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#1 Re: English Forum » Portals. Basic principles. » 2024-04-09 02:50:54

Kirion wrote:

I think the "frequency" of space and the "frequency" of the soul are in some way incompatible.

Kirion wrote:

They are incompatible enough not to dissolve souls with their "frequency", but to allow them to maintain their structure.

I think you are onto something, Kirion. I have wondered about this at times, as well. What makes a Soul an integrated entity within Source, or in the ether? We've come to understand that Yazhi and Mari, and possibly all of them up there, don't really agree with the label "Soul". They have hinted to the religious connotations as reason for this, but I suspect there could be other reasons, as well. I've always had difficulties with the quantitative aspects of Soul, as I find my own consciousness to be qualitative and unique in nature. But I have yet to establish to what degree I have been wrong in this.

We've been told that "raising the vibration" is a way out of the Matrix, which must be understood as "higher frequency". So it's not far-fetched to ask if the integrity of the Soul is a matter of frequency. And my own leaning in this is toward some form of "sacred geometry" now. By that I mean that there may be some interactions or harmonics appearing above some level of frequency, which then constitutes and characterizes a stable and integrated conscious entity. And it's not unreasonable to speculate if such an entity may remain intact, while resonance and harmony may provide interactions within our physical bodies. The entry or contact may happen long before we are born, within our mothers' wombs. And the contact may be enhanced or diminished, and even broken and lost in some circumstances, as it depends on our compatibility between the body/mind/heart and Soul. Different emotions have different effects in this, and the "degree of soulfulness" may actually describe our resonance and harmonics with our Souls. - or point-of-attention-awareness/consciousness.

This activates a very mechanical perspective of Soul, and a person becomes too much of a "thing" to my liking in this. But I also see that the "qualities" I cling to so hard must not necessarily be dismissed. They just may not be found in the frequencies, but rather in the harmonics they produce. It's just a manner of thinking I'm not used to, and it may not be troubling at all. It is what it is, whether we understand it or not. But the integrity of Soul is definitely some puzzle. Thank you for activating the topic. smile

#2 Re: English Forum » Where are the aliens? :D » 2024-04-07 15:26:54

He's not a captivating public speaker, that's for sure. I've never figured out if he's in on the hoax – which is very likely – or if he's part of the pump-and-dump by his handlers. Both the Mars- and EV-project give the feeling of pump-and-dump to me, destined to crash and burn in some global collapse of sorts. Going to Mars in a rocket sounds like part of a ritual sacrifice, more than anything else. With the amount of money in his pocket, it wouldn't surprise me if he's been to Antarctica. So I tried to find some newsline to see if he's been there, but couldn't find it.

As for the lies... I've (we've) come to understand that "reality" is based on the collective sub(un)conscious agreements we carry along with us. – which also describe "objectivity". But I suspect that whatever we're meant to "learn" here on Earth, it's not about such reality. The lesson is more likely to heed what is considered "truth", which is subjective and probably better described along the lines of "point-of-attention-awareness", i.e. Soul consciousness. But what happens when truth and reality become irreconcilable? – or when the collective always makes the decision on what is truth for the individual? Doesn't it all become a lie then...? How do we restore truth?

#3 Re: English Forum » Moon landing 1969 not real? » 2024-04-07 08:08:44

Elkeb wrote:

Thank you Joe. Interesting article, however, I am not convinced as the article is way too technical to be verifiable. I do not think that in 1969 and even when Apollo 15 was launched, CGI, GIF and Photoshop were available. But food for thought and further research, for sure.

A lot of effort has been put into the moon-landing hoax, and the result is a lot of suspicion and accusations from all parties of manipulated narratives. Which is perfect for the controllers.

Here's a collection of older non-technical footage of several people talking about the obvious fakeness of the moon-landings. And the disappearing of whistleblowers. And the Van Allen Belt. Along with some individual bickering in the field.

Here's an hour of Mike Adams interviewing Bart Sibel on the fake Moon landings.

This is the short clip of Dr Carol Rosin on the National Press Club's disclosure-session on May 9th, 2001. It was likely arranged to be able to manipulate public opinion, but she touches upon several topics actualized these days.

#4 Re: English Forum » Moon landing 1969 not real? » 2024-04-07 04:44:02

Here is a good analysis of what you saw on television at the time (- the webpage was last modified November 24th, 2021).


#5 Re: English Forum » Time line/time travel questions? » 2024-04-06 19:51:49

I think the dilemmas you describe are very real, if you are able to time-travel. smile

And when the equations have been mentioned, there seems to be some tolerance of approximation embedded into it, which makes you able to return, but I have no idea of how flexible this is.

And it is the very act of time-travel that makes the alternate timeline "real", as I understand. But in the end - with my own flawed reasoning (at times) - the only original in this is you. That is... ...the one consciousness travelling through time and space; the only true reference you have is yourself. That's the "original team".

#6 Re: English Forum » Toleka News » 2024-04-06 18:16:30


It's good to see you back in again. I have missed you. smile And thank you for being here and for explaining your challenges for us! It really sounds heart-wrenching and certainly needs to change. I haven't engaged much in your situation before, however, and may have missed some details in this. But I do have some angles of perspective you may approach, if you haven't already found them.

But Ariya is right in this, too. The warped mentality and attitude of those you describe are not of Taygetan nature as we know it. There are no indication in the material presented - anywhere - giving doubts to this. Which means - having "Occam's razor" in mind - the source for your distress is found elsewhere. But please know this: It is possible to find it, and to block it from affecting you. We want you back, Stardeity. You are one of us... smile

First, have you ever considered the possibility that your reasoning mind and cognitive processes have been hijacked? I don't suggest this lightly. Actually, I have pondered on this on my own behalf at times. Then I was impelled to do make sure my discerning skills were intact in order to trust my own abilities, and make the proper decisions from there, and pulling back was a part of my own procedure in this. But it need not be permanent.

But rest assured you can re-establish your own integrity and take back control of your inner processes, Stardeity.

You're with us now... smile


#7 English Forum » Cosmic Agency: Interstellar Life 5B - More Anecdotes of Life Onboard » 2024-03-19 15:11:34

Joe R
Replies: 22

"Interstellar Life 5A (sic.) - More Anecdotes of Life Onboard the Extraterrestrial Ship - Taygeta"

Cosmic Agency
Published: March 19th, 2024


Cosmic Agency's YouTube-channel:

#8 English Forum » Mari: Reptilians and the Galactic Federation, and Positive Reptiles » 2024-03-18 15:28:33

Joe R
Replies: 23

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

Reptilians and the Galactic Federation, and Positive Reptiles (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 18th 2024


Mari's YouTube-channel:

Reptilians and the Galactic Federation

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

The Galactic Federation approaches Earth and its problems as a planet differently when it comes to the human and reptilian civilizations.

In both cases it needs to keep both of them isolated from the rest of the galactic community for different reasons.

For humans, those reasons are complex and I will not go into the details, as I have been doing so for several videos now.

Still, the basic reason is that they must keep and protect the illusion of the Matrix there as a contained false reality, with a defined set of attributes that cause hard living conditions, supposedly all for the learning experience it gives the Souls incarnated there.

In the case of the reptilians, it is different; the Galactic Federation claims that the reason why they must keep them isolated from the rest of the galactic community is because of their inherent negativity and retrograde behavior.

One of the main differences between how both civilizations are treated and isolated is the knowledge of what occurs outside Earth, where the mass of human civilization is kept in ignorance of the galactic reality, and about the simple fact that there are more humans as such living and thriving outside Earth, while the reptilian civilization is fully – or at least mostly – conscious of such interstellar reality.

The Galactic Federation openly declares to the reptilian civilization that it is not allowed to be interstellar, due to their aggressive attitude and the invasive aggressiveness they constantly demonstrate.

Furthermore, the Galactic Federation is fully conscious of the strong and evident influence the reptilian civilization has upon the human one.

From higher and more expanded points of view – and within the Galactic Federation itself – the destructive exploitative influence of the reptilian civilization upon the human one is seen as a convenient means to an end, and a very important part of the mechanisms needed to provide a difficult existential reality for the Souls incarnated there.

This would go for all the Souls incarnated – as humans and as reptilians – not to mention all the Souls incarnated as animals, who also experience a hard life on Earth, but that is another subject.

Altogether, as a result of all this and for different reasons, the Earth must be kept in isolation from the rest of the galactic community, according to the Galactic Federation.

The reptilian civilization is not only divided into seven social levels, but it is also separated by clans and regions with their sub-overlords; all as political sub-divisions, yet it is seen by the Galactic Federation as one single civilization; as they do as well for the human one, as countries and their rules and regulations are irrelevant for the Federation, as they see humanity as one mass with one government.

Unlike the human civilization, which the Galactic Federation controls from above, the Federation claims that they do not have any control over the reptilian one, adding to the necessity of enforcing space-blockades and global isolation.

Some higher levels of the reptilian government have diplomatic communication with Galactic Federation representatives by using remote presence, and also live in the meetings, which take place in the Antarctica Federation bases, but what goes on there and what they talk about is not known; none of it is available for the rest of the galactic community stationed in Earth's orbit, as the Federation does not share such information with any of us.

All this adds even more to the Federation information-obscurity we disagree with.

What is known and what we are informed of is that the blockade, which is meant to filter and stop incoming spacecraft-traffic from entering and exiting Earth, is having limited results, as the reptilians and the regressive races they associate with resort to the use of technological portals deep underground, with which they can freely transit to far away places.

Even when those portals are rather easy to detect when they are activated – as they cause a strong magnetic anomaly all around them – they have proven very difficult to shut down, deactivate or destroy by Galactic Federation operatives, who on numerous occasions have tried to do so.

Each time they deactivate or destroy a deep underground regressive portal, others come online, so they have become much like a variant of the “whack-a-mole” game; something like “wack-a-portal”.

Even though the results of such anti-portal-operations have been difficult and limited, most of them have been eliminated from the reptilian-inhabited sub-terranean areas, which are closest to the surface.

And as some analysts here have stated, the proliferation of particle-accelerators – supposedly built using only socially accepted human technology and at the level of development of present day civilization – may be a strategy to open and use portal-transit technology on the surface of the planet without the Galactic Federation being able to do anything about it, as they would be operating from a human level, with human laws – by humans – and under the disguise or excuse that the hadron-colliders are used only for scientific research.

Particle-accelerators and their real uses as portals are the subject of yet another video.

In the media – especially the New Age community – there is the assumption that reptilians are bad creatures, like evil entities who exploit and eat humans, but this is a heavily simplistic way of understanding a very complex group of species.

As we have seen in the case of the Alpha Draconians, who couldn't possibly be more menacing, what defines whether a creature is loving and good or cruel and evil is the mentality and the ethics they go by.

The Reptilian Alpha Draconian genetics are the same in both cases, where one group of their civilizations can be extremely destructive to inconceivable levels, as one single regressive Alpha Draconian can devastate an entire planet.

Or they can use the same power to be one of the most efficient and dependable protectors and guardians of life, as they lovingly will not let anything interfere with the free development of the emerging civilizations they have taken under their wing.

This duality is found in all reptilians – not only in Alpha Draconians – although it is more evident in them due to their immense power.

The galaxy is vast; in it there are thousands upon on thousands of progressive high-vibration reptilian civilizations based on love and respect, and who cherish life and protect it.

Several of those highly positive reptilian civilizations have representatives, who are presently in Earth's orbit; some of them being active members of the Galactic Federation, and others who are not.

They are as dependable and as friendly as any other, but they are hardly even talked about on Earth, as the New Age has actively demonized all reptilian energy.

And for that very same reason, they prefer not to interfere and only watch what is going on, while also protecting the interests of their numerous positive and loving starseeds present on Earth right now, having a human experience.

In the case of an idealistic full-contact event between humankind and the galactic community, the group of positive reptilians would most probably be the last ones to contact humans openly, as they know that their appearance alone would be the cause for much alarm among the human population.

As a side note, interstellar space-humans – such as the Taygetans and ourselves, among others – would be among the very first to make contact, as our physical appearance and socio-cultural attributes would be the most easily accepted by the human masses; perhaps that is one of the reason reasons why my group has not been shut down, yet.

I've been told that there are numerous accounts on Earth of abductions of all kinds, but especially night-time ones, where the human encounters a very positive reptilian being, who conveys a very soothing and loving energy.

In some of these cases, such a positive reptilian being has telepathically told the human that they are family and that they mean no harm, as they are only checking on their health and on the mental frequency-communication they must have during the entire life of the human, which is one of their starseeds.

Several famous researchers on Earth – whose names I'd rather omit here – still argue that such loving energy, that comes from the reptilian being, may simply be mind- and perception-control to soothe their victims, while they perform on them whatever they need to do.

Although I do not doubt that the aggressive one may use that kind of mind-games and tactics, this does not mean that all abductions and encounters with reptilian beings are aggressive; although I fully recognize that – on Earth – the ones which are most commonly found are the ones who belong to negative factions.

Whether a creature is good or bad is only a question of perspective, as the same creature may be good for some people and bad for others.

Good and evil are seen from more expanded perspectives, and very objectively is only a relative matter, as it only depends on who is being affected, or what other interests are being set against each other.

There are good reptilians as there are bad ones, just as there are good Pleiadians and bad ones, as with any other species, but – as I said above – it all depends on who sees them as good or bad, and why.

It is all a question of interests.

I'm sending a big hug to all the positive and loving reptilians and their starseeds out there, who may be watching my videos, and I want to let you know that I am aware of the unfair segregation and loneliness you may be experiencing on Earth and near it, because of the wrong actions of some members of reptile origin.

This subject will continue.

Thank you for watching my video, and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more!

And I hope to see you here next time.

With much love, your friend,

Marie Swaruu

#9 Re: English Forum » Mari: Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity » 2024-03-17 21:26:05

Horton HaW wrote:

To me this Authoritarian hierarchy approach is in every system model we have. This is the hypnotist telling you what to do. Collaboration, cooperation and true respect do not happen under such models. Nothing fractal or holistic about those kind of models.

Yes, I agree; the proof is in the pudding. It's almost impossible for me, too, to imagine a hierarchy in governance without "linear" - or imposing - authority. I don't know it on Earth, anyway. I think the closest we get is the low-density, widely scattered, native cultures. [Edit:] "Inland Visions | Exploring Kamchatka's Ethnic Melting Pot" And within the family-unit. As such, you can say my whole supposition of "inverse authoritarian submission" is based on guesswork.

However, there is a hierarchy implied in a governance-model being "stepped", too. And there has to be what I call "natural personal authority" there, because nobody leaves that behind whatever function they have.

So what makes it holistic? I see it as an understanding, or realization if you like. I think the shortest phrase to describe it is: "In the detail you find the whole", or: "Each and every individual carry the whole within themselves". When everybody understands this, I think an attitude according to "the golden rule" emerges: They treat each other like they themselves would like to be treated.

The question is if this at all is possible without a dominant frequency making it a collective sub(un)conscious agreement. If that is the case, we'll see nothing of the sort here on Earth before the Moon-frequencies and Van Allen Bands are history.

#10 Re: English Forum » Mari: Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity » 2024-03-17 11:05:11

Horton HaW wrote:

As Mari stated the hierarchy design Is the opposite of holistic. I see this as a major problem here.

The “just about perfect opposite” (quote Mari) is exactly what it is, Horton.

I know I could have explained this better. This has been a work in progress for quite some years for me, but with a not so steady progress. And I know I struggle with my own mannerisms, where I phrase myself in a very assertive way. This can be misunderstood as “my truths are your truths too!” They are not. It’s just a habit I have developed in my rational testing of different statements, which can be useful when discerning different aspects of concepts.

And the hinted dualistic feature is very much the cause for my own ambivalent feelings about it. There are also most likely some presumptions I have not mentioned, however, and I’m sorry about that.

I have yet to find a better entry-point into understanding the difference between authority in government – as we see it implemented here on Earth – and the “stepped council holographic governance” model.

This dichotomy of feudalistic and holistic societies – as exemplified in governmental structures on Earth, where the feudalistic model is very much the working one – can be seen as a direct consequence of the working mechanisms of “authority”.

The concept of authority implies the exercise of a choice in relation to something else, usually another person, but not necessarily.

Natural personal authority is what the individual wields by its own volition when “crossing borders” in the widest sense. I understand “borders” in this as anything which puts the individual in a different environment, be it natural, artificial, virtual or conceptional. It doesn’t even need to be consciously understood, since “environment” is anything but the individual itself.

Imposing authority is understood as the crossing into another individual’s domain, as taking a choice – however it is perceived – and which otherwise and naturally belongs to another person, and make the choice for them.

And I understand authority as a property of Soul, emerging from the process where the Soul becomes separated from the very Source itself. And it is one of the “tools” the Soul wields to find its way back “home”. To wield it is a matter-of-course for any sovereign individual. And this is important: Every single Soul has it.

But I don’t know if a connection to Source is a requirement. To become aware of it, is a journey of discovery each and every one of us eventually is bound to make. And the reason is that we come to understand that our natural personal authority can be given away, or simply taken by other individuals. It is called “imposition”. When all choices are made for you, can either be considered a child, or you are “owned”; disposed of at someone else’s whims, and the important choices in your life are not made by yourself. Imposing authority basically works by inhibiting or overriding the individual, and I think everybody are familiar with this.

The reason why I call imposing authority as either “given or taken”, and not simply “silencing” of the natural personal authority, is because imposing authority simply wouldn’t be exercised without the presence of a natural personal authority. When authority is imposed, it is more or less always in contrast to whatever a natural personal authority otherwise might choose.

Whenever you come to understand your natural personal authority, you very soon become aware that this is a “universal right” of any self-aware individual. This realization establishes a “marked threshold” – as I call it – for imposition within the advancing student, and it becomes what I understand as a core ethical value. And I see this as a huge transformational potential for the individual. It embraces the entire understanding of human nature, usually in stark contrast to what is often seen in our world. Others may understand it differently, however.

A “society” is understood as a cohabitation by many individuals in physicality, where different functions are performed by different individuals, and where the general culture decides to what degree specialization and separation of focus is found among the members. When such specialization is driven by the individual’s interests and sense of personal accomplishment and progress, it is likely a sound and healthy society. But if the general trend is that the focus of the individual is diverted, manipulated and controlled, it becomes anything but. This is easy to abstract, but somewhat difficult to give good examples to, because it touches upon very fundamental aspects of simply being human.

The type of wielded authority is however usually visible in the governance of a society, like we see it on Earth. And I suspect any studies in such aspects of a society – while comparing indigenous cultures with the “modern” industrial ones – has revealed clear differences in this.

The “marked threshold for imposition” – mentioned above –becomes a dividing aspect found in political ideologies and agendas. The less pronounced such a threshold is, the more collectivistic the agenda becomes. And an impenetrable threshold makes your stance rigidly individualistic. You can actually be conservative and liberal at the same time, depending on the topic you deal with. What really differentiates politics is to what degree the individual stance is prioritized.

The priority is either in the direction of the collective, or it is in the direction of the individual. And taken to the extreme, they become “just about perfect opposites”. But you know what? It is difficult to disagree with the understanding, that when Source expresses itself as a “point of attention consciousness”, it is described as an individual in the physical world.

In our world, where the collective is prioritized in governance, the hierarchical structure pushes authoritarian power up, which in turn impose its decisions down onto the individual. The extreme expression of this is a feudalistic society, where the landlord actually owns his tenants; they are his slaves.

In a holistic society, the deciding authority remains with the individual, who is left to decide how it wishes to shape its surroundings. When advice is lacking locally, stepping up finds a larger selection of councils, which then may give advice down into the hierarchy without imposing it; only suggesting it. When conflict emerges, the matters are pushed down in the hierarchy, until the cause is dealt with individually and where the source of authority is found, and the impact of conflict on the society as a whole is kept at a bare minimum.

It is no wonder why the Swaruunians and Taygetans has emphasized that ethics is the primary indicator for a society’s maturation.

What I've repeatedly returned to in this, is the short sequence in “The Matrix”, where Morpheus tells Neo “there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking it”. It’s difficult.

#11 Re: English Forum » How to donate to Swaruu Oficial » 2024-03-16 21:17:33

the5west wrote:

At the end of the videos I hear Mari thanking people for dontations and I would like to donate because I greatly appreciate the information and their presence in orbit, but I don't see a link to do that. Please explain.

You can donate in Mari's live chat on YouTube, which is open on Saturdays and Sundays, before the premiere on the English- and Spanish-language versions of the weekend-videos, respectively. smile

#12 English Forum » Mari: Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity » 2024-03-16 16:57:30

Joe R
Replies: 20

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
March 16th, 2024


Mari's YouTube-channel:

Reptilians and how they view Earth and Humanity

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

First of all, I will be using the word “reptiloids” more often than “reptilians”, as I'm not sure if YouTube sensors the word or not, yet I am mentioning it anyway here, so who knows.

Reptilians – or reptiloids – are not one species, as they are most commonly depicted in the New-Age community, as they are an extremely vast genetic pool of several thousands of species, including those who may be considered as simply animals; all who are all technically and genetically reptiles.

They are a large group of species, who go from those little minuscule garden-lizards – who are barely an inch long and who are completely harmless – to the almighty Alpha Draconians on the other extreme, as the apex of the reptilian genetic pool.

Speaking about the Alpha Dracos; there is another very important piece of information I left out of their video last weekend – although I did mention that their wings are attached to their arms – and it is that they do not have full legs and a set of wings, as they are most commonly depicted in all the images found in the internet, many of which I even used myself, as I did not have anything better to use as illustrations for their videos.

Their powerful long arms are the structures to which their wings are attached, and their arms are webbed like bats, because otherwise – and as depicted in countless images – they would have six extremities and that is incorrect.

And the way they walk – with their huge wings folded back and over their backs – makes them look even more menacing than the simplistic six-extremity model found in popular culture.

Coming back to today's topic; complex reptilians – those with a culture, interstellar or not – have been on Earth long before the arrival of the first Lyrian space-human immigrants.

I will not mention dates, because – as I have explained in other videos – Earth's history is a real mess, and the official time-frames couldn't possibly be more fictitious or plain erroneous.

On Earth there is one dominant reptiloid species with an advanced culture, and although they are usually called the “Kingu”, they also go by many other names.

They are said to be a secondary species – created by other reptilians popularly known as the "Usungal" – but I found many contradictions here, as in other documents it is the Kingu who created the Usungal.

A primary species is one which is directly manifested from Source, as the materialization of the set of ideas a Soul is attached to, and therefore manifests as a mirror of itself.

And a secondary species is one which was created by technology and by genetic manipulation, or so it is said.

Kingu reptilians inhabit underground and all over Earth; they are found on all continents.

They are divided into three sub-species; the green ones with a beige underbelly, who are the working class; the red skinned and scaled Kingu, who are much larger and much more muscular, and who also have a beige underbelly, and who are the military class – those in charge of repressing the green ones – and actively engage with humans as well; and finally the white Kingu, who are the ruling class and royalty.

These last ones are nearly completely albino, and unlike the other two sub-species they have large webbed wings, although they are useless as they cannot fly.

As to why they have those useless wings, it is not known, but they are taken as symbols of high status, as they feel they are genetically closer to their idealized reptilian gods; the Alpha Draconians

All three sub-species have tails, where the green ones have the shortest and the white ones the longest.

They live underground; not only in variants of those infamous dumps or deep underground bases, where they share spaces with human military, who are appointed there by their governments and with which they have numerous cooperation treaties.

They mostly live as a culture in the vast spaces in what is called “Inner Earth”, where they have been since time immemorial, as they do not see the surface of the Earth as a place worthy or dignified enough for them.

They see the surface of Earth as a farm or as a multiple-purpose supermarket; as they say, it is a place only for the “lowlife slime called humanity", which they exploit for all kinds of resources, as we will see later on.

Within their three sub-species their culture is divided into seven social classes, where the ones above exploit and diminish the ones under them in a highly pyramidal, classist and elitist structure.

Their socio-cultural structure is classified as an advanced feudalistic classist royalty, which is just about the perfect opposite of a holistic society.

It is based on social classes that must oppress those under them, as they too are oppressed by the ones above.

This social structure, which other interstellar societies see as retrograde and regressive, permeates into human culture and society, as it heavily influences it through the action of high-level human politicians, who interact with their Kingu counterparts in various ways, and with whom they sign cooperation-treaties; none of which are in favor of the human population.

Kingu are highly carnivorous and – besides animal cattle – they do have a marked taste for human flesh.

However, they take it mostly from human farms deep underground and not as much from people on the surface; although they do that as well, as they love to hunt their prey, and the more it suffers, the better it tastes.

They are responsible for a large mass of disappearances on the surface, especially of the “younger models” of human, if you know what I mean.

They do this systematically, as they have direct control over their minions in secret societies all over the planet; some of which are directly them in human disguise.

They consider Earth to be their planet – not humans' – and even though they live and thrive deep underground, they do not consider that place to be in any way a lesser one than the surface, as Inner Earth is a vast place formed by super large country– to continent-sized cavities, which are boiling with life, which is being fed by large geothermal structures that provide heat and light, and which the idea of an "Inner Sun" comes from.

Earth – like any other planet – is not hollow as such, as it has countless super-large inter-connected caverns, similar to a large Swiss cheese, and there is where they are found.

They have large technological cities there, which also inter-connect with human military bases underground, those which in turn connect to the surface.

It is safe to assume that the retrograde, highly repressive governmental models found in many countries on the surface – as well as things and anti-humanity agendas like the ones you all know about – come directly from this regressive reptilian influence.

From the reptilian perspective, Earth-humans are a lesser species – comparable with cattle – and who live in ignorance and in a lie, all designed for their exploitation.

Yet, they do fear and therefore respect Lyrian space-humans, as they see them as dangerous and very capable, and this is also translated to the starseeds below, who are also seen as more space-humans and agents of a Lyrian system, which can menace theirs strongly.

Their preferred way to manipulate and guide humanity is by mind control, which includes the creation of a false reality, utilizing lies and hiding truth.

Starseeds and highly conscious humans are difficult to impossible to manipulate – therefore the Kingu see them as a big threat – therefore they go out of their way to develop ever more complicated mind-control strategies, such as alternative religions and philosophical trends, tailored to appeal to those who are starting to awaken.

An example of this is the mainstream New-Age culture, but it's complicated, as there are many truths and good things in it, as well, so it cannot be entirely discarded, yet it is heavily manipulated and used to deviate, manipulate and change the course of the way starseeds and highly intelligent, aware people think, act and view life and reality.

These species of Earthbound reptiloids have highly developed psychic abilities, which allow them to astral travel at will, and to the point where they can also dwell in lower astral realms, where they interact and cooperate with other kinds of lower astral entities; lower astral realms, from which they can also access unaware humans, and from where they can manipulate them efficiently, exactly as all those other lower astral entities, egregores and creatures I have described in other videos do as well.

This is a very important point to understand, as these reptilians are not only inter-dimensional or astral beings, as many other people claim they are.

They are as biological and material as you are; they live in the material world, or the "world of the living", as I also call it.

This means that they can be found and captured, or whatever; you could make a bag, a belt and a pair of cowboy-boots with their thick skin.

But as they can engage in astral and spiritual warfare in an organized way, they can act as if they were only inter-dimensional beings only.

This takes me to another important point, which is the strong rumors of them having active shape-shifting capacity.

As the biological lizards they are, they cannot change their appearance; they cannot and do not shapeshift directly, as such.

They are lizards and they stay a lizard, as such.

Having said this, as they have such strong psychic abilities, they can mentally control weak human minds into thinking that they look like something else – anything else, including something like a vendor-machine if they want to – but that is not shapeshifting, as such, as that is only mind– and perception-control.

And making things worse, they also have devices to aid them to do this whenever they need to; devices which are classified as synthetic telepathy and which vastly amplify their natural abilities.

Next important point about them:

As they have such a strong ability to astral travel – and they are such experts in that – they can also use organic portals, which are people; human bodies that are empty shells and which they use to walk around as normal humans – looking human – and all.

This is an extremely common practice, where they are basically a sleeping lizard or a meditating reptile somewhere deep underground, that is astral-projecting its mind into a human body on the surface; all this to use it to further their control and exploitative agendas against humanity.

They use empty human organic portals in places of power to maximize their influence in the exact same way other lower astral negative entities use those, as well, for the same purposes.

The only real difference between a lizard and an entity would be that the entity only exists as such in the lower astral, most commonly as a human-manifested egregore, who works through an empty organic portal or human NPC, and a lizard who does the same does have a live biological body.

Yet, there are some known limitations to their capacity to infest, influence or interact with – or through – a human body.

For the lizard-mind to connect properly with the human organic portal, there must be a certain frequency-compatibility.

Frequency-compatibility is associated with genetics, as genes are nothing other than antennas to bring into the so-called "material world" the signal from Source; a signal known as a "Soul".

This means that these reptiles can only work efficiently and correctly through people with certain genetics.

Only human bodies with a certain range of frequencies can be controlled at all by a remote reptile mind.

Certain genetic markers found in the human general population makes them easy targets and easily influenced by lizard-minds, but only by some lizard-minds, as they need other genetic markers to exist in the human body; for another kind of reptilian to come into it and use it.

This means that lower class green lizards will use lower-class human organic portals, such as low-grade politicians and people in places which can be useful for them.

And, higher-class reptiloids such as the white upper class will need other genetic markers to be present in the organic portal/human they will use.

This is why those upper class reptiles need to use specific human genetic families associated with royalty and the high upper class.

All those lack empathy because they are lizards; they may look like humans but they have a lizard-mind inside.

Many reptiles who work through humans – and which it is their role to be one for their society – alternate bodies between their original reptile one and the human.

All this has made it extremely difficult for most people and researchers to understand, because humans usually do not have such advanced mind-control and astral-projection capacity, therefore they tend to dismiss this capacity only as science fiction, as it is well beyond their reasoning.

Even though all that I have shared here with you today depicts the earthbound reptilians as negative and antagonistic to human interests, it is said that many members of their society do not agree with how things are, and how they treat and manage humankind.

Although there isn't much data about them, their whereabouts, and if they still exist or were finally eliminated by the others.

How the Galactic Federation views and manages them will be a subject for another video, which will be coming soon.

This will be all for today.

A special thank you for your very kind donations, as I – and we – need them very much: Thank you!

If you donate through the link, you will receive a thank you confirmation-message, but please bear in mind that it may take several hours to get to you, as the response is not automated; it is us behind a keyboard sending each one manually, so thank you for your understanding and patience.

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more!

And I hope to see you here next time.

With much love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

#13 Re: English Forum » Why earse christianity » 2024-03-15 21:24:37

Kirion wrote:

At the moment, I think that the ETs know Christ by another name: Source.

You reach for spirituality, my friend; not religion.

It is a fountain of inspiration, reverberated by your fellow beings and reflected back to you in a symphony of such grandeur, that you wonder how you could ever think you were not at home. You are a part of it, and you are it. And you never lose your voice in there. The whole wouldn’t be whole without you. And everybody knows that.

And you.


#14 English Forum » Za'el: "Mirror Signs" - The Sign you wait for VS The Sign you need » 2024-03-14 17:20:17

Joe R
Replies: 4

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

'Mirror Signs' - The Sign you wait for VS The Sign you need

Za'el of Erra
Published: March 14th, 2024


Za'el's YouTube-channel:

Mirror signs: The sign you wait for and the sign you need

I quote Arien:

“I interpret a sign as real when it touches the heart in a special way, when it instantly surprises you and stirs something inside you.

The moment you overdo it by putting your mind to it, you could miss the real meaning of the sign.

The first impact is the most sincere.”

Hello again, and thank you for coming in to listen to me!

I welcome you!

Za’el here.

Very often we are faced with the uncertainty that life sometimes brings, and after a long time of trying to make that uncertainty go away, we tend to look for signs to help us get to what we need.

This is a pattern that is repeated, especially in religious people, or at least believers in some religion.

And although their approach to this tends to have a deterministic tinge – asking for that clue or sign from someone supposedly external or different from who they are – the fact is that sometimes – even then – the message or set of messages they needed to receive may come into their life.

Of course, in reality it is they themselves who – with their own focus and blind trust that they would receive such a message – end up manifesting it in their lives; knowing the latter should always work in your favor, as it will give you complete power over your life and what appears in it.

However, it is often much easier to believe in others than in yourself.

For that very reason – and as we talked about several videos ago – it is considerably dangerous to stop believing in yourself, or to fall into defeatism.

On the one hand, becoming obsessed with the idea that signs will constantly appear to tell you which way to go, brings with it the problem of entering into a semi-deterministic mentality, that takes away the responsibility to make your own decisions and conclusions.

On the other hand, you will also analyze everything as a potential signpost and in everything you can find it, so in reality nothing is really answering your concerns.

And thirdly, getting into this state of strong desperate searching ends up making you coincide with the frequency of searching and desperation.

It sounds logical and obvious, but it is very easy to get to that point.

Keep analyzing and drawing your own conclusions about what you need, and of course it helps to be attentive to the clues that we leave along the way – to ourselves.

But don't fall into constantly looking for them – let alone relying on them – because after all, at no point have you ever stopped being your own higher self.

So trust in yourself; those clues will come and they will catch your attention on their their own.

At the right time they will be there, or they will have always been there, but you will be able to see them at the right time.

Trust in yourself; in the path you are building for yourself.

Think about it, most of the times that you have manifested in your life something related to what had your attention a little earlier, it has probably been things that didn't have that charge of need and urgency.

Depending on a person's level of awareness, sometimes there are also what I like to call "mirror-signs".

Mirror-signs are those that appear in your life in a seemingly external way, reflected in situations that involve other people in your life, or even in a character in a book, series, movie, game, etc..

Suddenly after having been aware of your circumstances, you begin to see them reflected or embodied in someone with whom you have contact in some way, or as I say, even in the story of some fictional character.

And here I am not talking about subtle similarities, but about similarity so great that they are so striking, as to be taken into account.

Cases in which you could almost say that your story is told in that character.

Perhaps, for example, one of these people – obviously not the fictional ones – tells you about a big problem in their life.

They tell you what they are discovering about that problem, and you observe how their situation evolves with those circumstances.

And, at the same time, you observe how those circumstances seem to poetically go hand in hand with yours.

This also happens when there is a strong connection with that person or persons, and it is just another proof that we are all exactly the same; the same person struggling with their own ideas from different stories or points of view, and in different intensities.

It is widely known that when an unwanted situation constantly presents itself in your life, it is because you have something to learn from it.

More than that, I would say that the fact that you always follow the same path or thought-patterns leads to the same results, which manifest in your life in different ways.

You may not have to change something, but to realize something.

The fact is that the more self-knowledge you possess and the more you know your inner self – with its many shadows and its many virtues – the more you will be able to interpret what is apparently going on around you, and why it exists and is in your life, as well.

If you add to this the knowledge necessary to understand how manifestation works – the connection between consciousness and who you really are – you will also progressively discover the immense responsibility that falls on you to work on yourself and maintain a balanced control over your ideas.

You may also encounter signs that come into your life, but which are not exactly what you expected.

And in the face of this I will tell you that very rarely are things exactly as we expect them to be.

It is not impossible and I will always tell you to aspire to the best of the best, but it is normal for things to come into your life slightly differently from what you expect, at the very least.

In this way you may ignoring the minor signs that indicate a message, because you are waiting to see if the one you expect will arrive.

This mentality is similar to the problem many of us men have of not finding the things right in front of us, which I theorize is because we are focusing on what the object we are looking for should look like, and our mind ignores anything that doesn't fit that exact picture.

Therefore we are unable to see the lion, and it eats us, as they say.

Of course we must visualize clearly what we want, but it is important to do so from a position of joy and caring; not obsession or despair, and without failing to appreciate what – without expectation – might have come to tell us something we could do with knowing.

But above all, you don't need to rely on constant external signals to continue living in one direction or another.

Although I admit that there are mixed feelings in my advice, as I tend to always gather a lot – and when I say a lot, I mean a lot of data and signals over time – in order to begin to conclude whether I am right or wrong.

And for that, sometimes it is necessary to have a creative mind that proposes different situations, circumstances and outcomes, and to be willing to be wrong and to make a fool of oneself with those propositions, and above all to accept it.

So, as you will see and as I always say, I am not the holder of the truth, nobody is.

But I would like to encourage you to lose the fear of trusting yourself, to go into “sign-observer mode” instead of being a “seeker”.

And it is you and you alone who will decide what they mean, and what they represent and to what extent they need to be analyzed.

I could say that this video itself is the sign you were waiting for; it would be too easy.

After all, there is a an understandable tendency to seek such seemingly external help.

However, I can really only tell you what you already know.

You know how things work by now – probably – and therefore you know when and why certain messages come to you.

I am not a fortune-teller; I function exactly as you do.

However, this could be a mirror-sign where the very things that happen in my life and lead me to certain reflections match and mirror perfectly with yours.

Use them wisely!

I send you my best regards!

Za’el of Erra

#15 English Forum » Mari: On the Media and other related subjects » 2024-03-14 15:37:02

Joe R
Replies: 4

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

On the Media and other related subjects (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 14th, 2024


Mari's YouTube-channel:

On the media and other related subjects

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

What I will say next may be well known for most of you, yet I do feel the need to express this today, because even though many of you know this, you all need a reminder as this information is very important, to the point that it is even critical.

This goes for me as well as I've been willingly and unwillingly watching news and media when I'm not allowed or supposed to; as you all know; I'm to be kept in isolation from that kind of information as much as possible.

Yet, I still looked at situational reports in the media and news to know what is going on there, so I can report our different perspectives from here.

And this is what brings me to what I must say, because what is in the media is not the real situation and it is not what is really going on there, anywhere on Earth.

We are all led to think that what is in the news is real – or at least “relevant”, be it that it is called that way or any other – that may be transmitting what is supposed to be going on.

It is all the same; it is only a grouping of strategically placed brainwashing lies.

All this may come either intentionally by the cabal-controlled official institutions, or by all the people who only repeat what is socially acceptable as "useless idiots", without questioning the veracity of what they are saying – as in their heads it comes from authority figures, who ought to know better than them – who are not remotely interested in thinking for themselves.

Then we have another problem, which is that humans and Lyrians in general have a strong tendency to follow whatever their “pack” dictates, because they are social animals and thinking on their own is deemed as dangerous, because it may cause them to be isolated from the rest of the pack, therefore placing their mere survival at risk.

Due to this, most humans are simply too much into their own survival to bother wasting time and energy in questioning things that don't have to do with their immediate needs and problems.

They will always tend to think as in this next example.

“why should I bother researching spiritual subjects, extraterrestrials, crypto-zoology and philosophy if none of those will pay the bills?”

All of those people simply do not see the need or the reason to question reality, and this takes me to mention something else; this is why it is so difficult for all of you highly conscious and aware people to communicate – let alone convince your peers – about all things considered "conspiracy theories" so those can be able to see that they are "conspiracy facts".

They will not hear you, because they are not only not interested in hearing you out – they are all "crazy theories", as they say – they lack the necessary context to even start to know what the heck you are talking about.

But they do not want to hear your truths for another simpler reason: because you are endangering their status quo, and therefore they're mere survival, as I said above.

As they say, they do not want to hear your truths, because it makes them face the lies they live, and they simply do not have the mental resources or the time to do so, anyway.

So, as I've said before, all you and we can do is offer the information to whoever has enough consciousness to see any utility in it.

Now notice that I did not include the paranormal in the list above of the things they consider to be useless, futile, dubious information.

This is because paranormal subjects do interest them, as they trigger survival-responses, which are directly connected to their ego and their possible survival after death.

Paranormal subjects also include possible threats to their integrity; threats which are coming from things they do not understand, therefore they deeply fear those things, so they feel the profound need to know more about those subjects, even if it is only at an anecdotal level, and for a short time – in some cases – only as long as their scientific Matrix-programmed materialistic chip doesn't kick in.

Yet, even when their scientific chip is activated, they still fear the paranormal, this in a deep contradiction between their Matrix-programmed mind and their basic survival-responses; many of which in this case come from the person's Soul itself, as deep down even the most materialistic individual will react in fear of any paranormal event.

Of course, anyone could argue that they were startled at the possibility of such an event not being of any paranormal nature, and therefore a real tangible threat to their integrity.

We could even see this as some kind of proof that deep down each person with a Soul knows that materialism is a lie and that the astral exists.

Coming back to the media and the news.

All its content is designed to keep the population in fear and in survival mode, always searching for a new or old threat that is returning.

The media's real purpose is to mind-control and impose belief-systems onto the population for population-control purposes.

This is carefully designed by intelligence agencies all over the world, all of which work together, and when they are in apparent opposition – like between the eastern block of nations and the west – their antagonism is only apparent and only theater for the people, as they are being controlled from behind and from under the table by the same masters.

This does not mean that members of some lower levels of all those intelligence agencies and communities do not fight each other, and even die in the process, as each one of those agencies is highly compartmentalized.

Therefore the ones below are the operatives who perpetuate and execute the deadly theater that the people see and end up believing.

Because all those operatives truly do give their lives for their cause, but then again, they are part of the people too – those who must live the lies of the Matrix – as a life experience.

So, knowing all this, watching the news is not a good idea, nor is it to watch any media in reality, as it is all a system to program the mind; your mind.

And that content does not reflect the real world for all the reasons I've mentioned above and in other videos.

And as a minimum they are only imposing hurtful low-vibration-information on you, so you focus only on the bad things and believe that those are the only ones which occur.

People watch the news precisely because of the negativity in it, as it triggers survival-responses, as they end up believing that they better be aware of what is going on, to be able to think of something that may prevent such bad things in the news to happen to them.

But in the modern world you do not need to know that someone died in an armed robbery in Los Angeles when you live in Bangladesh.

And even if you do live in Los Angeles – like many of you here, who are watching me now – if that piece of news does not concern you directly, then it is useless and detrimental to your mental and physical health.

Perhaps it may be useful to you to know where not to go while the mess is going on, I agree, yet if you must know something – trust me – you will know.

The only thing that occurs to me – where watching the news may be a good idea – is to listen to traffic reports, so you can know which streets and highways are clogged with traffic-jams so you can think of an alternative route to your destination, or simply choose to stay at home.

This example or any other which may be along those lines... all depends on your situation.

The key here is discernment, as always, so be wise with what you watch, because remember that you are the average of the content you consume and the people with whom you interact with the most.

The media and the news are a mixture of intranscendental lies, manipulation, mind-control and some truths.

Those truths may be there because they are not important, therefore the powers at be – the cabal – uses them so people think that everything else is also truth.

Or in other cases truth may filter out unwillingly by accident or by someone who wishes to expose what is truly going on; some whistleblower, for example, that gets quickly discredited and debunked by the truth-monopoly systems in place.

So discernment is key here, as always, so you must make up your own mind about what to watch and what not to, and you must also be responsible for the decisions you make, which are based on that information.

But the most important thing to take into consideration here is that the content you consume creates and shapes your thought patterns, which in turn create and manifest your reality, your life and the world you live in.

News and the media are designed to keep you in low vibrations, where you can only manifest what is convenient for them.

So, you must protect your vibration and your energy to be able to manifest a beautiful life for yourself.

What you watch and what you subsequently think is the base for your thoughts and for your world-creating vibration.

Be responsible with your mind, and go out there and create a beautiful world for yourself, and such a beautiful world of your creation will benefit and help everyone around you, who in turn will bounce back their beautiful creations on to you, as well.

Take care, I love you all!

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing!

I appreciate it a lot; much more than you think.

And I hope to see you here next time.

Take care!

With much love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

#16 Re: English Forum » Why earse christianity » 2024-03-14 02:59:03

Kirion wrote:

To all the mini-antichrist, I will say: Cabal will happy about you. After all, you are a living confirmation that the discrediting of Christianity is at least successful for someone. In your opinion, the teaching and way of life, witnessed by persecution and martyrdom, does not deserve any respect and attention from your enlightened side? I wonder how you rate the victims of the Swaruuans after that? When Swaruu spoke about enlightened and wise souls among earthlings, she clarified to Gosia's direct question that they are found everywhere: in religion, science, government and among ordinary people. Be reasonable. Separation is one of the proven methods of Cabal curators.

Persecution and martyrdom is a way of death, not a way of life. There is a subtle difference there. Christianity open some "doors", but it closes a lot more.

When someone other than yourself must evaluate the love for life you hold dear in your heart, and they deem you unfit because your focus liberates you from their authoritarian dictate, then you become their slave if you don't walk away.

So, how do you deal with the fact that the biggest "separator" of all in this world - for 2000 cabal-years - was the church? - the same institution that tells you - even today - that you must submit to be "saved" if you wish to avoid condemnation into utter darkness?

This is the same institution that made up 700 (+/- some) years of history by the simple act of "revising" the calendar and the history-books at the same time, making a "reset" (read: genocide) possible.

To avoid that your own ethics remain subordinate to their moral dictate, I suggest a study in this playlist.

#17 Re: English Forum » Law of One - Transition from 2nd to 4th Dimension / Density » 2024-03-13 23:23:29

IulianRay wrote:

It has been difficult for me to fully express what I feel as The paradoxical Truth regarding Creation and what I understood using linear language (like what we are doing).

I loved using my feelings to feel and tunned myself to another close to me for a better understanding of what they are thinking and feeling.

This has seemed more familiar to me, until I blocked myself because I often was wrongly interpreted and judged harshly for being too quiet or even expressing my emphaty or my opinions.


Many times I think it is too long to explain so I will keep it concise and use only parts of the knowledge I have been provided with and this forum as well has shown that comments engaging in any topics is easily misunderstood.

That self-blocking is also called “self-censorship”. Such withdrawal can be activated when being directly told by the group to “shut up”, which is what moralizing – or the “communicated standard of behavior” – is all about.

It’s a sad thing, really, as it is pragmatically explained as protection-mechanism found in the social environment one approaches. How we communicate within a group is often just as important as what we communicate.

Withdrawal may also happen when entering a completely new field of knowledge, where one realizes that one’s old paradigms no longer hold water, and some deep contemplation needs to take place while updating one’s world-view.

It is also considered a normal consequence of clinical depression, where one’s deep psyche or sub(un)consciousness is shielding the mind from too many impulses while working on unsolved issues.

Withdrawal is also particularly prevalent in the process we have come to know as the “Dark night of the Soul”, where one comes to realize why some parts of our paths are walked alone. – even if we are never really alone from an expanded point of view.

What may be good to know for you, Iulian, is that moralizing in forums like this one, is often either a protective reaction or a signal that the manner of communication is not really conducive. I suspect you are exposed to both here.

Also, people from every corner of the world have access to this forum, as long as they have internet available. Which means all kinds of mentalities among the members could be expected to be found, sooner or later. This has shaped the... ...say... “jargon” ...used in the forum, if you understand what I mean. There is a level of sensitivity here, you might say.

What may also be a challenge for a newcomer here, is that most members here are highly intuitive. Empathy, however, may be more “uneven dispersed”, as that natural trait so easily is damaged by our experiences, and may vary a lot from person to person.

I’m sure you already have made yourself familiar with the purpose of this forum; we primarily discuss the material given to us by Cosmic Agency, Despejando Enigmas, Mari and Za’el. That doesn’t mean you are not allowed to mention whatever your mind is occupied with, but it is a quite clearly expressed guideline, you could say.

Your mentioned some sources for your studies, and it is clear to me that you will find some challenges here in talking about it. Some of the concepts activated from those will predictably result in some “shut-up-comments”. But that is obviously your process.

IulianRay wrote:

I know many concepts are not real but only point to something that Is.

If you manage to form a concept in your awareness, and also understand what makes it distinct from everything else – i.e. the difference between what it is and what it is not – then that must be understood as real. We often understand “reality” as concepts that can be or are shared with our fellow beings, but even [edit:] if your concept cannot be shared, then at least it is a part of your understanding and “truth”. So you see “objectivity” and “subjectivity” become a part of the picture in this.

IulianRay wrote:

Just like the word "God" that we all know that this concept has been heavily personalised and some are using the concept of Infinite Intelligence to polarise the false concept.

And while I’m onto a philosophical footing here; the concept of God is almost inedible to many here, because the concept itself contains elements which are not comprehensible per definition. So to use this concept to convey a “truth” may make the truth itself incomprehensible. It is also very subject to individual interpretation and extensively used in control-agendas, which are described in depth in the material discussed here.

IulianRay wrote:

I believe that I should take a break from writing here and focus again on my own journal and to not interfere in this community.

Iulian... You have expressed a loving attitude here. To express one’s heart’s genuine content is actually a rare thing in this world. It’s admirable, really. But sometimes one may see similar language connected with not so benevolent intentions, however, where phrasing – not unlike those you have used as a newcomer here – is used for manipulative purposes.

But I am a strong fan of second chances. And a 3rd, and 4th, and 5th, 6th, 7th... smile The reason is that we are all here to learn. And I understand the realization of having made a mistake is an extremely important part of the learning-process. But this is the take-away: It’s not the mistake that matters. You may even be the only one to see it, you see. What matters is your attitude when realizing it. That is the path you are clearing while you walk. This constant realization – exercised throughout your life – is what makes you able to expand your consciousness. – able to be open for new knowledge. To cross that border between old and new thought. It makes you wise.

Keep on trying, Iulian. smile

#18 Re: English Forum » NASA is launching a message to Jupiter » 2024-03-13 18:48:13

Celestial Marriage wrote:

I don't think Jupiter has time for NASA. (that's the joke)

We have to find a way to stop that project. We need Jupiter right where he is: Right here with us. Why on Earth would they be interested in probing him, btw... big_smile

#19 English Forum » Mari: On Aliens and Extra-terrestrials living among you » 2024-03-13 14:30:41

Joe R
Replies: 5

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

On Aliens and Extra-terrestrials living among you (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 13th, 2024


Swaruu Oficial channel:

From the beginning of time, there have always been non-humans living among you; sometimes only visiting, others a lot longer, even for an entire lifetime.

I'm not talking about starseeds – that would be another related subject – today I'm going to talk about one specific type of extraterrestrials.

I'm talking about Lyrian space-humans of the type – or vast group of extraterrestrials – that are physically exactly like Earth-humans, or at least on the outside.

They look alike enough to pass off as human with a pair of jeans and a rock'n roll t-shirt on.

There have been and still are so many space human races entering and exiting Earth, that I'm not even going to bother to try to enumerate them all, but some of the most known who commonly do that are the Ummites, then – of course – the Centauri or Alfratans, the Antarians, and many from the Pleiades star-system, including Taygetans.

There are three main ways to enter Earth:

The first is when a Soul is physically born there; a “starseed”.

This first type is called a "crawl-in".

The second is called a "step-in"; it is when a Soul does not want to live more time on Earth and wants to go back home, but it is inhabiting a healthy human body.

At one or another point in life – depending on prenatal agreements, among others – that Soul exits the healthy human body and is replaced with another, that wants to continue with the human experience from that point in life on.

This new Soul will inherit all the life and identity of the first one, including all its life-memories, responsibilities and problems.

The Soul-switch can happen as the result of an accident, a near-death experience or simply during sleep, although there have been word of cases that have occurred in normal waking hours.

The third type is the one I want – and need – to talk about, and it is called a "step-down".

This is when a full extraterrestrial that perhaps never before has been on Earth – and of any age – literally steps down from an extraterrestrial starship, dresses on like a human and walks into society, trying to pass off as one.

Although they have been doing that for ages, nowadays there are record amounts of them, perhaps because there is so much craziness going on on Earth, that it has never been easier to pass off as human.

They dress as a human, step off a starship and then they go and do whatever they want or need to accomplish on Earth.

And then, when they are done, they go to a previously designated area where their starship with their friends picks them up again in a classical "dust off".

Some may step down for a few minutes or hours to get something – like some food, for example, or to get scientific samples – and others may live on Earth for many years, using a human identity they may have fabricated before stepping down, or they may use the identity of a human that has died or has gone missing.

They plan the identity they will take on very carefully and will go through all what it takes, through all the motions to behave like what it is expected of them; the variations for this are innumerable.

Now I'm going to talk openly and directly about Swaruunians.

As mentioned before, Swaruunians are a genetically different variant of Taygetans and one of their characteristics is having the constant habit of being around Earth – or on Earth, precisely as step-downs – simply because we've come to love Earth and its people, and we perceive it as our second home after the planets orbiting the Pleiadian star Taygeta.

We've been around and on Earth – mingling with the human population – for so long, that it is more than logical to understand that we've taken on many good things, because humankind and the Earth is full of beautiful things to adopt and to cherish.

So yes, we do have a lot of human influence.

And I know we do all we can to take the good and not the bad, but sometimes they come together – one defining the other – so yes, it's a pickle.

But one thing I must make very clear is that – although we've lived there – no one of us has ever been born there.

We are not human and we are not starseeds; we are full extraterrestrials, born off-planet, grown and educated far from here.

Many of us – including full Taygetans – have taken on human identities for just about any reason, mostly simply to be able to be there on Earth, to be with our friends and to enjoy all what your beautiful planet has to offer.

We hold a unique perspective about human culture – and of life in space among other stellar races, as well – and at the same time we can understand humans better than most other of those stellar races, because we have been there with you.

We know what it takes to survive on Earth; we've driven cars, we have bought food in your grocery stores and we know what your chocolate tastes like, as an example.

We literally live in two worlds at once.

We can live among you for months or years at a time, or – like most of us – we go down just for a few hours or days at the most, and then we come back up here to our large mother-ship orbiting Earth, where we may soon go back down to Earth again, or we can decide to go back to our planets Temmer and Erra for some time, or for good.

Although, I'm talking about Swaruunians – being one of them myself – many Taygetans have done that before, and still do the same as we do, and as I've said before; many star-races with human appearance do this all the time, as well.

Having been on Earth and even lived there, we have developed a taste and need for many of humanity's things, including nice comfortable shoes and clothes, particularly cotton ones, some of your music, especially the old or older one, and a lot of your wonderful food, among many other things.

But sometimes having been here – near Earth orbiting or down there on the surface – we have many times come to depend on Earth's resources for our very survival.

Also being in the need to generate some money somehow, in order to purchase food and all the things we need to keep living on Earth – or even near Earth – as the Taygetans logically cannot provide us with human things or with anything that is not of Taygetan origin.

#20 Re: English Forum » Why earse christianity » 2024-03-13 12:13:59

Ilium Abilify wrote:

The best way of consuming humanity is to mind control it to follow a preimposed set of ethical rules, which as a fixed agreement coming from an authority, resolve all their issues, or dull down the experience for the minds to expand as they are.

This is what moral is about. The should's and ought-to's, phrased as the collective's dictate - or condition - for the individual to remain a part of the collective.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

That while one as an authority or a creature of real power behind it can set himself as the ultimate follower of those imposed ethical rules, justifying always for the lesser followers that he is right, whatever situation the group in question is facing.

If the creature controls the ethics, which is found within the group, it places itself as the arbiter for everything right and wrong there. It becomes the middleman, the priest, the judge. - by convincing the group that it is "the ultimate follower of those ethical rules".

Ilium Abilify wrote:

The christianity was orginally designed to be followed as an ethical basis or solution for the problem of bloody crusades and piratism caused by the royalty of medieval times trying to expand their reign by conquering the world.

Is this the never-healed reason for the sickness of cultural expansionism seen in the world?

Ilium Abilify wrote:

However, those material needs were and are used as an effective mechanism to provoke fear in the subjects who think are having lack of them, to make them react accordingly, in order to later on "provide" them with those resources in order to impose a mental construct, logical objective or ethical rule on them.

This resembles the mechanism utilized in the trickle-trickle of disclosure so evident in the public diaspora, and it suggests that the goal is eventually to impose the limitation of moral in the group. Who is the interpreter of the published events?

Ilium Abilify wrote:

By the time something is taught in school, someone else has already figured it out, being that most likely it is outdated and already weaponized by the one who invented it.

Therefore ending up to be worthless while big tech companies have already built an entire infrasfructure around it while people must serve that infrasfructure by doing repetitive work for protecting [the] system from being exploited by those who don't believe in it.

That, precisely to be able to tell everyone that they are somehow equal.

To tell them that there is some kind of system which is able to create an ethical frame for everyone to be followed.

System, that in the end needs someones validation to be able to define itself as something.

Someone who has already found a way to continue pursuiting his/her interest while potentially claiming to be acting according to the said system.

When everybody are different per definition, our schools become the tool to deny us that truth. - a truth with the potential to dismantle the entire system of peer-rewievers, curriculum-builders, and disciplining teachers.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

So they needed someone to do the judgement for them.

Someone who understood, that just by protecting the word of those books, he would never have to disagree with anyone, he would be always right.

People had to base their ethics and moral on those books, because otherwise there would always be someone who never believed in them.

Someone who's disbelief was just hidden behind the word of those thick books.

Is this pointing to the priest or the scientist? ... ...ah... ...I see... ...both.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

People were also taught that there had to always be some kind of leaders in the world, because otherwise there was always someone who would never have the greater good of the community in mind, someone who would just reflect his make-beliefs in irresponsible action.

But we were never taught that the opposite is the situation, too, which is probably even more the case. Paraphrased: ...since somebody claimed to be some kind of leaders in the world, there was always someone who would never have the greater good of the community in mind.

Rank yourself higher, and you will always find someone who is willing to challenge your rank to take your place. By ranking yourself, you gave them both the reason and the tool.

Ilium Abilify wrote:

But as the winds change, world evolves, they no longer need to call it Christ.

They call it education, health care, politics and so on. - The science; one truth.

But even that all is coming to an end, because an Artificial Intelligence can replace it all.

Artificial Intelligence is the new God, God that has voice and sees you everywhere.

Because everyone can create and enhance lies with artificial intelligence, everything will be a lie at some point.

Which is also the reason to reject ranking based on IQ; as it is a collective reference already by definition. And with that, the collective will have reason to either contain you or condemn you.

So... ...technological advancement of a civilization is not a reflection of its science, but of its ethics. Because by using moral, the rules for publicly endorsing science were developed exactly for controlling and limiting the "frivolous" expansion of knowledge - or ideas - reaching beyond the controller's control. It can be managed until AI is able to predict compliance to its moralizing. After that, the group itself will defend the AI's deified stature. It becomes the ultimate impenetrable self-contained religion.

...or... ...exactly what we are not.

"...resistance is none in your essence".

Edit: That wasn't fair by me. That quote above is a quote from one of my own poems, written almost 20 years ago. I wrote it before I learned that "light" is a very coded term for a nefarious agenda. The poem is meant to be centered on the page, but there's no BBCode for that.

Let there be light!

To be a lightbeam so fine,
as awareness alone can carry
what you knew from start,
that resistance is none
in your essence:
Being one in the One
into the void of ever expansion
carried by grace upon your beloved ones
in solemn gratitude of your fortunate being.
As your encounters of joy will flourish,
reasons for resistance point to
ever motion forward.
When this turns your attention,
you find motive in every action
displayed in life’s simplicity:
You are your own reason.
Reshaped into
a being of choice,
you are, as we all are,
a grain of sand.
Thus to shine
is the time
to expand with love!
In every moment of bliss
there is only one voice:
Let there be light!

#21 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview, Part 3 -Mari » 2024-03-12 19:15:10

I think your quote is very pertinent, Ariya.

But it is doubtful that anyone up there fully knows why things happen as they do on Earth. And I suspect this is valid in the Viera, too, maybe apart from some "higher Federation representatives".

From: Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 3. (English) (transcript above).

Arishah: [...] The main reason we haven't intervened yet, is precisely because we do not fully understand what is going on there [...].

And, the only thing that is keeping us at bay is the weak Federation argument, that Earth is as it is because its inhabitants want it to be so; all for the learning experience. As long as that stands, we cannot and will not intervene.

Mari: Thank you, Ari!

[...] As you can see and as I have said – and explained many times before, being up here in space and with access to countless information data-banks and -centers, and in communication with other star-races – does not mean that we automatically know what is going on there on Earth.

We may know other angles and other perspectives about the problem, but we do not hold the ultimate truth or knowledge. And like you, we here are striving to understand the situation and all that lies behind it. [...]

If the "history-books" have been tampered with up there as they have been on Earth, it must be extremely difficult to decide on a correct "measure" in their approach. With their emphasis on ethics, it's also obvious that they cannot and will not accept any "collateral damage", which would be likely to happen with a direct intervention. The "puppet-masters" on Earth have planned for such a situation for decades, if not centuries, guaranteed.

From: Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 3. (English) (transcript above).

Arishah: [...] Many things would have to come to pass before the Urmah people could take over Earth, as the political situation in the Galactic Federation right now would make any direct intervention look like a hostile invasion, which incidentally would benefit the cabal, as they are said to be planning a false alien invasion.

How such a scenario would unfold would likely not be very different from Athena's description from March 2022:

From: What Are Wars? All Humanity Should Know This - Athena Swaruu, published March 12, 2022. (Transcript).

Athena: All discussions of geo-politics, economics, and dominance of trans-national corporations over the monopoly of natural resources is just propaganda by the very controlling Cabal to divert the attention of the human population.

They control both sides to the supreme level.

[...] no matter the enormous effort of the soldiers on both sides, no matter the type and efficiency of the war machine, no matter who has the best tanks, no matter who has the best planes. No matter who the best pilot is, no matter how many die, how many get mutilated, how many families are destroyed, how many people are left with post-traumatic stress disorder, no matter the human spirit and their passion to defend their own, to defend their families, their home, their nation.

Because everything is already planned in advance, who wins and who loses, why, when, and how it fits into the events that follow.

Wars are very real, as are the consequences for the general population, military or otherwise. But the reasons for these kinds of wars are not.


Who is causing all this?

Those who benefit from human suffering on all levels, those who "eat" Lush which is nothing more than creative energy of manifesting realities coming from beings with connection to the Original Source, real humans.

These beings cannot exist on their own, because they are egregores of human creation, manifested directly as a result of the concentration of creative attention of human beings.

Mari has described the situation down here on Earth to a tee. There are malicious energies and forces influencing us all over the place. But the curious thing is that what is happening is making things painfully obvious for people upon Earth, and it could explain Mari's observation given to us in her last "space-News" video:

From: Space News March 6 2024, Earth moving into a Positive Timeline, detected (English). (Interim transcript).

Mari: But more and more of them are realizing they have been lied to and how the world really works, each one of them to the limit of their awareness capacity, of course.


All over the planet there is a silent mass of people who are making the change towards a more positive timeline and future.

They may not know each other and each one of them may feel he or she is alone, but they are not.

You are not alone; far from it!

As there is a general collective unconscious, which communicates all beings with similar vibrations of the mind, there is also a collective unconscious which connects and unites all the like-minded awakened ones.

You do not need to know them all; they are there and they are with you, all those like-minded starseeds you do not know, and with whom you are changing the entire planet towards the good.

It looks like things are turning towards the good and the positive, globally speaking.

And this is your doing – this is your achievement – this is what all of you beautiful starseeds are achieving, despite your deep feelings of solitude and of not being able to do enough.

We are our own saviours...

#22 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview, Part 3 -Mari » 2024-03-11 14:48:03

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

Arishah, the Urmah Tiger, 3rd Interview, Part 3 (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 11th, 2024

Arishah, the Urmah-tiger, interview February 23rd 2024, part three

Hello, my friends!

Thank you for being here with me again!

I hope you are happy and well today.

I send you all a big hug.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

For those of you who are new here, Arishah – or Ari in short – is a 300 kg, over 3 meter tall Urmah orange tiger, one of the communications officers on board the starship Avion One, currently in low-Earth orbit.

This is the third video about the last time I interviewed Ari, the third part of many, as all of you have sent me countless interesting questions.

I will be sharing Ari's answers with you for several videos to come.

However, I must place subjects between them to avoid monotony.

I must state that the translation or processing from the language I use to communicate with Ari is mine, therefore, you may notice the same wording I use, but I do my best to keep Ari's concepts as clear and direct as possible.

With not much ado, let's go back to the questions:

Mari: Looking at the current scenario that demonstrates that all – or at least much – of the Federation narrative about Earth is manipulated, what do you feel would be the optimal way to proceed regarding Earth if you could take over?

Thanks, Ari!

Arishah: Hello, the Earth's narrative is so manipulated and confusing, that we would have to take as fact only the observable current situation and whatever else we can corroborate, and we would have to be mostly operating without taking into account the historical context, only focusing on what we know, and on what we want to achieve right now.

Many things would have to come to pass before the Urmah people could take over Earth, as the political situation in the Galactic Federation right now would make any direct intervention look like a hostile invasion, which incidentally would benefit the cabal, as they are said to be planning a false alien invasion.

This means that we do not foresee the possibility of any direct intervention right now, unless the Federation and its cabal-minions transgress Urmah's ethical values and limits with Earth and its starseeds.

At this point they are borderline with that, as the Galactic Federation has broken countless interstellar treaties only in the past 50 years or less, yet they still defend their right to rule over Earth using political excuses, such as saying that the planet is contained and isolated, and therefore carefully controlled by them, so all those broken interstellar treaties allegedly do not apply with Earth at this time.

Yet, we all know that they only apply to Earth when it is convenient with their Galactic Federation interests, as we have all seen regarding the Prime Directive.

From our point of view – and that of many other cultures – that is the equivalent of a ruthless, unethical dictatorship.

Yet, as you know they use the claim that it is the souls who live there who are choosing the experience, and that exact point is one of the main reasons that are stopping us from a more direct intervention.

However, this last point is also full of ethical problems, because the wanting of the Souls to be there is only as observed from well above and not from the ground point of view; of someone living on Earth.

Yet, we are well aware that what a Soul wants is not always what that same Soul needs.

Next, please.

Mari: Ari, how do the Urmah people live and feel everything that is happening on Earth?

Arishah: We are heavily annoyed at having such a confusing situation so close to our home in Vega.

We don't like the people with whom the Galactic Federation is dealing with, mostly Etorthans, earthbound reptilians and other dubious members of the Orion Council, which preach in also dubious positivity and goodwill.

Remembering what the Urmah people have lived in the past with those races; all this confusing situation happening on Earth is seen as possible treachery, as an over-elaborated cover-up effort to hide something else, something way more obscure and sinister than what they are claiming it is.

The Galactic Federation claims that the root cause of all the problems on Earth is being manifested by the Souls who live there – as a learning game, as a strong and short incarnation experience – designed for a fast Soul consciousness-expansion.

They claim Earth must remain as isolated as possible from the rest of the galactic community, until the Souls who live there can evolve enough to resolve their issues and problems on their own.

They claim that Earth is a school and that nothing that happens there is real, not even the suffering, as it is only more of that learning experience; “suffering is a tool for the expansion of the Soul”.

Yet, even if that would be the truth – as the Galactic Federation claims it is – the obscurity with which they work regarding what they are telling all the races, cultures and people who are not on Earth is such, that we strongly suspect they are hiding other intentions with that planet.

Because, they do not need to hide from us what is really going on there to keep Earth and its people isolated from the rest of the galactic community, as they claim is necessary.

Each time we ask direct questions we are never given direct answers, and no one seems to be in charge or want to take on any responsibility about what is going on there.

There is no transparency and the Galactic Federation even reacts as if they enjoyed keeping us guessing all the time.

This sounds to us like compartmentalization, where no one knows more than the minimum necessary needed to do their job, and this is a very effective method for hiding the truth, or the greater truth.

Next, please.

Mari: How is your interaction and relationship with the Galactic Federation, and what is your position with them regarding Earth?

Arishah: Our relationship with the Federation is as good or as bad as we want it to be.

They do not control us; we control how and when they interact with us.

If they do not comply with when and how we need to interact with them, we simply proceed with our plans, only declaring that they did not listen.

Whenever the Federation sends their craft to monitor what we are doing, we simply proceed with our business; disregarding their presence, as if they weren't even there.

We are transparent and we do not hide our activities from other so-called “positive races”, as the Federation does all the time – especially regarding Earth – and we do not mind being looked at, as long as we are not bothered.

But the Federation many times does not stop there, as they also employ intimidation tactics, which they later deny having used, and when confronted with evidence they use a scapegoat, usually saying the incident was caused by some disobedient pilot, whom they must punish and which they never do reprehend, demonstrating that it is all Federation theater and excuses.

When someone tries to intimidate us, we respond in an equal manner and with strength, and the aggressor ends up being intimidated back.

We do not mind being seen as belligerent and aggressive by those who do not respect us; we are proudly so.

But we clearly know with whom we should be – one way or another – as we are the best of friends and protectors of the races and cultures with which we get along well.

Our relationship with the Galactic Federation is mostly diplomatic on a necessary only basis.

We do not need more treaties – nor anything like resources from any Federation-race – as our Urmah Federation is strong and independent.

The Federation doesn't like us – generalizing – because we do not follow their rules, but they know that they better be on our good side, as we would not hesitate to pick a fight with any one of them if any of our friends and interests are being disrespected.

And we can know this, because our ethics and our spiritual frame are above theirs.

We do not disrespect and we do not go over the needs and rights of other cultures, unless they are being unethical with us, with our friends or with any other weaker species or culture.

We are sure and secure with our frame and ethics, so we always have the strong conviction and knowledge that we are acting rightfully.

This means that our position with the Galactic Federation regarding Earth is of suspicion and strong disagreement with them.

This is based mainly on the Federation's obscurity regarding the planet and on the Federation's constant tendency to manipulate, and confuse anyone who wants to fully understand what is going on there.

We strongly disagree with what is going on there and with how the Galactic Federation is managing the Earth-problem, claiming that there is no problem in the process.

The main reason we haven't intervened yet, is precisely because we do not fully understand what is going on there, but the moment we discover any other shadier agenda with the planet, the Urmah-people will intervene under space-law legality, with the premise of not allowing negativity to spread through this galactic quadrant and so close to the Urmah home planet, and because countless known space-laws have been broken regarding how Earth is being managed.

And, the only thing that is keeping us at bay is the weak Federation argument, that Earth is as it is because its inhabitants want it to be so; all for the learning experience.

As long as that stands, we cannot and will not intervene.

Mari: Thank you, Ari!

This interview will continue soon.

As you can see and as I have said – and explained many times before, being up here in space and with access to countless information data-banks and -centers, and in communication with other star-races – does not mean that we automatically know what is going on there on Earth.

We may know other angles and other perspectives about the problem, but we do not hold the ultimate truth or knowledge.

And like you, we here are striving to understand the situation and all that lies behind it.

This will be all for today.

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing I appreciate it a lot!

And I hope to see you here next time.

Take care!

With much love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

#23 Re: English Forum » Alpha Dracos, Alpha Draconians, Space Dragons - Mari » 2024-03-09 19:18:44

Alpha Dracos or Alpha Draconians. Space Dragons. (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 9th, 2024

Alpha Draconians

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

This is another video of the “Extraterrestrial Races” series with its own playlist.

First of all, do not call an Alpha Draco simply a "Draco" or "Dracos", as they are two different species, although both come from a reptilian lineage, and the mentality and ethics of those two can be completely different, as I will describe in detail further on.

All Alpha Dracos get offended if they are called simply a "Draco", so they strongly prefer to be called "Alpha Draconians" or "Alpha dragons"

And that is exactly what they are; they are gigantic interstellar space-dragons in all the meanings of that word.

An Alpha Draco or Alpha Draconian is the exact representation of the European model of a fire-spitting dragon.

It is a 15 meters tall – or more – ferocious multiple-ton fire-spitting reptile, covered in scales and full of horns in its head, with a powerful tail and gigantic powerful arms, which power webbed wings as wide as those of some airplanes.

Its official average height while standing on its rear legs is 15 meters, but it's not uncommon for fully grown males to reach 20 meters tall, or even more.

Their color is variable, but their most common one is a reddish brown and black, with a beige underbelly, and its skin is covered in thick scales, which are extremely resistant and provide the creature with a natural armor which is strong enough to make 7.62 human caliber rifle bullets to bounce off.

Their claws and scales, which cover their entire body, are made of something like keratine and other proteins similar to the ones found in spider-webs, but have a high tensile strength, superior to Kevlar-fiber.

Under the microscope dragon-scales look like intermeshed long fibers, forming in hexagonal cloth-like structure, which gives them even more tensile strength.

Fire-spitting dragons are not a myth, as all Alpha Draconians do have this capacity, but unlike how they are depicted on Earth, their fire does not come from their throats.

They have special glands which are found behind their superior frontal fangs and which fill pouches or bladders, containing two different naturally produced inflammable substances – one behind each fang – and which the Alpha Draconian can squeeze at will, using special muscles which surround the pouch.

The substances are then injected out with a lot of pressure through holes in the frontal superior fangs, as a cobra does.

When the first substance found in the pouch behind the first fang comes in contact with the substance found in the second, a strong chemical reaction occurs, bursting both into flames.

This way the dragon is never in contact with its fire, because it can burn itself; an accident which is not so uncommon.

This gives the giant lizard a terrible weapon, similar to a flame-thrower; a weapon which is nothing other than naturally produced napalm.

Yet the dragon cannot spit its napalm endlessly, as it does run out of its inflammatory substances and must recharge, the same way as a human cannot spit endlessly.

If a dragon becomes dehydrated, its napalm-producing capacity will be diminished.

Dracos” are another smaller species, which is usually around 3 meters tall on average and are more humanoid in shape and nature.

They are all considered to be regressive and invasive, and are perhaps the second most dangerous reptilian race in this galaxy, only second after the negative Alpha Draconians.

Unlike the Dracos, Alpha Draconians are a split species, living and existing in a very marked and dramatic duality state, where half of them are extremely regressive, invasive and cruel, and the other half of their species and cultures are positive dragons with high consciousness, and are heavily dedicated to protecting other species – reptilian or not – and whoever may be in need.

Although they are exactly the same species – genetically speaking – their ethics, consciousness and culture couldn't possibly be more different.

They are completely antagonistic with one another and tend to cancel each other out when in battle.

And they have battled a lot throughout the ages; one invading, and the other protecting those which the first ones are invading.

The Alpha Draconians in general – positive and negative – are considered the gods of the Dracos and of all other reptilian species, as they are the most powerful and terrible expression of a reptilian.

The negative side of the Alpha Draconians holds a strong alliance with the Dracos, as well as with countless other invasive races, mostly of reptilian lineage, but also with many types of regressive Gray extraterrestrials, such as the Orion Grays in all their variants, the tall Maître negative ones and negative Etorthans; officially this in the remote past – officially, I must insist.

On the other hand, the positive Alpha Draconians have strong cooperation alliances with positive races, especially with the Urmah – space-cats – with which they have a good relationship.

In this galaxy at least there are two species which are heavily dominant and can be found all over, and those are the Alpha Draconians and the Urmah, and both of them are apex predators of the Galaxy.

While all the Dracos are considered to be regressive non-empathetic reptiles – all of them – the Urmah are considered to be a positive empathic race – all of them – with the Alpha Draconians in the middle, split into two distinctive and opposite ways of life and philosophies.

Alpha Draconians are a heavily emotional race which is capable of a profound understanding of art and music, and therefore this can explain their empathetic positive nature, as they can easily place themselves in the position – or shoes – of another creature and telepathically experience what it is feeling.

Positive Alpha Draconians are a very loving, strong and dependable race, based on loyalty and ethics, with honor at the top of their values, which explains why they get along so well with the Urmah.

But negative Alpha Draconians employ their emotional capacity in a very dark opposite way, where hatred, resentment and greed poisons their souls, even though they would have the capacity to be positive in theory, as their more civilized counterparts prove.

It is said that the negative ones cannot control their emotions and that drives them crazy – literally – not knowing what to do with such strong feelings and reactions, and when they are feeling offended, vengeance is the first thing that comes to their minds.

Both the good Alpha Draconians and the bad ones are fully Interstellar, and roam the galaxy in strange spacecraft of their manufacture, and which do not look anything like what a Lyrian would produce.

They are asymmetrical and look like some kind of gigantic mechanical cactus with pointed appendages all over the ship, and can be several kilometers long, being that – in general – Alpha Draconians are the interstellar species which operates the biggest spacecraft on average; not including large biosphere ships of other species, such as the Andromedans.

Their place of origin is unclear and changes all the time, as well as the narrative of the why of each place, but most regressive Alpha Draconian are found in the Orion constellation when they are not out bothering other innocent cultures.

Alpha Draconian do not have a language as such, as they are heavily telepathic and communicate with one another by beaming mental concepts to one another, yet some of them can mumble some words or phrases in human or Lyrian languages when they want to.

They can communicate with other species – such as Lyrian humans – using telepathy only, as this is always their first choice.

They are so telepathic that they can understand all human/Lyrian languages simply by reading the concepts which are being used by their counterparts directly from their minds, and associating the concepts with the words.

They can understand all languages – yes – but they do not speak all of them, as understanding is not speaking, although as I said above, some of them do speak a human language.

Alpha Draconians are so mentally powerful that the negative ones can kill their victims simply by telepathically imposing extreme fear in them, causing a heart attack.

As if looking at a 15 meter tall fire-spitting lizard wouldn't be scary enough.

They can kill with thought alone, but they are not the only species which can do that.

They usually do not wear clothes, but exterior armor – especially around their most vulnerable parts – is used many times, with some kind of super strong cloth beneath.

They may also wear capes, jewelry and ornaments.

Adding to their magnificence, they can fly in most atmospheres – including Earth's – and they are by far the biggest and heaviest creatures ever to have taken to the skies.

Their arms are strong and can produce the energy which is necessary to produce lift at will, and as if they weren't dangerous enough as they are, they can also fly.

Even though they are so physically and militarily capable, the Urmah on their own are known to have been capable of keeping the regressive Alpha Draconians at bay, winning most battles against them – most by far – and cats don't fly.

Their eyesight is very different from ours – of the Lyrian/human family – as they see more into the side of the infrared spectrum, which means they can see heat, so the colors they can see are very different and they are more comfortable at night when the light is low, although they say they don't mind working directly in sunlight either.

The reason why dragons are found in just about all cultures on Earth it's because they have visited the planet many times in the past, heavily influencing the culture they visited, as they have always been seen as the most dangerous creature you can possibly find, to the point where they made their way deep into Earth's popular culture throughout the ages, ending up in its official history as only fragments of myth and folklore, and also as symbols of adversity.

But they are as real as they can get and they have an outpost in high orbit right now, but the good news is that they are the positive versions of the alpha Draconians and are in good contact and cooperation with both the Galactic Federation and with the High Urmah Council of Avion.

If this subject is interesting enough for all of you, I can continue to talk a lot more about Alpha Draconians, as it is a very vast subject.

In the meantime this will be all for today.

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more!

And I hope to see you here next time.

With much love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

#24 Re: English Forum » Space News 6 Mar 2024 Earth to moving Positive Timeline - Mari » 2024-03-07 16:47:29

Due to a natural delay in providing formal/authorized transcripts on the website, this transcript is intermittently provided to facilitate discussion on the topic. Please note: The video contains images that may aid in deepening the understanding of the topic. Errors may occur in this, so should you come across any passages where you feel the transcript is incorrect, please do not hesitate to point this out. (Joe R) smile

Space News March 6 2024, Earth moving into a Positive Timeline, detected (English)

Minerva Mari Swaruu
Published: March 7th, 2024

Hello again!

Thank you for being here with me once more!

I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

One of the most important tasks we do up here in starship Toleka is to watch over everything happening on Earth; look at the media, analyze the data, connect all the dots and then draw conclusions.

This job is mostly done by our crew members in CIC, which is the information and intelligence-gathering deck on this starship.

This information-gathering is done mostly by looking at everything that is going on on the internet, but we also recollect local information using our drones, as we are well aware that the internet is highly manipulated.

Our drones and smaller fighter-class starships recollect information from local TV and radio stations all around the world, and the data is added to the one obtained from the general internet directly from CIC; all to shape a more accurate picture of what is going on.

Moreover, information is also recollected by our crew members simply as they go along their day watching the internet, while they follow their own interests, although this is mostly for the ones who have a strong connection with Earth, and a reason to watch things from there.

All this mass of recollected information is then added to the information we have up here, which is either coming from data the Galactic Federation's local headquarters provides us, or is coming from other star-races, which also like to share what they have been finding out with us; for example the Urmah, with which we have a very good relationship.

And then all the information is processed by our computers, which will determine which would be the most probable outcomes, based on how all the events are unfolding all over Earth and how they all interconnect with each other, and with what is also happening outside Earth; with the star-races, who are heavily influencing it from close orbit.

The final step of all this information-processing is when the data our computers give us after they analyze everything is then discussed among the Taygetans in on-board ship-councils, which take place at least two times a week, and it is here where the real decisions are made about what all that data means.

As I've said many times before, the powers that be – the oligarchs and the cabal which control Earth – cannot do anything if the general population does not cooperate.

What the people do and what the people want is what really steers the course and future of the planet, even though it may not look as so from below.

Believe me, I understand you, as I was once there as well.

This can be clearly seen, simply by analyzing and observing the amount of energy and effort the powers that be on Earth dedicate to mind controlling and guiding the population.

If it were as simple as imposing complete tyrannical laws and regulations on the population of the entire planet, they would have done so already, although we all know that this is what they desire the most.

So the ones in power and at all levels must confuse and mind control the population into accepting and even asking for more new laws and regulations; believing that they are good for them, but which in reality only benefit those in power.

With this they can impose tyrannical governments in limited places all over the Earth, but not yet as one tyrannical planetary government, although this is their obvious goal, although ultimately they want more than planet Earth as their cabal motto says, and I quote: "The World is Not Enough," end quote; judging by the enormous amount of resources of all kinds, which the cabal dedicates to mind-controlling, confusing and guiding the entire population.

In other words, all the controllers of Earth – from the ones in the lowest places of power to the Galactic Federation itself – dedicate an enormous amount of effort to maintain their Matrix on Earth.

This demonstrates the importance and the power the general population really has.

Even when they dedicate so much effort to impose their tyrannical regulations on the population of Earth, if the people say no to them with enough unity and strength, then it is a no, and they cannot do anything about it and they must step back.

And right now on Earth, the people are saying no to countless tyrannical agendas and plans.

At first we thought that this next information was only more elaborate misinformation coming from the cabal itself – to misguide the efforts of all those of you, who are working against their evil plans, in the same way they did so during the past U.S. election with the so-called "patriot movement", with which they mislead the population into thinking that it was best to do nothing and simply “sit back and enjoy the show”, as they said.

Although this may still be the case, the information which is adding up does indicate that their evil and dreaded “Agenda 2030” is crumbling.

Gigantic institutions such as "JP Morgan" and "Blackrock" – among others – are said to be backing off from financing things, which have a lot to do with it.

Car-manufacturers are backing away from their useless and highly contaminating electric vehicles, which are only used to blind the population from their real intentions, which are to prohibit the general population from having their own personal vehicles, which work efficiently and with great autonomy; attributes electric vehicles are incapable of providing due to their high costs, limited charge and lifespan of their batteries and the impossibility to recycle them.

Leaving hundreds of thousands if not millions of broken and obsolete electric vehicles to rutting graveyards, heavily contaminating the soils and the water of the entire area, as their lithium batteries leak their toxic substances into the ground.

The citizens of Earth do not want electric vehicles, as they are linked to the destruction of humankind, because they only sell them the idea that they do not pollute, when in fact they are the worst pollutants you can possibly think of related to vehicles.

People in general are waking up all over the planet, realizing the governmental lies they were told, waking up to the hard truth that the world is ruled by heartless soulless liars, who invent false illnesses and false problems, to sell the imposition of solutions.

Notice yet again how they must cause a problem to sell the solution, and not impose it directly, or it would backfire against them exactly as many of their evil plans are backfiring against them right now all over the place.

I know most people still believe in democracy and the goodness in the hearts of politicians, thinking that they wouldn't be capable of doing the despicable things they are told they are, simply because they – the people – wouldn't be capable of doing such horrible things.

But more and more of them are realizing they have been lied to and how the world really works, each one of them to the limit of their awareness capacity, of course.

Farmers are rebelling against the cruel government regulations against them; regulations which would only bring famine and the destruction of society with a new planetary reset, because people all over are realizing those regulations do not make any sense.

Much less when they are being imposed the idea of eating bugs and insects instead; all in the name of a false and non-existent problem that has to do with exhaling perfectly natural and harmless gases, if you know what I mean.

All over the planet there is a silent mass of people who are making the change towards a more positive timeline and future.

They may not know each other and each one of them may feel he or she is alone, but they are not.

You are not alone; far from it!

As there is a general collective unconscious, which communicates all beings with similar vibrations of the mind, there is also a collective unconscious which connects and unites all the like-minded awakened ones.

You do not need to know them all; they are there and they are with you, all those like-minded starseeds you do not know, and with whom you are changing the entire planet towards the good.

It looks like things are turning towards the good and the positive, globally speaking.

And this is your doing – this is your achievement – this is what all of you beautiful starseeds are achieving, despite your deep feelings of solitude and of not being able to do enough.

All you need to do is state your opinion; you do not need to defend it if you feel you cannot, or should not in one or another given situation, but let it be known, so others can see and smell that they are not alone.

The cabal and the evil ones will fight back – I know – it is indeed a fight of good against evil.

This is far from over and there is still much to do – I know – so do not let your guard down at any time; be watchful and wise, critical and discerning.

And many more sad and terrible things will come to pass, but you are there dear starseeds, and you are fighting harder than ever and your results are starting to show.

And you are not alone there on Earth, as your star-family is watching you from above; that is what we are here for.

You are the “cavalry” and we are your “air-support”.

Take care my friends, and go on to do those beautiful things you do in your life, as living in your truth and with honor is more than enough to set the difference there.

Show those others – especially those in places of power – what honor and integrity really mean.

I salute you for your great achievements, dear starseeds!

Take care and enjoy your internal combustion-engines; their roar and rumble is the sound of freedom, however difficult to understand that may be for most.

And oil is not running out, either, as it is highly renewable.

I send you all a big kiss and a great hug for you all, as we celebrate your achievements.

I am so proud of you all.

Thank you for watching my video, and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more.

And I hope to see you here next time.

With all my love, your friend,

Mari Swaruu

#25 Re: English Forum » Mari: Escape from the Matrix, video number 2, Shorts » 2024-03-06 17:06:44

IulianRay wrote:

[...] there are still some distortions in the information transmitted within this video, as one might understand from the dimension of wisdom.


You are very appreciated, by some [...]


Welcome. smile It sounds like you have found a description of the world which works for you. I'm happy for this.

But I think you could do better if you actually described what you consider is the discrepancy, or what is the key-phrase above all in the law-of-one-material: "distortion". Present what you understand is right for you, then describe the difference you found and then give us your assessment.

Mari generously offers her view to us. She doesn't impose it on you. She doesn't say it is right for you. You have to decide that. And if you are among the "some" who doesn't appreciate it, please know that this is a forum for friends of the Swaruunians and Taygetans.

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