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#1 Re: English Forum » Mari: "Stellar navigation, basic principles" » 2024-02-15 00:07:48

1. Do we need to know our base frequency and target frequency?
2. If so, how do we learn these frequencies?
3. How does one change frequency? In other words, what mechanism are we focusing on to change?
4. Do we transport the vessel as well? In other words, is it perception we are changing or is it the physical vessel that moves as well?

Thanks, JP

#2 Re: English Forum » Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Third Part. Starships. Part 3 » 2024-02-09 00:47:49

Some questions…

1. Mari mentions that sensors feed the computer the information needed to map the coordinates of a timeline, are these sensors drones?
2. If so, do they send multiple drones with different logical map differences to map possible timelines?
3. Why did they choose this timeline to make contact?
4. I remember the Toleka leaving and returning, Did they have to leave and return because they changed the timeline with this contact?
6. Have they, Taygeteans, seen other Earth timelines that differ significantly from this one? ….from their perspective.

#3 Re: English Forum » Mari: Alpha Centauri: Historical Lies? Mari’s and Urmah's Perspective » 2023-09-03 17:01:12

What a great twist to the story. I remember the first version she spoke of from GF records. The story of liberation of humans from the oppression of their captors. The story brought strength to the readers; us.  Now, the twist, from a different perspective, valid and noble, with similar qualities to the story of us. After years of following this story, she continues to deliver more, more of everything.

Still loving this story.

#4 Re: English Forum » Mari: Why Did the First Contact Project Fail? » 2023-04-15 00:28:49

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:
CHARCOtranquilo wrote:

What is that unexpected thing that has changed, Jimi?

Understanding. There was once an ego, “I”, that wanted to save the world from itself. This “I” thought it could change the world outside… Now, there is nothing happening by no one.


My friend, you entered this forum in search of galactic adventures of distant planets and inhabitants of other worlds and the adventure took you to the only place of man which is at the same time the furthest away for those who are blinded by the crystalline shine of the false trinkets brought by foreigners who imitate the diamond and who believe to have in their hands a great fortune and closer than their own breath for those who, being blind of TRUTH, dare to enter the darkness of their own ignorance believing it to be an impenetrable land and end up finding the true diamond that grants true vision and that had always beenset in their own pupils and that is,  the zero distance of the Self. 

If you are not intoxicated with the wine of Understanding, you will not become sober with the kiss of freedom.

Mi amigo, you have a gift with words. Thank you for helping me SEE.

#5 Re: English Forum » Za'El: Where do we go when we die » 2023-04-14 09:45:11

JimiPickle wrote:

Za’al speaks about ideas and points of attention and how they influence the afterlife. The example he gives is Paul and Gabe. Wether you are Paul or Gabe, the thoughts and ideas from the mind upon death continue, so there exist the paradox of joining thoughts and ideas from another that move through consciousness after death. This needs further understanding. This suggests that We are not the body, mind or consciousness, instead, the author suggests, we are thoughts and ideas without beginning or end…


So, this is incorrect. The origin of thought cannot be found and arises from nowhere that can be found. From the silence of meditative quietness, thoughts arise without any effort from the mind/I/ego. They just appear. These thoughts, when entertained, form ideas and points of attention in the mind/I/ego. Without Seeing this occur, the mind/I/ego takes ownership of these thoughts, ideas and points of attention and assigns them to self. However, Understanding that this occurrence of thoughts never arose from the mind/I/ego eliminates me as the doer of anything and reveals that there is no one ever doing anything. As to “why” these thoughts occur, there is no knowing.

Za’al, please elaborate. Are you suggesting that thoughts arise from “someone” else?


#6 Re: English Forum » Mari: Why Did the First Contact Project Fail? » 2023-04-14 05:54:17

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:

There was a moment where I wanted an intervention, there was a moment when I offered to help, now, there is no desire for either.


What is that unexpected thing that has changed, Jimi?

Understanding. There was once an ego, “I”, that wanted to save the world from itself. This “I” thought it could change the world outside… Now, there is nothing happening by no one.


#7 Re: English Forum » Za'El: Where do we go when we die » 2023-04-13 20:32:36

Za’al speaks about ideas and points of attention and how they influence the afterlife. The example he gives is Paul and Gabe. Wether you are Paul or Gabe, the thoughts and ideas from the mind upon death continue, so there exist the paradox of joining thoughts and ideas from another that move through consciousness after death. This needs further understanding. This suggests that We are not the body, mind or consciousness, instead, the author suggests, we are thoughts and ideas without beginning or end…


#8 Re: English Forum » Mari: Why Did the First Contact Project Fail? » 2023-04-10 06:53:18

Alec wrote:
Jupiter wrote:

Swaruu: (...) But humans must never know or else they will feel they are being protected and will start another round not only of adoration to non humans but also a stagnation comfortable point where they could stay forever.(...)

Swaruu couldn't be more right here.

Kindly direct your attention to this particular comment.

“Humans must never know.”  This too is an experiment that places us as the mice. This forum struggles to agree on every controversial topic discussed here and just because 80k people viewing this feel that this world is wrong and in need of change  does not make a majority, in fact, it is but a small part of the problem. Most mice are in their own minds doing their own thing, any intervention to that should be considered unethical, first. To make a determination on what is best for the mice is to play god.

That being said, the Swaruu’s/GFOL efforts may already be doing this behind the scene. Careful what you wish for.

There was a moment where I wanted an intervention, there was a moment when I offered to help, now, there is no desire for either.


#9 Re: English Forum » Mari: Why Did the First Contact Project Fail? » 2023-04-09 18:33:10

This was quite an experiment. An appreciation for their efforts and empathy for their results is felt. Are we ready? Probably not. Are some ready? Maybe so. Neither of these answers would support a decision to make contact.

A question to ask oneself is “why” would you want to make contact? To share the differences and similarities of our cultures? To expand one’s understanding of This Now that arises without effort? To complain about This that is judged to be inadequate or unfair by the mind? To seek love and a relationship with another from a distant world? To bombard them with questions that cannot be accepted as an answer?

We might not be ready because we are not ready, not because someone says we are not. How is that for a double negative metaphysical paradox?

#10 Re: English Forum » Za'El: Light and Darkness within you / Traumas and Limits » 2023-04-03 15:33:50

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:

This proposition of seeking a balance between "Light and darkness" is a "spiritual" fallacy: light and darkness, evil and good, Life and death, separation and integration, are irreconcilable concepts. To believe that they can be reconciled or, failing that, to find a compatible balance between opposites is to consider that the solution to the peace of your mind depends on a negotiation between "evil and good". Only the ego seeks this type of pacts because its survival depends on them.  Therefore, the solution is NOT to seek to "balance" the unbearable tension that generates this type of false balance between opposites. The solution is to see/understand that both beliefs are ILLUSORY.

Only the Understanding that both beliefs are illusory, places you in a mind and understanding, free from the conflict of "compatible opposites". When the LIGHT enters the darkness the shadows simply vanish because the shadow has NEVER been able to vanish the light; it can hide it, yes, but it can never make the LIGHT disappear.

"The matrix" is not abandoned through the balance of opposites. "The matrix" is abandoned only through the end of all illusions, including and especially the spiritual ones.

A video about light and dark, an egoistic reply and an Understanding that emanates from beyond both.

Perfect. Thank you my friend.

#11 Re: English Forum » Who is Lilith? » 2023-04-03 03:16:16

StarDeity wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:

So, who is the male archetype that refuses to bow to “their” god?

Good question.
That would be a Dhor Krystil, or anyone who has expanded their perception~

In this story, who is the one who refuses to bow to man and his god? Lucifer. Depicted as an angel, but is a male entity that refuses to bow to man or god. Is there a difference? I will leave that to you. However, the story of Lilith was not of a woman, but of an entity possibly an  angel too.

In either regards, why is there a refusal to bow to man and his god? Why are all things evil attributed to Lilith and Lucifer?

In my community, which is of the Christian faith, my refusal to accept their god labels me as one who is like or worships Lucifer.

#12 Re: English Forum » Who is Lilith? » 2023-04-02 22:05:39

StarDeity wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:
StarDeity wrote:

Yeah, I get this alright, and I think it's open to interpretation too, seeing as from where the story comes from and all...

She could, perhaps, also be a "demonization" of women who don't bow the Abrahamist/Atonist system. The way Atonists believe women should be like.
I see the Abrahamist/Atonist scriptures in general as "negatives" because they were made with the intention of mind-controlling humanity to think, act, and be a certain way, especially men.
Turning men against the Serpents, the women who brought wisdom to the Eves and Adams...

I wish the Swas would give their point of view about Lilith..?

Lilith could very well be made up by the cabal to, perhaps demonize certain "tribe"
If Adams and Eves were like "tribes" of people, couldn't Lilith also be a "tribe" or peoples...

"Insolently refusing to be subservient to her husband, Lilith left Adam and the perfection of the Garden of Eden; three angels tried in vain to force her return."

"The perfection of the Garden of Eden" pffft

"three angels tried in vain to force her return" angels? more like tilians xDD

it's funny if you think about it..

I made an edit to my post as you replied. Says the same as you have said. What does it all mean? Your interpretation is all that matters. In a nut shell, the Swaru”s have already answered this. The story is an allegory of archetypes, a story. So, what does the story mean to you? Where do you stand? I for one will not bow, bend or break to any god, nor will I accept the companionship of a woman who bows to me or a god. That is where the story ends for me.

You got this Star. You need not bow to the words of anyone, even if that anyone is a Swaru.

Yes smile)

So, who is the male archetype that refuses to bow to “their” god?

#13 Re: English Forum » Who is Lilith? » 2023-04-02 21:16:19

StarDeity wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:
StarDeity wrote:

But these are human interpretations of Lilith...
It was also completely unnecessary to create the character too, but rhe Atenists did it.
And when rhey create one such as this, is to insult one that was perhaps a positive influence.
Idk if you males understand what I mean..

The Lilith archetype is a woman who does not bow to man. She is one that does not see herself as equal to man, on the contrary, she sees herself as the master of herself. A rouge to some, a warrior to others, she IS.

Yeah, I get this alright, and I think it's open to interpretation too, seeing as from where the story comes from and all...

She could, perhaps, also be a "demonization" of women who don't bow the Abrahamist/Atonist system. The way Atonists believe women should be like.
I see the Abrahamist/Atonist scriptures in general as "negatives" because they were made with the intention of mind-controlling humanity to think, act, and be a certain way, especially men.
Turning men against the Serpents, the women who brought wisdom to the Eves and Adams...

I wish the Swas would give their point of view about Lilith..?

Lilith could very well be made up by the cabal to, perhaps demonize certain "tribe"
If Adams and Eves were like "tribes" of people, couldn't Lilith also be a "tribe" or peoples...

"Insolently refusing to be subservient to her husband, Lilith left Adam and the perfection of the Garden of Eden; three angels tried in vain to force her return."

"The perfection of the Garden of Eden" pffft

"three angels tried in vain to force her return" angels? more like tilians xDD

it's funny if you think about it..

I made an edit to my post as you replied. Says the same as you have said. What does it all mean? Your interpretation is all that matters. In a nut shell, the Swaru”s have already answered this. The story is an allegory of archetypes, a story. So, what does the story mean to you? Where do you stand? I for one will not bow, bend or break to any god, nor will I accept the companionship of a woman who bows to me or a god. That is where the story ends for me.

You got this Star. You need not bow to the words of anyone, even if that anyone is a Swaru.

#14 Re: English Forum » Who is Lilith? » 2023-04-02 20:42:41

StarDeity wrote:

But these are human interpretations of Lilith...
It was also completely unnecessary to create the character too, but rhe Atenists did it.
And when rhey create one such as this, is to insult one that was perhaps a positive influence.
Idk if you males understand what I mean..

The Lilith archetype is a woman who does not bow to man. She is one that does not see herself as equal to man, on the contrary, she sees herself as the master of herself. A rouge to some, a warrior to others, she IS.

As the story goes, Lilith was the first woman of the bible but refused to bow to Adam. Even when she was confronted by “angels” she refused. In her defiance, she spoke the name of their god. This was considered blasphemous and the angels cast her in to an abyss. She bowed to none and would never bow to a man who bowed to a god, any god.

So, who was the man who refused to bow to god in the bible?

#15 Re: English Forum » Za'El: Light and Darkness within you / Traumas and Limits » 2023-04-02 20:30:32

With love in your heart and fury on your hip, let the day begin.

This video is right up my alley.

#16 Re: English Forum » Benjamin Fulford Update Today March 31, 2023 » 2023-04-02 07:43:02

In one minute, I counted 78 eye blinks from fulford. This occurred throughout the broadcast. He is either sick or under a lot of stress.

Thanks for the video Star.

#17 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-03-24 19:51:38

Under the premise of protecting the experience of the so called 3d illusion, the GFoP is maintaining their end of the agreement. Wether it is right or wrong from below or above is secondary to the “game/experience/illusion.” I have enjoyed many aspects of this experience and I suffered from many experiences, however, from a new Understanding, that suffering has vanished. To some degree, it is the metaphysical conversations provided by the Taygeteans/Swaruuians that is responsible for this new Understanding…which is freedom. Now, I only wish for new adventures to experience. One of those would be an accord with our “friends” to explore the limits of this pesky “Prime Directive.”

Drink up me hearties, yo ho!

#19 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-03-22 18:05:54

After watching these three videos, I have a few observations/questions.

1. The prime directive is a GFoP directive but that does not mean that all influences to planet earth are from the GFoP.
2. Neither the GFoP nor these other influencers to earth have published their directives to be evaluated by the people of earth.
3. The Taygeteans are among these influencers that are separate from the GFoP.

Q1. What are these “other” directives? They appear to be initiatives to influence the minds of humans, but that is an opinion of one on earth. The Taygeteans have mentioned a regressive mind control initiative by certain races to control humans like cattle, so this initiative/directive would be counter to the GFoP, right?

Q2. This is a tough one. The regressive initiative is no different than humans raising cattle or growing crops to feed upon. While we do not like to be considered as a crop/herd, we are and acceptance of this will meet cognitive dissonance on many levels. We humans also feed on energy be it love or hate, joy or pain, we feed on energy and so do other beings. So, where is the balance? Is there a balance or is there just the nature of things to be accepted?

Q3. If the nature of things can be accepted, can we find meaning to life? We all die a physical death, we all experience emotional energy…can this be shared? Can we love the ones that feed upon as as much as we love plants and animals we eat?

with much love, Jimipickle.

#21 Re: English Forum » The spiritual world is in duality and in time and is an illusion too. » 2023-03-09 23:28:09

Celestial Marriage wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:

From page 43 of sticky Questions and suggestions relating to videos:

Here is a question trail posted by me that leads to what I am suggesting. There is an appearance that the material and spiritual (d’s) realms, either light and/or dark with dual and/or non dual complexities and either serving self and/or serving all as being the only accepted roles/paths in the universe. However, there IS something “beyond” THIS that is neither THE ABSOLUTE nor is it this that is listed above.


Gosia, through military gaming and exercise, an outcome is generated by the exercise. These outcomes form new games and exercises. However, there are certain unknown outcomes that form that fall outside of expectations that challenge the exercise creators beyond what they perceive as possible.
With this in mind, this 3d matrix, called a game, produces variations of outcomes that build to a climax that will lead to the termination of the experience, however, there is an known/unknown outcome of each game that is outside of the expectations of the experience. We can say that this is the growth or unseen/unknown path of certain souls; the next journey. Knowing this is a possibility before the game is started, and knowing that these journeys have been in previous games to be founded, what are these mysterious journeys previously discovered? Is there an outcome that the controllers are searching for? If so, what outcome/journey/experience is being sought that has not been found?
For reference, a reverse world was discovered by one of the  Swaruu’s. Is this occurrence known by the 5d and above? Are they searching for understanding and a bridge to this dimension/density? Are they gaming this here in 3d to find said bridge? What else is being gamed…? Infinite possibilities arise.

Next question: since there has been many resets on earth 3d, can we assume that there has been resets to all densities as well?

The above questions were generated from the following video:

And I will restate my previous question listed on page 42 of the thread:
Gosia, now that Swaruu has described the planets in Sol13, how about dark space/aether/universe? Are there planets and beings in the dark space/aether? It would stand to reason that there would be planets and beings/people existing in the dark areas of the universe, right?

Follow on question, if there is consciousness/life in both light and dark areas of the universe, is/are there realm(s) beyond the light and dark spaces of the universe

Thanks, again.”

There is an Awareness of THIS that is Beyond…this.

I can answer one thing for you - before Atlantis fell, we had Lemuria. A nice ET colony on Earth coexisting with natives. At that time Earth was in 4d.

After Atlantis citizens experimented with planetary magnetics and destroyed some natural defenses due to not knowing what they are exactly doing, Earth fell down to 3d and many regressive entities entered Earth`s astral realms via this hole in defenses.

Also about your dark/light question. Not too long ago due to crisis in this sub-universe (using Urantia book model of Grand universe which has 7 super universes and each of 7 has 7 smaller universes and we are in 7th of 7th) there was a command from Paradise Island (located at the centre of Grand Universe) to make all entities choose their alignment in this sub-universe. This was done to speed up healing process for this sub-universe.

So no, there are no true neutral forces left anymore, but literally thousand years ago there was.

Of course, I would like to see a video of Taygetans to explain their understanding, what is their limit - have they visited Andromeda Galaxy, for example. Have they tried to understand some civilizations outside our own Galaxy?

Celestial, thank you for this information. There is an awareness of Atlantis and Lemuria but the 7of 7 info is new to me.

It is this “ to make all entities choose their alignment in this sub-universe” that illuminates to where I am speaking. If a consciousness is choosing then it is limiting itself for an experience. So there is somewhere beyond this that the origins of consciousness are…now. Outside or beyond the densities and alignments of this universe. And if there is THAT, then there are infinite possibilities extending from THAT. beyond the service to all/self service, beyond the struggle of dark/light-good/evil, beyond the material/spiritual…where is consciousness without the limitations of choice that is not from the “place” of the ABSOLUTE.

Not a path, not a journey, not bound by choice…

There appears to be a struggle for some to contemplate this, but that is okay. However, for some, there is this contemplation.

Much love to you.

#22 Re: English Forum » The spiritual world is in duality and in time and is an illusion too. » 2023-03-09 21:55:34

From page 43 of sticky Questions and suggestions relating to videos:

Here is a question trail posted by me that leads to what I am suggesting. There is an appearance that the material and spiritual (d’s) realms, either light and/or dark with dual and/or non dual complexities and either serving self and/or serving all as being the only accepted roles/paths in the universe. However, there IS something “beyond” THIS that is neither THE ABSOLUTE nor is it this that is listed above.


Gosia, through military gaming and exercise, an outcome is generated by the exercise. These outcomes form new games and exercises. However, there are certain unknown outcomes that form that fall outside of expectations that challenge the exercise creators beyond what they perceive as possible.
With this in mind, this 3d matrix, called a game, produces variations of outcomes that build to a climax that will lead to the termination of the experience, however, there is an known/unknown outcome of each game that is outside of the expectations of the experience. We can say that this is the growth or unseen/unknown path of certain souls; the next journey. Knowing this is a possibility before the game is started, and knowing that these journeys have been in previous games to be founded, what are these mysterious journeys previously discovered? Is there an outcome that the controllers are searching for? If so, what outcome/journey/experience is being sought that has not been found?
For reference, a reverse world was discovered by one of the  Swaruu’s. Is this occurrence known by the 5d and above? Are they searching for understanding and a bridge to this dimension/density? Are they gaming this here in 3d to find said bridge? What else is being gamed…? Infinite possibilities arise.

Next question: since there has been many resets on earth 3d, can we assume that there has been resets to all densities as well?

The above questions were generated from the following video:

And I will restate my previous question listed on page 42 of the thread:
Gosia, now that Swaruu has described the planets in Sol13, how about dark space/aether/universe? Are there planets and beings in the dark space/aether? It would stand to reason that there would be planets and beings/people existing in the dark areas of the universe, right?

Follow on question, if there is consciousness/life in both light and dark areas of the universe, is/are there realm(s) beyond the light and dark spaces of the universe

Thanks, again.”

There is an Awareness of THIS that is Beyond…this.

#23 Re: English Forum » The spiritual world is in duality and in time and is an illusion too. » 2023-03-09 07:47:11

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:
JimiPickle wrote:

Both realms are a matrix…?

[/quote=CHARCOtranquilo] Yes, both realms are one matrix, because both are an interpretation of the same "consciousness" "I" that establishes differences, dividing lines and contrasts.

PS: You can certainly control time, but how do you control that which is beyond time?

This^ is what was being sought by me…beyond the illusion of spiritual and material realm/world exists that which is neither “with” nor “separate” from any illusion or time contained. This “beyond” is neither contradictory to any illusion nor does it compliment it, that is what was trying to be communicated by me.

Jupiter, all perspectives, Swaruu/CHARCOtranquilo/Gosia, are of value to me…just as your perspectives are.

#24 Re: English Forum » The spiritual world is in duality and in time and is an illusion too. » 2023-03-08 21:41:11

Jupiter wrote:

I have heard non dual teachers use the analogy of fiction and acting and I think it's a great analogy. Gandalf is a fictional character inside a fictional world and inside that fictional world he can be on a spiritual evolution path trying to get enlightened. But Gandalf will always be a fictional character, he can never exit the fictional world and "enter" the real world. Gandalf trying to exit the fictional world or trying to get enlightened is still part of the fictional story. He will always be a fictional character inside a fictional world and no matter how many millions of years he walks a spiritual evolution path he will never be liberated from that world and those stories. But we are not Gandalf, we are not the fictional character. We are the Real Self "acting", "roleplaying", being Gandalf and that's why we can get enlightened by remembering/realizing that we are not the fictional character but we are the Real Self "roleplaying" that character and that Real Self is already enlightened, it is already liberated.

So we don't get true liberation, true freedom, true ascension by liberating or freeing the fictional character we are roleplaying. We instead only need to realize/remember that we are not the fictional character but we are the actor playing the fictional character. And it's the fictional character that's trapped inside a fictional matrix cage and not us. We are already outside the cage, we are already free, we just forgot who we really are and we got completely identified with the fictional character and we think we are the fictional character and so we think we are the ones trapped in a cage.

To use another analogy, it's like we are playing a VR game and we have been playing it for so long and we are so immersed in that game that we forgot it's a virtual game and we feel trapped in that game and spending years on a spiritual path seeking for a way to get liberated from that world. And imagine that in that VR game everytime we die we get into an afterlife world which is still part of the VR and then start over a new life in the VR. And because we have forgotten who we really are and we think we are the avatar in that VR game, we can spend thousands and thousands of years in lifetimes and in the spirit world trying to find a way to liberate the character because we think we are that character. When in reality the only thing we need to do to be free from that matrix cage is to remember and realize that we are not the character in the game and our real self is already outside the VR and is already free and liberated and it is the avatar character that is trapped inside the game.

And once you remember and realize this you don't have to exit the game if you don't want to, you can continue playing it but now you are free from it and it's not your cage, and it's not you that is trapped inside the cage but it's your character and other people's characters that are trapped inside the cage.

And of course this is just a perspective, this is just one way to look at this, and it's not "the one and only truth in the universe". smile

Yes. Being wrapped up in finding somewhere above or beyond this is trying to be somewhere we are not, which means there is an I seeking. Dual/non-dual is just descriptions used in search of meaning. In spite of searching for meaning or judging anything/everything as this or that, there is an experience that is not happening, but happening. Suffering in life because it is not what the I wants now is the true prison of the I.

However, Understanding duality and non-duality is necessary when a I/ego is found between you and an illusion. Without the I/ ego there is a consciousness seeing an actor in an illusion.

#25 Re: English Forum » The spiritual world is in duality and in time and is an illusion too. » 2023-03-08 20:13:15

Brahman wrote:

I think not all beings in the universe of all densities find the matrix very important for their spiritual growth. That's why not everyone participates. As far as we know the matrix goes up to 6D. If it's so interesting why doesn't everyone participate in this game? It's just that the advertising is not that enticing. lol

Top of page, by CHARCOtranquillo,

Beware of reifying the "spiritual" world as "another world". This is another trap of the ego-mind that tends to perpetuate itself also in the misnamed "spiritual world". The "ego/self" is always looking for the taste of selfhood: "the sensation of being" and this it understands as experience. The permanent search for "experience" is the opium of the ego-spiritual. The FALSE IDEA, that there is an evolutionary progression that is spiritual, which is acquired by purifying experiential errors in both the "world of spirit" and the "world of matter.

Both realms are a matrix…?

Nonetheless, the advertisement issue of 6d made me laugh too!

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