríamos. Ashtar es Matrix.

Gosia: ¿Y con qué propósito sería implantado si el mensaje es empoderador? Solo digo pero no conozco exactamente su mensaje.

Swaruu: Su mensaje no empodera, es "bonito". Gran diferencia. La intención y el mensaje es hacer que las personas se acerquen más a la iglesia católica. Es esencialmente la misma religión católica adaptada a los tiempos modernos con la adición de "naves estelares". Es tan falso como puede ser.

es posible que también desees leer esto:

‘Federación Galáctica, CIA Infiltrando en Comunidad OVNI, Falsa Bandera Extraterrestre’ … aterrestre

#23 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-11 15:02:50

Transcript of interest here :
Lemurian Ship Arriving to Earth Timeline … om-spanish

Relating to above mentioned by Mari  :

Lemurian Ship Arriving to Earth Timeline - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**.

Interviewer: What happened to the ship that left Lemuria and arrived a year ago on Earth, in this timeline?

Anéeka: That ship is still in high Earth orbit and is in the care of the Federation. It is huge, about 2 km. It has the shape of two fat tubes glued side by side. It's more than 12,000 years old since it left Earth. It is abandoned. It is of human Lemurian manufacture, so it is said, although to me it does not seem so.

It looks like it was an old exploration ship. Its technology is very low or outdated. There is no one inside, but there are signs of blood in the corridors and lots and lots of small weapon damage inside and everything is destroyed. It looks like something ugly and bad happened inside.

Outside it looks like someone used it a long time ago for target shooting, like from another ship. It is badly damaged. Its engines are useless and it only came back on impulse.

If the Federation had not stopped it, it would have collided with the Earth, since it had a surface arrival trajectory.

To this date, we don't know what happened inside, and the investigation has only been postponed, because no one is interested in putting themselves at risk going in there.

Interviewer: And how does it stay in orbit?

Anéeka: Just on impulse. But sooner or later somebody will have to correct it out of orbit again because yes, it's deteriorating over time.

Interviewer: And why do you keep it in orbit with no one in it instead of stationing it somewhere?

Anéeka: You can't just station it. Or, to put it another way, "to put it into orbit" is to station it. You need a certain speed depending on the object and its characteristics and the distance from the Earth for it to remain in equilibrium.

Interviewer: And why don't you think it's Lemurian human-made?

Anéeka: Because at that time Lemuria was full of other races. Yes, it is true that there were humans and, as we have said, other terrestrial civilizations were also advanced, but I just don't feel it is logical that it was manufactured by humans as it is, because it was the time of the formation of the very definition of humans. Just because of that.

Interviewer: I understand, thank you. And do you know where it came from and where it was going to land, theoretically?

Anéeka: When it was detected near Mars, it was only known that it was returning. It is not known without further investigation where it came from. Just that it would have arrived at the calculated location in the Pacific Ocean, right where Lemuria was. This is calculated by the speed of the spacecraft and its trajectory. Also, that is why it does not make much sense for an asteroid to hit the Earth. First, it is stopped by the countless races and ships in orbit that are present all the time.

Interviewer: And the ship, how many crew members did it carry?

Anéeka: It is not known.

Interviewer: And why is it putting yourself at risk to go in there?

Anéeka: It is believed that there could be something undetected inside. We are not ruling out an unidentified animal such as a "lurker" from "Alien", for example, or something similar. Getting in there is extremely dangerous, simply because the known access points are destroyed and there is debris of metal pieces all over the corridors, holes, wires hanging down and everything dark. A lot of blood was reported by the Taygeta team that tried to enter. This is more than two years ago now, it's not that recent. So, it's a very macabre and disturbing thing to go in there.

Interviewer: Do you think an animal could stay alive that long in there?

Anéeka: It's scary, that ship, really. If it's a space-adapted animal, yes it's possible. As they illustrate in the not-so-sci-fi saga of "Alien," a cold-adapted animal is sometimes just waiting for a host to show up.

There are a lot of "alien" animals in space. Things no one understands yet. The Federation and Taygeta also have records of countless unknown hostile animals. The 5D is not as it is painted, all love and peace, that is above. As we always say, there are stages to go before we reach those higher densities. In the meantime, the law of the jungle still persists in general, but it depends on each planet.

#24 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-11 14:59:22

Here we have another quickly done transcript for those who like to read a long … 
^^ Also look at the thumbnail- it has the ships labelled with the names. Look at their shapes especially… ^^

Apologies as i do not know if I have  spelt Captain Gori’el of Erra‘s name correctly.

Hello again, thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously, and for whoever has the chance to see this video, it is meant to commemorate the 500th video upload of my YouTube channel. Thanks to all of you!

I will be using the front images of many of my past videos as a background for this edition of space news as  you can see.

The first piece of news for today is that the local Galactic Federation has organised a series of conferences and talks about why Earth must be kept in isolation from the rest of the galactic community, as well as contained within its own belief system, including its cosmology and limited science.

These conferences are aimed at clearing out the increasing concerns, doubts, and controversies that have been growing among the star races who are here in low Earth orbit, most of which are also active Federation members.

The number of star races who have declared that they do not agree with how the Federation is handling the "Earth problem" has been increasing since five or six years ago, and even more so during the past two years.

Yet, most of those star races only say they disagree. As far as I know, they have not done anything about it, simply limiting themselves to stating that during Federation Council meetings. However, some have become quite active, trying to convince other star races of what they see as wrong with how the Federation is handling Earth.

The most prominent active Federation members who disagree are the Yahyel and their cousins the Sassani, as well as the Antarians and some members of the Syrian conglomerate , among others. This is without mentioning the entire Alcyone Council, who represent all the star races in the M45 Pleiades star system, and the Urmah, who have a strong tendency not to obey any rules except their own and who have actively stated strong words against the appointed higher Federation members.

The Urmah have also stated that they will not tolerate anything that goes against their ethics in this space quadrant, even more so as it is very close to their main home planet Avyon orbiting the star Vega, at only 25 light years away from Earth. This is within its closest neighbourhood of stars, as 25 light years is not much of a distance for modern starships, being an average of only 15 to 20 minutes away in hyperspace (calculated SIT time - ship internal time, or how long the trip feels for a passenger using his or her watch).

All this increasing discontent and doubts about the veracity and ethics of the Galactic Federation have caused them to organize a series of conferences aimed at informing all the star races about all the details of how they are handling Earth and their plans for the future.

They are openly stating that they will explain why there is no real problem on Earth because everything is only a highly controlled staged theater to give souls a learning experience. The contents of said conferences may be interesting to know and to study, yet no one from Toleka can attend them as we strongly feel it is not safe for any of us here.

So, the Taygetan Captain Gori’el of Erra, Commanding Officer of the newly arrived SS Alcyone and his crew, have volunteered to attend them in the representation of Queen Alenym and the crew of SS Toleka.

Captain Gori’el and his ship, the Alcyone, have gained much respect from the Taygetan Fleet, winning several excellence awards, placing the SS Alcyone as the most powerful and efficient starship of the entire fleet. I will keep you informed about what goes on in those Federation conferences, most surely aimed at brainwashing and controlling, not informing, the star races stationed around Earth. This may be interesting…

In other news, the Galactic Federation has declared that they will reopen the case of the very old, large starship that drifted into this solar system with no crew 7 years ago and that is believed to be of Earth human manufacture (yet the time frame is not clear yet).

Initially believed to be of Lemurian times, that starship is a total wreck, yet some of its most basic systems are still operative. But Federation races have been postponing investigating what went on inside, and its true history and origin because of the strong hazards found inside. As the ship is a mess of twisted metals and all kinds of tubing hanging from everywhere, in a strong likeness to a human space nightmare movie or video game.

So, the Federation, 7 years ago, simply opted to place the 2000 meter long wrecked starship in a stable high Earth orbit, far away from regular space traffic in this area, basically sweeping it under a rug, as the expression goes.

This ancient starship is shaped like two tubes or pipes welded together side by side, and it is believed to have lost its crew in some kind of a fight long ago, as it has clear signs of battle damage on its hull. And it is also believed that it automatically drifted into this solar system because its remaining systems were programmed to take or bring the ship back home in the event that it loses its crew and is left to drift in deep space. I will also keep you informed about this subject as it unfolds.

Moving on the the next subject. It's been 500 videos now on this YouTube channel, and I feel like it was just yesterday when we were celebrating the first 100 videos. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support. It is you who are keeping me going, and who are keeping me motivated to write nearly every day and to be able to upload videos daily. It is your interest that keeps me going.

I enjoy writing very much and have incorporated it into my daily routine. And as far as I can see, I have no shortage of subjects to write about. Because whenever I need some inspiration, I ask my teammates here what subject would be a good idea, or would be necessary to share with all of you, and many come up instantly.

And in any case, all I have to do is look around me here, because I could write a subject about many interesting things, objects, and technology that are around me all the time.

For example  about the makeup-generating machine in my dresser or the little anti-gravity gadgets found all over the ship, especially in the storerooms, and which are used to bring down to you boxes or objects that are stored above the reach of your hands and arms.

And I also want to thank you again for your donations. Because you are also making all this possible by helping me solve my basic needs, mostly food for me and my Swaruunian sisters, Athena and little Sophia.

I must let you know that many of your donations have been destined to purchase four different models of highly efficient human built computers. These are being copied and replicated here and en masse to equip the Starships Vigilant Eagle, Asterope, and Alcyone for the upcoming human mass media incursion, which is scheduled to start in a few months.

Please remember that Taygetan quantum holographic computers are not compatible with human digital ones. Therefore, all interaction between Taygetans  and humans must be using digital systems. This also means that no one will be talking to any form of Taygetan AI; only real biological people will be talking.

Without being planned so, the 500th video of my YouTube channel coincided exactly with my birthday on May 8th this past Wednesday and that was a nice detail.

I also want to thank all of you for all the amazing birthday messages and videos you have posted on social media, and which CIC has made available for me to see. You touched my heart and you made me very happy. Thank you! This also keeps me very motivated to go on with this necessary work.

The Taygetans here organized a bit too much of a party for me – too big and too exaggerated in my opinion – but I thank them from the bottom of my heart. They installed all kinds of light shows and laser beams all over the pool area here inside Toleka.

The pool area is a large hall with artificial solar lamps above which simulate a day at the beach, complete with all the radiation spectrum except the harmful wavelengths. This also helps us generate our vitamin D as we have no real sunlight here, or very little of it.

The Taygetans placed several tables full of all kinds of food – mostly Taygetan– but there were at least three tables with human food there as well, mostly for me as I have special requirements, as I cannot eat much Taygetan food without getting sick. Athena also has this problem, but not as bad as me. As for little Yahzi Sophie, well, she can eat and digest a bag of carpenter nails if she wants to! She can eat anything she wants with no problems.

Alenym and the rest of the Taygetans invited just about all the crew members of the other Taygetan Starships here: the Vigilant Eagle, the Saska 1, the Asterope, and the Alcyone.

So, in this pool area, which is quite large, as well as in the red piano room (where we usually make our birthday parties, when they are not as large as this one) and in the blue conference room directly above the Red Saloon with its white entrance hall – all these places were full of no less than some 1,200 people.

All of them were perplexed and hypnotized by the light show and the extremely noisy human music Yahzi was playing on the area sound system. She was the DJ for the night, as she always is. Anyway, most of the Taygetans who attended this party had never seen a light show of those common in rock concerts on Earth, much less have they ever heard such chaotic techno and 80s human music before. But they seem to like it. That's why we say that Yahzi is perverting them!

I must say that I was feeling quite uncomfortable receiving so much attention, so I tended to sit in a corner as much as possible. Yet, I was always pulled away from my safe place as everyone wanted to talk to me.

There were also quite a few journalists from Taygeta who were covering the show for the folks back home, and I saw these as especially excited at the light and music show, as they saw it as extremely exotic and worth sharing in detail.

They were talking to their cameras while jumping around, saying and yelling that they could not believe the richness of the stimulation to all their senses with the light show, the noisy and strange alien techno music, and all the exotic food.

I fully accept that the crew of Toleka, who have been here for many, many years have adopted a lot of Earth's customs. We must also take into account that many of us here have a lot to do with Earth, having also lived there as step-downs for many years. So, it is only logical that we would export the parts we like into our culture.

We do miss a lot of things from Earth's culture, especially food and music, and we marvel at humans' capacity to move on and adapt to the hardest conditions while still enjoying life. But what we miss the most is the company of all the wonderful people we have known along our path.

Before I go for today, I want to express a concern of mine. I want all of you to know that the concept of royalty in advanced interstellar cultures is just about the complete opposite of the concept of royalty on Earth.

While on Earth, they pass on their lineage directly down to their younger family members, in advanced Interstellar cultures, anyone can become royal if the situation arises and he or she qualifies for the job. And that is what it is – a job.

While on Earth, royals  are nothing more than parasites who are non-empathetic and couldn't care less about the people, in space, royals are at the service of the people and they are their true representatives and the ones who get things done for them.

They must represent the entire culture in front of other ones, and they must be their entire culture compressed into one single person, being as perfect an example of their values and ethics as they possibly can, all while doing their best to overcome their own fallibility and personal limitations.

It is a very difficult job that most can sustain only for a few years.

I want to say thank you once more. You are a wonderful audience out there, and you have been incredibly supportive towards me and my project. Thank you! I love you all so very much.

This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more. I hope to see you here next time. With much love,

Your friend, Mari Swaruu

#25 English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-11 04:04:31

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Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special.  Mari-16

By Mari Swaruu

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