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#1 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2022-06-26 23:54:28

EMPIRICAL Schumann Resonance ACTIVITY (Updated)

I don't about you, but I've been looking for solid empirical evidence about the Cabal's fall, or however you want to put that.

Elsewhere on the forum is information about the Schumann Resonance.  For some reason the link is to a Russian observation site.  I came across this site: … netometer/

Instead of the white to blue color spread across the spectrum, which is interesting data in itself, the link above shows the TOTAL energy from each detector between .32hz and 40hz.  The buttons on the bottom allow you to manipulate which site is being viewed.  The Black line is in South Africa, or the nearest Magnetometer to Antarctica.

You will notice that the amount of energy detected near the south pole is ZERO!  In other words, the regressive south pole base has flat lined in the 0-40hz range since Friday.  ((After more research it appears the South African magnetometer may have gone off line.))  Coincidence?  I don't believe in coincidence.  The additional data points are very interesting.

Lastly, the LIthuanian magnetometer would be the closest to Tomsk.  There are resources about personal coherence at  Joe Dispenza has some very useful information, he has the Rewired series on Gaia.

#2 Re: English Forum » Are there any attorneys here who can help Gosia and Robert? » 2022-06-02 21:43:46

Scott Summers wrote:

So if PK girls say the Taygetans are fake, then how do they explain the NORAD identification given to Taygetans?

Oops... hehehehe

First of all, thank you Gosia and Robert for all your hard work.  Creditable work that stands on its own.  The truth ALWAYS shines through.

I'm not a lawyer, but I do work with them.  I'm VERY familiar with how someone you thought you were working with to accomplish a task/mission/project suddenly becomes hostile.  It is usually from an outside source that is somehow threatened.  Most people respond with considerable emotion, and have limited resources. 

This is the trap.  Using your energy and limited resources in a legal suit often completely derails whatever the project was in the first place.

It may not seem natural, but the best strategy is to disengage and pivot.  Stay on task/mission/project.  Use your strengths, avoid the adversary.  Adapt and overcome.  Observe and report.

What would the Taygettan team do?  What is their council on the matter?  How does this affect the 5 years they have put into the relationship?  How does the shift in attention affect the task/mission/project?

I know I'm not seeing new content.  I would think anyone interested in a Holistic Society does NOT want to watch drama.

If you haven't read it, I strongly suggest reading THE ART OF WAR, by Sun Tzu.  If the Taygetans have a NORAD identification and superior technology (and I'm sure they do), I assure you that we have the upper hand.

Peace.  Be still.

#3 Re: English Forum » Time to make a stand » 2022-05-31 22:58:03


I had no idea where to post this, so I hope that it gets to you.  After watching the video in the first post, it seemed the best place to post.  Please understand that I keep my digital footprint as small as possible, and reaching out is very uncomfortable for me.  I really appreciate your work, the information that you and the Swaruus have provided, and that I have spent the last four months consuming.  I have been on a very intense learning journey for about 6 months.  I can provide more detail if you would like.

After two weeks of conversations and dreams, it is very clear that I've been in contact with Yahzi, but not by internet.  I don't know how to contact her by internet, and she keeps telling me I need to contact you.  I hope there is a way for you to share that information off line.  I just want to help, and maybe verify that I'm not nuts.

Please feel free to delete this after you have made your decision either way.

Thank you so much for your time and energy that you provide to be a conduit as part of the Taygetan team.

#4 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2022-05-31 22:16:04

Cosmic Agency has three episodes on zero-point energy.  In the last one, a follow up to the previous.  Gosia was asked if she wanted the information needed for metallurgy.  I don't know if it was redacted, or she was interested in going in another direction.

Could Gosia have a follow up on zero-point in a video, or could I get her to ask the following questions?
     1. What is the metallurgy needed for a basic base 12 toroid. 
     2. The information provided in the video was for base 10 toroidal math, not base 12.  (I did find this in Mechanics of Manifestation).  Could the Swaruus provide a base 12 diagram, In Mechanics of Manifestation, they discussed what the toroid shape would look like, but never completed the drawings?  Could they please?  It would be great if they could talk about
         how Sacred Geometry informs the math.
     3. The Taygetan alphabet was deleted from the transcription and video.  Could we get that.  It would be fantastic if we could also get lesson 2 in Taygetan
Thank you so much.

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