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#1 Re: English Forum » Why earse christianity » 2024-03-24 01:17:12

If "earse" means erase, then that's not that much different from the whole 'cancel-culture' thing (where we just silence that which we think should not exist).

To me, religion is important. Some people around me have said that "religions start wars" i.e "if we get rid of religion, there would be peace on earth".
I think most of the people in this forum are aware that we project our own "demons" unto the exterior world, and so these demons eventually start to become real in the exterior world. Which is the same as saying that if religion has become a mechanism of control and oppression, then this has originated in human character flaws and not in "religion" as a cultural construct.

Example: the first thing I get on a DDG search on "definition of religion" I get this: "The belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe." (source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition)

Now we go to the definition of "supernatural": Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.
Now we go to the definition of "natural" : Present in or produced by nature.

It doesn't say that "religion" is a "dogmatic and tyrannical structure of control" (which is how you apparently define it) simply because religion by itself is not the same as a hierarchical and/or patriarchal structure created around it in order to control people. There are many religious communities around the world where people do not "automatically default" to tyranny over one another. There are many Christians for whom Christianity is merely a set of ethical / moral / spiritual guidelines. And there are also many Christians who actually feel like their life and the life of their loved ones would be much worse off without their credo.

To me (as a pagan) Christianity is very important and continues to be. Somebody above said that we "need a higher power" in order to transcend our karma (in other words, programmed ways of thinking and behaving). You can call this "higher power" anything you want - according to Paul Selig this is called the "Upper Room" and it actually lives within you (just like Christ said that we are Gods). The point is that we cannot rely (just) on our own thinking because our thinking is unbalanced / affected by karma / and actually affects us negatively.

Personally, whenever somebody says "religion X is shit and we need to get rid of it" it makes me feel uncomfortable, because it reminds me too much of our modern (totalitarian) tendency to cancel anything we don't like. And secondly, whenever we say something like that, it means we don't understand that any structure of belief is made up of PEOPLE (individuals) and these individuals are all going to have a vastly different experience of what it means to them. Basically, we are creative entities.

Christianity has done a lot of damage, but so have our governments and educational institutions - to the point where "Believe the Science" has almost become a religion in and of itself. Along the same lines, there are a lot of rotten apples in some ideological factions. This doesn't mean that the entire cultural group or reality itself is of no value. If it were, then we need to just start canceling every single cultural phenomenon, one by one, until we have nothing left.

#2 Re: English Forum » Introducing myself + questions about phobia / black goo » 2023-12-07 20:53:55

Horton HaW wrote:

I had an ominous feeling about vaccines my entire life, (as well as some other things), but wasn't consciously aware it would become this.

The thing about whatever this is... you know, a premonition, an intuition, a hunch. I *know* there is something going on here, apparently you somehow know something that you don't yet know. With the jabs, you can now put your finger on it. You can state what it is. But otherwise, the intuition or hunch is just an abstract feeling that something is wrong, and personally I can't let that feeling go until I find out what it is.

Today I was looking for more information about it, and I found a picture showing the progression of computers: from enormous bricks the size of your room, to something the size of your wallet today. The next picture shows an oil rig in the past, and then it shows an oil rig today. Nothing changed in our energy department. My feeling is that this is very weird. Obviously it's been controlled, and new inventions discouraged. Obviously it's a money thing. But I still get the feeling that there is *more* to it than that.

In the article about the black goo, Swaruu says that the Black Goo is intelligent, that it has a consciousness, and that it can also be used for nefarious reasons. But petroleum appears to be innocent, simply the blood of the Earth. Which contradicts my feeling that there's something bad about petroleum.

I'm going to check out the links you posted.

#3 Re: English Forum » Introducing myself + questions about phobia / black goo » 2023-11-10 12:16:46


It doesn't always have to be a phobia. I called it a phobia because the fearful aspect of me wants it gone.
As a kid I took on a lot of negative energy from violent and abusive people, and my fear is to repeat that process.

Sort of feeling that if I breathe that stuff in, then I will be complicit in its negativity. Ergo I have to reject it.
This is me wrestling with it. smile I agree that it would be best for me to keep a cool head.

#4 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2023-11-10 11:45:30

Yesterday I assumed that there was no intro thread, but obviously there is, so;

I'm in my thirties, I'm Dutch.
I don't work at the moment but I'm trying to create a business involving survival skills and the Shadow. Shadow is my favorite topic of all, in this day and age where (as a society) we are running away from it at high speed.

I'm following Swaruu and the others pretty much to ensure an open mind, to prevent conformity and complacency, to prevent a one-size-fits-all approach to thinking.
We're all in the Matrix here and it would be nice if as a group we could learn to un-matrix ourselves, and even start something like communities outside of it. I'm hopeful that the future will be something like that, enclaves of free thinkers, sort of like a new revolution.

I don't necessarily want to "leave" Earth or escape to some other planet, yet it would be great if we could shed the falsity about society (my own arrogance included)


Edit: can relate to Tecumseh's posts about flat-landers!

#5 Re: English Forum » Introducing myself + questions about phobia / black goo » 2023-11-10 11:35:09

Balance is a good answer.

I wasn´t intending on sticking myself directly behind an exhaust pipe tongue

What I would like is to understand why to me it seems like such a "damaging thing" speaking in purely spiritual and energetic terms.

As if breathing that stuff could render me somehow disconnected from Source. I was investigating this black goo thing because I hoped to figure out why I'm so paranoid about it (whether there are any grounds to be paranoid about it). Whether there are any particles or entities in it at all with a "dark intention". Or whether it's just me, blowing everything out of proportion. When I go out into the street I barely dare breathe. So it's kind of messing with me (making Hortons' point relevant)

Then there's a strange sensation that I came from a planet where there we made no use of oil or petrol, where "our" way of living did not involve any.
And then on Earth you've got the  "Just Stop Oil" club but I'm pretty sure those people are puppets of the cabal...

Thanks for the input :-)

#6 Re: English Forum » Completion/breaking of the starseed contract, leaving planet Earth. » 2023-11-09 22:34:37

If it helps any at all, you can shift timelines even within this life (there are actually a couple of transcripts on that subject here, I haven't read them in detail).
This happened to me. I was the subject of abuse as a kid and watched my parents as they auto-destructed.

In my twenties I was depressed and traumatized. I can tell you this is not fun.
In my late twenties I underwent a personality change that nobody, not even me, expected. I really feel like a higher power caused me to change.

Now in my mid-thirties a lot of the contracts I had with other entities/beings, (for example, co-dependency) are broken, and I'm increasingly free to choose.
Earth is not what it seems - we think it is one thing, or that it is static, but that is not true. There are many parallel realities and parallel lives to be had here.

The contracts you have now may shift, you might even break free from them as you shift your own timeline.
Physical reality does not mean that you cannot shift across dimensions and timelines.

I hope that helps.

#7 Re: English Forum » Help raise the frequency of this planet - Does anyone care anymore? » 2023-11-09 22:10:31

New to the party here,

I really appreciate the open-heartedness in these posts, and the honest reactions.
Can relate to Tecumseh and to the connection with entities and beings in the spirit world that are nearby but are not the same to interact with.

On a good note, I have noticed a lot of people "coming down to Earth" more recently, and an improvement of personal relationships I have with people, where they appreciate me the way I am, and vice versa. There are days where I wish that I'd be brought back to my galactic family though.

Really great to see that there's some of you on here who really like this place, that actually raises the spirit quite a bit.

#8 English Forum » Introducing myself + questions about phobia / black goo » 2023-11-09 21:53:14

Replies: 13

Hi Terrestrials and non-terrestrials,

I haven't seen any introductory thread, but I figured I should introduce myself anyway.
I'm in my thirties, I live in Europe, I'm a spiritually minded and interested in liberation from the Matrix.

I initially discovered the website because I was looking around for information on "black goo" and/or on pollutants or contaminants.
Since reading the transcripts about that, I became interested in everything else here and now I'm here to stay... smile

My question may seem weird, (then again "weird" is relative) and I'm curious to see if you've any opinions...
For most of my life I've had a phobia of exhaust fumes, mostly car fuels, train fuels, ship fuels, jet fuels, etc...

I'm HSP and tend to be aware of frequencies, for example, I'm usually aware if something carries a low or high frequency.
I've convinced myself  1. That these exhaust fumes have a very low frequency, and 2. That they alter peoples frequency.

And I'm here to ask you, do you think this is my phobia / mental illness speaking, or am I onto something?
The weird thing is that for the life of me I cannot find ANY-one at all who is experiencing this same phobia.

I find that very strange.

Another thing is that I used to have weird "images" in my head of buildings covered in a very viscous black substance.
Kind of like the videogame "Prince of Persia", if anyone here remembers that.

Looking forward to any thoughts,


Edit: I completely missed the introduction thread but I see it now tongue (I'm tired)

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