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#1 Re: English Forum » Artificial Portals - Mari Swaruu » 2024-04-14 12:24:49

Horton HaW wrote:

I think this video answers your question CyrusB. Simply put. It is the dominant frequency principal. The portal transforms the object to be more compatible with the destination. Think of it as constant calculations called frequency modulation.

Hi Horton, thanks.  Yes, I was thinking it modified a point where you started and a point where you finish, matching their frequencies.  It seems more likely, as you said, that it changes the frequency of the thing that passes inside it to match the new area.  That's a fascinating idea to me, though I wonder how the portal keeps you from appearing in the ground.  Or if that's happened before?  Hopefully, Mari or Yazhi will talk more about portals in the future

#2 Re: English Forum » Artificial Portals - Mari Swaruu » 2024-04-13 12:51:48

It feels like Mari's been describing portals all the way back to her Starship navigation videos, but I was wondering if someone could help with an aspect of portals?  Portals work by aligning the frequency of two areas mathematically; both areas share the same frequency, and so, you can travel to this other area by moving into it.  The part I don't understand is, if you are standing in a portal, you are standing in both places simultaneously.  How do you move into the new place?  There's no wormhole like Stargate, there's no "jumping" like Battlestar Galactica (though I think the Taygetan beam ships may work like this).  You are literally in both places at the same time.  If you move forward, why would you move to the new place, and not stay in the old?

#3 Re: English Forum » Mari: On Aliens and Extra-terrestrials living among you » 2024-03-13 15:52:22

words from Jan 6, 2023, Extraterrestrials Living Among You, 1:49 - 9:35.  Mari goes into more detail in the 1/6/2023 video

#4 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview, Part 3 -Mari » 2024-03-11 14:11:09

At 6:33, Arishah, speaking on the Federation, says, "they claim that Earth is a school and that nothing that happens there is real, not even the suffering, as it is only more of that learning experience"
  Couldn't this be used to support any injustice or tyranny the Galactic Federation wanted to commit?

#5 Re: English Forum » Alpha Dracos, Alpha Draconians, Space Dragons - Mari » 2024-03-09 23:38:00

I realize a picture may be impossible, but I'd love to hear more about Dragon spaceships.  Given their love for telepathy, they must be mentally controlled, but it sounds fascinating

#6 Re: English Forum » Mari: Escape from the Matrix, video number 2, Shorts » 2024-03-08 01:04:21

from 1:34 on, the same text as the Jan 24, 2024 video, "Short Videos, Escape the Matrix, Compilation"

#7 Re: English Forum » Mari: "Hexa-Dimensional Space-Time" » 2024-02-25 19:09:21

Hi, I've enjoyed reading the response above to this video.  While watching the video and just for a bit of fun, I took some notes on video clips I thought may help understand the "Earth science" position on time vs. the "Advanced interstellar" hexa-dimensional mathematics version.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around 3 axes of time, this helps me understand it a bit better.

"Earth Science" position on time:
  If you travel in time, you can meet yourself
  See Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (the prison trash can scene at 0:45)
  Also the Back to the Future trilogy (especially Back to the Future 2) and the movie Timecop

closer to the multi-dimensional, time perspective
  The Simpsons, Treehouse of Horrors V (Homer time travels with a broken toaster)
  also, The method of time-traveling in Michael Crichton's Timeline (infinite versions of your destination line lie in the quantum foam)

These don't take into account your observation of time affecting it, but they're a start

#8 Re: English Forum » Importance of understanding Time - Mari Swaruu » 2024-02-17 17:27:28

10:47   "in the case of fully interstellar cultures, their science understands that there are three dimensions in space and three dimensions in time"

I can understand space in 3 dimensions, and I can understand time in relation to moving a point in 3D space. (Motion = forward time progression)
I don't understand 3 dimensions in time, beyond the perception of time.  You can predict what is coming, and alter things to have that happen, but that isn't actual time.  It's your perception.

I hope Mari goes into more detail on the 3 dimensions of time in the next video

#9 Re: English Forum » Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Second Part. » 2024-02-10 14:15:26

Hi, I just wanted to quickly mention a movie that uses the same type of time travel as what Mari is speaking of in her video, just in case you were interested enough to want to see it "in action"
Mari Swaruu (1:26-1:45)  if today we have a room with no windows, decorated as if it were the year 1945, with all its objects in a certain position and somehow we transport a man from that same year into the room, he will not see any difference from his year. he will assume it is still 1945.

This is literally the basis of the time travel idea used in the movie Somewhere in Time[1980].  No Delorean.  No machine with handles and spinning fans in the back.  Just the belief of the mind.  As Christopher Reeve's professor in the movie says,
"I was in Venice in 1971, staying in a very old hotel, but I mean very old; the structure, the furnishings, everything.  the atmosphere was aged, if you follow me.  In my room, I felt as though it was a century or more earlier than 1971...
...  One afternoon, I was lying down in that room, all the sights around me a part of the past, even the sounds I heard.  And I conceived a notion. "What, " I asked myself, "if I attempt to hypnotize my mind -- suggest to it that it isn't 1971, but 1571"...
I closed my eyes and fed a suggestion into my brain.  "It's August, 1571.  I'm in the Hotel Del Vecchio.  I spelled out details for myself, kept doing it over and over.  august, 1571, the hotel, the details of the past.  Again and again and again."
Christopher Reeve takes this idea and builds on it.  It's a wonderful movie, regardless of the time travel aspect, with a magnificent soundtrack by John Barry, but I know of no other movie that attempts time travel in this manner.

And, of course, it begs the question, if you can change your frequency enough to actually travel through time, what other things are possible?

#10 Re: English Forum » Letter for the Galactic Federation, January 7th 2024 » 2024-01-07 16:23:29

0:46  this information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I publish it for entertainment purposes only.  still I take my information very seriously, for whoever has eyes to see
3:44  when you mix science fiction with real messages, the general population tends to see all of it as science fiction, failing to understand the real reason it was published.  Therefore it is not to be considered a viable way to take for granted that you disclosed your plans to the general population

#11 Re: English Forum » Space News 8, Galactic Federation Update for January 5th 2024 » 2024-01-06 17:51:36

If there's a meeting with the many races of the Federation in orbit, and the Taygetans do not attend that meeting, it seems they are weakening their position in view of the other races.  Especially if their reasoning was, "It's not safe for our Queen" or "There's subtle mind control at the meeting"  It seems the other races would say, "Oh, well let us take care of everything and then you'll be safer"  I realize the Taygetans are writing a letter, but those letters have been ignored by the Federation before.  I hope the Urmah at least were in attendance [they love a good fight!]

#12 Re: English Forum » Films that makes you think, let's share them » 2023-12-09 15:44:20

Defending Your Life [1991]  a romantic-comedy about a man who dies and is taken to Judgment City, where you can eat all you want, and fall in love with Meryl Streep.  Also, you have to defend your actions in life and prove you've faced your fears and are ready to move on (or, as they say in the movie, move beyond the 3% of your brain)  A funny, but fascinating movie


#13 Re: English Forum » Kara of Temmer, assistant of HRH Alenym Alexandra, is she new? UPDATE » 2023-12-08 15:15:18

yes, go to video for knowing who is being mentioned from the Crew.   Zael, Arien, Pyxis Elexa, Aydan Isar, Tar'el and Ami'kleth are new.  Of course, Aneeka has passed on as well (RIP)

#14 Re: English Forum » Jesus » 2021-02-06 15:18:16

I've listened to (and enjoyed) Part 1 of the discussion of Jesus by Swaruu & Gosia.  I'm trying to reconcile a passage from her dialogue:

30:41  The texts themselves are not a reliable account of Palestinian society at the time because in itself it was a total conflict zone. With few or no freedoms for the population since it is known that it was the time when Titus dominated the area militarily with the idea or mission of suppressing the rebellion.

If Jesus lived, it would have been before the time of Titus[b. 39AD  d. 89AD]  Would it be more appropriate to say, "Rome dominated the area militarily"?   Or am I mixing the propaganda year of Jesus's birth (0 AD) with the life of Titus?

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