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#1 Re: English Forum » MariSwa: Advanced Souls, and their Hive Mind » 2023-04-27 22:11:42

Celestial Marriage wrote:

Zero attachments to anything. Yet strong focus on my goals.

Doesn't it sound like psychopathy?
We are social beings. You are one as well - otherwise you wouldn't be there.
But fsr you are thinking about the pathology as of an ideal and fsntasizing / virtue signaling that you pretending that you have it. To feed your Ego. To which you are attached to.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Or partially wrong.

Many things are starting to lose sense.
Not the time to care about music

#2 Re: English Forum » MariSwa: Advanced Souls, and their Hive Mind » 2023-04-27 21:57:57

It looks like a PoV of someone who is an "advanced" clone or other artificial being.
Why no one can tell what is this "Source" and why we (or it's rather them) should return to it?
Those who believe in such things are inconsistent (unless they are telling the truth about their mission here).
What new experience they could bring to their creator (or to themselves if we look from another angle) if everything is already exists within? What to seek for in other worlds assuming there's no other worlds? There's no point for superior being or beings to play such games then. Isn't it masochistic in a way?

But it makes total sense if you accept the idea that they gather smth for the entity who created them or for themselves. There should be something outside to be gathered.
Ofc, one could put out some solipsistic ideas of "Brahman" experiencing himself through us. Or even super-solipsistic claiming that there's only emptiness and there's no one to experience it in the end.
Someone (or Nothingness) is experiencing itself for eternity? Wouldn't it be an eternal torture even sith best experiences possible?
One can argue that that is the reason for it to play itself - that it is doomed to exist in emptiness forever and distracts itself from it by living the lives of imaginary others. But then what "higher souls" we can talk about - if we are dealing with a traumatized narcissistic baby of a cosmic scale? And shouldn't there be a mother?
Even if we imagine that we are in a Universe where that Giant Everdreaming Baby was born, this should mean that it was born somewhere else by someone else in the Multiverse. Hence there's something beyond.

"Look at the Nature - and you'll understand like Universe as a whole functions."
You won't see such a phenomena in Nature, right?
"The tree doesn't grow with its roots up".

All these stories about the "emanation" and stuff was initially made either by those who emanated, or by their emanators.

Is there someone who really wants to be part of the hive?
Doesn't it all remind you of smth?
Choose one, they say.
The Cult of Reason or the Cult or Superior Being.
The result might matter for them (or to some of them - as many easily swith sides), but is irrelevant to you.

#3 Re: English Forum » MariSwa: Time, Part 1, What is Time. » 2023-04-27 18:11:47

StarDeity wrote:

people under mk-ultra are aware they are under it? o__O

Some do at some point if it's gone too far.
Among us, TIs (targeted individuals), it is known as "open phase".
They usually start it in a stealthy manner, but then, if they decide it's not enough for them in your case, they start to do in you fsce stuff ln purpose, so that soon it's become impossible not to notice it. But they do it in such ways that it's very hard to prove to those who are not aware of such programms and/or haven't experienced the same that you are the victim of it.
Although, in fact, in some places many are in the known and participating in it, but pretend that they don't believe you.
There also those who chooses not to think about such "hot" stuff in order to avoid things that are happenning to you. They don't dare to even think about staring into abyss for a single moment even if it mezns betraying you - if it's your "nearest and dearest".
Some simply believe lies that is spread about you (or thuth sometimes, depending on what they knows about what a person believes in - some of your views or kinks which is not unhealty, but that are made to be considered as such, for example) and hence think you deserve it. "Belief in a Just World" is a very common cognnitive distortion.

StarDeity wrote:

The West is controlled by foreign people from the East, who hate Europeans and their descendants, and want their genocide as well.

That's all I'm saying.

The opinion about the West as a whole goes down to what these mfs present in their controlled media.

Well, yeah. It could be basically boiled down to it.
Although things are a bit (or a lot) more complicated.
There are also some Westerners who despise both Easterners and other Westerners who they consider subhuman if compared to them). Or those who are in some kind of alliance with Easterners. There are Westerners with alien or - rather - artificially created souls. And so on.
But some controlled opposition media are making this as simple as East (the nations of one or the other of some Eastern countries, or even East as whole by proxy or not) against the West.
Some try to make us believe that they are omnipotent while they are not.

I'll stop at this.

#4 Re: English Forum » MariSwa: Time, Part 1, What is Time. » 2023-04-24 01:50:08

What I can't comprehend / agree with is the agenda that is pushed about "western" mis(?)understanding of time is compared to understanding of time on the whole Planet.
I mean that I sense that these postmodernist globalist concepts are at play... Like
A) "Westerners" have colonised the world
B) Others are innocent and pure
C) Despite "B" and despite the fact that "westerners'" are a minoity, it is assumed that the whole humanity shares "western values"
D) It assumed that the "westerners" are those who are most worthy of knowledge.
Smth doesn't match.
How "western" civilization is both criticsized and addressed as a superior one?
On the one hand, the "westernrrs" are wrong. On the other, you yourself recognize their superiority.
If "western" concepts of time are wrong, why not address the other nations primarily as from your PoV they are in fact more advanced?

P.S. I'm not sure if I made my point clear enough. I'm under torture (some programm similar to MK-Ultra) so it's hard for me to write. And English is not my native language.

#5 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2023-04-15 11:25:10

Some more:

Were Earth and Venus a twin planet systrm?

Is Moon an artifical object?
Or an object artificialy placed on an orbit of the Earth when it got it's own after separation with Venus?

Is there an alien base or bases on the Moon (or inside it)?

It been said in one the videos that the elites travel to Venus through teleportation.
If so, do they also travel to Moon?
Maybe there they recieve instructions, then do their job on Earth, then return and report, and then they are allowed or not allowed to take a vacation on Venus (maybe the portal to Venus is there so that nobody would travel go to Venus without their permission)?

#6 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-15 11:11:50

I'm not trying to gaslight you.
Maybe you should rethink my words under different angles.

Ones who chose to accept their concepts and put them in their hearts, so to speak, will likely end up like them.
One who puts enough faith (in case if it true faith - but it requires enough psychic energy (which requires a lot of work with your perseptions. and distiguishing them is the first step). ofc, if you are not getting it from somewhere else. but you'll have to retuned what was borrowed to you sooner or later) in there beliefs have a higher chance to avoid being devoured or enslaved.

Once again, I know where all this concepts are coming from.
It's a "good" cop - bad cop manipulation.
First they make our lives miserable (I'm not sure if it possible to avoid it now at this point, but previously in some periods of our history even in quite dark ages it was theoretically possible for many. so they traumatized us first, then indoctrinated so that we wouldn't get rid of our traumas and, moreover, were programmed to traumatize each other furter. then, if we at some point adapt some belief system that gives us relief for a while, it doesn't change the fact that there's still traumas and dogmas underneath), then they offer the "solution" (and the wheel goes on and on. "we" often feed our faith by trying to convert others into it. which I'm not doin, btw. yes, I speak what I see as true. but I also offer a very practical approsch. does your heart-soul that it better not to discern your perception?).

You also can call it "Ordo ab Chao" as they do.
Or "Problem - Reaction - Solution".

Isn't it clear by now that they use such schemes?

And from where most of what people belive will save them is coming from?
All this New Age stuff is just one of more postmodern approaches.
"Everyone has his/her/zer/whatever)) truth"...
Chooose what you want.
You can be an atheist and a materialst. Then why care much about anything? Enjoy what you have for as long as you can.
You are still, let's say, Cristian. Well, you should wait for Apocalypse. And, again, why bother with anything.
You also might believe that heaven on Earth is metavers. Why bother then?
And, ofc, you can believe that whatever you believe in awaits you. Very convenient, isn't it. Then they are "not imposing" anything on you.
They offer you "magical thinking" - in the worst sense of this term.

#7 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-15 07:33:53

Hi there.

Tulpas - if you prefer to use this term - are soulful. But their souls are artificial, they are created by their creators. And they belong to them - the creators.
By default, they are executing the mission that is scribed in them by their creators. There are many different variants of how it all can unfold. But it seems that usually if they succeed, their souls and egos (personalities) are kept alive for the next mission. If they fail, they are considered useless and are devoured back and recycled. Although there are those who are designed for one-time use. Low-level ones.
As for those who are of higher level, not all of them are satisfied with such state of affairs.
So they can
A) rise up against they creators
A1) picking the side of humans/earthlings (rarely, it seems) (if we are talking about those who are incarnated)
A2) using us as a tool
B) buy their way out by various means, most common one is to sacrifice enough souls of earthlings
C) get tired of it all and commit suicide by returning to their source (some of them who managed to obtain some quasi-empathy go through A1 phase before they pass away)
D) if their astral body is strong enough, they get rid of their souls (or they are taken back deliberately by their crestors) and searching for ones they can steal.
Does it make sense to you?
No one is doomed cause there is no Doom. There is Chance.
There is a chance, for one example, that some higher-level artificial beings will take a low-level one that is intended to be recycled under their protection.

That's where many secret societies and sects/cults are coming from.
That's one of the reasons for imposing certain beliefs on us.

And, as I see it (although I might be wrong) you are reflecting one of their ways of perceiving things:
"If someone wants to go back to Source then this is what this one should do. If do not want to go back then will continue how this one knows or accustomed to be/live. There is an eternity ahead of living every way possible if you like to live this way."
There's a lot of what I used to call "advanced narcissism" in (post)modern "New Age"-influenced view on spirituality.
We are here to create and procreate. To change the Multiverse for the better.
Among other things.
Not just to gain experience for ourselves which is supposedly - according to your views (as I get it) - is for "Source's"self in the end.
It's pointless. Why bother if you come from these solipsistic assumptions?
And if you are just a way for the "Source" to get experience, it's not for you to decide if and when you'll go back.
But I'm speculating here. You are not telling how you understand "the Source". So it's impossible to have a meaningful discussion.
All I can do is to recommend you something.
Have you read E.Fromm's works? I disagree with him on many issues (no wonder, considering his ancestry), but I still think you should read his "Art of Being".

2. Again, from my impression, your views on liberation and regression are messed up (for earthborn human being, that is).
I know I probably wasn't clear enough, but is it really so hard to comprehend that it is impossible to hate just in thoughts, without emotional component? I guess one should be able to discern her/his perceptions way above todays average level in order to understand it.
I'm not talking about hatred. I'm trying to explain that one has to form certain attitudes to what's arounds. His or her own principles. And live by them.
Otherwise it will be a regression.

#8 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2023-04-14 16:38:15

Some of following questions will sound kinda weird from a first glance, but they do make sense:

Can a human earthling become a full hermaphrodite (without medical intervention)?
What about humanoids from elsewhere?
How about the possibility to switch between having male and female genitals?
Can two humanoid women (non-biomodified artificially) give birth?

If so, is it beneficial?
How common it is now on Earth?
How common it is among other humanoids?
How common it was in previous human civilizations here?

What if someone unprepared properly for it will somehow obtain the abitity to alter her- or himself this way? Does it raise a possibility of being invaded by some sort of extraterrestial life (not necessarily humanoid) - i.e. is it dangerous?
What about artificial alteration? Can it lead to such consequences as well?


How much truth is in Shadowrun setting lore (for those who are not familiar with it I highly recommend to read some stuff)?

Have elves, dvares and other human-like beings really existed?
What about HMHVV (Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus)? UGE (Unexplained Genetic Expression)? Is there a connection with infamous new disease and murky liquid that they impose on us IRL?


Am I getting it right that time is linear in 3D, but they want to lock us up in a more-dimentional prison and the fact that we then will become more-dimentional will work against us opposed to what extradimentionality that we could developed ourselves would work?
Are we close to developing the latter? If so, maybe that's the reason why they are in such a hurry; they want to prevent it by any means?


Is there only one Galactic Federation?
What about the Federation of the Universe?
What are it's relations with Galactic Federation of Milky Way if it exists?


That's it for now.

#9 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-14 15:40:24

mitkobs wrote:

contradictory values.

mitkobs wrote:

Also accepting do not mean to condone and approve something that is detrimental, regressive, destructive. Accepting is for you to be free from judging, hating, opposing even what you consider evil and to have your peace of mind.

For me it doesn't make sense.
You do approve regressive and destructive if you are free from judging.

But I think I can see where you are comming from.
At least on a subconscious level almost everyone believe that thinking about anything or anyone as of something negatively is automatically means to experience negative emotions.
It seems that a part of understands it.
But there is a split, I suggest, because you have to little experience of it.
Hence your self-contradiction (although it's not the only reason for it).

It easier to decieve yourself that you are on you way to getting rid of negative emotions/vibrations than to actually do all the work needed on yourself.
So people mostly do the former (if they do anything at all).
Some say they do experience negative emothions, but do not indulge in them. It's just a mental/verbal speculation.
If one really succeds in not indulging, negative emotion goes away. This way (s)he can develop and improve (by constant practice) the skill of not going into negative states and stop them in a second automatically if they are trying to sink in.

It's much more complicated than that, ofc. But how much one can tell in a forum post...

#10 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-14 15:10:03

mitkobs wrote:

Individuality is crucial for developing a soul. If a soulless creature have the impulse to be connected with Everything is crucial to start developing individuality and get away from crowd/herd mentality bondage. Individuality is the only way to be able to internalize Everything little by little. Source is always One, not two, four or countless other divisions of consciousnesses. We go back to Source with integrating All That IS, or in other words becoming One again.

I think you are mistaking.
I percieve such worldview as a common misunderstanding among those who are into Occult/Esoterics caused by mind viruses / programming / connection with egregores that are hostile to humans.
That's a worldview of those whose souls were created artificially (like many narcs and psychos) that is imposed on us.
What do everyone mean when they/you talk about "Source"?
Why we should return to it?
It's Her in a way - the Great Yoni of the Universe - who gave birth to us through giving birth to a lot of things including Earth where we evolved naturally (both our bodies and souls) starting from microorganisms.
Why would a mother want to devour her own children back?
(It's a woman who gives birth. Where the idea of the male creator, which most of those who believes in a Source share, is coming from?)
Shouldn't she expect them to become something bigger and independent of her instead of recycling them?
Going "back" to what falsly represents Itself as a "Source", merging with it means dissolution.
They want us to think that we were created because it is needed for their futher expansion.
They need our experience, our souls (very nutrient-rich food, you know).

#11 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-14 14:34:52

Jupiter wrote:

Richard Grannon has some interviews with him, and I have watched a few videos. One big issue I found with him(besides being a diagnosed narcissist) is that he is inside the materialism science box and all his stuff is based on mainstream materialism science. As opposed to Richard Grannon who is a bit mainstream too but he does have a metaphysical/spiritual component, mainly through philosophy and philosophical ideas and concepts, but I remember a video where he mentioned some woo woo experiences. While from the few videos I watched from Vaknin my impression was that he is an atheist and hardcore materialist and doesn't have a metaphysical/spiritual bone in his body.

I watched hundreds of their videos and red Vaknin's book.
That was way too much, so I've been hooked up for a few years.
VKNN seem to be one of artificially created beings or maybe some naturally-born alien.
GRNNN seem to become "illuminated" (too long to tell how I came to that conclusion, but there are certain signs). He told a couple of times that he wanted to work for British Intelligence, that he used to train people from there, that some are his friends.
And have you watch his vids with Pierre X0?
They called they chanel "Tentacle Croissant" for some reason and ended up doing videos with the inside of a spaceship flying through space. They jokingly (I wonder how much of a joke it really was) pretend with a serious face that they are multidimentional creatures flying through space.
Pierre lives in Prague. Moved there from California. And Richard started to fly to Prague and he had been staying there for months more than once.
Prague is certainly a suspicious place (in terms of it meaning for the elites, secret societies). As well as Bohemia as a whole.

Offtop: I had been there in my early teens.
I wasn't into Occult stuff back then. But I had some intuition. I was fascinated by some things, others justled me. Or it could be both at the same time.
I remember how I was mezmerized by a look (and something deeper that I felt) of a woman(?) in cafe which most likely wasn't human...
I remember how we (me and my parents) were in a town with a quite large Ossuary that was famous for it. My parents traveled there specifically to visit this Ossuary. As far as I recall, I wasn't sure if I want to go there. This was a very hot summer day. We had a lunch in a cafe when we arrived. I ate several pizzas, drank some beer (back then they were fine with serving beer to teens as young as 12yo). So I felt not very good. I started to complain about it and asked my parents to return because of it. I even couldn't walk straigh (and we went to Ossuary by foot). They started to film me on camera (which I hated) and laughed at me accompanying it with mocking comments (as they had been doing since my early childhood. they laught at me when I asked them to stop and continued to film. they could start to film me deliberately because I hated it for "fun"... this is one of many examples of abuse. now you can understand why I'm in this topic and where my interest in narcissism is coming from). I can't remember if I refused to visit the Ossuary or was just to tired to go there. Probably it's both: I think my initial intent was to go with them (what choise do I had) and wait for them nearby outside. Anyways, at some point I felt so bad, so tired out that I coundn't walk anymore. We were walking through some square at that time. And they just left me on a bench there and went to Ossuary as they planned. A young kid in such a state in a unfamiliar city in a foreign country (and even didn't even knew Czech language; I knew English (not my first langluage) pretty well for my age, but most people there didn't), even without a phone. I thought they'll be will return in an our, but they absent for much longer. I wonder what were they doing there. I can't remember them showing me videos or photos - as they usually did. Hm... Why I haven't thought about it before. My father already been in Czech Republic before all three of us traveled there. It was a job trip. Supposedly at least.
And he also was in France when he hustled in a position of power.

#12 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2023-04-04 05:50:26

I haven't red the whole topic, so I don't know if Smuel "Sam" Vaknin was mentioned. He is considered today's leading expert on narcissism. Both this and the fact that he himself is a narcissist slready point to that he is actually misleading expert.
But I still recommend him to those who are interested in topic of narcissism. Ofc, you should be causious.
He's totally materialistic (or pretends to be), yet he certanly give out smth when he speaks about NPDs sacrificing themselves to Moloch and stuff. Ofc, he pretends that it's all just metaphors, illustration for better understanding of the narcs' psyche. Well, you'll understand it better if you'll understand that it's actually mostly NOT metaphores.

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