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#1 Re: English Forum » Is sex with the vaxxed STILL transmittable?? » 2024-04-05 18:12:42

We are not given the information about the potential negatives about such things as may be in the vaccine in order for us to fear it. The fear you hold accomplishes EXACTLY what those with ill intent want, as does ignorance. We are provided the information to raise our awareness so that we need not fear it. Identifying with the fear or belief will manifest the thing into your reality. It will also cause you to suffer.

#2 Re: English Forum » Wheat - a silent killer? » 2024-03-30 22:22:57

mitkobs wrote:

Reading some books claiming that DNA modified wheat is the general cause for obesity in US and after that are the refined sugars and all food that is made from these.

Wheat that is used today to make bread and all other wheat products is so crossbreed that is gone far away from the original strand introduced for the first time in the ancient civilizations. Crossbreeding is done to make it grow more and with least expense for more profit. The original strand is harder to grow and is hard to make dough and bread from it but is more rich and tasty. Very different better taste. And is not cheap, 2-3 times more expensive.

Anyone here try to live without consuming wheat products at all? I reduced intake to a minimum daily and got slimmer, all the fats have disappeared. The book that I read claim also that eating wheat products is addictive like any other addiction and broken down elements from the wheat are crossing blood brain barrier, going into the brain and causing some effects like being on drugs. 
Also author says that consuming wheat products facilitate mental delusions and illnesses like schizophrenia and in the past experiments are done with mental patients removing wheat products from their diet and after couple of days to a week without wheat they show remarkable progress dealing with their mental state.

Yes. I limit my carbohydrate intake to 20 or less grams a day and do not touch sugar. I've been doing this for 4+ years. One of Mari's videos mentions the clarity that comes from burning keytones as we are meant to do and I will vouch for the truth in that!

#3 Re: English Forum » Toleka, orbit 505 km, very bright star... » 2024-03-28 04:00:26

Toleka aside, there is a show called "Paranormal Caught on Camera," which is extremely mainstream. I used to watch it when my interest in the paranormal was just beginning. In the first or second season, there was a video shot from a shuttle (don't remember whos) of a flying wing-like object that pulls up to earth's northern hemisphere, hovers for a few moments, then flies off. Thing is, comparing the distances leaves you with a scale of roughly 800 miles long. That just goes to show that there are immense things up there that people see all the time and it isn't front page news anywhere. Some random off the internet saying "I can't see it, so it doesn't exist!" is beyond meaningless. Another thing I would like to point out is that people act as if the laws of physics are set in stone. They are not. Furtherm8ore, beyond seeing with one's own eyes, people tend to forget that these things are perfectly verifiable in the astral and by other consciousness based methods.

In fact, Mari has given enough details about the Toleka on several occasions for an Astral Traveler to put themselves on the ship. She may as well have hung a "Welcome" sign on it for anyone who is spiritually developed enough. That would be a pretty stupid thing to do for anyone trying to hoax.

#4 Re: English Forum » Why earse christianity » 2024-03-21 23:54:32

Jesus was a Christ, not the Christ. Quetzycotl was a christ, buddha was a christ, Osiris was a christ, Hermes was a Christ. Krishna was a christ. Samael an weor was a christ. Heck the entire book of revelation is about raising the holy fiery serpent of kundalini through the 7 churches, elsewise known as the 7 chakras. There is no escaping your karma, only understanding it and working through it. Additionally, holy books are meant to be understood intuitively, not intellectually. If you're truly interested in understanding and not just believing then I humbly suggest studying the gnostic teachings that have resurfaced just in time for the Aquarian age. That is no accident. Neither is the fact that Mari's spiritual guidance mirrors them.

#5 English Forum » Some hard truth » 2024-03-20 19:57:23

Replies: 1

I posted this on reddit, I suspect some here will find it useful also.

Original post here:

Body of post:

I was originally going to post this in reply to:

But there are 116+ comments there and this is too important to become buried by that many comments.
This information is mainly targeted to starseeds whether incarnated here through the natural process of physical death elsewhere, or through immersion technology (but it is applicable to every human being). Either way it equates to the same thing. You are here now, and you are subject to Earth's reality "matrix" and it's veil of forgetting. This means that your consciousness has been returned (mostly) to sleep. More on that later, first I want to cover what a seed is in nature.

Over the course of it's lifetime a tree will drop hundreds of thousands, if not millions of seeds. Does every one of those seeds find the exact right place to put down it's roots and grow? Sadly, no. Most of those seeds face annihilation and reabsorption at the hands of nature. Only a very lucky few are able to find the optimal environment to put down their roots and become another tree capable of dropping millions of seeds of their own. Thank goodness you aren't tree seeds.

As not tree seeds, you are capable of searching out our own optimal environment for growth. But like tree seeds you are *meant* to grow. And I am not referring to physical growth as that is mechanical (aka it happens naturally). I am talking about spiritual growth, but that doesn't just happen. Just as a tree doesn't grow from a seed without physical struggle, you won't grow into an awakened human without spiritual struggle. In not tree terms, struggle is synonymous with suffer.

I know suffering sounds super scary, and you will suffer. That is a guarantee; however, there is good news. The length of, and level to which you suffer is completely up to you. Which brings me to one of my points. One of the key reasons you suffer is due to desire (e.g. I'd rather be there, not here. I'd rather have that, not this. *I just want to go home*). When you learn to not identify (as in stop making it a part of you) with desire a beautiful thing happens. You stop causing at least that portion of your own suffering. Of course, there are a plethora of other ways to suffer. Most of those are self-inflicted as well, but the lesson of non-identification is equally applicable I suspect.

Another benefit of disengaging from the emotion of desire is that you become fully present in the moment, in the here and now. On earth. As an earth human. That makes this here and now your home, any memories you may have of other places or times are just that. Memories. They do not exist. If you’ve had an encounter that caused you to remember, a psychic experience, a profound meditation, whatever, that experience was not intended to make you sad, or make you pine for some other where or other when. That experience is intended to help you wake up and remember that you are a starseed. As such, you chose to be here and now. Those memories are given to you to help remind you that you chose this, you were not afraid. Why weren’t you afraid? Because you have successfully awakened your consciousness before, and you knew you could do it again.

On the topic of awakening your consciousness. It is the main purpose of every human being incarnate on the planet at this time. Especially starseeds. Including ones in immersion. If you are in immersion you will not be able to come out until your consciousness is a match for wherever you are immersed. Like I said, you are here now. You are on the wheel and the only way off is to awaken. How do we awaken?
I’m not an expert but I can tell you that the path lies not in external or egoic wants, needs, desires, or feel-good beliefs. Nothing external to ourselves can make us wake up. And the path is different for each of us.

That means meditation, that means self-observation. That means ridding ourselves of ego and seeing reality for what it is. It means letting go of fear and experiencing love. Our friends and our families are out there, and they want to help as much as they are able. We only need to have the eyes to see and the understanding of how to ask. Let go of your suffering. Let go of your external attachments and identities and look inside yourselves for the answers. I guarantee that with perseverance and dedication that they will come. And faster than you would think, at least that has been my personal experience thus far on my path.

In closing, I am posting this with love, compassion, and without any expectation, for anyone who may find some value herein. Thank you for reading. Remember “Homo Nosce Te Ipsum” – Man, know thyself and you will know the universe and it’s Gods.

#6 Re: English Forum » Law of One - Transition from 2nd to 4th Dimension / Density » 2024-03-14 18:23:53

Beware this channeling. There is truth there but there are major lies as well. As we should all know, the best lies contain mostly truth. The more Gnosticism I learn, the more intuitive warning bells go off. My advice to you all is to walk the path of self-discovery and inner divinity. As Mari has made clear on several occasions, awakening your own consciousness is the only way out of the "matrix".

#7 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-12 15:18:47

Horton HaW wrote:
MayTag wrote:

Mari has stated more than once that Tesla Initially failed at ZPE because of his 3-6-9 being unbalanced and not letting the energy flow back from the ether. In oder for it to work properly you have to add the additional factor of twelve. I'm no mathematician so I went a-googling. If you look up tesla 369 you're given this diagram: … x-nine.jpg

It's pretty apparent that this thing is unbalanced. But it got me thinking, what shape would I end up with if I added the additional factor of 12. Here's what popped into my head a bit later that evening. I give you the dodecagram: … qdMI4jag&s

That little bit of sacred geometry is made of 4 equalateral triangles. If you place a 12 and the tip of the triangle pointing up then number the other points 1 through 11. You'll notice that 3-6-9-12 all start a new triangle. Also it looks like a clock. Doing a bit more research, I found this kid on YouTube: … JVFiFSIA&s

His channel is imaVking. He's got some interesting experiments on there. Too bad he seems hell-bent on getting himself offed by the Cabal, but I digress. Anyhow, what he shows in that image is done with just 6 turns on that coil. Additionally, he shows that merely passing a couple rare-earth magnets through the coil at a right angle generates a significantly higher voltage than with a "regular" coil. Fascinating stuff.

There's significantly more to this rabbit hole that I'm not willing to share here, because I feel that doing so is probably less than safe lol. I wouldn't want my car to fall on me while I was changing the oil.

Finally, a big ❤ ❤ ❤ for our Taygetan and Swaruu friends and an extra big hug for Mari specifically!

Cool channel. He has a lotus coil also. His Etsy shop isn't there.
Is this the same shape at the end?

If I'm looking at what your referring to, then no, those look like 14 point stars. But the pics aren't set up for easy counting.

#8 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-11 03:08:09

FollowTheLogos wrote:
MayTag wrote:
FollowTheLogos wrote:

Would you be willing to send it to me in PDF format as well? My profile has my email set publicly.

Yup. Done.

Thank you friend.

Absolutely. Let me know if you come up with anything. Like I said above, Ive got a plasma tube and I'll be obtaining the power supply very soon. As you read through that document and start seeing mention of the difficulty in achieving resonance across the coils then go check out imaVking on YouTube. Considering my source for the dodecagram coil information (not a imaVking) i very strongly suspect that it has a strong part to play in this.

#9 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-09 03:16:05

FollowTheLogos wrote:
MayTag wrote:
Pymander wrote:

Never heard of him until now. Any links to his work? Very interesting diagram. I think it's actually a similar principle to the Rodin Coil design but a simpler design to construct. I will look into it more. You might also find interest in the Primer Fields by David LaPoint. He's seemed to be discovering things that are in line with what the Taygetans have been saying.

Yes, i can link you to that workbook i got the diagrama from, but not until later today. Alternatively, i can email it to you in PDF form. Just email me. My address should be associated with my username here.

Would you be willing to send it to me in PDF format as well? My profile has my email set publicly.

Yup. Done.

#10 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-08 20:42:27

akos996 wrote:
MayTag wrote:

I'm gonna take a second to point out that the diagram of the device I posted higher up in this thread supplies 168kw on demand. For perspective, the average US household uses 80-90 a month. If one looks into Don Smith's designs you'll find a plethora of overunity designs that are constructed from commonly available parts. Yes, they require rather specific calibration. That said, these units are constructed using Tesla's principles which are flawed as Mari has stated. My suspicion is that Tesla realized his errors in the end, and that is why he was ruined. But hey, Im just a dude who excels at reading between the lines lol.

Yes I am familiar with Don Smiths designs. The weird capacitor and inductor geometric coupling is very interesting, because it goes into a weird territory of capacitive induction which is a more unexplored part of electrical engineering.
I've only tried the usual LC coupling device. Many people are giving misguidance though about their achievements since they measure the open voltage of the output then measure the current through a load and say:
"okay this thing produces 10KV and 12 Amps so it must be multiplying my output"
But they are two very different load conditions. Voltage lowers on the output depending on the load. Seeing many of these replication attempts really discouraged me from it.
Maybe I will give it a try some time. The huge amount of speculation and the way these inventors have some "magic sauce" to their devices turn me away from such people and their claims. Free energy inventors are scarce and genuinely good people who are not interested in locking away the design details in a magic "black box that makes it work" for their profit is even more scarce.

For example to me my biggest doubt is around John Searl and his flying device. His idea is so crude and has zero explanations why it works and never had a single working design. He says he had one but it flew away from him. Okay... No pictures, no videos, no witnesses, no measurements of the machined parts, nothing. Alrighty then.
I'm not saying Don Smith is wrong but I got disappointed so many times by crooks I don't even know who to trust anymore. I see some brilliant minds in this area and it saddens me that they are putting so much effort and trust in every claim. I will put Don Smith on my list.

"" is an amazing website. I followed the guy on youtube and has nice texts and explanations accompanying the separate topics.

I'm personally going to build the one with a plasma tube. I could build my own power supply as well from the designs, but I'm just going to purchase the high voltage, variable frequency power supply from tube manufacturer. It's only $600 and at least Ill get a really cool light display lol.

#11 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-07 23:20:46

akos996 wrote:

xxayaxx / Horton HaW you are both correct, it's "usable" but it's complicated. I cannot claim to understand it. I would rather trust that it is not good for us and leave it at that.

Horton HaW wrote:

This is about over unity energy. Traditional nuclear plants are highly toxic just to heat water. That is not what the swaruus said BTW.

Correct, but to make things clear for everyone nuclear materials do release useful energy if used for non-terraforming reasons like in military submarines, but it is highly toxic as we all know. We could use nuclear energy safely if we properly contained the materials and used strictly closed cooling loops only unlike how it is done today (one closed highly radioactive and one open loop less radioactive). Todays nuclear cleanliness and nuclear waste reusal is at a joke level still. As you all may know nuclear plants are always placed at shores, river banks since they require constant cooling. They dispose radiation slowly through the rivers and sea. It's diluted so they can claim it's a non-issue.
But I agree nuclear shouldn't be our go to. There are so many better ways.

Yazhi wrote:

Nuclear energy as a heat producer that in turn can generate steam that moves turbines that move submarine ships, or generate electricity, yes (explaining that nuclear plants are mostly terraforming plants). But nuclear detonation weapons, in my opinion, obey other technologies which are not being told to the human population and they only use the known mathematical-physical theory to explain the existence of such weaponry.

Because, on the one hand, the harmonic of a frequency is manifesting Uranium, correct, but the manner in which said Uranium releases energy as a chain reaction where sub-atomic particles are compressed to the point where they collide with each other causing the Uranium to violently disintegrate (as nuclear weapons are said to work), I do not find it congruent as it goes against the principles of Manifestation, because the harmonic of a frequency that controls everything is dictating something else at the sub-atomic level, it is dictating a piece of Uranium, not release of particles by chain reaction. (Yes, chain reactions do exist but not in this case). In other words, nuclear detonation as such goes against the harmonic that controls the physical presence of the detonator (Uranium).

But there exists the constant and progressive decay of a radioactive material which, as a by-product, is the release of heat energy.

xxayaxx wrote:

Has anyone heard of the device that was used covertly in the last century by the Kodak company? ( … _n_1515463)

Very cool story, never heard.

The lovely thing about the fight for free energy is that no matter how much they push down all inventions, people still find primitive ways to not require centralized services to bill them,
like how many people use Sun collectors to heat water, solar panels, geothermal wells, water mills, wood heating, installing HVAC instead of centralised heating ETC...
"free energy" got this bad connotation among the people as something unreachable. We have to step back and look at the motivation behind it and not make it some unreachable holy grail. It is vailable in easy forms and in complex forms. Sure I would rather have overunity straight away. And I do not mean to discourage anyone, exactly the opposite:
Free energy is everywhere and it cannot be that hard to achieve overunity! Even primitive methods give us a lot. Natures gives. We can do it smile

All we want is freedom and independence right? Decentralized energy. So don't scuff at primitive ways to give a middle finger to the centralization. Nature provides for us, so we plug out of the system meanwhile. We can't just sit around and wait for overunity to be created and replicated.
I don't want to derail the topic to "primitive tech", no. I was thinking about this recently because of the emotional value this fight holds. They can take away and hide zero point energy devices, but they can't hide away a forest and a river.

Alright let's concentrate on overunity devices.

I'm gonna take a second to point out that the diagram of the device I posted higher up in this thread supplies 168kw on demand. For perspective, the average US household uses 80-90 a month. If one looks into Don Smith's designs you'll find a plethora of overunity designs that are constructed from commonly available parts. Yes, they require rather specific calibration. That said, these units are constructed using Tesla's principles which are flawed as Mari has stated. My suspicion is that Tesla realized his errors in the end, and that is why he was ruined. But hey, Im just a dude who excels at reading between the lines lol.

#13 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-06 17:06:44

Pymander wrote:
MayTag wrote:

@pymander ever heard of Don Smith?

Never heard of him until now. Any links to his work? Very interesting diagram. I think it's actually a similar principle to the Rodin Coil design but a simpler design to construct. I will look into it more. You might also find interest in the Primer Fields by David LaPoint. He's seemed to be discovering things that are in line with what the Taygetans have been saying.

Yes, i can link you to that workbook i got the diagrama from, but not until later today. Alternatively, i can email it to you in PDF form. Just email me. My address should be associated with my username here.

#14 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-06 01:23:59

@pymander ever heard of Don Smith?

FluxBB bbcode test

Fig.3 is a Proof Of Principal Device using a Plasma Tube as an active Dipole. In this drawing, 5 is the plastic sheet dielectric separator of the two plates 7 of the capacitor, the upper plate being aluminium and the lower plate copper. The connecting wires are marked 10 and the plasma tube is designated 15. The plasma tube is four feet long (1.22 m) and six inches (100 mm) in diameter. The high-voltage energy source for the active plasma dipole is marked 16 and there is a connector box 17 shown as that is a convenient method of connecting to the capacitor plates when running tests on the device.

Apparently you can use magnetic fields to do something called "fluxing" which causes a ripple in the zero point energy field and you end up with more electric output than you put in. The following is a diagram of how that works:

FluxBB bbcode test

The Dipole at right angles, allows the magnetic flux surrounding it to intercept the capacitor plate, or plates, at right angles. The electrons present are spun such that the electrical component of each electron is collected by the capacitor plates. Essential parts are the South and North component of an active Dipole. Examples presented here exist as fully functional prototypes and were engineer constructed and fully tested in use by the Inventor. In each of the three examples shown in the drawings, corresponding parts are used.

#15 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-05 22:42:25

Mari has stated more than once that Tesla Initially failed at ZPE because of his 3-6-9 being unbalanced and not letting the energy flow back from the ether. In oder for it to work properly you have to add the additional factor of twelve. I'm no mathematician so I went a-googling. If you look up tesla 369 you're given this diagram:

FluxBB bbcode test

It's pretty apparent that this thing is unbalanced. But it got me thinking, what shape would I end up with if I added the additional factor of 12. Here's what popped into my head a bit later that evening. I give you the dodecagram:

FluxBB bbcode test

That little bit of sacred geometry is made of 4 equalateral triangles. If you place a 12 and the tip of the triangle pointing up then number the other points 1 through 11. You'll notice that 3-6-9-12 all start a new triangle. Also it looks like a clock. Doing a bit more research, I found this kid on YouTube:

FluxBB bbcode test

His channel is imaVking. He's got some interesting experiments on there. Too bad he seems hell-bent on getting himself offed by the Cabal, but I digress. Anyhow, what he shows in that image is done with just 6 turns on that coil. Additionally, he shows that merely passing a couple rare-earth magnets through the coil at a right angle generates a significantly higher voltage than with a "regular" coil. Fascinating stuff.

There's significantly more to this rabbit hole that I'm not willing to share here, because I feel that doing so is probably less than safe lol. I wouldn't want my car to fall on me while I was changing the oil.

Finally, a big ❤ ❤ ❤ for our Taygetan and Swaruu friends and an extra big hug for Mari specifically!

#16 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-05 07:25:24

Mark wrote:
akos996 wrote:

Yes of course if you can share. Email me if you want to if there some pdf or anything. Or share here directly but with more people but know that it is not good to publicly share things that are "dangerous". It would be of tremendous help for me. I have an email attached on my profile. And if it works I will try to spread it around if possible among people or make guides as I am a good tinkerer.

Edit: I've made a longer post with a lot of details about patents and things I am working on but I deleted it for my own safety and peace of mind.
If anyone wants to know I'll gladly share privately.
Not that I do not trust people but you know...

I have sent it to you, and although the principle is as simple as that, I am still amazed at the huge energy output after some calculations, which I discovered from Tesla's patent. Tesla is indeed a spiritual and intelligent genius.

Have you figured out where/why the tesla coil is flawed though?

#17 Re: English Forum » Who needs free energy device? » 2024-03-04 19:47:02

akos996 wrote:

Yes of course if you can share. Email me if you want to if there some pdf or anything. Or share here directly but with more people but know that it is not good to publicly share things that are "dangerous". It would be of tremendous help for me. I have an email attached on my profile. And if it works I will try to spread it around if possible among people or make guides as I am a good tinkerer.

Edit: I've made a longer post with a lot of details about patents and things I am working on but I deleted it for my own safety and peace of mind.
If anyone wants to know I'll gladly share privately.
Not that I do not trust people but you know...

I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Lol for real though. I'm just waiting for my plasma tube to show up tomorrow...

#18 Re: English Forum » Should I have expectations about meditation? » 2024-03-03 01:46:37

No. No expectations. Become a detached observer. Acknowledge your thoughts but do not engage with them. I've found that a mantra is very useful. Here is a link to a YouTube channel called Astral Doorway the host, Gene Hart, is incredibly knowledgable in meditation, spirituality, Gnosticism, and astral travel. If you pay attention he expresses many of the same spiritual concepts as Mari. Anyhow, I highly t
reccommend the channel:

#19 Re: English Forum » Quantum financial system » 2024-02-29 17:45:57

wandereringsoul wrote:

Are the Souls reading the fine print before they make the dare? smile

Yes. You must understand that in order to understand and appreciate absolute light, you must understand total darkness. In order to understand unity, one must understand complete seperation.

In Dolores Cannon's work it is mentioned that Earth is a "school for souls," but that isn't the whole story.
Read the work of Robert A. Monroe and you'll find that Earth is a "Finishing school for souls" and those that graduate do not reincarnate. They become vast and return to...whatever realm is past the Emitter.

#20 Re: English Forum » Mari: "Hexa-Dimensional Space-Time" » 2024-02-26 23:45:10

Horton HaW wrote:
MayTag wrote:
CyrusB wrote:

Hi, I've enjoyed reading the response above to this video.  While watching the video and just for a bit of fun, I took some notes on video clips I thought may help understand the "Earth science" position on time vs. the "Advanced interstellar" hexa-dimensional mathematics version.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around 3 axes of time, this helps me understand it a bit better.

"Earth Science" position on time:
  If you travel in time, you can meet yourself
  See Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (the prison trash can scene at 0:45)
  Also the Back to the Future trilogy (especially Back to the Future 2) and the movie Timecop

closer to the multi-dimensional, time perspective
  The Simpsons, Treehouse of Horrors V (Homer time travels with a broken toaster)
  also, The method of time-traveling in Michael Crichton's Timeline (infinite versions of your destination line lie in the quantum foam)

These don't take into account your observation of time affecting it, but they're a start

Traveling to any point in time that isn't now creates a new now that will be slightly different based on the mere fact that you are observing it. It's Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

The observer principle is why I have issue with the idea you are just observing and yet not involved. The races using this idea seem to be causing confusion.

Absolutely. I think that anyone pretending otherwise is being intentionally ignorant.

#21 Re: English Forum » The Nirvana Dilemma: Why do we yearn to return to the Source if.... » 2024-02-26 23:15:05

mitkobs wrote:

Mental and emotional baggage is everything done and become someone out of ignorance, the ego with all its complications that go sideways in regressive alleys. All this have to be faced, dealt with and cleared out. The baggage that makes the soul heavy dense and attached to to all kind of mental and emotional addictions. Returning back to innocence is returning back to original Source.

You said it. Practicing non-identification is key. Everyone needs to realize that memories, no matter how terrible, no longer exist. Holding any emotional identification with them will keep you stuck on the wheel here. Essentially, let go of Fear and experience Love.

#22 Re: English Forum » The Nirvana Dilemma: Why do we yearn to return to the Source if.... » 2024-02-26 23:11:22

Ariya wrote:
Paganini wrote:
Horton HaW wrote:

Yeah more like you create an illusion called matrix and agree to perceive it.

Exactly! You said it better than I did. :-)

And 9 happens to be my favorite number probably because I was born on 9/9 but mostly because I always found it so interesting that any number you multiply by 9 and add the answer until you get a single digit, will always be 9. No other number can do that. I just always found that so cool. So that’s the nerd in me. Lol

9/9 is such a nice birthdate.

Nine is also my favourite number. I was born on 9 Nov

Odd, I was born 11/8. Scorpios rock! Lol

#23 Re: English Forum » Pyramids: Looking for a link or transcript » 2024-02-26 23:09:58

@Ariya is there a DM feature here? Or is it cool to email you through the modmail?

#24 Re: English Forum » Pyramids: Looking for a link or transcript » 2024-02-26 22:34:36

What Im actually looking for is the video that explains the harmonizing assembly in the grand gallery.

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