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#1 Re: English Forum » Investigating Zero Point Energy and Base-12 Mathematics » 2024-05-01 23:37:54

Meridianwoman wrote:

Another thing to take into consideration, do Taygetans read from right to left?
By reversing Cloudrdr"s multiplication chart, I wonder it would look like this.

Also, I’ve been thinking about how to possibly make adjustments to our Base 10 to continue counting with Base 12.

The different languages will make different adjustments.  Or we could have an international agreement for an universal numeric words.

I remember a few years ago, someone on this forum remembers that their British school once taught a math class for learning Base 12.  It would be curious to learn what words the British made for substituting the concept of 'dozen.'
Here's my idea of making the transition (in English), with few new words numbers.
Skipping to numeral ten: 
Ten, Eleven, Dozen, (then instead of thirteen

(12)DOZEN, (13)DozOne, (14)DozTwo, (15)DozThree, 16Dozfour, 17DozFive, 18DozSix, 19DozSeven, 20DozEight, 21DozNine, 22DozTen, 23DozEleven,                                               

24TWENTY,  25Twentyone, 26TwentyTwo, 27TwentyThree, 28Twentyfour, 29Twentyfive 30Twentysix 31Twentyseven 32Twentyeight 33Twentynine, 34TwentyTen, 35TwentyEleven 


From what I have gathered Taygetans write top to bottom left to right. I have a hard time with base twelve and the symbols in the chart. I need some kind of brain twist in order to become more comfortable with it.

We get everything, all correspondence from the Toleka crew, but maybe a topic like understanding base twelve will be covered by one of the Alcyone crew. Surely Toleka will leave them something to do! Toleka has the three Swaruu's and Za'El, they can't cover everything so I do wonder if the newest plan is part of Alenym's plan.

I'm sure there is a plan, and it is a good one. I trust her.

I hope that people on the forum, you know who you are, will be consulted or even used as a bell weather. We have an excellent core group here.

#2 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2024-04-24 19:24:12

mitkobs wrote:

Simple answer to "Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things" - lack of spirituality, materialistic values. No matter how one is educated and smart if do not see the spiritual side of life he/she will seek and make materialistic deterministic conclusions for all mysterious philosophical conundrums.

I think the dismal state of our educational systems plays a big part. It is 95% trash. And people don't know any better. Also cognitive dissonance is a real thing. People can't break the barrier and are set in their ways. Reluctant to change. Or refuse to change their thoughts and opinions under any circumstance.

Like slavery in the Middle East and Africa, and other countries where human trafficking is rampant. Despite the majority of society being totally against the practice. Is it cultural? or stupidity? Or ego? Owning someone gives you ultimate power of life or death over another person. A Power trip?

Serial killers, school shooters, child molesters..... you get my point. How much stupid behavior is polite society willing to put up with?

They don't have this kind of cultural rot in Taygeta. I'm going (back?) there after I am done here. Raising kids must be so refreshing there. I feel sorry for my kids everyday. They have to put up with corrupted society just like I have to. No matter how STUPID it is.

#3 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-04-24 00:46:29

Ariya wrote:

I had the most vivid dream last night. It has been on my mind all day.

I was sat at the top of some steps, overlooking the sea. I don’t know where I was, but it felt like a strange land. There was a breeze, and there were sea birds. I was drinking mint tea and watching the waves.

A man approached me and said something. The sound of the words was beautiful and familiar. I didn’t know the language but I understood the meaning of what he said.

I just nodded, smiled and shrugged my shoulders in a vague way. But inside I was calmly thinking ‘oh, he’s speaking Taygetan.’

I can still hear the tone and the general sounds of the syllables. But the detail of the letters is just a little too far out of reach for me to write it down…

If I can recall it more clearly later,  I will come back and add what was said.

I'd like to ask a question (to the Forum) and to you Ariya. How many languages are spoken by the armada of ships in Earth's orbit. Last count was 900 ships 1000 meters plus?

I think Taygetan will be some blend of Navaho and Japanese as they have said that there are similarities. Like Taygetan is the root language and Terran language is just what came after it over many generations, and it is a linear language. Taygetan is just verbal prompting added to what they load and send telepathically. spoken word is treated differently. I don't know what takes president. Spoken or telepathy. I don't think it is linear. I think they communicate between themselves at a very high data rate. I've heard swaruu's say 10 times faster communication rate compared to us. Or was it 100x, I don't remember.

In your dream everything is telepathic.

#4 Re: English Forum » Exposition of narcissism » 2024-03-23 19:14:05

This is related to the the narcissism topic. In that you can't tell a narcissist ANYTHING.

"Why smart people believe stupid things."

I have caught myself in this. Shadow work leads you into the trap that you set for yourself all the time.

#5 Re: English Forum » Mari: Reptilians and the Galactic Federation, and Positive Reptiles » 2024-03-18 20:49:34

Horton HaW wrote:

Yesterday, had me feeling a bit down. This is much more encouraging. Lol. Thank you so much Mari! ♥
I so disagree with the UFOP handling of this. Sorry, but shady is shady. Why has this been condoned with such  shady ethics? More members need to wake up.

We use that word quite a bit, "shady'. I think some things are shady and some are rotten. It's the things that are rotten to the core that I most want to see changed.

Mari mentioned human farms deep inside the earth to satisfy the reptiles. I'd like to see those go away. Don't hear much talk about the severe happenings. There is talk of the disappeared children world wide. So they take from the surface also. I would like that to end.

#6 Re: English Forum » Earth as a "school" for Souls » 2024-03-11 00:32:32

"It is basically a hybrid form of a hive-mind governance. It is also obviously very flawed for a Lyrian mindset, as the collective interests have a priority before the individual interests, even if the latter is the foundation of the former."

I am celebrating your words and unpacking them. Mind blown

"It works the best when conflict is not dealt with." 

I don't want to take that out of context, but, I don't think that's how the Urmah do it. I think they anticipate conflict. Just throwing the cats in there. Lyrians are famous for "speak softly and carry a big stick".

"My life has been filled with what other people's thought was right for me. Aeryn Sun.....Farscape"

#8 Re: English Forum » The Federation is gaslighting us, everyone should take responsibility » 2024-01-30 23:58:00

xxayaxx wrote:

I think the real ignorance here is blaming someone you've never seen for something you've only heard about.

My brother does that all the time! I'm laughing smile You should hear him against Jordan Peterson. He's got all sorts of opinions against him but has never actually sat through one of J.P's lectures. Knows everything about someone he's never listened to.

Not that I'm accusing anyone here of doing that. People just get very passionate sometimes. It's to be expected.

#9 Re: English Forum » Yet another forum conflict. » 2024-01-30 16:14:40

Ariya wrote:

In general, what I see here is a group of enlightened, expanded well intentioned seeds who are more than capable of self regulation in terms of the discussion and being able to resolve minor conflict as a group.

My perspective. What I saw play out between Scott and Marak was some friction, some conflict, and some mutual reflection which led to the issue finally being resolved organically (and in quite a friendly mature way by both of them.)

At the end of the day,  here we are mainly supporters, allies and friends of the Taygetans and Swaruunians. As Starseeds most of us are pretty emotional and passionate. Our personalities tend to be pretty wild independent, and free thinkers.  We have cultivated these traits  in order to BE our mission on Earth.

So, between us there are going to be differences of opinion, attitudes and approaches. We should be mindful of that. We should also not take things too personally, the written word is a very difficult medium to convey complex thoughts and feelings.

And I’m guessing that none of us like being told what to do. I certainly don’t. It’s like a natural reaction for having to be a rebel all my life!

Let’s have a fresh start, of co-operation. And I hope that Scott, Jupiter, and everyone else here will support that.


Thank you Ariya! You said what I was thinking yesterday. A thread was titled "Yet another forum conflict" and I clicked on it and read the whole thing. Conflict draws a crowd. I'm glad to see there is Peace. Peace broke out.

I don't like it when there are differences of opinion that cause problems between Forum members/Star Seeds. But you have to get used to it because we are all people, and this stuff happens all the time! We have many stellar personalities, some of them have got to cross each other in some way. Like Ariya said, we are united by the love of knowledge and by off-world perspective from Taygetans and Swaruunians. And I think we should focus on that as much as we can. It's very much allot of fun for me. It never get's old. Confusing sometimes, but not old.

I love the way we analyze and try understand concepts together, and when that happens, this is the best place on Earth to be.  Hands down.  My two cents.
Love all of you  smile

#10 Re: English Forum » Who am i really? » 2024-01-22 21:00:33

"There is emotion in Red Moon’s purification. The offering to help another come clean fills Red Moon people with turgid feelings, from intense compassion to despair in viewing another life so darkened in shadow. They offer purity through empathy, the overflow of their own tears. [...]"

Thank you everyone especially J9! This thread has made my month, the best of the month. Everyone getting down to business in a Starseed environment. Conversing from the heart and mind perspective with a 5D flavor. If you believe in D's

This forum is the best therapy. I feel better after hanging around here. It renews my faith in Human/Lyran people. Everyday.   smile

#12 Re: English Forum » Comments on - Space News 11, Galactic Federation Update for January 17 » 2024-01-18 23:43:30

Pymander wrote:
Tecumseh wrote:

That is the most profound statement. As below, so above, as above, so below. Galactic Federation is just more invisible bureaucracy. There needs to be change and Human/Taygetan/Urmah and maybe Karistus and some others are going to be that change.

Humans to cyborgs? Mmmm. I don't think so. We have great connection to Source. I don't think they will be able to change that.

I know that a lot of us believe we incarnated from higher realms to help the humans on Earth wake up to the abuses they endure. However, I think from an even more expanded consciousness, we came to help wake the ET's themselves up to the corruption of the Galactic Federation.

Very advanced souls with extremely well honed bull shit meters. They don't stand a chance.

#13 Re: English Forum » Comments on - Space News 11, Galactic Federation Update for January 17 » 2024-01-18 23:35:11

Marak60 wrote:

Just listened to this and wow.... especially interesting from about the half way mark! It is starting to shape up like a "Cuban Missile Crisis" up there, sounds very tense! However, good to know that the Taygetans have now stationed a very large BATTLE SHIP next to Toleka which is here permanently from now on, it sounds like a real beast.

I am just wondering why now? And I think it has something to do with the fact we have been asking for this kind of support and it is arriving! The Urmah have again told the audit to (And I quote here) "Piss off"...:) The more I hear and learn about the Umah the more I love them, they truly are kindred spirits!  The Tagetans have also stated in this post that they will in fact say the say to the Audit if asked in support of the Umah. 

And at the end of the clip it seems the plans of the cabal are going to be supported by the federation in regards to the conversion of humans to cyborgs and greater mind control. So one has to ask...... How is this fair and not a complete and utter slap in the face to all of us here who are seeking a true authentic soul journey and who don't what to be become a "Fast Food" all you can eat banquet for the regressive overlords?

MAYBE.... this explains the Battle Ship? I certainly hope so! because it is getting worse not better...

I don't think the Destroyer is very large. I think under 30 crew, 2 Reactors, 4 engines. It's a fighting ship. Toleka is a re-configured Heavy Cruiser, huge, 1730+ meters long with a possible crew compliment of over 1000 and a flight deck packed full of auxiliary craft. And some SUV's that the fighter craft can carry when they go food shopping. Or for clandestine military missions. Mari said that the bays are packed full. That's why they were transferring old scimitar class ships to make room.

No room for Mari to cruise around on a motorcycle.

I don't think the Uurmah told them to "piss off", those were Mari's words. From what I've gathered what the Federation gets from them is mostly silence. They don't respond to anything they don't agree with. PFFFT they want to "audit" Avyon 1? I don't think so. They are not going to get to "audit" the 3 Taygetan ships either. That's very telling to me. It reinforces who I am with spiritually and practically. They will not listen to reason? Then "PISS OFF"! smile

CABAL/FEDERATION .....Cabaleration. We get that alot in the States. UNIPARTY. As below so above.

That is the most profound statement. As below, so above, as above, so below. Galactic Federation is just more invisible bureaucracy. There needs to be change and Human/Taygetan/Urmah and maybe Karistus and some others are going to be that change.

Humans to cyborgs? Mmmm. I don't think so. We have great connection to Source. I don't think they will be able to change that.

#14 Re: English Forum » The Hidden Hand » 2024-01-18 22:00:58

Horton HaW wrote:

Yeah we discussed this awhile back. Couldn't find the thread. Tecumseh posted it.

It was in Illuminati News associated with Wes Penre. I'm sure there were/are a few people who claim the Hidden Hand label as it is a blood line title that is passed from person to person. I am not an expert on this but from what I understand they are supposed to surface from time to time to answer questions. It is the job of their "caste" to pass on information therefore avoiding certain karmas in some way. It is the law that they inform the masses of their dealings. I have read this interview through a couple of times. It is the same interview as posted above.

Like I said, it is an inter family vocation or obligation and there are at least 9 bloodline families established by Lucifer/Ea/En'ki a very long time ago.

Someone copied it from here:

I did not catch if they sourced it. I know that It originated from Illuminati News because I remember the conversations surrounding it. So we must credit Wes Penre's old forum.

Edit: "This self-proclaimed illuminati [def] Insider appeared on the "Above Top Secret" forum in October 2008, giving away information about the Illuminati Agenda and their goals."

#15 Re: English Forum » This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early? » 2024-01-17 22:59:27

wandereringsoul wrote:

I would like to know the true extent of the number of deaths. But, I dont think we will ever be shown the true numbers.
It all seems like an orgy for the lower astral beings.

It's happening all over the world, each nation has it's own numbers. The last one I read was New Zealand. I also don't believe that we will know the true extent of the number of deaths. We will not get the truth.

Insurance company statistics only give the number of people who had insurance. I expect the true numbers to be much much higher. We were all warned of this at the time of the jabs, now we are seeing it in real time. I expect this to go on for years, there is no escaping it. It is very sad.

#16 Re: English Forum » Space News 10, Galactic Federation Update -Mari Swaruu » 2024-01-15 00:45:24

Bigfeet_E wrote:

So , let me get this straight ...
We're advised to not inform ourselves with a building avalanche of dangers heading our way, here on earth, cuz 'fear'.
But instead we should be listening to news reports about the shady counterparts in space ?
Am i the only one noticing this double standard ?
Because it sounds to me that pretty much nothing is getting done but slipping slowly in to a downward spiral.
Petitions left and right ... when did that ever changed anything ?

Petitions left and right for many years now. The only thing I can think of is that when the time comes to legally get something done in a court, all these petitions will serve as evidence. The powers that be are technically supposed to listen to them. Did they?

What we need is the legal right to self-determination. The right to not be led by the Cabal. We need to sue! There has been gross mismanagement. It's obvious.

#17 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2024-01-15 00:05:00

The last Benjamin Fulford report was a real doozy. It is an entertaining read that's for sure. He can't really predict the future, but his perspective is a real eye-opener. We make our own conclusions. … ry-8-2024/

#18 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2024-01-08 01:54:16

Brahman wrote:
Tecumseh wrote:
Brahman wrote:

*Fun news*
Golden Globes 2024:
‘Barbie’ lead the way with the maximum nominations.
I can't believe big_smile

My daughters dragged me to see it. It was extremely well done for it's fakeometer quotient/score which was 150%. I expected my brain to melt. But that's not what happened. It was so in-your-face that it was actually enjoyable. Especially for Starseeds. It was a hoot. smile

As a teenager I had a dream to make films. I imagined different films in detail. One of them was about the Trojan War long before they made the movie "Troy". There were other movies that were made that came close to my ideas. Then I realized that thoughts matter. But now I'm almost not interested in cinema anymore. Unless it's about Swaruu and ETs, maybe some movie about them. smile

I have suffered from awakening syndrome in regards to movies. There comes a point where your inner knowing conflicts with what you encounter on the big screen. Or any screen. For me, the alien mind control happens when I walk by my family engrossed in the nightly news feed. I am very disconnected. Have not watched TV for a couple of decades now.

Helen of Troy does seem like an intriguing character.

When they make a movie about Arcinoe, Cleopatra's sister, we will be getting closer to the real truth in history. i wonder what can be gleaned from the secret Vatican library. But we are not allowed to read the truth. What if someone gains access and writes a story about the Druids? Cabal history will fall apart.

Just like it does when Yahzi, Athena or Mari let's the cat out of the bag. It's life changing what they are doing. Are we going viral on YT and they are just managing the numbers? Or do the numbers really matter? Could it be quality above quantity? Are the Etorthans listening to us? Our collective must have a serious telepathic influence. It has to make a difference. Gosia even published an entreaty in French a few hours ago. I watched it and brushed up on my French. My dad was Parisian which makes me half French. I don't have the gift of languages like my Mom or Gosia though.....

#19 Re: English Forum » I'd like to share something about Ascension. » 2024-01-07 18:09:25

xxayaxx wrote:

My personal opinion after the introduction is that the book is only 48% trustworthy

The suggestion is that we should all read as much as we can get our hands on and then make an educated guess as to the validity of it. There is an automatic bullshit meter that is honed and well deserved. This is both a guy thing and a gal thing. We develop a six or seventh sense in discernment. Everyone has a Meter.

When the meter reaches a certain level of operation there are times when you do not even pursue an avenue of information because you know you are not going to get much out of it. You conserve your energy and look for something better. Like certain transcripts that I don't need to mention.

Everyone has their own preferred encyclopedia that they turn to. Toleka's letter today solidifies a goal for all of us. It's a call to action. Here we go everyone! Where we go, nobody knows. Ok well I can think of one or three people who have an educated guess. Wheels within wheels. If I were Taygetan I would have multiple plans. Think of the power that HMAA1 has. The things she can do. And with Urmah help. Imagine.

#20 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2024-01-07 17:43:56

Brahman wrote:

*Fun news*
Golden Globes 2024:
‘Barbie’ lead the way with the maximum nominations.
I can't believe big_smile

My daughters dragged me to see it. It was extremely well done for it's fakeometer quotient/score which was 150%. I expected my brain to melt. But that's not what happened. It was so in-your-face that it was actually enjoyable. Especially for Starseeds. It was a hoot. smile

#21 Re: English Forum » Letter for the Galactic Federation, January 7th 2024 » 2024-01-07 16:48:37

CyrusB wrote:

0:46  this information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I publish it for entertainment purposes only.  still I take my information very seriously, for whoever has eyes to see
3:44  when you mix science fiction with real messages, the general population tends to see all of it as science fiction, failing to understand the real reason it was published.  Therefore it is not to be considered a viable way to take for granted that you disclosed your plans to the general population

It's called "soft disclosure" by the movement for "hard disclosure". Science fiction books and movies are sprinkled with ideas and concepts that allude to the truth. I'm sure many starseeds and "light workers" are aware of this phenomena. The most famous being "United Federation of Planets" on the Star Trek series.

The trouble is described by people taking everything as fiction because that is the way it is presented. Separating the truth from the fiction is a difficult thing to do. There is truth in so much of it. Matrix, Jupiter Ascending, Star Wars, Star Trek.....even X-files. The list is endless.

What is truth and what is fiction?

I like CA and Swa oficial, all truth, no fiction, it's absolutely wonderful. The truth is sometimes even stranger than fiction. Bring on the truth! hmm

#22 Re: English Forum » Letter for the Galactic Federation, January 7th 2024 » 2024-01-07 14:29:35

Marak60 wrote:

It is like every single point I ever wanted mentioned is here, plus all the concerns I had were addressed and then more as well.... This is a PERFECT letter it was the declaration they needed to hear! NOW..... what are the next steps? How does this actually get implemented and what are the time frames around this? Thanks!

That letter was saturated by the ideas and attitudes of our Forum. All in one neat package and aimed from Taygetans and Swaruunians to the Galactic Federation. You could tell it was from them in the wording and the concepts. But my Source! we have been batting around the responses to the controllers for years now.

"We are well aware" is used quite a bit by me and other's. There were some other phrases that just "seemed" familiar. We are sharing thoughts and ideas that's for sure., It is proof positive that we share a collective in written word and in thought forms.

Either that or CIC does read this Forum, they may even join it. Why not? If they want to take the pulse of their starseeds on Terra I can't think of a better place. smile

#23 Re: English Forum » Miami- Setting the stage for the FALSE flag » 2024-01-06 23:45:22

xxayaxx wrote:

aliens robbed a mall disguised as teenagers, it happens

Teenagers are aliens. Alien boys are easier, the girls will give you a heart attack.

#24 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2024-01-04 18:18:07

Mose, the information you posted is voluminous and there is something in every paragraph (every sentence) to ponder. It must have taken years of thinking about the Terran situation. Both from the perspective of a small town up to the metaphysical way of Earth's entire terrestrial matrix. It's absolutely wonderful. An entire novel's worth. You would need an encyclopedia format to do it all justice. It's....alot! smile

These are the documents we sent to the System and Quadrant level Galactic Federation, so let's see if the Etorthans paid attention. Let's assume someone saw it and forwarded the information. Let's hope. There are a few other threads with similar sentiment now, so let's hope it all get's forwarded and read.

We want our own Terran Council. One we can trust. That's what we want from the Galactic Federation. A council with ties going all the way up and down the other councils. Comprised of Ethically Mature Interstellar us here on this forum. The Prime Directive looks to be useless and it is an unacceptable hindrance to progress. Our Sol-13 University will determine how we distribute knowledge and technology. People like H.M. Alenym (she's a resident) will decide who get's put to work on what. I don't want the release of zero point reactors going to the cabal. They will be disseminated by the best people we have to offer. We should side-step the Cabal. They have their own technologies. We will brain drain some of their people. Anyone can join the University.

We should be allowed to shape our own destiny. hmm

#25 Re: English Forum » To whom it may concern... » 2024-01-03 16:06:40

Gosia wrote:

Just to show to you how often these types of stories happen, and why I have little patience for that, just today I received the email from someone saying (edited): "Basically me and swaruu of erra got into telepathic communication and apparently we are soulmates. We also communicated through a specific website online. We had an intense relationship which ended in me pulling myself out of connection with her because it all broke down completely. Can you verify it was real?"

Also, just a few days ago in the Spanish world there was a controversy because apparently a woman in Mexico pulled someone out of their family environment promising her they will both be extracted soon as she is in telepathic contact with Yazhi, and Yazhi told them to leave their town. Family member contacted us and the community asking for help.

Can you imagine? So I am sorry, but each time I hear "I have a telepathic connection with such and such and this and this happens and I know this and this... "...  I cringe. They started communicating in a direct way (with us and many others, and also Mari through her channel) for a reason. This is one of them.

Telepathy is real. But so are delusions. In 3D Earth, the latter is much more common.

Star responded to my e-mail with an extremely brief note that seemed to be aimed at everyone here.

"Thank you for your helpful and kind words, I appreciate you guys are thinking about me in the forum.
I believe things will be alright in the end. Take care~-Star"

Gosia, I know you know this but, the more popular (permeating) the contact get's the more your diverse experiences of feedback will become. I'm preaching to the quire.

You are basically the first stop for anyone that dreams of making contact with the Toleka crew. Thank you for sharing what it is like for you. It's fascinating and a bit scary/unsettling. You are handling it like a pro. Thanks for all that you do. I/we appreciate it more than we can express. Words are not enough.

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