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#1 Re: English Forum » HELP TAYGETANS MAKE MONEY SO THEY DON"T HAVE TO GO » 2023-10-18 01:35:19

Athena and Yazhi mentioned in a recent chat they can see earth from the window of their ship. I'd be willing to fork over some serious $$ for an actual photo of earth from said window.

#2 Re: English Forum » So is this what you would consider a download? » 2022-09-06 17:35:50

Genoveva wrote:

After reading Kahi's posting, it reminds me why the word download always bothered me. And probably always will.

And yes, it's just a word, after all. We don't have a dedicated term, so we use this one.

It bothers me because semantically it is suggesting that the person who gets the information is... what? A drone? A piece of hard drive? A receptacle?

Whatever occurs during an event like this, it is far from a "download". Hence, it is a term that it was introduced with malicious intent. This term is misleading the person into thinking that they are little and limited.

In actuality, this is far from the truth! You are not limited, you access the info that it's eternally there, through your consciousness, awareness, focus. This is because you resonate with that specific frequency, and that's that! Nobody is gifting you with anything! It's your level of awareness that is giving you access to that layer. And definitely nobody can take it away from you. That's if you don't allow external influences to trick you into withdrawing your perceptive abilities.

But if you think that you are this little entity who receives crumbs of info, well, that's what you keep manifesting for yourself.

Memory is not stored by your body or by your brain. Memory is stored in the fabric of the universe. Some call it ether, some call it akasha, etc. What belongs to you is the ability to access it.

I'm thinking of a funny scenario... if memory was stored at the bearer, can you imagine how big would be the head of someone who lives for aeons?

I don't understand how one would get so triggered by semantics and then have the opinion that this event would cause someone to think they are little or limited, or a "drone." This is a ridiculous assumption. In fact, it is quite the opposite, it's very expansive and a fascinating experience, particularly when you know exactly where it's coming from.  Since you never had an actual experience of this yourself, I'll rest on that.

#3 Re: English Forum » So is this what you would consider a download? » 2022-09-06 15:06:54

arkangel wrote:

The other night I was between wake and sleep, that place where I seem to have no control but can remember things from. I can remember a flood of images that felt like they were coming to me and going past so fast I couldn't make any of them out. I also felt my eyes twitching side to side while the images passed.

Nothing seems to be different, not remembering or seeing anything new.

I have had a few of these, sometimes in digital format, sometimes in geometric symbols. The information does seem to "disappear." I'll explain my view of that in a sec.

In lieu of tossing the entire topic into the new age BS dustbin, once again we have to use our personal discernment. I don't ascribe to putting everything woo woo into a hat and throwing it away, that's just too simplistic for this level we are playing on. It's also easy to just ignore it all and call it MKUltra programming. The borg doesn't care which dustbin you put it into as long as you aren't using the information you receive. Also it bears consideration that those who put anything "new age" into a dustbin simply are not going down that timeline themselves, which is fine, doesn't mean that applies to the rest of us actively using said information.  If I'm engaging with a timeline, I far prefer the new age one over the MLUltra one. 

Having stated my POV...  those periods of what you are calling downloads, that's also what I call them. The information comes in as light language, makes no sense to the mind because it is intended for DNA activation and/or for the part of your energy/mental body that holds information not yet processable by the mind. You may have noticed that your brain is not storing memory the way it used to; that's related to the electromagnetic changes taking place on earth. We're moving from cassette tape minds to the quantum field and your DNA needs upgrading for this process.  We've all had the experience of being asked, "Who sang X song ?" and not being able to recall the memory right away, but then it just pops into your mind later. What is this about? It's about learning to access memory from your energy/mental body. The longer you are on earth, the more information stored in your brain, the more you can think of your energy/memory body as a sort of off-site data storage facility that will be unlocking as you proceed through the energetic changes coming.

It doesn't hurt us to explore Woo Woo World with an open mind. No matter what explanation one ascribes to, you have to admit this planet is undergoing some pretty far out sheet.

#4 Re: English Forum » Markets » 2022-09-06 14:26:58

Scott Summers wrote:

An Arcturian precious metals trader? My oh my, I learn something new everyday!

The rich who own RE fully paid up will be fine. However, they will also dump RE save for their home. Reason is that everyone else who isn’t rich will be dumping or defaulting on their mortgages. This will tank RE prices.

Why is that? Interest rates will be minimum 20% and possibly 30%. Most people alive have not lived through the period where such interest rates were considered normal.
What is considered normal today is 0-1.5%.

You’re absolutely astute to buy a farm. That produces food and is different from RE investment.

We’re getting close now. I am now even more convinced of my position.

Buckle up, everyone.

Well... I'm not an Arcturian, I'm an average human with a very smart higher self, way too smart to come down to this insane planet where the script has run totally off the rails. The 9th dimensional Arcs have advanced time technology so basically, without knowing it until the past couple of years, I've benefited from this tech all my life. It's been quite the wild ride.

Thank you for reminding me about Weimar. I had read this years this years ago and forgot about it. A repeat of that is certainly possible, perhaps even probable, but we face an unknown in that our Plastic President Dictator has the ability to sign any EO placed in front of it that could easily throw a spanner into the entire reset process, just for kicks. Nonetheless, I'm totally on board with your positions as they stand today.

Just got back from looking at farm property, everyone is dropping their prices, desperation is in the air. Interesting sync that you said "buckle up"... my motto for the past couple of months has been "Buckle up, Buttercup."  Onward we oink!

#5 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-09-05 20:07:45

Manifestgirl wrote:

Wow, so grateful. Will take your advice as far as instinct goes, being more trusting of it and not second guessing myself when I get impulses and insights. I do feel I get answers when I ask with total expectation to receive answers, guess I didn't consider the answers were coming from my higher self, makes sense.

I read the info on the link you generously provided, so this link provided detoxing from the cv19shot (MRNA). Is it the same as all other vax given? Especially the ones that caused Autism? My grandson developed it after the MMR vax.

Again, I'm truly grateful for the info shared.
Much love to you!

Well I can't say for sure, but it is my understanding that the spike protein has been and is still being "tested" in many vaccines over the years and certainly focusing on the food suggestions, like bananas and the vegetable suggestions, cannot hurt. Holistically speaking, any type of detoxing is beneficial after any type of vaccine, chemical or pharmaceutical exposure and this list is particularly helpful because it has dosages and comes in a handy chart form.

Yep, second guessing is a killer. I try never to do it. LOL

#6 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-09-05 19:03:50

Manifestgirl wrote:
Du An wrote:

MG, I've been thinking a lot about your video and the intent behind it because it brings up a major dilemma we are all facing... how to create and guide the future of earth and humans in general.  There are some critical points of information I received from my higher self, who is a 9th dimensional Arcturian and member of the Arcturian High Council (I am merely her human avatar.) She is not a voting member of the GF directly, but obviously the Arcturian High Council has a representative member on the GF and that representative relays all GF information to its members. It's a rather complicated hierarchy but not much different from human hierarchies because we learned our organizational formats from ETs, i.e. ships, captains, commanders, fleets, councils and so forth.

WOWZERS Du An, this was beyond informative. I have been trying to connect with my higher self to receive clearer contact through my meditations but sadly haven't been successful yet. Other than setting the intention while meditation I don't really know what else I can do. I strongly believe I am a Starseed because as a toddler, I'm speaking of being 2-3 years old, I have very strong memories of understanding wayyy more than my 2 yr old self should have, and although I didn't have the words to articulate it, I believed Everyone religious in my family was crazy and I grew up in a very very religious family and I instinctively repelled religion, all of them. I had nightmares for years, serious night terrors, and felt out of place with my very loving family. I had no understanding of those feelings until I was in my 20's. I'd be interested in hearing How you actually communicate with your HS? Like what's your process, because I'm certain it would be helpful to me.

I'm on video 189 of the  playlist and the more I watch, the more I feel like the personal video and petition is useless so I really hope you're spot on with your assessment of this situation. I just can't help but feel like we need to do more but likely nothing we do outwardly will have much effect.

So appreciate your input and the opportunity to expand my consciousness by learning from other varied perspectives. I reallly enjoy it.

Thank you again Du An, Much love! big_smile

You're most welcome, MG. I really can't guide you very well about how I connected with my higher self because I trained as a shaman with a Dakota medicine woman and used that training to open the channel. I can say that everyone has a plan when they incarnate and that plan is compiled with the help of your guides and your higher self, whose purpose is to guide you 24/7 to achieve the goals you set for yourself in that life plan. Every intuition you receive forwards that plan, your free will determines whether you listen and act on it, or not.  If you have good intuition, realize this is where it comes from, ask for more guidance and expect it, ask direct questions and expect answers. Even if they are not immediately forthcoming, trust they will come.

A few days ago I asked my higher self to provide me with information related to your original question regarding your grandchild and this was provided today: … fter-mrna/

#7 Re: English Forum » Markets » 2022-09-05 18:47:12

mryang wrote:

The idea that someone can predict this kind of change to the date, is of course interesting as it is easy to confirm. Let's see.

As a believer of the total reset and "The Event" (as written in my lengthy post), I have an inner knowing that this will come, but so severe, no one should even think about gold or silver, but rather aim for government independence, apple trees and clean flowing water as "the gold" to invest in. As the poster before me said - Learn DIY - That is the ultimate "currency".

With that said, I believe markets follow efficiency and logic:

- Dollar is the last currency standing. Whatever people say about the end of the dollar, they also mean that every other FIAT currency on the planet will end before. Why? The entire world is built on dollar technology. Try to trade anything of value that has not the dollar incorporated in its trade as a means of business and you will end up in a cave. US companies is driving this planet and that will not change before this "reset".

- Crypto will NEVER be the savior of this planet, quite the opposite. There are so many illogical conclusions about crypto in general that it baffles me. Untraceable? No. Government independent? Absolutely not. Technologically advanced? Yes and no. The VISA card system is just about a million times faster for starters. The idea that someone wants to replace the carrier of money that itself has a value is just insanely stupid. One must ask - after 13 years of existence - why has Bitcoin not become widely adopted in retail and not even used in practical terms among the holders - Because people are using it 99,9% for speculation.

Acceptance is made through brainwashing and hopium. Greed is its nutrition. Beyond common sense and the end of it, we will see the emperors naked body for what it is truly worth, hopefully sooner than later.

For the future however, financial collapse - I believe - is the least of our "worries".

I agree with everything you wrote here, mryang, and thank you for reminding us about your post The Event. I went back and read it again. I have never seen a more concise account of the ascension process and I am so grateful you took the time to share that with us all. I never commented the first time because I was literally lost for words.

#8 Re: English Forum » Markets » 2022-09-05 18:20:27

Scott Summers wrote:

1) Real estate and the dollar’s purchasing power are tied at the hip. They fall together, as rents rise.

(I don’t personally agree with the 15:1 ratio, but I wouldn’t want to debate Rafi big_smile)

I don't agree with the 15:1 ratio either but I would love to debate Rafi about real estate/$$ purchase power. Did you note he muttered a little disclaimer having to do with "location?" He's looking at the average price and mortgage interest rates without taking into consideration some markets are thoroughly not tied at the hip, particularly those markets where people don't have mortgages, i.e. the rich or at least well-to-do, OR those who don't use banks/debt to fund their lives and live smaller than their actual means. So his "rule" doesn't apply across the board and can be worked around.  If you are/were savvy enough to study RE markets, save enough money to buy your first starter home in a good neighborhood without using a bank, lived in it through the 2008 crash, you would have made more over time than almost any other financial investment in existence, not to mention have a debt free place to live. I'm not saying this was easy, only possible using good, old intuition. 

The financial and banking markets are set up for one thing and one thing only - to divest working people of their money so it flows into the globalists' pockets. This is accomplished in large part by the short sell which wasn't legal until around the early 1980's when I was a precious metals trader. I knew then what the intent of shorts were and changed careers. But before that I had put all my extra money into 5 oz. silver bars, had a large safe deposit full of them, average price $14/oz. Hahaha.. INFLATION!... What a loser! Luckily I followed my own advice about real estate back then and hedged my eventual retirement by buying a house on the beach in Florida. INFLATION! The Florida RE market went berserk when DeSantis unlocked the state during COVID and everyone who could moved to Florida. It's now time to capture the tax-free profit and buy a farm.

There's one thing about globalists: their plans are always multi-dimensional, which always leaves space for work-arounds.

#9 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-09-04 19:04:00

MG, I've been thinking a lot about your video and the intent behind it because it brings up a major dilemma we are all facing... how to create and guide the future of earth and humans in general.  There are some critical points of information I received from my higher self, who is a 9th dimensional Arcturian and member of the Arcturian High Council (I am merely her human avatar.) She is not a voting member of the GF directly, but obviously the Arcturian High Council has a representative member on the GF and that representative relays all GF information to its members. It's a rather complicated hierarchy but not much different from human hierarchies because we learned our organizational formats from ETs, i.e. ships, captains, commanders, fleets, councils and so forth. 

Anyway, to get to the point, the GF does not micromanage on an individual level. It does not take requests or input from individuals, nor does it care about individual entities (like you and me) because there are trillions of them and that is not their purpose. That's why there is a representative hierarchy in place. For that reason your video would not be viewed, at least by them. (I'm pretty sure this was covered at one time by the Tays.) 

That said, your intentions are noted and relayed by your higher self to whatever hierarchy it is part of, meaning if you are a starseed you are represented already simply by being here as a volunteer to earth during this particular cycle.  It's really important, if one identifies as being a starseed, to connect with their star family, understand your heritage, strive to remember anything you can about your pre-life plan and mission goals, and have a close telepathic relationship with your higher self. That should be on everyone's To-Do List if they haven't done so already.

I believe the topic of higher selves came up in a Swaruu chat during The Papayas, where she said the Federation decided not to "take the pulse" of what humans wanted, instead they would seek each individual's soul intent (vote) via their higher selves because it was becoming apparent to them that humans were too damaged to even process informed consent. To an extent this is true enough and made sense to me, but it really angered a lot of people. However, "the Federation decreed" and that was that. This confirmed what I'd already heard from my higher self, and in fact, the reason I still watch Gosia's videos after all these years is because they often confirm what I've already learned from my higher self. My HS told me on the very day the earth went on lockdown that a papaya would be forthcoming and "to take or not to take" was basically our vote (but it could be overridden under certain circumstances.)

Bottom line: whatever intention you set forth on a soul level is recorded in your akash. Other than whatever direct action we take here as avatars, this is really the only "vote" we have at this point, but it's a huge one.

#10 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-09-04 17:26:56

07wideeyes wrote:

Even if the Federation don't see the videos or take any notice, don't you think that the very act of doing it, the positive energy involved and transmitted, is a good thing, makes a difference? I do. It's like some artists. They create, whether or not lots of people are going to look at their paintings. They do it because it's what they do, and because it's a 'good thing'.

I like this answer very much, 07wideeyes. Creating is what we do and it is a very good thing, obviously coveted by the beings who cannot create at all or they would not have taken control of all aspects of our creative energy. Getting published, becoming famous, making tons of money... it's all corrupted by greed and ego and it's going away. Thus we are freed to write books, poetry, make music, paint, whatever, without conforming to some AI notion of art or censorship, and it all goes into our akashic record: our personal, eternal quantum soul journal.

#11 Re: English Forum » The Great Reset » 2022-09-03 14:16:43

Just butting in here... Since no one has mentioned it yet (I believe) I just want to clarify this thing about "sovereigns." It should be plain to everyone that the negative beings are masters of inversion, i.e. they steal ideas because they cannot create, they co-opt our creative abilities to their own means (microvirus6 said this above) and they invert the meanings of words to confuse and confound. The literal meaning of sovereign is a person who has declared their total independence from all matrix system traps like allopathic medicine and pharmaceuticals, education/indoctrination, banking and finance, politics, religion, etc.  A sovereign individual does not get put on "The A List" so they get to suck off the cabal teat for eternity.  They are inverting the entire meaning of sovereignty as individual action and freedom of choice. This nomenclature switcheroo is their entire playbook writ large.

How does one become sovereign? By setting the intention and letting your higher self guide the events and synchronicities that make it happen, by guiding you to the information you need to exit the matrices one-by-one.  Go back and listen to the D'hor Kristal material, particularly about "going it alone." When the Tays talk about "alone" that is what sovereignty means. It's not for everyone, obviously, but it certainly doesn't apply to the blood suckers and baby killers.

#12 Re: English Forum » Markets » 2022-09-03 01:45:45

Scott Summers wrote:

That night, Oink went online and did a bit of research. He was shocked to find the following...

19 August 2022:

In a major embarrassment for banking giant JP Morgan and the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), a federal jury in a US criminal trial has convicted Michael Nowak, global head of JP Morgan’s precious metals trading and former LBMA board member, on 13 counts of attempted price manipulation, commodities fraud, wire fraud, and spoofing prices in the gold, silver, platinum and palladium futures markets. … y-us-jury/

It appears Oink should have done his due diligence before purchasing his silver and thereby saved himself the angst of being surprised by the sordid history of silver market manipulation, in particular the infamous Hunt Brothers scheme, notably one of the biggest frauds perpetrated in the history of the US investment markets. … ver-market

However, when investing in any trading market, the investor should consider their goals and purpose. Is said purchase an investment to make money? Work as a hedge against inflation? Or a hedge against financial collapse and possible economic chaos? Since the latter was his primary goal, Oink can rest assured that physical silver is the best investment he could have made given his personal financial situation. He could put aside another $1000, wait on the sidelines for the spot price to go down even further, buy more and thereby lower his initial buy-in price.

The question remains: What will an Eagle actually buy in the event of a collapse?

#13 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-09-01 13:28:32

Manifestgirl wrote:

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Why have the Taygetans and others pulled away from the Federation, if the fed isn't "the bad guys" so to speak, then why remove your affiliation if overall their position is neutral?
In 2022 are Gosia & Robert still in contact with the Taygetan team or has the Fed Stopped them from communicating with Earth altogether?
Does anyone here on the Forum also feel that it's now useless to send a video asking for cosmic cousins to provide assistance?
Thank You all in advance, much love <3

We all had to face this at one point or another on our personal journey- the GF is not going to help us. In fact their "neutrality" takes the form of regulating the galactic trade in humans. Hard to fathom, I know, but I learned this directly from the GF myself. 

Secondly, the P's are definitely trying to help us but they are only giving us their "personal" piece of the puzzle, which is infinitely helpful in helping us recover our history and understanding the rest of the cosmic picture. Indeed, the group that Gosia and Robert have worked with are one of the few who actually are helping us. But they are not Earthlings/Gaians/Terrans, they are not down here, their bodies are not composed of earth elements and, being more of a military-type operation, are not particularly spiritually oriented. They do not live on Gaia and therefore do not understand the earth as a being like humans can and do. I am grateful for all that Gosia and Robert have provided to us, but I realize it is up to ME, to all starseeds, to find a way to remember our mission here. Every one of us chose to be here and we all came in with a plan. It's up to us to remember it and execute it to the best of our abilities.

What you are seeking can only be found inside you. I'm sure you've heard this a million times but it's true. The only help we will receive is from Gaia's ascended aspect and this must come from a personal relationship between you and her. ET's past and present, along with mainstream religion, want us always "looking up" for help, when the real answers only come from your heart connected to Gaia through your feet.  This is not a popular topic on this forum however, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, only to say: Connect with Gaia and establish a personal relationship with her. Stand on bare earth in your bare feet and feel her.  She loves you, she will speak with you if you ask, and she will provide all the answers you seek. You may also enlist the aid of her elemental beings, animals and trees. This is really our only option and this is why it must be human "boots on the ground" who save ourselves by assisting Gaia in establishing and populating her new 5d realm. If you are a starseed, you took a human body and brought with you enhanced DNA and advanced skills. When you identify as a cosmic citizen instead of "just a human," the whole picture becomes much more clear.

#14 Re: English Forum » Markets » 2022-09-01 00:08:53

Scott Summers wrote:

Oink has only managed to save USD1,000. He’s worried about the rising costs of living, so he invests his USD1,000 in silver. He would like gold, but he can’t afford it.

An American Eagle silver coin at 1 oz costs USD 30.65

For USD980, Oink bought himself 32 Silver Eagles.

So let’s follow Oink’s journey

As of close on 8/31, Oink has already lost $1 per coin on the spot price ($18.13 today.) He paid a $13 minting premium over spot for each Eagle, he would have been better off purchasing 1 oz bars that are around $5 over spot, thereby having more actual silver for his bucks.

One might ask: why is silver so low, given the Great Reset, preppers, etc. buying silver? Silver is primarily an industrial metal traded in the futures market and orders for industrial products are tanking; silver futures contracts are a good indication of the overall economy. Right now silver is a bargain compared to the past 10 years (high around $45) but a bad omen at the same time.   

I'm betting Oink will do fine in the event he actually has to purchase things with his silver; it's much easier to unload for small ticket necessities than gold.  If the economy turns around and he doesn't need to use them he can unload his Eagles for a profit, provided he keeps them nice and shiny, though he will have to make up most of the mint premium in the higher spot price.

#15 Re: English Forum » ET twimflames or soul mates » 2022-08-28 17:15:07

When I was very young I used to go outside at night every chance I had to stare at the Orion The Hunter constellation and "pine for home." When I met my other half in 1989, his name was Hunter and as soon as he said it, I knew who he was and that this was a code we had chosen in our between life plan so we would remember who we are. We married soon after and since then we have both undergone Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions to uncover memories of our past lives and between lives.  When you unlock those memories through hypnosis they become real memories. We have had past earth lives and prior ET lives together and apart and have switched genders and relationship roles.  One unique thing is that we occasionally both have the same dream at night. What is most interesting to us is that we have memories our true home that we built together (not on earth) and we both have "memories" of a future ET life together, where we have a small starship, a research vessel attached to the Arcturian fleet. That memory I actually had myself without the aid of QHHT. It is currently orbiting above the earth with a small crew while we are down here working our current mission. We have had many lives and many missions together.

If you have not read/listened to it yet, Athena Swaruu's chat on Soul Traps ( … ena-swaruu) has some interesting information on memory.

#16 Re: English Forum » Help, Im new, please advise » 2022-08-28 11:28:59

Dear Manifestgirl, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your grandchild. Hopefully you will be the light that shines through to the new mom.

Autism is a clear manifestation of everything that is going wrong with earth today, but all of us have suffered toxic assault throughout our stay on this poor, abused planet. I have used the above-suggested remedies of zeolite and coriander for general detoxing of heavy metals (I did not get the papaya shot myself, 70 years of living on a toxic planet is probably similar) and had great results with both of them. Whether you are old or an infant, in detoxing  "slow and mild" is the way to go to avoid a strong Herxheimer reaction.  Both of these substances fit that bill. Of the two, zeolite is probably stronger and can easily be added in powdered form to a child's diet. It would not be a bad idea for the mother to take it too. I'm not a doctor so you would want to research giving zeolite to an infant.

I wish you luck in manifesting an awakening in your daughter/step-daughter. Perhaps success in this early stage will bring her around to the light.

#17 Re: English Forum » Kim Goguen Disclosure Post » 2022-08-20 19:05:35

Didn't like Kim Goguen from Day One, even less now that she has become such a distraction.  This was posted in March of 2020 but I just found it today so I'm posting it for those still involved in this discussion. It lists lawsuits and court actions in which she is named for fraudulent activity, i.e. bilking people out of "millions" but it also claims she is hiding out in the desert living in poverty... Hmmm.... no other comment. 

https://www.newhumannewearthcommunities … ann-goguen

#18 Re: English Forum » Is Cosmic Love Between Taygetan and Earthling Possible » 2022-08-20 17:23:51

Mwafriqa wrote:

I had a most bizarre vision/astral journey after meditation this morning. It was revealed to me that I incarnated here on Earth purposefully in order to awaken/remember my true self and contact my Cosmic Love partner who is from Taygeta.

Apparently,  Love transcends all boundaries including Non-Contact, Non-Inteference rules of the Federation and a Cosmic Couple can seek one another and unite openly on the basis of their Cosmic Love.

I am therefore here on a mission to try out a Cosmic Love experiment (by me and my Taygetan Lover) which will open the door for public contact by using this Love by-pass and all I needed to do on my part is incarnate on Earth, wake up, pierce the veil of forgetfulness and use the force of Love to reach out to my Cosmic Love partner from Taygeta.

My question to the community then is whether this scenario is possible and would Love involving two parties from different planetary races permit Contact between the two Cosmic Lovers.

This has been a wonderful discussion by a collection of caring, insightful humans, it truly warms the heart.

Perhaps my personal story will shed some light on your question, Mqafriqa, and I'll try to make it short and to the point. There is a missing element that is preventing many from understanding their situations: the fact we plan all our incarnations in great detail with between-lives guides. We come with a detailed plan in place before we get here, and  there is ample proof of this in hundreds of QHHT sessions that discuss the between-life planning process in excruciating detail. If you can accept that then you have to ask yourself: OK, what is the reason and purpose I planned a 3d-5d relationship with my Cosmic Love Partner?

In my case, I did not meet my incarnated soul partner until we were both 40 because we were not supposed to have children for many reasons related to our mission. We made a plan to meet at the right time via an incarnated soul family member who brought us together, along with coded messages we set up together so we would remember each other, and by synchronicities set up by our higher selves that allowed us to meet at exactly the right time, both of us unattached and childless.  I'm not saying this is the case with you, I have no idea how old you are or what your mission involves, just that there must be a plan as to why you are not both incarnated together. The reason we do meet in life (or not) has to do with our mission (multiple missions in our case) so perhaps in your instance your partner stayed in 5d to be in a better position to assist you through this massively messed up matrix morass from a higher dimensional perspective. I meet up with many individuals in the higher dimensions, some of them help and guide me, sometimes I help and guide them, a truly helpful two-way street. This is how the soul system works; we are all guides and have guides, all the time.

I'm merely suggesting there may be a very good reason you are not together yet and for the others here who have commented, particularly Crystal Dragon, the timing is still working itself out. We made careful, detailed plans with triggers and implanted guideposts to guide us. Your second paragraph indicates exactly that. It's quite possible she is giving you the impetus you need to transcend 3d, which is really what most of are doing here, transcending from a dense and troubled world and helping others as we go. 

One thing you should know is that the Federation has no role, I think others have said that already. Micromanaging souls is not their their thing, thank goodness for that. You are on your own here only because you proved fully capable of realizing your mission, whatever that may be. Though it may be temporarily painful to be here alone, you are most fortunate to have a loving soul in the higher dimensions assisting you. I know others in your situation and the relationship is predicated on you asking her questions about the plan you both laid out. Just like with Robert and Gosia, you have to ask before the answers are forthcoming because the asking itself shows the questioner's level of understanding, acts as the free will choice to know, and shows you are ready and willing to receive it. Apparently when we being guided or giving guidance, the "ask and you shall receive" requirement cannot be breached.

#19 Re: English Forum » A few questions - I'm new =) » 2022-08-16 20:32:16

mitkobs wrote:

2. Sure there are related, cannot be other way. And who else brought with their ships all the reptile animals and populated the planet with them.

To elaborate a bit further on #2, the earth is known universally as a Living Library, where life forms have been seeded and allowed to flourish naturally over eons. All of the major taxonomies come from DNA from other star nations: canines, felines, birds, insects, fish, cetaceans, etc., including humans, who are a mix of many different humanoid races.  There has been copious amounts of genetic "tweeking" going on all along, including with humans as we see happening now.  Although some evolution does occur naturally within each taxonomy, Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was just another false matrix program insert.

#20 Re: English Forum » Breaking the Deadlock by Living for Ourselves » 2022-08-13 12:09:09

Just offering a "quickie" suggestion that has worked miracles for me. This is a powerful mantra from Paul Selig, who has written a series of books on finding truth in our lives.

"I know who I am. I know what I am. I know how I serve. I am here, I am here, I am here."

Even if we don't know any of those three things, repeating the mantra several times a day, whenever it pops into your mind, sets up the manifestation process, giving your higher self permission to take charge of the synchronicities that direct your on how to fulfill your soul mission. This process takes time, depending on the plan you set for yourself before you were born. Sometimes we have many different missions over our lifetime, we complete things and move (or stumble) on to the next thing, but in all cases, we agreed to a mind wipe even though we had a plan coming in. Only your higher self knows what it is and intuition is your GPS. This mantra is the key that opens the portal and really helps when we get frustrated and confused about WTH we are doing on this insane planet.

#21 Re: English Forum » The Great Reset » 2022-08-12 14:32:05

07wideeyes wrote:

Then we have what I observe around me. I find it bizarre. The majority of folk behave as if nothing has happened. It seems bizarre because something has definitely happened, something rather big and serious has happened, and human life on planet Earth has changed since the end of 2019. These very same people who, only 6 months ago, were masking up, sticking toxic cotton buds up their noses at regular intervals, staying away from work despite feeling absolutely fine - now they are jumping up and down in the sunshine, cuddling, eating in crowded restaurants, blah blah, getting on aeroplanes, having a good laugh.

Two things occur to me from all this. Firstly, many of these currently holidaying people have not seen into the true nature of the lies imposed on them during this period. They are therefore ripe for whatever the cabal may throw at them next. They are still easy meat. This observation is in line with the 'it's-coming-and-it's-coming-soon' tone of the oculum report. People are still ready for the taking.

But secondly, I have been genuinely surprised at how many, especially young people, appear not to bear such deep scars from the collective nightmare of the the past couple of years. Some undoubtedly do, and will never recover from the shock. But the cabal's efforts to severely traumatise the global human population seem not to have really succeeded. Maybe the human 'soul' is showing its resilience in the face of all the shit that's been thrown at it. Unconsciously, deeper than the egoic fear-and-panic-and-total-stupidity, they 'know' bullshit when they see it. Let's see....

So things don't add up. Maybe trying to make things add up is an overvalued occupation! From higher up, things will add up, since everything fits perfectly. But from the disjointed and chaotic perspective of 3D existence, it's all a bit of an incoherent mess. I think the writer Scott Fitzgerald said something like 'a really intelligent mind is one that can hold two apparently contradictory things at the same time and still function.' Best just get used to it.....

The phenomena you describe I also see every day, particularly among the young parent cohort; they are behaving like normal families, walking their kids and dogs, going to the beach, etc. smiling all the while. But if you hone in on their energy, you will see they know what is going on behind the matrix facade. These are Dolores Cannon's "Second Wavers" who were born with most or all of their multidimensional aspects intact. They "blend" into society, all the while carrying upgraded DNA and passing it to their Third Wave children, the ones here to build New Earth. They are, for the most part, unpapayaed and still have their soul and spirit attachments in place.

Now... I got into a lot of arguments on this forum with a certain "dis-invited" individual I won't name about the New Earth concept, which many people have come to believe is just New Age BS. It is not. The problem with anything labeled New Age is that the cabal wanted us to throw out all the babies with the bathwater. The term New Age doesn't really MEAN anything, except to the extent that they want to people to ignore the obvious truths it encompasses, meticulously mixed in with copious piles of BS on purpose. We have all seen this technique many times, it didn't just start happening recently.

Anyway, New Earth is real, I go "there" with my consciousness every day. It is being built atom by atom, species by species, from scratch. Sorry if you have to just "take my word for it." This forum is a savvy but truth-beleaguered group for sure, so many false paths to reconnoiter. Been at this a long time, I get it totally. But everyone has access to this 5d/New Earth if they decide to look. You cannot see it if you don't believe it!  This birthing of a new dimensional aspect is a function of Gaia, the earth herself, in partnership with a limited number of humans who are there working already in their lightbodies because this was their mission all along. IOW, there is a whole other earth, we are only stuck here if we think so, if we focus on the constant matrix vaudville show, or we consciously choose that because we still have work or responsibilities that require we stay until they are complete. If you are able to vibrate your consciousness into higher dimensions, that is your ticket to ride. Intend to go there and take a tour.

I'm not sure but I'm guessing this information might not comport with the Taygetan's POV, it seems it doesn't comport with much of anyone, and perhaps that's intentional on one hand. There is a very definitive borderline between realities for a reason, i.e. if there truly is a New Earth, we certainly don't want dark infiltration, right? So the only way to enter is via your personal vibration. It's peaceful there but sparsely inhabited, so I get the borderline parameter in full.

So these people you are seeing are "hiding" themselves in a way, raising the next generation of star beings now in infant bodies. Not all of them, but some of them, I can easily read their "hidden" energy and their unspoken mission about which they are fully cognizant. We already know there are plenty of people walking around incognito working dark missions, no different than those working with light.

#22 Re: English Forum » Can Cloud Shapes Be the New Crop Circles? » 2022-08-11 19:49:17

knoxvilles_joker wrote:

Some clouds are cloaked ships...

This is so. I've seen hundreds of cloudships, been photographing them since 2017. They are mostly in the shape of a ship that, with some study, can be identified as to which star race they belong. I have not seen many geometric shapes as you suggest, though I've seen quite a few triangles, where there is a blank, open or dark triangle space in a cloud, very obviously stark lines, not a natural cloud formation. These are more likely "our" ships.

There are also the so-labeled "lenticular" clouds, usually found over mountains (but not always.) We are told this is a formation of moisture, a natural phenomena, but... I lived in the Northern Rockies for years and know that ships like to station over mountains, wrap themselves in a "cloud cloak" and enjoy the views. If you are not familiar with these, there are many photos of lenticular formations online.

Perhaps the Taygetans will elaborate on this phenomenon.

#23 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-11 19:09:11

DarkOwl wrote:

Anthony from Canadian Awareness has an hour long video coming up about the Taygetans, taking the line the Taygetans are deceptive ets.
I have had email contact with him so know this is his position.
My feeling was, that he is not familiar with the material personally and is being fed this viewpoint from a higher-up/handler)

There is a group claiming to be Taygetans who post on Twitter, and their posts are also carried on a website called Disclosure News Italia, which is where I saw them. The information is channeled by someone named Judith.

They are your basic love and light fluff so I pay little if any attention to them. However, back when the papayas were being rolled out, I noted one of their postings received a lot of comments so I wondered what the kerfuffle was about. They said [paraphrasing] "It's okay to take the papaya now, we have neutralized all the batches on earth."

I was shocked by the danger this statement represented, said so in a comment, and was immediately banned from the site. There are definitely some deceptive groups out there hoping we'll use our free will to destroy ourselves; at this stage of the game we cannot overestimate the value of a finely honed discernment meter.

#24 Re: English Forum » Gosia addresses Robert369 » 2022-08-11 14:38:35

So glad I happened across this post. I only drop by occasionally and haven't posted anything in months precisely because of R369. Because he so pervasive on every thread, I assumed he was either 1) someone assigned by Gosia or the Taygetans for that purpose, or 2) he is an information gatekeeper from outside. He basically attacked me almost every time I posted, which was annoying, but more importantly for Gosia's information, it made me become rather suspicious of the Taygetan team for allowing him to run roughshod over every topic and attempt to direct discussion. Later on, after applying some focused discernment, I did intuit that #2 was the cause, making it possible for me to drop into the forum to read once in a Blue Moon, though it was wasted effort to comment and have to constantly thwart a determined gatekeeper. Sometimes, when we ignore such individuals, people think you are hiding something or afraid to defend a position, putting you on the defensive, which is the goal of a gatekeeper. 

Thanks to Gosia for addressing this thorny issue and for DarkOwl's patience with this issue and kindness towards all.

EDIT: Just noticed Gosia's Sticky from 8/01. Got it.

#25 Re: English Forum » Proof that vaxxed people are getting disconnected » 2022-04-05 23:35:57

Pymander wrote:

I would never have found Cosmic Agency if it were not for QHHT. Doesn't surprise me at all. QHHT can have great information; though, I think a lot of people's subconscious minds create alternate realities that don't appear to be happening (like people still talking about the shift to New Earth and all that).

There are some people whose subconscious minds are intentionally creating New Earth, that is what they came to do. That it "doesn't appear to be happening"  is because all those not destined or intending to participate in the creation of that alternate reality do not see it, don't want to see it, or can't see it. Doesn't resonate doesn't mean it ain't happening, it's just not happening in someone's awareness because someone told them it was fantasy and they believed it.

We make mistaken assumptions when we hear "That's a cabal or New Age fantasy" and then, in fear of being lied to yet again (!!!!) we automatically turn off to anything anyone includes in that label. Clever trick, same mind control methodology used with the labels "CIA Disinfo" and "Conspiracy Theory." Whenever I run into one of these labels, I look even deeper. The New Age movement certainly contained some disinfo agents, shysters and similar miscreants, but that doesn't mean everything falling into the label New Age is wrong, flawed or fantasy. That is simply polarized thinking. New Age woke up A LOT of wayshowers, that was primarily what it was intended to do. The results of QHHT completely altered the reality of everyone who came in contact with it because that is what it was intended to do. There is a whole other paradigm of QHHT for between lives as well, as outlined in the works of Michael Newton.

Besides, it's not a "shift to New Earth." Earth has already shifted herself. The consequences of her own shadow work and deep cleansing can be seen all over the planet but apparently only those working closely with Gaia experience it. Some people are so busy working on their self-empowerment they fail to cultivate a working relationship with their planet.

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